Rooï¬ng AGENTS FOR TREES HAR- NESS and HARNESS REPAIRS. It’s better to meet clever people only once. The glamor wears off about the seventh time they tell you the same thing. Tarred Paper Earpet Felt Etc. Pouflry Netting and Stapies Correct this sentencé:â€"â€"“Five years after getting married he resumed the habit of shaving daily, but his wife wasn’t suspicious.†Richmond Hill ~â€" Ont PAGE EIGHT My Own Eggsâ€"Strain (R. J. Penhall, Porth Dover, Ontario). $5.00 PER 100 â€"â€" 80% FERTILITY GUARANTEED. TERMS:â€"Chicks and Eggs 10% with order, balance before delivery. All Eggs Used Are Guaranteed T0.Be Direct From The Flocks Of Mr. Walter Rose, Brussels, Ontario And No Other. May 22c. Each Prices Any Number June 18c. Each. ’ ( July 150. Each. ‘TOM BARROW STRAIN â€" S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS. Phone, King 16 r 26. RICHMOND HILL BRANCH, Cooper’g Hardware Yonge Street Poultry F arm PREVENT FOREST Deposit Bond Coupons Phone93 THE FOREST has played a major part in Canada’s development. The stability of our forest industries is threatened by forest ï¬res which have destroyed ï¬ve times the quantity of timber used. Carelessness with ï¬re in the woods has been mainly responsible. Will YOU help to stop this wanton waste and ensure Canada’s continuing prosperity? abrwa ye an?†Eggs for Hatching Building and BABY CHICKS Opposite Orange Orphanage Clip your bond coupons the day they are due. They will be accept- ed by this: Bank and placed to your credit. By depositing them at once in a Savings Account you will immediately start earning in- terest on your bond interest. 45' H. G. MECREDYR Canadian Forest Week, April 24th to 30th, 1927 m7, OI“ CANADA There will be one nice thing about airplane sleeping cars. Nervous tra- velers will think the snores a part of the motor’s drone. ' The way to increase the upper class is to maké a lot of money and raise a lot of kids who know how to spend it. F. M. BLACK, M.P.P. and ex-Provincial Treasurer of the Province of Manitoba, who has been offered the position of Chairman of the Board of Control in RC. under the Produce Marketing Act of that Province. . R. 1, Richmond Hill, Ont. A. T. MINNIS, Manager. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. Services onSunday next will be held on Daylight Saving Time. Sun- day school at 10 a.m.; Church ser- ‘vices at 11 am. and 7.30‘ pm. Master Herbie Phinnemore was 1well enough to be brought home from the Sick Children’s Hospital on Sat- urday last. He is getting along very well now énd we are glad that he is doing so well. Evelyn ‘ Micha’el last Sat Mrs. E. R. Young was elected presâ€" ident of the Toronto Centre prcsbyâ€" terial of the W. M. S. of the United Church at their ï¬rst Annual Meeting in College Street Church on April let and 22nd. We are very certain that Mrs. E. R. Young who is so capable will car- ry on the splendid work which was done by the former president, Mrs. Frank Rae of Willowdale. Mr. G. R. Goulding visited in New Liskeard last week and Mrs. Goulding and Doris spent a few days at Fergus. and Doris spent a few days at Fergus. iYoung People’s service was held Monday evening and was in charge of the Literary Department of which Mr. Clem Proctor is Convener. The address of the evening was given by Mr. Egerton Young on “The Advantages of Going to Church.†This address is well Worthy of note. It is the second time Egerton has been asked to give it since winning ï¬rst prize for it a few weeks ago in Toronto. 7 This was followed by a duet by Miss Lottie Stephenson and Miss Rose Wiltshire which was greatly ap- The April meeting of The Home and School club will be held tonight (Thursday) in the Sunday school zress room precxated. At‘ the close of the meeting the president, Mr. LeeS'called an execu- tive meeting to plan for the future of the society. The Ladies Aid will hold their reg- ular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. A. W. Stephenson on Thursday, May 5th. Mrs. Stephenson and Mrs. Riddle will be the hostesses for this meeting. The members are especial- ly asked to be present. 1y asked to be present. As there will be practice for the Mother’s choir on Mother’s Day on Sunday May 8th. Mr. and Mrs. Vanderburgh and Miss Jackson spent Sunday with fri- ends in Toronto. Newtonbrook Men’s Club held a banquet in the Sunday school room which was beautifully decorated in blue and White for the occasion. Choir practice will be held on Fri- day, April 29th fpr the boys in prep- aration for this service on Sunday, May 15th. After this had been thoroughly en- joyed by all, the president Mr. Harry Smith called them to order and a sing song took place. The ladies of the church provided a most sumptuous meal of good things for the men. Mayor Sainbury of Weston then CHARLES STEWART are glad to report that Miss Graham who was taken to St. 21’s Hospital with pneumonia ,turday is making splendid pro- Newtonbrook Minister of the Interior gave a splendid address explaining that no matter what work the boys were in to stand by the principles of the church. Mr. R. H. McGregor, M. P. of South York thelrgave an address which was much enjoyed. A quartette from the erston Boys Band of which the mayor is leader then gave : which everyo Howard an san The splendid meeting was ther brought to a close by singing Aulc Lang Syne. The Northcrest Lodge, No. 476, I. 0.0.F. held their regular monthly meeting in the Municipal Hall at Wil- lowdale on Tuesday evening, April 26th. Mr. J. Roberts, Noble Grand of the local lodge occupied the chair. Aftersgeneral business had been transacted the lodge got down to their usual serving of refreshemnts and a little community singing. The membership of this lodge is increas- ing monthly and new members are invited. Ratepayers Association The Finche’s Corners Ratepayers Association held their last meeting of the season in the Municipal Hall at Willowdale on Monday evening, Ap- ril 25th. Mr. Geo. A. Urquhart of the Uniâ€" Vea'sify of Toronto gave a striking ad- dri-ss on Trade union law covering Crnada, Great Britain and the Un- it-,d States, explaining the function- ing of the Industrial disputes Act. Mr. Urquharts audience were, keen- ly interested on account of the pro- posed Baldwin legislation Which will be introduced in the House of Com- mons next week and which it is ex- pected will be opposed by the Trade unions of Great Britain and Canada. It was announced at the meeting that the Association would again re- sume its activities early in the fall. R. H. McDonald, president, occu- R. H. McD pied the chair Given Shower A very pleasant surprise was giv- en to Miss Florence Dennison of Wil- lowdale in the manner of a miscellan- eous shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fleet, Ellerslie Avenue, Willowdale on Wednesday evening, April 20th. Mrs. J. Astles of 30th Ave E., Lan- sing, president of the Daughters and Maids of England was in charge of the arrangements. A large number of the members and friends of the D. & M. were pres- ent. The bride and groom to be Miss Dennison and Mr. Hugh Thompson were decoyed to the home for the ev- ent which seemed at ï¬rst to be a vis- it to Mr. and Mrs. Fleet. A few minutes after their arrival they were ushered into the living room which was tastefully decorated and prepar- ed for the occasion. Baby Mary Bridge assisted by her brother brought from another room a child’s express wagon piled‘high with presents, and Mrs. Myers open- ed a white bell containing confetti to shower the bride and groom to be. Mrs. D. Fleet who has been;a par- tial invalid for a number of years, entered into the spirit of the shower with the younger folk and wished the happy couple all good wishes and much happiness. Late Flossie Irene Phillips The death occurred suddenly on Monday, April 25th of Flossie Irene Phillips, wife of Richard T. Skelsey at her home, 120 Hollywood Blvd., Lansing. The late Mrs. Skelsey was in her 37th year and was buried from the home of her father, Mr. Phillips of 5 Aude St. Toronto to Park Lawn cemetery at 3 pm. on Wednesday, April 27th. A few speeches were given, Mr. D. Fleet, giving the couple, some good advise on their proposed new ven- ture. ’ If he likes to insult people and thinks their desire to swat him is wicked, he probably calls himself a paciï¬st. J. J. Deane Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds 6 Bought, Sold f Exchanged tette from the W'esto which the mayor is 9 several selection Willowdale All business strictly conï¬dentitl Private Phone: 78 Woodbridge Lansing \V ile selections delighted. 001‘ leader with they We can make your Ford Touring look better than new for . . . . . . . Phone 18 Full Line Quality Garden Tools Fine Variety offlGarden Seggs Richmond Hill F. Y. W. Brathwaite HEADQUARTERS For Gardeners Lowe Broé. H. S. Paints Jap-a-lac, Varnish, Stains and Muresco. In every case speed must be governed by the circum- stances. The Armour Plate Finish AGREATER responsibility for alert caution rests on the motorist using the highways now that the speed limit has been raised. The change in the law does not to the slightest extent relieve the motorist from responsibility for careless or reckless driving. Indeed. in this respect the faster move- ment of trafï¬c on the highways will thrust upon drivers a greater necessity for caution. In villages, in heavy traflic, at cross roads or railway crossings, where adults or children are using the highway, near schools, and at curves and bridges, care must be exer- cised by the motorist imaccordance with the circumstances. Obedience to the law and courtesy to others is expected at all times. The raising of the speed limit in no way lessens the necessity for caution. The change in the law will not.miu'- gate the offense of recklessness or carelessness on the of any driver. Attention is particuiarly directed to the provision for mneellation of the car's license which may follow subsequent conviction for reckless driving. The safet of the highways must be maintained. The Department Opes that motorists will realize this and will strive through carewa and'courtesy to continue to keep Ontario highways safe for all who use them. Re Finish Your Car With Ontario Department of Highways Safety on the Highways must be maintained NEW SPEED LIMIT THRUSTS GREATER RESPONSIBILITY ON DRIVERS FOR CARE AND COURTESY. The Hon. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister (Next to Dominion Stores) J. H. WILSON THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1927. Richmond Hill Agent§ for ONTARI O WE DELIVER Ontario