Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Apr 1927, p. 7

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OPTOMETRISTS EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS A'horough Eye Examinations Ond Glasses That Fit Perfectly. special Attention_to thldren’s Eyes. AUCTIONEER, VALUATOR REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL and Open Evenings. Pnune Hudson 0461 for A} W. Ward Price 111 King Street West, Toronto All Kinds of INSURANCE is an essential part of THRIFT INSURANCE is absolutely essential to Credit. INSURANCE is refused to those who are not of GOOD CHARACTER INSURANCE is valued by all our leading men whom we are proud to recognize as GOOD CITIZENS. TEL. 118 RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 167 Yonge Street, Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) Elzin 4820 Shop FOR INSURANCE THE BIND OPTICAL co. 2513 Yonge St. North Toronto. (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) We carry a full line of Quality Groceries and Pro- visions and solicit your patronage. We assure you of prompt and courteous service at all times. BY THE MOST MODERN METHODS. GLASSES IF REQUIRED AT RIGHT PRICES ARTIFICIAL EYES FITTED. Groceries and PrOVISlons TIRES W. J. SNIDER & SON Schomberg .Iunction Phone King 306 Groceries, Confectionery Flour, Fccd, Etc. WE DELIVER 30 x 3% Firestone $7.95 to $12.15 each 29x 4. 40 Balloon Fires- tone $11.00 and $13.40 Eyes Examined-=- Boot Richmond Hill A. G. SAVAGE We also carry a good flock of other sizes at reasonable pricu. If you need a new Battery for your Car or Radio we can nvo you money. We also carry a good stock of other Automobile Accessoriol. Hall’s Service Station is of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. in Winterton’s 01d Stand Yonge St. 32 x 4 Rebuilt Tires $7.50 each. F. E. LUKE THURSDAY, APRIL 2787, 1927. GEO. KIDD and Shoe Repairer. for "Appointment. Ontario AND The regular meeting o£.the W. M. S. of the United Church was held last Wednesday. Rev. Mr. Halbert of King City was present and gave an address on the Chinese Question, Mrs. F. S. Rumble contributed a solo to the program. There was a large crowd at the old time dance in the Community Hall last Wednesday evening. A play entitled “The Trials of Bet- ty” will be presented by the Dramat- ic club of the United Church under thedirection of Mrs. A. S. Kerr in the community Hall on Friday evening May 6th. A g r- u: Mothers’ Day Will be observed in the United Church Sabbath' School on Sunday May 8. A program will be given and it is expected a speaker will be present for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. E. ville spent Sunday and Mrs. Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dagg aré moving this week to Kleinburg. Miss B. Carey resumed her duties on Monday as principal of the pub- lic school}, Mr. J. S. Rose and family are mov- ing'into the house in connection with ‘his meat store. Messrs. E. J. Hitchcock, for No. 12 and Rolph Perkins for S. 6 were delegates to the O. E. 1 week.“ The ratepayers at a late will hear their reports. Mr. Bertram Boston is at present serving as a juror in Toronto. Mr .and Mrs. W. Pringle of Union- villg spent Sunday with Mrs. Frank Nichols. ( 7 Miss Jessie Collard spent the holi- day with friends here./ ‘ Mrs. w. Haig, Mrs/R. F. Boynton, Mrs. . L. Nichols and Mrs. E. Casely attended the W. M. S.Convention in the College Street United Church last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Annis, Mr. Elmore Annis and Miss Evelyn Annis of Dun- ‘barton were guests of Mrs. W. Brumâ€" well on Sunday. Curling AClub Euchre The curling club here held a very successful euchre in the public school last Friday evening, April 22nd, twen- ty tables being in play. The prize winners werezâ€"Ladies, first cream whipper won by Mrs. W. Luesby; La- dies second, cup and saucer won by Mrs. S. \S. Findlay. Gentleman’s first weather thermometer, won by Mr. Percy Simpkins and gentleman’s sec- ond, Chesterfield ash tray won by Mr. Albert Pearson. The sacrement of the Lords Supper will be observed at the morning ser- vice in the United Church next Sun- day, May 'lst. \ed the members with a piano solo and Miss Helen AndersOn of Toronto] was the guest of Miss Mary Strangâ€" ways over the week end. Women’s Institute Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. R. Thompson last IThursday afternoon, April 2151:. lee tmembers answered to the roll call by quotations from Canadian Poets. A very interesting program was then put on, Misses Muriel Simpson and Nora Johns gave a very delightful piano duet. Miss Ruth Clubine favor- Miss Isabel Fie gave several very in- teresting readings. Refreshments were served and a social hour spent. Special Music in United Church Special music was rendered by the United Church choir last Sunday, April 24th. At the morning service an anthem was sung entitled “King of Kings” and Mrs. O. C. James sang a delightful solo entitled "The Resurrec- tion Morn” at the evening service there was also an anthem by the choir and a very pleasing violin duet by Misses Eileen Atkinson and Ruth Strangways. ‘ Concert In United Church The United Sunday school will hold a concert in the church, Friday even- ing, May 6th at 8 pm. The program will be put on by the Glee Club of North Toronto Collegiate and assist- ed by the Thornhill orchestra. Young People Society. A very interesting and amusing So- cial evening was held in the Young People’s Society last Monday evening, April 25th. Miss Nora Tew gave a couple of de- lightful piano solos and Edward Fee gave several splendid readings. A very unique contest was then put on entitled “Childhood.” Reta Dean and Fred Wesley winning the prizes. A very pleasant surprise was giv- en on Friday evening of last week to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kefier who after residing here for the past 12 years are moving to Maple. Refreshments were then served Victoria Square Thornhill Maple Edgeley Barlow of Belle- with Rev. A. S. s for 5.8. No. 0. E. A. last t a later date The people of the vicinity took the opportunity of gathering at their home and presented them with a very appropriate remembrance;an electric table lamp. Mr. and Mrs. Kefi'er were taken completely by surprise in replying to the. address of presentation Mr. Kef’f- er on beh’filf of Mrs. Kefi'er and him- self warmly thanked the people for their kindness during their sojourn here and friendship. Following an address by Mr. Walter Anderson who highly eulogized their sterling qualities and wished them the same high standing and respect in their future home that they hold in their present one. An evening of pleasant entertainment was spent by all. The eighty guests in departing con- veyed to Mr. and Mrs. Kefl'er in no uncertain way that they carried with them the best wishes of one and all. The Women’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. J. W. Dalzie] last Thursâ€" day and are sending Miss Hutchison and Miss Mitchell to their convention at Guelph. The favorable weather of the past week has allowed the seeding to be finished here and a great many say never had a seeding like it. chicks cost too much to lose by lack of care and proper feed. White Diarrhoea and other chick diseases prevented by feeding Pratts Baby Chick Food. It saves millions and insures healthy fast-growing chicks and early-laying pullets. Buy the best: 9 ,a 'W Baby . «W Baby; flfiaickfi‘mm‘i Said A“ Daz’ovl all over Canada 7 Sold erzaZm‘s all. ovcr Canada Write m man's mumzr BOOK FREE 1213511: 5100!) go. argANApuimm ‘c‘éfia‘fiv TA'v'eZLT‘oronta “2's 3 for their kind token of , NOWLEDGE, Skill, Equip- ment and Organization form a combination of Strength that stands back of every New Star Car. The Coupe is no exception and, like its feliowâ€"members of the New Star Car family, it gives of the best because it has the best to give! {The New Star Car delivers more Durant Motcgrs of Canada, Limited Toronto,Canada THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONT. 3701le (7/56 Jn’stocmt 9f -? / I.., My DAVID HILL, Richmond Hill, Ont. “7164 «of/2w” car can claim John Dunlop & Son Thornhill ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS TO WILFRED R. DEAN FLORISTS Richmond Hill - Ont. We solicit orders for cut flowers for all 0c- casions which will be promptly and cheer- fully filled. Professional Graduate of Owen Smiley Studio. CONCERT ENTERTAINER AND TEACHER ADDRESS Boyle Studio Thornhill Field Day July Ist Miss Marguerite Boyle ELOC’ U TI 0N Thornhill nhill - Ontario Telephone 23 r 2 'risfocrat ~' Telephone 54 R. 2. miles of satisfaction par dollar than any other automobile in the world because it possesses a qual- ity that cannot be purchased in any other automobile at or near its price. Surprisingly lOW maintenance costs result from the employment of quality materials _skilfully de- signed to operate at maximum efficiency. Richmond Street DELIVERS TU ES.‘ EACH WEEK Powell CLEANER E serve the districts of Lansing, Willowdale, Newtonbrook and Thornhill. Suits French Cleaned, Thoroughly Pressed. Dying 3. specialty. Alterations and Repairs by Competent Tailors. A card or phone call will bring our driver to your door. We call and deliver every Tuesday and Friday. 2585 Yonge St. at Albertus Ave. Phone HUdson 3880 Wim’ixfifi‘fl“ I GRENDING A SPECIALTY Flour and Feeds, Bran, Shorts and Gluten Corn, Feed and Seed Oats, Baled Hay and Straw Noted “Staminax” Chic Mash used and Recommended by Dr. Ante of Bathurst Poultry Farm. Car Load of Salt just Arrived. Prices Right. GET QUR PRICES ON ( DI EIN'F W ()RK IT WILL PAY YOU Blocks Made To Order 0: From Our Stock At Yards THE MILL CEMENT MIXERS FOR RENT G. S. REAMAN J. F. BURR ’72’66 field Whirlwind Acceleration Loéomotive-type Brakes Cold Rivetted Chassis Frame. Tbcrmostatically Controlled Cooling System And Other Featfires N alien-wide Sen/ice Facilities Morse Silent Cbain Drive Full Pressure Lubrication Super-Sensitive Steering The ‘New Star COUPE Real Seal "L”â€"bead Continental Motor Bedford Park HUdson 7211 Richmond Hill. PAGE SEVEN 6 Bowmd Ave. PHONE 139 M days 82 W Eve. D-627

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