ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS TO WILFRED R. DEAN Thornhill ‘ OPTOMETRISTS EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS Jhorough Eye Examinations and Glasses That Fit Perfectly. tï¬peï¬al Attgntionflto Children's Eyes. AUCTIONEER. VALUATOR AND 'REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL and \ ‘Open Evenings. Pnune Hudson 0461 for A: W. Wamï¬ Price FOR INSURANCE INSURANCE i; an essential part of THRIFT . INSURANCE is absolutely essential to Credit. INSURANCE is refused to those who All Kinds of wa'xét of GOOD CHARACTER INSURANCE is valued by all oui‘ leading men whom we are proud to recognize as GOOD CITIZENS. 111 King Street West, Toronto TEL. 118 RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO OPTOMETRIST AND OPTIC‘IAN 167 Yonge Street, Toronto 2. May be consulted about your eyes for Glasses at Drug Store, Richmcnd Hill Saturday Afternoon, May 28 from 1 p. m. to 8 p. m. Coming? Thornhill Field Day ' July Ist Shop THE BIND OPTICAL C0. 2513 Yonge St. North Toronto. (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) Groceries and Prov151ons We. carry a full line of Quality Groceries and Pro- visions and solicit your patronage. We assure you of prompt and courteous service at all times. and other chick diseases prevented by feeding Pratts Baby Chick Food. It saves millions and insures healthy fast-growing chicks and earlyJaying pullets. Buy the best. \ ~ ' v S7 EWJ/ Baby chicks cost too _ much to lose by lack of care and proper feed. White Diarrhoea W. J. SNEEBER & SON Schomberg Junction Phone King 306 Groceries, Confectionery Flour, Feed, Etc. WE DELIVER W. N. Mabbett Electrical Contractor Phoneâ€"Willowdale 96W THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1927. Boot and Shoe Repairer. Telephone 23 r H E. Ausiins 19 of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. in Winterton’s 01d Stand Yonge St. . G. SAVAGE POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. GEO. KIDD ‘. E. LUKE 'fbr vAppointment. Ontario Resolutions F. A. Egan moved, seconded by E. Armstrongâ€"that Mrs. J .T. Howard be paid the sum of $45.00 for attending Mrs. Hutchins, 30 days at $1.50 per day, as per order of deputy reeve Joseph Duggan. T. MacMurchy, moved, seconded by ‘E. Armstrongâ€"That the Assessors, Messrs Webb and Armstrong be paid| the sum of $100.00 each on account. T. MacMurchy moved, seconded by J. Duggan That the Tender of Geo. M. Williams for making cement tile as per advertised speciï¬cations for the sum of $371.25 be accepted. F. A. Egan moved, seconded by T. MacMurchyâ€"That this council author- ize the treasurer to pay to the trea- surer of East Gwillimbury the sum of $26,663.80, being balance of King Townships share of debenture re Hol- land Marsh Drainage Scheme. " T. MacMurchy moved, seconded'by J. Dugganâ€"That Arthur Stogtï¬ll be paid the sum 015310.00 for damage to property and opening culvert. T. MacMurchy moved, seconded by E. Armstrongâ€"That Naughton and Jenkins be paid the sum of $232.96 in payment of account re Holland Marsh zDrainage scheme as per enclosed lstatement. n A The council in committee of the whole on bills, Mr. Duggan in the chair and a number of account were presented and ordered paid by the Treasurer. The regular meeting of King Town- ship Council met at Smith’s Hotel, Schomberg o 11 Saturday April 30th, ,, ,1 LL _ lelvluuvob - .- "V, with all the membei‘s préseni and the reeve in the chair} _ The minutes of last meeting were read and conï¬rmed, a number of com- mumcauons were presented and read. King Tawnship Council J. Dugan mover, seconded by F. A. Eganâ€"That the treasurer be author- ized to pay to Roy Monkman the sum of $19.60, paymgnt fo‘r carfle 70f Hptéhin’s Duggan. H uussuu. _ F. A. Egan moved, seconded by T. MacMurchy that the Treasurer pay to Milton Payne the sum of 3100;00 price of 4 sheep killed by dogs as per sworn statement of sheep valuator. F. A. Egan moved, seconded by J. Dugganâ€"That the Treasurer be au- thorized to pay to the Aurora Banner Press the sum of $53.50 for debenâ€" tures with coupons re Holland Marsh DrainageAScheme L. n. “Eu-A ALAvvuu _._~,,, V Dugganâ€" that this council hereby conï¬m the action of the Reeve in au- thorizing the Treasurer to issue a cheque for the sum of $30.00 to J. D. Thompson being funeral expenses re late Wm. Webb. ( 11,,11 Lam, nu“ . J. Duggan moved, seconded by E. Armstrong â€"â€"that this council buy two graders from the Canada Ingot Iron Co. of Guelph to be shipped to Bolton. T. MacMurchy moyed seconded by J. Dugganâ€"That the treasurer be auâ€" thorized to accept frmnElton Arm- strong the sum of $10.00 for trees sold to Cecil Wray and credit same to the Township. F. A. Egan moved, seconded by T. MacMurchyâ€"That the Treasurer be authorized to pay to D. J. MacDonald County Treasurer the sum of $174.75, being the Township’s share of Municiâ€" pal Relief Account. ‘1“ pal. ANDJAV‘. ï¬Lywvm--â€"- On Motion, Council adjourned to meet at Temperanceville Hall, Kettle- by as a Court of Revision and other business as may come before the coun- cil, Court opens at 2.30 o’clock p.m. on Saturday, May 28th, 1927. Judging by the numb< ies for Prize Lists the ént will be large in all c1355? Director Scott McNair will again be in charge of the exhibits in the main building and the display in this department is always an attraction at the fair. The fair ofï¬ce will be open every evâ€" ening from now until May 24 and secretary Cooper will be on hand to answer any enquiries. Telephone 2 r Sports will be featured at the fair this year and the running races and softball should prove a novel addit- ion to the program. The North York Citizen's Band will provide the music for the day and this musical organization which in- cludes musicians from North Yonge Street district under Bandmaster An- derson of Richmond Hill will provide an afternoon's musical entertainment which will be a delight to all music lovers. "“ï¬iJAN Now TO ATTEND THE RICHMOND HILL FAIR. FAIR NGTES gan rï¬bved seconrled. by 1...“, u.-. stock by; gridierwof Joseph he number 01 9110} ts the éntries this y enquir- The fair is a place of inspiration. To look on a pigte o_f perfeqt gpples, a sleek, fawn-like Jersey heifer, a powerful tractor or even at the win- ner of a ï¬rst prize is a spur to better work. If the spirit of emulation tri- umphs over the baser feeling of jea- lousy when viewing the exhibits there will be an incentive to enter the lists next year with an entry of grain or live stock and try conclusions with neighbors. A few years ago a young man was told that his dozen ears of corn were outclassed and that they were not of the right type. Instead of giving away to took his defeat in shion and turned to to see Why it was 1 Mndean De‘s‘ygfl. HQNORARY sECRE-renv THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Red Seal "Lâ€-bead Continental Motor Full Force Feed LSbrication Super-Sensitive Steering Morse Silent Chain Drive Whirlwind Acceleration Rifle Drilled Cams/34ft Durant" Motors of Canada, Limited ‘ TOrontigLCVatlaidq disappointment he sportsmanlike fa- the winning entry given the preferâ€" N 11637 c: @376 " nag"; " ' Q ' g 4735106765,? [/96 [024/ Price 7'2de ence. By a little questioning he learn- ed something about the varieties and where to get the best seed. He began thinking corn and talking corn and gradually improved in his methods of raising that grain with the result that he became a prize winner himself and is making good returns from sales of his selected corn. REAL ESTATE Richmond Hill BONDS INSURANCE J. R. HERRINGTON FINANCIAL AGENT DAVID HILL, Richmond Hill, Ont. %ADE by Canadians to meet Canadian climatic and road conditions, the stamina of the New Star Car is never so fully realized and appreciated as on the long run. No other automobile at or near its price has the staying power that results from the employment of the Red Seal Continental “Lâ€â€"head Motor, full pressure lubrication and thermostatic control of the cooling system. The consistent increase in Star Car sales is due to the quality of the car itself and to the maintenance of its reâ€" sale value through safe, sane company policies. The number of Star Car owners desiring to sell is proporâ€" tionately smaller than that of any other automobile in its class. Phone 87 LOANS RANGE â€" SELECTIVITY â€"â€" POWER Marconiâ€"4+5â€"8 Tubes ' All Well Known "*1/56 4 L. Innis & Sons - - Jones Lumber Co. - DEMONSTRATION. U. S. L, 6 Tubes Just Out. ' For Sale By Richmond Hill, Ont. Richmond Hill, Ont. Thermostat Cooling System 17 Vz-im‘b Steering Wheel Locomotive-1y pe Brake: Cold Rivelted Chassis Frame Semi-elliptic Springs Tasty, Durable U pbolstering N ation-wide Service Facilities PAGE SEVEN 13-927