s open to all who wish to attend, es- ecially the teachers of the Sunday chool of the Yonge Street Associa- ion. The initial meeting will be on ednesday evening, May 25th., at 8 .m. daylight saving time. This will e a six weeks’ course, meeting‘every .ednesday evening. Be sure and be 11 hand for the ï¬rst study and then bay with it to the end. The teacher, secured,~ is the Rev. E. yerson Young, B. A. who has just losed a successful course of studies on Religious Education in the Newtonâ€" rook Public School. The subject of is course of studies is “The Train- 'ng of the Child.†In the course of his remarks in the unday evening, Judge Mott said that ithin the next twenty years people ould wake up and have schools for arents as to-day they have for law- ers and doctors and other important rofessions of life. There is nothing important for the life of a com- unity and how much more for the ife of the individual, than that child- en should be started right and that hose who have charge of the earliest most formative period of life, should be wise to their job. The people of this community do not have to Wait fOr twenty years for some such help as the judge re- ferred to. A teacher and parent training class is being organized in the Newtonbrook United Church and Inspiring Address By Judge Mott. rganize Parent Comedy “ Smith’s New House†CAPIT OL NEWS 30-3 Vol. XLIX. See our The Ukranian Dancers, Singers and Instrumental Artists‘presenting “A Night on the Volga†under the personal direction of Signor Dafeff. Special Holiday Easinee on Tuesday, May 24th 553m WW5 Melodramatic Thriller COVERING CANADA’S BEST SUBURBAN DISTRICT 6) Monday, Tuesday, Wedflay 23,24, 25 DAYS ONLY 2492 YONGE STREET, AT CASTLEFIELD Special Stage Attraction - --- ------PEOPLE -------- Most Beautiï¬ii Chevmï¬et is: Chevméei Emmy Training Class v m‘ I ‘3‘ ‘- 1 V1.4 \ .. " % THE SECRET C Exhibit at the Fair of the APITOL THEATRE 5‘ MAY COMEDY “Wâ€? ‘Naughty Boy’ A meeting was held on May 6th to organize a Junior Women’s Institute at Victoria Square. Mrs. Graves of Scarboro the district representative was present todirect the organization. The election of oflicers'resulted as followszâ€"President, Miss Mae Meek; lst Vice-president, Miss Winnifred Nichols, 2nd Vice-president, Miss Margaret McCague, 3rd vice-presi- dent, Miss Ethel Mortson; Secretary treasurer, Miss Laura Gee, District Director, Miss Mae Meek, Branch Directors, Miss Vera Nichols, Miss E1- la_Nichols, Miss Dorothy Valliere. It was decided that the meetings should be held in the homes on the ï¬rst Saturday in each month. The executive is busy making arrange- ments so that’the ï¬rst meeting may be held on the 4th of June. The girls are looking forward to a successful year'with a large membership roll. An entertainment under the aus- pices of the Red ribbon workers will be given in the Community Hall Vic- toria Square on Saturday evening, May 21 at 8 pin, Standard time. The artists taking part are Miss Jean In- gleton, Elocutionist, Toronto; Miss Pearl .Elsley, soprano soloist, Toronto; Mr. and Misses Fierheller, violinists, Maple and Victoria Square Male Qu- artette. Admission adults 25 cents, children 150. MEET ALL YOUR FRIENDS AT THE RICHMOND HILL FAIR. Regular Saturday Matinee 2.30 p.m. VJunior \Vomen‘s Institute Held Rte-Organization Meeting. Daisy Harcourt The Famous English Comedienne TOPICS and FABLB Victoria Square Than, Fri., Sat. May 19, 20, 21 Stage Attraction ' = M? ~ '- SINGLE COPY, 3c $1.50 PER YEAR "‘ IN ADVANCE a w e â€"â€"â€"_â€"._ .30 “In Essentials, Unity: In Non-esserttials, Liberty: In 'All Things. Charity.†Richmond Hill Fair is one of the oldest spring exhibitions in the prov- ince of Ontario and through the years it has maintained a splendid reputa- tion as one of the best fairs in the district. The record of past years promises to bring a record crowd to Richmond Hill next Tuesday and judg- ing by the program prepared they will not go away disappointed. A varied program has been arranged and there will be attractions for young and old The judging in the ring which in past years has been the delight of lovers of good live stock will be up to the usual standard as attractive prizes and trophies are offered which should attract the best animals for miles around. It is expected that one of the biggest and 'best softball tourna- ments ever held in this district will be played that day for which $150 in prizes is offered. Sports will be fea- tured and there are twenty-ï¬ve dol- lar prizes for one and two mile open races. These races will be a novel feature of the fair and should at- tract the best athletes in this sec- tion of Ontario. There will also be the usual races for the children with suitable prizes. All is in readiness forâ€" the seventyâ€" eighth annual exhibition of the Rich- mond Hill Agricultural Society which will be held at the Driving Park next Tuesday May 24. Already many en- tries have been received and the showing of live stock and ladies work promises to exceed in volume and quality .that. of previous years. The officers and directors have been working overtime in preparation for the big event and now look to the people of York County to generously patronize their efforts. President of ï¬lm Rh Fair which will be held n May 24. ' EXPECT LARGE CROWD AT ANNUAL FARR There \Vill Be A Varied Program Of Exceptional Merit. \V. H. LEGGE HMOND HILI will have a full line on display Hill THURSDAY, MAY 19. 1927 Refreshment C mer, Mrs. J. A] inger, Mrs. Fit The election of committees resultâ€" ed in the election of the following ofï¬c- ers and committee chairmenzâ€"Hon- orary Directors, Hon. Geo. S. Henry; Hon. Forbes Godfrey; P. W. Pearson, M.P.P.; Warden W. Graham. General chairman, James McLean, Richmond Hill: Vice-Chairman, Geor- ge B. Little, Scarboro; Secretary, R. J. Rogers, Newmarket; Treasurer, G. A. M. Davison, Unionville; Chairman teams committee, Robt. Thompson, Thornhill, vice chairman, John Break- ey, Thornhill; Tractor Committee, Reeve W. C. Gohn, Markham; Park- ing committee, Major Morrison, vice on one of the days of the big match and have several open events which would be open to all visiting plowmen. Already a number of handsome tro- phies have been received by the exec- utive for prizes in the different class- es and it is expected that many more will be offered-before the date of the match. Short addresses were given Lockie Wilson, managing director of the Provincial Plowmen’s Association; R. J. Rogers, district representative of the department of agriculture, Major Morrison and others. chairman, R. S. Cooper; Billeting mittees, Robert Fee, Thornhill, Transportation committee G. H. can, Richmond Hill, Concessions mittee, J. A. Greene, Richmond Entertainment Committee, Ray Etobicoke. The teams committee intend to arâ€" range for one hundred teams for the convenience of plowmen from a dis- tance and all other committees are preparing for record entries in all classes. It was intimated that the three plowmen’s associations of the county would hold their local matches A very sucecssful meeting of the Women’s Institute was held on Wed- nesday at the home of Mrs. A. Mart- in Centre Street, West with thirty- ï¬ve members in attendance. The presi- dent, Mrs. A. A. Perry occupied the chair and in her address reviewing the years work she made special mention of the Library Fund and expresed the wish that it would continue to be an important part of the Institute pro- gram. Reports were made of the varâ€" ious activities which were very en- couraging and reflected a year of progress. The report of the secret- ary Was read by Mrs. Phipps and contained an interesting account of the activities of the organization. We will publish the report ‘in full next week, Miss E. Endean gave the trea- surers’ report showing a balance of $21.00 and about $176 in the Library Fund, Miss Moyle reported for the refreshment committe and Mrs. H. Endean for the program committee. The directors for the past year Mrs. Mortson, Miss Moyle and Mrs. A. E. Plewman presented a number of resâ€" olutions which will be introduced 'at the meeting of the provincial execu- tive. One was added by the meet- ing asking that the proper authorit- ies be approached with a view to hav- l)? Ianâ€"reilmiibition 6f farm machinery and equipment of all kinds which will be an educational featurerof the event. Women’s Institute Prepare For Record Attendance At The Provincial Match th-t-énavanï¬céï¬.‘ Aii'eady many of the large manufacturers of the Dominion have spokenfpr spgce} and thefe. will of the match. James McLean of of Richmond Hill and a past presi- dent of the Plowmen’s Association ably presided and carried the business of the meeting through with despatch. The various committees were appoint- ed and all .preliminary‘ organization completed. Those who have charge of the event are conï¬dent that this match which is the largest and best of its kind in the world will exceed all previous records and that there will be over one hundred thousand _in Ofï¬cers and Committees appointedâ€" Work Already Started in Prep- aration for Big Event. The Provincial Plowing Match which will he held at the Municipal Farm, Langstaff on October 11, 12, 13 and 14 got away to a good start at the organization meeting which was held at the farm on Thursday night. There was a large attendance of rep- resentative men from all parts of the county and the enthusiasm which was manifest augurs well for the success Elected Officers Perry, Mrs. W. Mrs. W. A. ean. Program comâ€" tras- Dun- Com- Price Hill; Mr. Elliott is recovering from his serious fall which occurred during the taking down of Mr. Burr’s mill, form- erly owned by MrtF. Stephenson. German mehsles has broken out ag- am In the community. The basement of Brown’s Corners church is being renovated. The menu- be§ are doipgï¬ the work. The Y. P. Siheld their regular meet- ing on Sunday evening. A lively dis- cu§§iorl centredï¬argund “gar problems. The Buttonville Junior Institute held its monthly meeting, at the home of Mrs. C. Brown. A large number at- tended and arrangements were made for future meetings. Mr. R. Brillingef has received a‘pos- ition with the Jones Lumber Co. of Richmond Hill. Austin’s DrugStore ANNOUNCES iCE CREAM PARLGUR Friday 81 Saaurday, May 20 and let Phone HUdson 5437 NOW Brother Love or j Love of Woman 0 May 19, 20, 21 LOVE OI VV oman G Would you risk your life to save your Brotheroâ€"to bring him back to the girl he had stolen from you. BUTTONVILLE THE OPENING OF THEIR Monday, Tues., Wed., May7723TZ4, 25 W LIMITED W 24 Hour Service Evenings ._.- 7 and 9 " 7a ' Sat Mat. 01%: AT GLEN F0955 2 p. m. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE FAIR The program of the North York Cit- zen’s Band at the Richmond Hill Fair next Tuesday May 25 will include the following numbersâ€"March, “Viscount Nelson;†Overture, “Under a Circus {Centf’ Waltz, “Beauty’s Dream;†Selection “Sounds From England;†Fox Trot, “Rarin’ to Go,†Overture {Scenes From Operland;†Selection, ‘Eleanor;†March, “Blaze Away;†Overture, “Cinderella;†“Fairyland Waltzes;†March, “The Vanished Ar- my;†Overture, “Opera Bouquet;†De- scription Novelty, “The Mill in The Forest;†March, “The Voice of the Guns.†Musical Programme (’1 a4; No. 47