IRENTS FOR TREES HAR- NESS and HARNESS REPAIRS. Rmï¬ng Tamed Paper ‘ Carpet Felt Etc. Wnlm Netting and Staples Richmond Hill â€"â€"- Ont I‘M)! Own Eggsâ€"Strain (R. J. Penhall, Porth Dover, Ontario). 2$5.00 PER 100 â€" 80% FERTILITY GUARANTEED. ’YflERMS:â€"Chicks and Eggs 10% with order, balance before delivery. ’ifloneLKing‘ 16 r 26. R. 1, Richmond Hill, Ont. TENM BARROW STRAIN â€"- S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS. Eggs Used Are Guaranteed To.Be Direct From The Flocks Of Mr. "Walter Rose, Brussels, Ontario And No Other. May 22c. Each Prices ,Any Number June 18c. Each. July 16c. Each. @AGE EIGHT Reserve Yonge Street Poultry F arm Wwer’s Harflwam mp...“ ..,. m“ ,gmum KICHMOND HILL BRANCH. Phone93 <$ 1,500.0Dâ€"Frame house, lot 94 x 150 $ 2,000.00â€"Frame house 101: 50 x 140 $ 2,500.00â€"Brick house lot 48 x 300. s 2,800.00â€"Frame house V2 acre land $ 3,000.00â€"Roughcast, 7 rooms I3 3,500.00â€"5 room frame, lot 40 x 150 5$ 3,800.00-6 room stucco, lot 50x150 ‘ ‘3 4,200.00â€"6 Room bungalow, all conveniences $ 4,000.00â€"6 Room 'brick, lot 35 x 150 $ 5,800.00â€"6 Room brick all conveniences. $ 6,000.00â€"6 room brick all conveniences. L$ .6,200.00â€"7 room brick all conveniences $ 7,500.00â€"8 Room brick all conveniences. $ 8,500.00â€"7 Room brick all conveniences, lot 100 x 165. $11,000.00â€"9 room frame, 6 acres land and chopping mill $16,000.00â€"Half cash, 200 acre farm. ‘\$35,000.00â€"Half cash 100 acre Yonge Street farm. Money To Loan On First Mortgages. All Lines Of Insurance Written. The best reserve one can have is money in a Savings Bank account. It not only increases by the interest it earns but it gives you assurance in meeting any problem which may present A itself. A reserve is as necessary to you as it is to your Bank. Open a saving account with this Bank and start to establish your re- erve. B k J. R. HERRINGTON Yonge St. FOR SALE Ladies Wear J. A. GRAVELEY \Mens Furnishings. Window Shades, Cut to Your Measure While You Wait Open Every Night Until 10 o’Clock p. m. EXCEPT WEDNESDAY Eggs for Hatching Building and BABY CHICKS Opposite Orange: Orphanage RENTS COLLECTED Phone 87. Financial Agent. 2519 YONGE STREET NOR TH OF KEE WA TIN AVENUE (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) JE WELLER 2485 Yonge Street Opposite Capital Theater DIAMONDS RINGS BROOCHES WATCH ES. SILVER~ WARE, FANCY CHINA. DRY GOODS NORTH TORONTO IFT SHOP GILROY Richmond Hill. A. T. MINNIS, ‘ Manager. Childrens Wear Mr. Walter Gellatlev arrived home from Los Angeles, California, Satur- day night. Walter vxas very favor- ably impressed with California but says Ontario is good enought for him. His many friends are glad to welcome him home. Contractor Dagg is busy repairing the highway between King city and Schomberg‘ Junction; The pavement in places was badly broken up this spying; Prepare For Celebration. \ A largely attended meeting of the Lake Marie“ and King Athletic Assâ€" ociation was held' in the Log Cabin on Monday evening;- May 2nd the topic under discussion being the Dominion Day celebration to be held at Lake Marie. It was unanimously decided to make the celebration measure up to the occasion. This being Diamond Jubilee year it will be largely of a patriotic nature and so that all may have an oppqrtunity to enjoy the event it was decided that no charge whatever would be made by the ass- ociation. Admission to the grounds, Dance, entries to events and all other amusements will be absolutely free. Mr. D. R'. Piette and pupils gave a very successful recital in the Masonic Hall Friday evening, April 29th. The hall was crowded to the doors by a very apprreciative audience who to judge by the applause thoroughly en- ‘joyed each number. It was a revela- tion to many of us to know that so much talent had been lying dormant in our community. One hardly knew which to appreciate the most, the skill of the performers or the cos- tumes worn for the occasions Mr. Mervin VVil'son and family mov- ed this week to -Lindsay where Mr. Wilson will‘ make his headquarters as district agent for the International Harvester Machinery Co. Sr. IVâ€"IsobeI McLean, Dorothy Duncan, Marguerite Thompson, Bart- lett ‘Smith, Noreen Haworth; Frank Mathews and Marjorie Lumb equal; Mary Kirkland, James Grainger, Dor- othy Mason. r THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Mrs; (’Rev.) D. R. Gray of Stayner spent the weekâ€"end in King renewing oId friendships. neth Frisby, Gilbert Forest, Alfred Stong, Olive Wilson, Graham Ellis, Mary Brillinqer, Eleanor Drury, Ruth Reamarn Mae Plowman, William Cross, Mildred Rand, Betty Rumble, Lloyd Thompson, Claire Cook, Austin Tuck, Audrey Lawrence, Jean Middle- ton and Phyllis Robinson. Jr. IVâ€"Morley Saunders, Phillip Graham, Metro Kozak, Edward Ar- nold, Mae Shenpard, Bernice Healey, Lolo Jones, Margaret Trench, Ken- neth Frisby, Gilbert Forest, Alfred Stong, Olive Wilson, Graham Ellis, Mary Brillinqer, Eleanor Drury, Ruth The ladies of Victoria Square W M.’S. are holding special services on Sunday May 8 Mrs. Grierson of Korea will speak at both services 230 and’ 7.30 p.m. Miss Connie Mortson, Miss Phyllis Glass and Miss May Sanderson of Richmond Hill mm ass- ist with special music. l Jonas Shunk mail carrier was al- 'lowed damages to the amount of 835 for injury to his horse sustained While driving on his route on the fourth and ï¬fth concessions due to the bad con- dition of the roads. . The Clerk was authorized to pre- pare the necessary by-law to proceed with the widening of the “Little Con- cession.†It was decided to have the sheds and stables at the Municipal Hall, Vellore wiredfor electric light and the work will be done at once. The tender of Chas. Shaw & Son for the construction of the wire fence on the little concession was accepted at a cost of about ‘8600. Seven tenders Were received. Council adjourned to meet in regular session on June 6. Richmond Hill, Public School Senior Room. {Vaughan Twp, Council ‘an Railway. $4,000 Insurance was placed with J. T. Saigeon representing the Globe in- demnity Co. on flhe new truck pur- chased by the township. Mr. Babcock of the ï¬rm of James, Proctor & Redfern was appointed en- gineer for local improvements suc- ceeding the late E. A. James. Jonas Shunk mail carrier was :11â€" flee resent HM: n wifh Ree all mem] spoon an behalf 0: tural Soc resent the township at the Ontario Railway met in Toronto on Tues the application of the chayger the gauge of t Vaughan Township Coun gular session on Monday {th Reeve Kellam in the 1 members present. A. . Victoria Square King City Kellam was lei township anc Wils< whicl‘ lSidL‘] 'ricuI The Mother’s Day service will be held in the United Church on Sunday next at 3 p.m. Besides the regular program addresses will be given by Miss Lewis oft‘he O. R. E. C. Toronto and Rev. A'. S'. Kerr, readings by Lil- ian Montgomery and David Garner, solos by Dr. F. Routley and by a so- loist from Toronto. It is hoped there Willi be a A good‘ attendange. Misé Mary Manning is a delegate from the W'omen’s Institute to the Girl’s Conference in Guelph. Coï¬hcil adjburned to- meet in the township haIl‘ on Monday, May 9. The delégates from St. Stephen’s Church to the District Annual Mee’t- ing of the Anglican W. A. in Toronto this week' are Mrs. I. Watson,‘Mrs. H. Taylor and. Miss M. Morgison. 7 Dr. F. and Mrs. MaxweH and Little daughter Frances of AIIandaIe visit- ed with fi‘i‘ends in the village last week. Mr. H. C; Bailey is having his store enlarged'and a new front put on, Mr: Geo. Sims-0f Weston has the contract. The fimeraT of‘ the late Mrs! Levi Watson took pl'ace on Saturday to the Lutï¬eran Cemetery and was larga ely attended. The sympathy of all is extend'ed‘ t0 the bereaved family. The following accounts were paid: L. Middleton, salary and mileage, 181.80. J. L. McDonald and Son, [Thomhill supplies to charity, 2.46; C. N. R. Freight on stone $128.30; J. E. Francis, Thornhill, rent of hall $5.00; F. H. E'chh’n, Thomhill, 27.40; Hospital Relief account 149.50: as well as various accounts for road work throughout the township. : "BETA; s. Campbell, P. s. I. ï¬aid an ofï¬bial‘ visit to the Public school on th'ay: Last’ Thursday night, thieves visit- ed th‘e farm of Mr. A. Wilson and stole about ï¬fty of his fowl, leaving only one hen and a number of clfick- em. This is the third time in a year and a half that Mr. Wilson hadrh‘ad his fowl stolen. Annual Meeting. The annual congregational meeting- ,of“ the United Church was held last {Thursday evening, satisfactory re- Mere given. The board of Managex' 1ine‘nt reported a balance on hand; the , 'adi’es Aid raised nearly $600 for ._'mprovements to the Parsonage and1 'Sthe Sabbath School besides paying ibr- [ts own support contributed $50 tov gni'ssion work of the churclm The alâ€" ‘ flbtmen’cs to the Maintenance and†E‘x- F btension funds were also met. The following were elected to. the Board :of Managerszâ€"T. A. Cousins, I. T. Pollock, Wm. Oliver, Gem Bailey, W. Keï¬â€˜er, W. T209013 H._Byam, F. pointed and he was inclined to think it should be a full-time job for a man. Councillor Honey stated that} the township had a constable last year and' he took it for granted that the appointment would be made again as county constables were not always available when wanted. He moved, seconded by Councillor Coakwell that Jas. Clayton and Percival Petch of Milliken be appointed at a salary of $250 each" and 10 cents per mile mile- age. Councillor Stiver thought a part time man would meet the needs of the township at the present time. The question was laid over until the lneeting'next Monday when it will be deï¬nitely decided. It was pointed out that in past years that there had been consider- able waste time in stone crushing op- erations and the road superintendent was instructed to supervise crushing work and see that the township gets value for money expended. The purchase of a Ford truck for township work was considered but was laid over until after an estimate of the work to be done this year is made. It Was pointed out that the township spends large sums annually for truck hire and that the purchase P. Rumble and A. Wilson. During the evening solos were sung by Mrs. Geo. Bailey and Dr. F. Routley and violin solos were given by Dr. Caldwell, Mrs. (Dr.) Routley acted as accom- panist. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served by the la- dies. Markham Twp; Council A very pleasant evening was spent on Wednesday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oliver it being the ï¬nal meeting for the season of the Recreation Club. The Prize winners were Hazel 'Rumble, Mrs. I. Watson, Mrs. G. Bailey, F. P. Rumble, T. Jackson and A. Robinson. J. J. Deane Government. Municipal and Corporation Bonds <3 Bought, Sold and ’- Exchanged All business strictly conï¬denan MAPLE Private Phone: 73 Woodbridge stable the year roun 'ere County Constable Ile. Deputy-reeve‘ Cam; in the interests of la‘ rent (inference of to the question. Re he had not" deï¬nit County Constables 'eputy-reeve' Camp- 18 interests of law Able should be ap- s inclined to think ;ime job for a man. stated that? the onstable last‘ yea; granted that the be made again as were not always nshl Phone 18 m Now is The Time do Your Painting AquAé F. Y. W. Brathwaite . STAN DARE) BANK “WW BUY NOW New Perfection Oil Stoves REDUCED IN PRICE RICHMOND HILL BRANCH F'IHoover. Manager THORNHILL BRANCHâ€"S. B. mum, Manager To Owners of Automobiles and Trucks ANOTHER SHIPMENT 0F Lowe Bros. H. S. Pamts Lights, brakes and steering gear must be kept in good condition for the safety of drivers and others on the road. MMNG BOARDING the physical condition of automobiles and trucks, The Highways Traflic Act: makes certain provisions which motorists would do well to understand and observe. It is increasingly , ry that these provm' ' us should be stringently maintaineg in view of the great: increase in tourist traflic on our highways, the increase last year of 40,000 cars in Ontario and the more extended usa of country roads by our own people. The new speed limit recently authorizedij the Legislature adds to‘this neqessity.‘ ‘ Car and truck owners are urged to check their machines fre uently and to renew parts which are worn or broken. eadlights should be adjusted regularly. ' lights are against the law and a menace to traï¬c. Simple instructions for the adjustment of headlights and a. fat of lenses approved by the department, may be obtained free by writing the Motor Vehicles Branch, Department of Highways, Toronto. .1 “ml-Slakes andâ€"éfgéï¬ng gear should be in perfect condi- tion so that when awed upon each part will respond to the will of the dr'rver. not among those mentioned on the list, it would be well to have them changed at once if you wish to avoid accident on the {oacl pmalty in com} [AVGâ€"ï¬rSGdé‘that license numbers must be clean and so placed as to be easily read. A fundamedta! in the control of motor trafï¬c is that each madï¬ne shall be quigkly idgntiï¬ed. > _ r‘v n . . 971-1 , , , , , A ‘ It is the intention of the Department, of Highways to take note of the condition of automobiles usmg the roads. To avoid inconvenience to motorists, attentmn is drawn to the necessity for rigid obedience of the law, and the penalties for negiect. Wicks and Supplies Always invStock Branches also M‘Aurora, [minus Me Ontario Department of Highways The Hon. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister A Savi'ngs Bank Account is‘~ prim- arin an investment. But it is the‘ only investment yielding- a fair rate nf'interest, that is available for'your use at a moment’s notice. Emergen- ciizs can be immediately met by‘ the bzmk account that has been consist; ent’ly deVeloped. Your investment; as such yields regular returns in interest. Your investment as a bank account yields constant satisfaction and peace of min :in the fact that it is always read; f r other. uses-Without the trou- The Most Liquid Investment yieids constant satiï¬fadion of min in the fact that it ready 1‘ r other. uses-Withouf ble nf1converting" mm cash OF CAN.ADA~ Richmond Hill ONTARIO THE THURSDAY. M'A'Y 5, ï¬g}?! WE DELIVER