Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 May 1927, p. 5

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Holiness Meeting . . . . . . . 11 a Sunday School . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 3 p Salvation meeting . . . . . . . . . . . 7 p Meetings Held In Lorne I-Iall. Everyone Invited Men’s Fine Quality Arrow Shirts at the popular price of ..$2.00 to $2.75 A Wonderful Range Of Ties At $1.00 Headquarters for Hats and Caps. Oxfords For The Men $5.00 to $6.00. Spring Shoes For The Ladies. 7.30 P. M.â€"-Wise Men From The West Sunday Services 11 A. M.â€"The Light The World Needs SALVATEQN ARMY A UORDIAL WELCOME EXTENDED TO ALL REV. 13. R. Strangwny ’ MINISTER REMEMBER WE ARE AGENTS NORMAN J. GLASS The Richmond HEEE Furnishing Store District Sergeant Major Butler Sunday Services RICHMOND HILL CORPS HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN. Boys’ Long Flannel Grey Pants FOR SPRING AND SUMMER NEW STRIPES ' NEW GREYS RICHMOND TAELORS THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1927. 2.30â€"â€"Sunday School. UNITED CHURCH THORNHILL 2587 YONGE STREET â€"â€" NORT H TORONTO. Flannel Trousers EXCLUSIVE GOODS, CORRECTLY TAILORED BY CANADA'S MOST EXCLUSIVE TAILORS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN. SEE OUR DISPLAY AT THE- RICHMOND HILL FAIR. Telephone 5j or Residence 49W NEW POWDER BLUES FOR MEN ' From 4 Years to 16 Years J. A. GREENE p.m 8.111 LIST YOUR PROPERTY with US for quick action. We have several enquiries for Richmond Hill proper- ties. Communicate with Mr. Jacks Richmond St.,â€"â€"Phone 149. Annuals Of All Varieties Geraniums, Coleus, Bigonas and Vines for Window Boxes. Pancy, Tomato and Cabbage plants. H. DAVIS Phone 108 W. F folks keep on saying that our principles are on the level you are quite apt to belive them. Well, you should because it is the truth. We will treat you fairly. We will sell you the finest lumber upon the mar- ket and charge you a price for it that you will be glad to pay. Plants For Bedding Biythewmd Gardens W. McDONALD Formerly of Richmond Hill is now associated with H. Woolnough in the harness business» atâ€" Cor. Queen and Ontario Streets Toronto. And is prepared to look after the needs of the farmers and teamsters in this district for new harness and harness repairs. ‘ Phone 133 OUR SHARE ~~FOLKS SAY THAT or coMPLIMENrs WE GET WE mg; or: IHE SQUARE AJAX REALTY CO. Richmond Hill Cariage Paperhanger and Decorator. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK DONE. Workmanship Guaranteed. Estimates Free. This Year’s Books On Hand Stop 24 Yonge Srroet. PHONE 1 ring; VV. J. IlEIl) HALRIVESS L. INNES & SONS â€" MOVING â€" LONG DISTANCE HAULING. Phone Richmond Hill 52 QUICK SERVICE Real Estate Yonge St., Toronto. E. SLINEY Richmond Street NTO. Mill Street. Richmond Hill Professor and Mrs. A. B. Klugh (Biologist at Queens) are visiting for a few weeks at the home of Professor and Mrs. Walker, Richmond St. W. H. Legge, E. T. Stephens Jas. McLean and Robt. Thompson attend- ed the Clareville Fair on Wednesday. Rev. N: Wellwood attended confer- ence in Toronto while visiting with his son Rev. H. Wellwood. Mr. A. Rand Phipps who has just finished a successful year at the S. P. S. of the University of Toronto left last Saturday for Wabashine, Georg- ian Bay where he will be engaged in electrical work for the Hydro electric power commission. J. A. Greene transacted business in Briarderid on Tgesdgiy. Mr. Norman Paisley spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Mr. Leland Gregory of Bingham- ton, New York and Mr. Bill Batty of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Batty on Sunday. Miss E.’We11wood visited over the week-end with friends in Orillia. Miss M. Atkins of Toronto is spend- ing the week end with _Mrs. Finch. Let the Liberal have a list of your holiday visitors. We are always glad to receive social items and news notes for our columns. Reeve Lunau and Counéilors Mc- Lean and Baldock attended the hear- ing before the Ontario Board on Monâ€" day. Miss Ella Young spent the week end with some friends at Newmarket. Mis Marjorie Lumb .of this village left on Monday for training in the Braeside sanitorium, Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop of Elmvale‘ are visiting with Mr. Bishop’s sister Mrs. Fred Webster, Mr. Bishop is attending the Conference in Toronto. Mrs. (Rev.) McIntosh spent Sunday Lou Teetzil and James Pollard en- joyed a fishing expedition over the week-end at Three Mile Lake just abâ€" ove Bracebridge and report fair suc- cess coAnsiglei‘ingA weatherflconditions. are visiting with Mr. Bishon’s sister Mrs. Fred Webster, Mr. Bishop is attending the Conference in Toronto. Mrs. (Rev.) McIntosh spent Sunday in Toronto with friends. Miss Ruth Vickery of Sandwich visited over the week-end with her sister Mrs. J. E. Smith. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ireland, Rich- mond Hill announce the engagement of their second daughter Viola Bertha to George Kenneth second son of Mrs. Blanchard and the late Mr. Joseph Blanchard, Richmond Hill. The marriage to take place in the Presbyterian Church on the evening of Wednesday, June lst at 7 o’clock daylight saving time. TO-NIGHT MASONIC HALLâ€"â€"“MAIL ORDER BRIDES.” 500 TURNED AWAY IN TORONTO LAST WEEK. Comingâ€"Dr. F. E. Luke, Optome- trist at H. F. Austin’s drug store; Richmond Hill, Saturday afternoon, May 28th from 1 p.111. to 8 p.111. The Liberal Welcomes letters on any subject of interest but We accept no responsibility for the views of our correspondents. Claims “Boys \Vill Be Boys.” Editor of The Liberal Dear Sir:â€" In loving memory of my dear hus- band, George Brown, who passed away May 19, 1919. In your last week’s Liberal I no- ticed it mentioned a lot about fire- crackers set ofi‘ in the town, and I would be glad to have a space in your paper to answer to the writer’s who wished to go to the trouble to have it so widely spread throughout the coun- try. In the first place can the peo- ple who claimed to be so disturbed by the noise tell us what amusement they have in Richmond Hill- at the present time for the boys who come to the town or that live in it, you might say they can go to bed if they couldn’t do anything else besides shooting off fireâ€" crackers. You as older people would like to put old heads on young should- ers but at the present time you will find it impossible. You must remem- ber the world is travelling a whole lot faster than ever it did when you were boys. You speak of being wise but we fail to see it. Time 'fades away but ies lmger on. â€"â€" dear daug That 111 Our flips Our he God only In a h The writer that called us “hoodil- ism” and a public nuisance should be a little careful in this way. He might be glad to receive help from some of the “hoodilism” as he called them. We have business men in Richmond Hill who set very poor examples for the young men of the town; One man in particular was not bothered by the boys until he set his dog on us and we have proof that we were quite a distance from his shop. Now that the readers have read‘what was said about the boys telling us we could go to the park, let me say they have a business man in town who ran down the street using the most degrading language as ever a man could use. The writer of this heard two women say the lan- guage was “Awful.” Would you peo- ple give a man like that the privilege to talk in this way in the town before women? It was mentioned in another piece about reading Wild \Vest Books. This man we refer to must have been reading them, and also thought he was there. (Even the park would be too good to send him). Thanking you for the space, I amâ€" Letters From The Peop!e SOCIAL and PERSONAL é at w Hearts cannot tell home t on. -â€"W'ife IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM Father, Mo {v.0- -_~-v.w.4§ give t how we 'e to clasp her hands face to see, DVCI‘ LOCAL N EWSY ITEMS THE LIBERALRICHMOND HILL, ONT. A. LIVEWIRE memory of our Couperthwalte, wHo departed what to say EV We e to-day Bertha. memor- The Tatler The Tatler the official publication of the Richmond Hill High School is published and will be on sale at Glenn’s Drug Store after Friday of this week. It is a very creditable publication and is a credit to the Rich- mond Hill High School and the en- ergetic staff of 'editors who are res- ponsible for its appearance. There is a limited number so make sure of Your'Copy Early. ‘p.m., special music by the choir, on ‘Tuesday May 24 hot dinner will be served from 11 am. to 2 pm. and tea from 5 p.m. Tickets adults 50 cents children under 12, 25c. Will Gravel Centre Street At a special meeting of the village council on Wednesday the contract was let for 250 yards of gravel on Centre Street which should be wel- come news to those who use this street. - Annual Meeting The twelth annual meeting of the Toronto Presbyterial W. M. S will be held in the Presbyterian Church Aur- ora on Friday, June 10th. Among those taking part in the program are, Mrs. Hall, Thornhill, Rev. Gardner S. Eldridge. Aurora: Miss C. L. Heise, Richmond Hill; Mrs. Wallis, Wood- bridge; Mrs. M. C. Campbell, Willow- dale. The officers of the Toronto Presbyterial W. M. S. are Mrs. J. A. Hilts, President: Mrs. Geo. Cooper, vice-president; Mrs. W. Snedden, vice ‘president. Presbyterian Church Services. Regular services will be held at the Richmond Hill presbyterian church onSundav at 11 a.m. with the minister Mr. M. C. Campbell in charge, Sunday school will be held' in the afternoon at 2.45 p.1n. . / Sale of Cars 1 G. A. M. Davison, Unionville is go- ‘ing to sell about 50 used cars and ‘trucks at Unionville on Saturday, May let by auction you will buy them at you own price as everything will be sold without reserve. Anniversary Services The anniversary services of the Richmond Hill United Church will be held on Sunday, May 22, Rev. H. M. Duncan, D. D., of Toronto will conduct the morning service and Rev. H. F. Osborne, B. D. of Toronto Will be the special preacher in the evening at 7 Direcinr‘s Meeting A meeting of the directors of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society will be held in the council chamber Richmond Hill on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is urgent- ly requested. » Organize Town League A meeting of baseball fans was held in ‘the Hotel Richmond on Mon- day evening when plans Were discuss- ed for the coming season and it was decided to have a town league com- posed of three teams. The teams will line up as followszâ€"The Tigers man- aged by “Steve” Young; Cecil Hard- ing’s “DreadnoughtS” and Wes Mid- dleton’s Colts. It is hoped that this league Wil bring along a lot of young players who wilLbe mixed on the various teams with the veterans. It should provide a good season’s sport locally and it is to be hoped that the players and fans enter enthusiastically into the league. It is probable that a handsome trophy will be donated for the league. held on Wednesday evenlng at 'l p.m. Pupil’s Recital Marguerite Boyle (professional ,graduate of the Owen A. Smiley Stud- io) announces a recital by twenty of her elocution pupils in West Toronto Assembly Hall, Friday, May 28th, as- sisted by Ethel Grainger, Contralto and Clair'e Henley, tenor and pianist, Miss Boyle is instructress in elocu- tion of the Harris School of Music. And is herself an artist of distinction along elocutionary lines. Of her per- formance in Massey Hall last week “The Telegram” said in part, “Mar- guerite Boyle of the Owen A. Smiley Studio deserved very high commen- dationâ€"her enunciation was flawless, her stage business and gestures never overdone. She replied to profuse ap- plause with several impersonations, perfect gems of characterization.” “The Mail and Empire” said, “Her charm and personality alone make her contribution to a performance a popular event. She made a very de- cided hit with two humorous mono- louges and two poems with musical accompaniment, received encores and bouquets on each occasion and gave a delightful variety to the program.” Seed Corn A supply of quality seed corn. Leaâ€" ming, .Wisconsin and Bailey varieties at catalogue prives at THE ELEVA- TOR. Place your order‘with us. . York Simcoe League A meeting of the York Simcoe hard ball league was held in Aurora Wed- nesday evening. The following offic- ers were elected, President, A. M. Kirkwood, Aurora, lst viceâ€"president, Mr. Mather, Stoufi‘ville, Secretary- treasurer, Dr. Underhill, Aurora. Ex- ecutive, C. Harding, ert Grant, Rich- mond Hill, J. Muston Stoufl’ville and Dr. Devins, Aurora. The games are scheduled to start at 5.30 Standard time, each team allowed 30 minutes grace; the offending team being fined $5.00. The following double schedule was drawn up. BOWESâ€"At their residence, Rich- mond Hill, Ontario, on Sunday, May 15, 1927 to Mr .and Mrs. J. Arthur BoWes (nee Laura Bowes, Maple On- tario) a son, Murray Jesse. July July July July July 1st Half June lâ€"R’mond Hill vs. toufl'ville June 11â€"Stoufl“ville v"). Aurora. June 15â€"Aurora« vs. R. Hill June 22â€"Stoul’fville vs. R. Hill June 29â€"R. Hill vs. Aul‘Ci’“. July Gâ€"Aurora vs. Stouffville. 2nd Half July 13â€"R. Hill vs. Aurora July 16â€"Stoufl'ville vs. R. Hill. July 20â€"Aurora vs. R. Hill July 23â€"R. Hill vs. Stoufi‘ville. July 30â€"Stoufi'ville vs. Aurora. Aug. 3â€"Aurora vs. Stoufi'ville. Winner of lst half play ofl W winner of second half. . Lawn Bowling The official opening of the Pi: MEET ME AT THE RICHMOND HILL FAIR. The official opening mond Hill Lawn Bowlir held on Wednesday eve BORN filing Club will evening at 7 p with WEEK-END SPECIALS For .this Week We have some Splendid values in Quality Shoppe All Cars Marked in Plain Figures Tools Side Curtains Clear Title EASY TERMS'ARRANGED. 5 Choice Sockeye 1 lb tin 39c Choice Sockeye 1-2 ll) tin 21c El Cahoe Salmon, red 1 lb tin 31C Cohae Salmon, red 1-2 lb tin 17c 9% Brunswick Sardines 2 tins for 11C Aylmer Pork& Beans 3 tins for HUdson 4201 Phone 53 Sale-"Sala- Sale House Dresses and Apronsâ€"splendid value See Our Dress Goods and Individual Dress lengthsâ€"N0 Two Alikeâ€"Very Attractive Price. Hosiery in the well-known makes at popu- lar pricesâ€"49c. to $1.95. Something Special in Dimity Night Gowns atâ€"98c. Summer Underwearâ€"Vests and Bloomers for Women and Children. WALL PAPERSâ€"At Very Special Prices. In The Millinery Department We Are A1- ways up-to-dateâ€"Clearing Price, fromâ€" $1.95 to $4.95. WHERE QUALITY COUNTS EOMENION STORES LIMITED W. H. BIRD, Manager. TELEPHONE 23 RICHN WHERE YOU GET QUALITY WITH SERVICE Mrs. Norman Batty fimm §8c m $1.98 Gaing on at 0m Used Car Lat Broadway and Yonge St. RICHMOND HILL Show Rocms and Repgir Shop SALMON RICHMOND HILL 1391 Yonge Street Trench BlOcn 19c 25clb 29clb 33clb 23clb PAGE FIVE

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