Holiness Meeting . . . . . . . . Sunday School . . . . . . . .. . . Salvation meeting . . . . . . . . Meetings Held In Lorm « Everyone Invited Rev. B. R. Scrangway. B. A., B D MINISTER Sunday Services 11 A. M. Services Conducted By SUNDAY SCHOOL Mrs. Adams Will Speak. 7.30 P.M. â€"THE PASTOR. A UORDIAL WELCOME EXTENDED TO ALL SALVATWN ARMY Men’s Fine Quality Arrow Shirts the popular price of . .SZ.00 to $2.75 A Wonderful Range Of Ties At $1.00 Headquarters for Hats and Caps. Oxfords For The Men $5.00 to $6.00. Spring Shoes For The Ladies. The Richmond Hill Furnishing Siore (F3, REMEMBER WE ARE AGENTS NORMAN J. GLASS RICHMOND HILL CORPS District Sergeant Major Butler Sunday Services THURSDAY. MAY 5, 1927. HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN. SEE US ABOUT THAT NEW SPRING SUIT AND TOP COAT RICHMOND TAILORS UNITED CHURCH THORNHILL 2587 YONGE STREET â€" NORTH TORONTO. EXCLUSIVE GOODS, CORRECTLY TAILORED BY CANADA'S MOST EXCLUSIVE TAILORS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN. J. A. GREENE Telephone 5j or Residence 49W FOR TH varied assortment of ready-made work trousezs at very low prlces. Work Trousers Lorne Hall. The Board of Education is desirous' that the school grounds should at all times present as attractive anlap- pearance as possible and ask the co- ‘operation of the citizens generally in their effort. It is urged that parties who have been recently playing on the public school lawn and those who have been making a path across the old High School grounds should re- frain from so doing and thus assist the Board and School oï¬icials in keep- ing the grounds in a creditable con- dition. It is hoped that this warning will be sufï¬cient and that the Board will not have to take any further steps to protect public property. J Signed Richmond Hill Board of Education. G. H. Duncan Chairman R. S. Cooper Secretary. 2365 Yonge 5:. Hudson 2358 OPPOSITE POSTAL STATION K. POST OFFICE NORTH TORUKTU E promise you fair treatment if you will call upon us. We will advise you to the best of our ability if you consult us about your lumber problem. We will sell you merchandise that will make you pleased that you purchased it of us. Phone 133 Richmond Street WE PROMISE \Iou YOUR. NONE/'5 WORTH -~0F CHOICâ€" IT M Luggmow THE EARTH USED , Singer Sewing Machines from $8.00 up Matt. L. Pallister [-1 As R N E :3 H. WOOLNOUGH Cor. Queen and Ontario Streets. Toronto. Conducts an up-to-date harâ€" ness business and is prepared to look after the needs of farmers and teamsters in this district for new harness, and harness repairs. Richmnnd Hill Carriage INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK DONE. Workmanship Guaranteed. Estimates Free. This Year’s Books On Hand Stop 24flYonge Street. ‘V. Jâ€" EREID Paperhanger and Decorator. L. INNES & SONS -â€"x MOVING â€" LONG DISTANCE HAULING. Phone Richmond Hill 52 WARNING QUICK SERVIC FHONE 1 '1' E. SLINE ‘ing a Mr. R. B. Teefy of Stockton, Calif- ornia was the guest of Mr. and A. J. Campbell on Tuesday, returning home from an exténsive holiday spent in South Africa, Italy and oth- er European countries. Mrs. Houston of Elmsley Place Tor- onto visited on Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Campbell. Mrs. A. E. Coombs of St. Cather- ines spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook, Church Street and renewed acquaintances with many old friends in the district. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brammar spent Sunday with Mr. F. Grainger and family._ Mré. 'Hart visited with her brother at Temperanceville over the week end. Save Old Papers When you are house cleaning and run on a lot of old papers old clothing or discarded furniture or articles of any kind, do not destroy them as the Salvation Army can make good use of them and will be glad to receive them. If you have any such ‘articles if you will communicate with S. W. Hunt, Box 166 Richmond Hill you will be notiï¬ed when the Army will be able to call thro'ugh a notice in this paper. The regular meeting of the Richâ€" mond Hill Board of Education was held on Monday night with the fol- lowing members present; Chairman G. H. Duncan Mrs. A. A. Perry, Geo- reg Gee, W. A. Wright, H. Endean, Dr. J. P. Wilson and F. Atkins_()n_ School Board Held The board concurred in a resolution from the educational committee of the County Council which asked that the government be petitioned to have it enacted that the County Co cil should have the authority to same ion or dismiss plans for High Schools within the County. This resolution also sought to give the County the responsibility of selecting the location of schools in a district. The purposel of the resolution is to standardize" capital expenditure fo‘r education which is now a large item in this county and which varies vastly in dif- ferent municipalities. ’ Principal Scott wrote the Board recommending that beginners be ac- cepted in the school only after the Easter and midsummer holidays as he pointed out in starting at all times it broke into the year’s work. The opinion was expressed that it was questionable if the Board had mandatory powers in such matters but the members went on record as favoring the suggestion although they felt they could do nothing ex- cept point out to parents the advisi- bility of the complying with the re- (Weft-A R . 1.v,i1_A Chairman Duncan reported that he had been in consultation with J. R. Herrington re the insurance on the schools and that by taking advantage of a certain form of insurance which was suggested, a substantial saving could be made. The matter was left in the hands of the chairman and the secretary to deal with. At All Saints Church, King, on Thursday April 28th by the Rev. P. W. A. Roberts, Mina Pearl, only dauâ€" ghter of the late Robert; and Mrs. Phillips of Bellview Farm, Vaughan to Noah Badger, son of Mark Badger and the late Mrs. Badger of Aurora. Mafy 1 â€"t<; Mr; and Mré. W. G. Bayes (nee Betty Hewison) a son (William Warren). H. DAVIS KENTâ€"At Sandwich on April 27th, Edith, wife of Capt. C. H. Kent Can~ ndiar. news editor of the “Detroit Free Press,†and eldest daughter of Rev. Alfred Brown, D. D. of Cobourg, Ontario. POTTED PLANTS OF DIFFERENT VARIETIES IN BLOOM. Orders Taken For Perrenials Of All Varieties. Phone 108 W. Blythewood ï¬ardens Mama’s My HAMILTONâ€"On April Alexandra Wing, Western Mr. and Mrs. Morley S. Ha Florence Avery) Thornhil baby boy (Moriéy Avery) BORN BAYESâ€"At Bolton, rQntgrig on Special Prices on Half Dozen and Larger Lots Special Mothers Day Package Candy 60¢ per pound Richmond Hill Plants fm‘ BADGERâ€"PHILLIPS Nâ€"On April 25 at the ing, Western Hospital to Morley S. Hamilton (nee *ry) Thornhill Ontario 21 orié}v Avery). Regular, Meeting MO THERS DA Y SUNDAY, MAY 8th DIED LOCAL NEWSY ITEMS THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Choice Roses, 20 cents each Henry F. Austin Mill Street. Richmond Hill ice of fly ‘horn- 1927, A Question of Ownership. Markham Township Council were faced with a legal query of consider- able proportions at their last meeting. It was the sequel to a sheep claim for $160 which was paid by the party who wounded the dog which did the damage and was for one sheep killed and general damage to the flock. The valuator thought the sheep was going to die and put in for what he considâ€" ered was full value, dnd the claim wa paid by the owner of the dog. Ho - ever, the sheep is progressing very favorably and will probably live. Now the question is should the owner of ‘the dog claim the sheep that he paid for. Sale of Cars G. A. M. Davison, Unionville is go- ing to sell about 50 used cars and trucks at Unionville on Saturday, May 215t by auction you will buy them at you own price as everything will be sold without reserve. Transportation Committee Met. The transportation committee of the County Council held a meeting in Toronto on Monday when the 'plans of the T. T. C. were discussed. It is unâ€" derstood that it is the intention of the T. T. C. to change the gauge on the entire line about the middle of June. New cars of the most modern type will be operated and a saving of nine minutes will be made in the schedule from Richmond Hill to the City Limits. There will be more frequent service but no material re- duction in fares is promised in the immediate future. It is possible that book tickets which are now good only for one month will be good any time during the year. Presbyterian Church. Regular services will be held on Sunday next at 11 am. and Sunday school at 2. 45 p.m., daylight saving time. Everybody welcome. W. C. T. U. Meeting The annual meeting;r and election of ofï¬cers of the W. C. T. U. will be held on Tuesday, May 10th at o’clock at the home of Mrs. Cook. Reports of ofï¬cers and superinten- dents will be received. Every mem- ber and all interested .n our Temper- ance work are urged to be present. Railway Board Hearing. The application of the T. T. C. to change the gauge of the Metropolit- an Railway was heard beforeythe Rail- way and Municipal Board in Toronto on Tuesday with most of the munici- ‘palities represented. On the request of certain industrial concerns the hearing was postponed until Thursday when their case will be heard by the commission. The T. T. C. is ap- parently making every effort to sat- isfactorily arrange, the carrying of freight under the proposed changed gauge. W'ill Attend Service The members of the local Masonic Lodge with their friends from adja- cent Iodges are to attend the evening service of the United Church here next Sunday at 7 o’clock_._ Rev. Bro. Alexander Macgillivray D. D. of Toronto will address the brethren on the subject, “Brother- hood and Service.†Our Canadian climate is favorable for study every month in the year. For this reason Shaw’s eleven Busiâ€" ness Schools in Toronto are always open from January to December. Sum- mer sessions are popular in these days Universities are now doing work in the summer months. Our High Schools should also be used. Three months holidays are not needed. Why this waste. , G The annual meeting of the W0- men’s Institute will be held Wedney day evening, May 18 at eight o’clock. At the home of Mrs. Alonzo Martin Centre Street, West. The officers and chairmen of committees are asked to bring reports of the year’s Work. The election of ofï¬cers will take place. Piano Tuning. Mr. Anderson, piano tuner who is well-known throughout York Celinti‘ expects to be in this district abou’ May 21 and anv orders 19“ of New“ Drug Store will be attended to whet he reaches here. market. Friday June 17â€"Newnmrket at Rich- mond Hill. Friday June 24â€"Willowdale at New~ v market. Tues. June 28â€"Richmond Hill at Wilâ€" lowdale. Division Court. _ The regular session of Division Court was held in Lorne Hall on Tu- esday with Judge O’Connell presid- ing. Three cases in all were dealt with; Rainey vs. Cullen adjourned to chambers; W. Johnston vs. E. Weld- rick re payment of account, judge- ment in favor of plaintiff; Circus vs. Graham re garnishee, judgement in favor of primary creditor. Junior Baseball League 11’?1d 11"?! Monday night the following 50119 was drawn up for the year:â€" Sat. June 4â€"Newmarket at Will’ Tues. June 7â€"Willowda1e at Rich. Sat. June 11â€",â€"Richmcnd Hill at 1‘? eet Annual Meeting Junior Holiday Waste Ontario at Wfll’da‘r. ‘ at Rich. Hl‘ Hill at New« Quality Shoppe: For this Week we have 80113365? splendid values in Hosiery in all New Styles and Shades, from 49c to $M'ï¬i NO BETTER VALUES ANYWHERE Childrens Play Suits, Just the thing;- for Outdeor Life. Special Prices on all TO Spring Miilinery CLEAR $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 Phone 53 ï¬gying a Used Ford Car or TI‘UL‘k see our big Assortment on our Used Car Lot located at 2369. Yonge Street, Corner Broadway". ii‘i’dmn 4201 Children’s Middies and Dresses; See Our Line 0! Wall Papers AND GET PRICES. - IT WILL PAY YOIK We Always answer with an emphaticâ€"“Now!†Dr. THEM Baï¬ï¬am Remedi 2555 Yonge St. We are often asked, “When is the best time to start treatment for Tonsils and Adenoids ? †pure herbal compounds alike for the smallest This preparation is made of and the oldest adult Priced from Easy Terms HUdson 7303 WHERE YOU GET QUALITY WITH SERVICE Mm END moms Limited Bargains Every Day as our Space isiLimited ami we are taking in a lot of Cars on new ones Daily so the used ones Saves An Operation Mrs. Norman Baï¬yj TONSILS and: 2 ADENUEDS ' I from - 98C to $1.939 APRONS from 50c up RICHMOND HILL HOUSEDRESSES Show Rooms and Repair Shop HERBALIST MUST BE SOLD child Safe The longer YOU negléii them, the more YOU suffer- needlessly. Treat them in a safe and per-â€" mpnent way by getting starï¬â€" ed at once with THUNA‘S HERBAL TONSIL AND m; ENOID TABLETS. Keep Them And s on Not To Be Taken From "a In A Healthy Condit Cor. Sherwood Ave Tonsils Were Given T( Guaranteed Titie 1391 Yonge Sum Trench Elam Our Tablets PAGE FIVE†ï¬estm