Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Jun 1927, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Room 3, Richmond Hill P. S. Jr. III.â€"â€"Jessie Fish, Harry Fenk- ins, Lawrence Haworth, (Jack Beresford, Thelma Shields, equal), Fred Tuddenham, Aileen Grant, Grace Brillinger, (egual, Len- ore Glass, Bruce Armstrong), Joe mills, Jane Tuddenham, (Queenie Ur- ben, R. Phinney, equal-, Audrey Patâ€" rick, (Leonard Harris, Harry Sayers equal-, Marion Scrivener, Elinor Boy- le, egual), Agnes Caldwell, Leo Shep- pard, Reay Hopper, ‘Lloyd Hawkes, Peter Forest, equal), Catherine Stan- ford, Wm. Rumble, (Norman Paisley Ruth Davis, equal), Betty Innes, El- eanor Wallis, Tilford Hilts, Evelyn Wade, Leslie Kandall, Audrey Grain- ger, Margaret Rumble, Maude Buch- anan, Lloyd Reid, Louise Russell, Margaret Buchanan, Marjorie Low- ery. Rally Day The Presbyterian Church, Rich- mond Hill are having a Rally Daft service on Sunday at 11 am. and a1 Presbyterians and their friends are earnestly requested to be present. Visitors especially welcomed. This ‘only comes ‘round once a year, and church rolls are being made up so, don’t fail to come and bring your friends glong.‘ ; This Rally is meant for a stirring up of interest in the Sunday school and Bible class as well as, church attendance. We need a quickening in all our congregational agencies, the minister expects the people to respond without exception. School Report Shuday School Meeis At 1.30 pm. HUdson 7303. We are often asked, When is .the best time to start treatment for T‘onsils and Adenoids.? , ' We always answer With an emphat1c--“Now!” Saves an Operation This preparation is made of pure herbal compounds. Safe alike for the smallest child and the oldest adult. Indigestion Constipation Rheumatism Nervous 1 Diseased Tonsils and Adenoids. Bronchitis. Open Every Night Until 10 o’Clock p. m. EXCEPT WEDNESDAY Ladies Wear Mens Furnishings. ' Club Bags & Suit Cases, from $1.50 to $5.00 each Just the Sort you need for a Short Trip Dr. 'FHUNA Baisam Remedies, Li 2555 YONGE ST. HERBAL COMPOUNDS 2519 YONGE STREET NOR TH OF KEEWA TIN AVENUE (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) . GRAVELEY Here’s A Suggestion A Vaughan Township councillor is author of the suggestion that the Government and Agricultural Socie- ties in connection with their annual field crop competition give a prize for the farm which has the least sow thistle. It is a good suggestion as this weed is altogether too prflevalent on our Ontario farms, many farmers are prone to look upon it now as necessary evil. “Like the poor it is always with us" was the comment of one of York County Farmer. Basket Picnic Under the auspices of York County’s Junior Farmer’s organization there is to be a picnic at Eaton Hall Farm Eversley, on Saturday, June 11th at Take an afternoon off and enjoy an outing in one of York County’s fam- ous picnic grounds. Do not forget a well-filled lunch ba§ket. -‘nv ziri'a’ihe final Debate between Woodbridge and Bogartown will be the order of events for the day. Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of the United Church was held in the Sunday school room, June 2, at 3 p.m. Mrs. (Rev.) White of Aurora gave a very interesting talk on “Missions.” She stressed the fact that missionary work should start with the Baby Band then the Mission Band, Y. W. A. and then the W. M. S. Miss Phyllis Glass and Miss Mae Sanderson sang a duet and the meeting closed with a social hour. Four of the Ladies of the W. M. S. served tea. DRY GO()DS Will Rid You of the following Complaints Nervous Maladies ChildrensWear An invitation is extended to all breeders of Jerseys and others inter- ested in attending the picnic are cordially invited. Bring your lunch baskets; tea, drinks and ice-cream will be supplied. Victoria Square Sunday School Anniversary. The Victoria Square Sunday School annual picnic will be held on the grounds of R. Klinck on Saturday afternoon June 18. There will be a splendid program of sports followed by a high class entertainment in the evening. On Sunday, June 19 there wil be special services at 2 and 7 pm. conducted by Rev. A. P. Brace. Special music will be a feature of the services. Spring songzâ€"The tourist blues in two flats. Note to tearoomszâ€"Crazy pictures on the wall don’t make “atmosphere,” It takes crazy people. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Skin Diseases Gallstones Victoria Square The longer YOU neglect them, the moreYOU suffer ---needlessly. Treat them in safe and a permanent way by getting started at once with Thuna’s Herbal Tonsil and Adenoid Tablets. “ Tonsils Were Given To Us Not To Be Taken From Us” Keep them and your body in a healthy con- dition With our Tablets. Asthma Cor. Sherwood Ave. A Beauty Spot A beauty spot which is worthy of a visit from our citizens is the Western section of the Agricultural Park which is kept neat and tidy and Well decorated with flower beds by the Horticultural Society. Flowers and bushes and shrubs of all kinds have been planted here and a real effort made to provide the town with ah at- tractive park. Forty rose bushes were given to the society this year by Mr. J. H. Dunlop to replace those which had been ‘killed out. The mem- bers of the society are anxious to en- large the sphere of their activity and have requested the council to remove the ashphalt which formerly was the floor of the old rink. As soon as this is done by the council further im- provements wil be carried out by the Horticultural Society. Miss Dorcas Whisler, Mr. S. A. Lady, Mr. J. F. Lady, Mr. B. Lenhert of Abilene, Kansas, Miss Dorothy Lexow, Miss Pearl Crider, Mr. Alf- red Crider of Detroit, Michigan; Mr. J. A. Aiken, Morrison, Illinois; Mr. B. Thuma, Pleasant Hill, Ohio; Miss Willa Orf, West Point, Virginia; Miss Ruth Winger, Delisle, Sask; Miss Ed- ith Wengert, Jonestown, Pa.; Mr. Er- nest Kern, Bowmansdale, Pa.; Mr. -J. E. Cober, Gormley, Ont., students from Grantham, Pa., who are spendâ€" ing their vacation in Gormley, Ont. spent Sunday with Miss Stella L. He- ise who recently returned home for the summer. TROUBLE IN EGYPT Lord Lloyd, the British High Com- missioner in Egypt, who intervened when the Egyptian Parliamentary Committee sought to dispense with the services of the Slrdar, British Commander of the Egyptian forces. mited Gormley WANTEDâ€"To buy leghorn or rocks, mond Hill, WANTEDâ€"Manure mond Hill. STRAYEDâ€"To the property of \V. Coopbr, Concord on Sunday last, a red cow... Owner may have same by proving property and paying ex- penses. FOR SALEâ€"Brand new Sharples Cream Separator, 300 1b capacity. Open for offer 64 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing, Stop 6. Yonge Street. FOR SALEâ€"Seven pigs, six weeks old. Apply L. Robb, Stop 29 LOSTâ€"Green Gold Wrist Watch with initials on back (E. M. R.). Lost either on High School grounds or from there to Radial Station Fin- der kindly leave at Liberal ofiice and receive reward. ' I KANE BROS \Vrite FOR SALEâ€"Fordson Tractor, New, plowed 20 acres; Also No. 9 Olivier Plow, belt, Pulley and steel saw frame and saw. Bargain for quick sale. Apply L. A. Montgomery, Richmond Hill, Phone 128 1' 12. FOR SALEâ€"1926 Ford Roadster in first class condition. An ideal business car or for light delivery. A real good buy. Apply Box 17, Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"1921 Chevrolet Touring, new Duco job and in gqod condition Apply Box 21, Liberal Office. WANTEDâ€"Young man or woman for special work. Must be able to meet public. Apply by letter, Box 13, Liberal Office. FOR SALEâ€"«Second hand Chevrolet touring car, one new King separat- or, one new Melotte separator at wholesale price to clear, one second hand Massey-Harris binder, one sec- ond hand Massey-Harris mower. one repossessed Cockshutt all steel two row corn cultivator, one Gilson 3 h.p. engine, one second hand stifl’ tooth cultivator, one spring tooth cultivator, one second hand farm wagon. cheap. apply, H. Armitage, Cockshutt Agent, Aurora. T0 LETâ€"Pasture, 140 acres, two run- ning streams and two shades ideal for horses or cattle. Also a house and twelve aeres, orchard and run- ning stream, apply to John R. Bal- es, Fahey Estate, Elain Mills. FOR SALEâ€"A range will burn coal or wood, in good condition apply, F. Grainger. NOTICEâ€"Pasture for cattle will take in a limited number for the season, running streams through the fields. D. Kerswill, Elgin Mills. FOR SALE or RENTâ€"7 roomed brick house in Richmond Hill, all conveniences. Apply J. R. Herring-‘ ton, Richmond Hill. WANTEDâ€"Bright energetic High School students boys or girls in the North Yonge Street district who are anxious to make some good money in the holidays. Can work right at home. Apply by letter on- ly for full particulars and to ar- rahge for personal interview, Box 721, Liberal office. WANTEDâ€"Young men and women between ages of 16 and 22 for spec- ial work in York County. Duties commencing at once.. .Apply by let- ter only‘to Box M. Richmond Hill, Ontario; FOR SALEâ€"Holsteix} Bull, Klondyke Teake, Pontiac, one year old last December, straight priced, from ac- credited herd. Apply J. J. Fox, R. R. No. 1, Eglinton. FOR SALEâ€"Fence rails, several hun- dred for saleyapplv Wm. Ringland. Phone Richmond Hill 45 r 14 ev- enings. ' l ‘ Tractors Machinery and Fordson Tractor Yonge Siréet. the Sn; succeed retired. Pow “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING--MAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. Classifiefi Advertising Tl mm 10V ; phone 149 Rich- I‘illagc yearling pullets, phone 149 Rich- THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1927. 10 Fill HEADFORD atux orm 21‘. Tools for 3V ley. :of has It’s a real love match if he resents. havmg hls w1fe wear ’em as short as other women do. [ When in Toronto come in and ask Geo. McDonald to show you our spec- ial three-quarter inch Brass trimmed farm bridles, winkers and flat check reins hand made from best No. 1 Hames Leather, $11.00 per pair. H. Woolnough Cor. Queen and Ontario Streets Toronto. Annuals Of All Varieties! Geraniums, Coleus, Bigonas and Vines for Window Boxes. Pancy, Tomato and Cabbage plants. H. DAVIS Phone 108 W. Plants For Bedding Blythewood Gardens Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the re-shingling' of the Anglican church Maple. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. All tenders must be in by June 20th. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased, who died on the 16th day of April 1927, at Richmond Hill are required on or before the 30th day of June 1927, to send by post pre- paid to the undersigned, their chris- tian names and surnames, addresses and description, the full particulars in writing of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security, if anthehi by them._ AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said 30th day of June 1927, the undersigned executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons, of Whose claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. IN THE MATTER OF the estate of William Innes, late of the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, Lumber iMeerhant, deceased. H DATED, June 8, 1917. . John Henry Innes, Executor CIO. J. J. MacLennan, 15 King St, W., Toronto. Solicitor For Executor. For real service, buy here GOGDYEAR Haffifd Notice to Creditors Ii ‘xRNE S S E 135363 Leakaroaf Church Wardensâ€" ’ RUSSELL DIBB, HEBER COOK FARM BRIDLES TENDERS Making Both of Maple. RY Goodyear Tube :3 an under water before it leaves the phone 1 16 r (’IU n the seve MILLS ggerates_ and ossible pores. eakage means Mill Street. Richmond Hill cost an} Garage of What Tube rest of placed then town

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