Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 May 1927, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Ladies and Misses Dresses Our operator, MISS DENBY, holds a first class diploma for Marcelling, Water Waving, Hair Tinting, Shampooing, Bob and Hair Cutting, Scalp and Facial Treatment, Manicuring, Etc. To Make Sure of Appointment for Saturday, Please Phone Early. Phone Your Appointments, 119 DAVIES’ DRY GOODS STORE, RICHMOND HILL. Beauty Parlor Closes, Monday And Thursday At 6 pm. And Wed- nesday, at 12 o’clock noon. Tuesday, Friday and Saturday open until 9. 30 p.m. Davies’ Dry Goods Store About School Work for young Sport and Windsor Ties in ABOUT 50 USED CARS 8: WEEKS His entire consignment consisting of Ford Sedans, Coaches, Touring cars, Coupes, Roadsters, Ton and Half ton trucks, with various styles of Bodies, Mc- Laughlin Tourings, Coupes and Roadsters, Chevrolet truck, Dodge Touring, Overland Touring, together with 3 Cockshutt 2 furrow tractor plows. 1 John Deere trac- tor plow, 1 6 h. p. Brantford engine, 1 6 h. p. Gilson engine on trucks, 1 3 h. p. Gould Sharpley & Muir with pulley, 1 Grain crusher, complete with line, shaft Journals and 5 h. p. gas engine and pulley. 2 Open buggies, 1 TOp buggy. TERMS: CASHâ€"or any of ‘the popular mcnthly pay- mentor Standard Agricultural Plans. All cars in good Mechanical Condition and carry a 30 Day Guarantee. Posmvely No Reserve. Commencing at 1 p. m. Sharp. Saturday, May 21, 1927 w AT UNIONVILLE Medium and large size Housa Our Hairdressing Parlour The Decision and inspect and compare our full range of Pay a Visit POWER that laughs at high hills and rough roads! Smoothness that thrills you with delight! Speed and acceleration that meet your every de- mandl Long, resilient springs that cushion every shock! Beauty that makes you proud to be seen driving such a carl A rightness about every little detail that you would expect only in much higher~priccd cars! All these things Chevrolct gives you §EE OUR WINDOWS ml @mmeM K .fiiifevrolet History There will be sold by public auction on Prentice 8: Prentice, Auctioneers Prices range from . A. M. DAVESGN OUR RESERVED SHOW ROOM $7395 to $17.95 FORD DEALER OF The Summer Series Meeting- of the Oak Ridges Branch of the Women’s Institute will be held at the residence of Mrs. John C. Durham, Craigmore, Bond Lake, Friday, May 27th, at 2.30 pix“. A special program is provided in which Mrs. H. M. Aitken of Beeton will give an address. A large atten- dance is respectfully requested. all colors 50c and 98c. HILL FAIR. MEET ME AT THE RICHMOND Dreses from $1.98 any! only Chevrolet can give them at Chevrolet pnce. The Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet History is now selling at in“: and lower prices Roadster - - - 5655 Tom-in Sport Roadster 5730 Coupe Coach - - ‘ - - S760 Sedan Cabriolet - - - 5890 Landav. Imperial Landau Sedan - - - Roadster Delivery 565 5 Com'n: l-Ton Truck Chassis Price: a! Factory, 01!: Oak Ridges The property of Touring - . . Coupe - - . . Sedan - v - - Landau Sed: new and lower prices h Chevrolet has ever Chassis CF-SOIG THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT: Roofing AGENTS FOR TREES HAR- NESS and HARNESS REPAIRS. Richmond Hill â€" Ont Tarred Paper Carpet Felt Etc. Pouiiry Netting and Staples 5655 5780 5865 3930 $975 5490 $645 A big manufacturer makes _a radical change 'A' very well-known manu- facturer with 70 dealers in Western Ontario now uses Long Distance Sequence Calls to call them once a month to get their orders â€" so they will always have full stocks. A postal’cag‘d sent in advance notifies them when the Call will be made, and they are ready. These calls, at first made Personâ€"toâ€"Person, are now all made Station-boLStation. It proves to be just as satis- factory â€" is much quicker â€" and about 20% cheaper. The saving each month sur- prised them. DIAMONDS RINGS BROOCHES WATCH ES. SI LVER~ WARE, FANCY CHINA. Cmper’s Hardware JE WELLER 2485 Yonge Street Opposite Capital Theater NORTH TORONTO IFT SHOP Phone93 MORLEY S. HAMELTON Thornhill, Ont. GILROY Buiiding and In the second game of the season in the Yonge Street Ladies Softball Lea- gue, Thornhill defeated the Elgin Mills team by a 16 to 11 score. It was a good game and the new arriv- als in the league gave the last years runner up for the championship a good battle. There was a good atten- dance of fans and there is apparently a good season in store for the teams along Yonge Street. Lela Brillinger in left field turned in an exceptionally good game for the winners and Jean McDonald and Edith Luesby who did the pitching had the opposing batters guessing all the time. Mernice Find- lay and Ila Brillinger got three base hits and all the members of the team showed promise of developing into a strong team which will make a good bid for league honors. Elgin Mills as one of the new teams in the league made a very creditable showing which reflected credit on the managerial and coaching ability of Messrs. Montgom- ery and Eric White respectively. As usual Lillian Burns turned in a good game behind the bat and E. Dinner and Daisy Hart did the pitching IThe line-up was as follows.â€" Newmarke’c girls will play at Rich- mond Hill on Friday night in the park at 7.15 p.m. And on Monday Elgin Mills will visit Aurora. Wednesday Richmond Hill play in Thornhill and in addition to these regular league gam- es many of the teams will be playing in tournaments on Victoria Day. a €158er réontested game with the teams more evenly matched than the score would indicate. Thornhillâ€"Ila Brillinger Hooper, c. f.; L. Brillinger, Findlay, 3 b.; J. McDonald, Hooper 1 b.; N. Ground, s.s.; by, p.; N._Irish_, _C. g.“s:;_B;V'(’}é}i1ble 1, 13:; M. Plewmén, cf. G. Burns, r.f. Umpire E. Harding and E Hoopglfi In the bflicial league opener on Monday evening Maple defeated Au- rora girls by a 16 to 11 score. A It w_as “'El‘gi'n Millsâ€"Lillian Burns, (3.; Eva Dinner, p.; Daisy Hart p.; 1 b. Z. Top- per 2_b.i E._Â¥opng 3‘_b.;mM. Tyndall, Municipality of the Township of Markham _County of York PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Ass- essment Roll for the Township of Markham will be held in the Township H31}, iUnionville onâ€" at 10 o’Clock a. m. to hear and adjudicate upon all com- plaints against the Assessment Roll of t he Municipality of fiche Township UUL uulsl‘y . G. ‘A. M. DAVISON, Clerk of the said Municipality Unionville, May 4th, 1927. 8i M-z‘z;k‘li;:;r-1;Vf3i‘wtfie'said year 1927. All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves ac- mfiday, June_6th, 1927 cordingly. (Professional Graduate Owen Smiley Studio.) Recital by 20 of Her Pupils WEST TORONTO ASSEMBLY HALL 2875 DUNDAS STREET WEST assisted by ETHEL GRAINGER. Contralto, and CLAIRE HENLEY, Tenor and Pianist Lottie Ball Jean McDonald Margaret Cox Gretchen McKenzie Dorothy Duncan Gladys Noxall Hilda Davidge Mary Paterson Isabel Fee Doris Tennenbaum Edward Fee Peggy Teasdale Barbar Forester Frances Teare Marion Forrester Percy Veering Rae Hunter Marion Wright Arlie Lindsay Mildred Wright PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THORNHILL. ONT. 011% of Revision THORNHILL WON Miss Marguerite Boyte Friday, May 27th Admission 25 Cents A. C. HENDERSON Elocutionist pupils taking part announces i]. FOR SALEâ€"1923 Light delivery in good condition, price reasonable. ap- ply. G. M. Beynon, Phone 50, Rich- mond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"2 Furrow John Deere No. 5. Pony Tractor Plow. In first class condition, apply S. Winger, Maple, R. R. 2, Phone Maple 10062. FOR SALEâ€"A (Emmi of_ea§!y s‘eed 1361'! SALEâ€"A quantity Timothy hay ApplyiR. Walkington, Maple. T0 LETâ€"Pasture, 140 acres, two run- ning streams and two shades ideal for horses or cattle. Also a house and twelve acres. orchard and run- ning stream, apply to John R. Bal- es, Fahey Estate, Elgin Mills. d__ NOTICEâ€"Pasture for cattle will take in a limited number for the season, running streams through the fields. D. Kerswill, Elgin Mills. FOR SALEâ€"ibpd Coqpe‘ good me- run. Lu‘...‘ _ v... _,,,_ chanical condition, private‘lly owned, $175.00, R. Mansbridge, Centre St., W. FOR SALEâ€"A range or wood, in good con Grainger. FOR SALEâ€"One buggy in good con- dition, with lights or without lights also a new horse blanket, apply Mr. John Carley, Maple, Lot 18, Phone Maple 2867. FOR FOR SALEâ€"One Upland Golf and Country Club share. Apply Marion Smellie, Box 42, Thornhill. FOR SALEâ€"Ford ton truck, 1923 model, covered body, suitable for market gardener, pneumatic tires and in good running order. Apply J. H. Heise, Gormley, Phone Stout?- ville 6314. FOR SALEâ€"Strawberry plants, Sen- ator Dunlap. Seventy-five cents per hundred, delivered. Cash with order if by mail. Betty and Bobby Camp- bell, R. R. 1, Richmond Hill, Phone FOR SALEâ€"A quantity of good tim- othy hay also a quantity of good fence rails and one good work horse apply Geo. Harding, Phone Rich- mond Hill, 96 F. FOR SALEâ€"Eggs for Hatchingâ€" bred to lay Barred Rocks, 0. A. C. strain 60 Cents per setting of 13, also Senator Dunlop Strawberry plants, Black Currant bushes and Cuthbert Raspberry Bushes. WE have a client wanting to exchange his City home for a house or vacant lands in Richmond Hill communicate with Mr. Jacks, Richmond Street, Phone 149. AJAX REALTY 00. 500 Baby Chicks F01“ Last Week In May, Price 20 cents, Males Direct from Wyckofi’s. ;J-tht‘égsj 31-:25rbag. 'R. A. Vinder- burgh, 76 Orchard View Blvd., Tor- onto. LEGHORN’S [IL‘AA‘A’ .......-\,_V, neat appearance, ambitious and de- sirous of promotion. This position offers exceptional future. Apply ev- enings to Mr. Percival, 99 Ellersle Avenue, Stop 8 Yonge St. 1-).uv, n. nus-mu...“ V Phone 111, Richmé’né fii’l‘l‘ ANTEDâ€"Salesman, _f_a_i_r educa‘tion, J1» Ulluu .......... Teake, Pontiac, one year old last December, straight priced. from ac- credited herd. Apply J. J. Fox, R. R. No. 1, Eglinton. TENT MEETINGS 4533. C. I. SINDEN, Pastor. Mr. Rich has had over twenty years experience in evangelist work in the North, South, East and West. NEW GORMLEY May 22 ,to June 5, 1927. REV. N. W. RICH EVANGELIST Council Bluffs, Iowa G. Yerex, Elgin Mills, Phone 249, Maple. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGuMAKE THE MOST OF IT” RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. Sunday Services And The 24th. .0 a. m. 3 p. m, 7 p. m. Week Nights 7.45 p. m. We Give You A Glad Welcome. ' Maple R. R. 2, Ont. SALEâ€"Holstein'Bull, Klondyke '1 I__L Real Estate Classifieci Advertising S. C. White Yonge St., Toronto. . W. GANE 1 â€"â€"A range will burn coal 5 in good condition apply, F. of’t’he Township of iVagghan depeagedj PURSUANT to the Statutes in that behalf notice is hereby given that all parties having- claims and demands against the estate of the said Samuel Line who died on or about the 8th day of May 1927 are required on or before the 11th day of June 1927 to send by post prepaid to the executors of the said deceased or their solicitors full particulars of their claims in ‘writing and the nature of the security if any held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE THAT after such last mentioned date the said ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have received notice, and that the executors will not be liable ‘for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons notice of Whose claim shall not have been received in writing by them at the time of such distribution. ;. Mrs. Emily Line, Henry W. Line, Executors. Campbell S. Line, Maple, Ont. Solicitor for the said executors. DATED at Maple this 18th day of May 1927. Tractors, Threshers, Silo Fillers, Bail ing Presses, Plows, Harrows, Roat‘ Machinery and Tillage Tools fol Fordson Tractors. KANE BROS. IN THE MATTER of Samuel Line Power Farmng Machinery Yam $65? 3. gm Widening Of The Roadway Commonly Known As The “Little Concession” NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan proposes, after the 26 th day of May 1927, being the date of the last publication of this notice, to pass a by-law. 1. To acquire parts of Lots one to five, both inclusive, in the Eighth concession of the Township of Vau- ghan, for the purpose of widening jthe roadway commonly known as “‘The Little Concession” running north from the Town line between the Townships of Etobicoke and Vau- ghan and situated about the centre of the said Lots in Concession Eight in the Township of Vaughan. The Road- way i§Ato be made_ 66 feet in width. “14â€" 2. Th_e proposed By-law and Plan showing the land to be affected, may be seen at my office in the Village of Maple: Notice to Creditors 3. The Council will hear in person or by his or her counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his or her land will be prejudicially affec- bed by the said by-law and who ap- plies to be heard. J. B. McLEAN, Clerk of Vaughan Township‘- DATED at Maple, Max 3, 1927. UALLAâ€"lu v-v ..-...x._-, _....._, -, At the meeting of CounEiili 6n the. 6th June 1927 it is intended to con- sider the said by-law. MEET ALL YOUR FRIENDS A" THE RICHMOND HILL FAIR. 5. ALK about tire values! Here’s the biggest, best- looking, full-oversize cord for light cars on the market at a low price. Made by Goodyear. Made of SUPERTWIST cords. Balloons, too. Big, tough tread. Lots of mileage. Full balloon comfort. See theses“ THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1927. 30x 3% Cord 29 x 4.40 Balloon Write For Literature. P. O.â€" R. R. 2, Gormley. Paikéfiafiers ififi’fi ‘9: service sake, buy at home Harald Reid’s Garage ELGIN MILLS. gargaéfi 3 CASE Telephone 116 r 3. Notice $7.95 $11.00 mu. Q» WW.“ E15. w». HEA DFOR‘

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