THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1927. SUMMER SUIT’S See Our Large Range of Samples and be Convinced that You can Secure Quality Goods Tailored At a Remarkable Saving. EXCLUSIVE GOODS, CORRECTLY TAILORED BY CANADA'S MOST EXCLUSIVE TAILORS FOR MEN y g SOCIAL and PERSONAL Miss Bessie Scrivener has returned home after spending the week-end Ywith her friend Miss Dorothy Ball, Collingwood, Ont. Miss Cora Smith of Barrie visited ‘over the weekâ€"end with her parents IMr. and Mrs. J. Smith. Mr. Lauder Glass spent a few days this week with his father, Mr. J. EGIass. Mr. James Wright of Regina is vis- iting with his brother Mr. W. A. Wright. Mr. W. Harris and Mr. J. Rumble left Monday for Pen Lake to work on Summer cottages. Mr. A. Wright accompanied by his brother Mr. James Wright motored to Rochester onSunday. Miss Annie Gibson spent the Week end enjoying a boat trip to the Thou- sand Islands. Miss Moyle of Richmond Hill susâ€" Exclusively THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONT. LOCAL NEWSY ITEMS a g»-.«..«a.v~¢-u-u-u.o-o.<m_ ‘. I l a----...--..â€".__._-_.g t9 Dear Mr, Editor:â€"â€" I was much interested in the let- r from “Subscriber†in your last edition and apparently he has been misinformed of the circumstances. You are no doubt aware that the Reeve published a warning that ï¬re crackers were not to be played with on Yonge Street. This no doubt re- ferred to our children of the town and little did he think that our Young men of the village would step back ten years or more and even violate the order. However, the point is, the authorities (lid use diplomacy and kindly asked the young men to cease and to comply with the orders of the Council. I personally heard what took place and had I been one in authority some of the young men would have slept in the Jail Farm. May I say again it Was not the ï¬recrackers but the low- est, degrading. vulgar profanity was used against the authorities that was ever uttered. I just wish to enlighten Mr. Subâ€" PAGE FIVE The Store Where you get more for your money, combined with Quality and Serv1ce Very Special low Prices This Week HOUSE DRESSES scriber so that he may be in a pos- ition to know the circumstances and in his friendly manner, endeavor to 5;“:W the young men, the kind of life which shw‘ï¬â€˜ld be led and to give friend- 1y cousel to than; "5mg. SUCh profan' ity as was used on rm» “cm Another suggestion to Mr. Bu»... . .. . her is to haVe him visit the Town ViSitin her friend, Mrs. Laura Bar- Park and these see what others are ‘h‘fw oi Centre St. E. doing. I am, not referring to the Mr. w. D. Davies of Didsbury, Alta. young men above referred to but to visited this week with Mr. Harrylyoun men of this yillage. Moyle, 0“ Y the other night I Was infor- med that several were seated in a tained a broken wrist on Tuesday of this week when she fell on the Side- lwalk in the city. ‘ ,. Miss Ethel Mortson, Mr. Harold RICHMOND TAILORS Mr. Arthur Dennis of Toronto spent .lrom 98cm $1.98 See Our Dress Goods and Individual Dress at $2.95 ‘ AND YOUNG MEN. lengthsâ€"No ,Two Alikeâ€" occasion. Sunday with Miss Evelyn Niel. Mrs. T. M. McNab of Washago is ‘ _. ._..- . “muâ€"pas -somg ..â€"..._...._......... , vâ€" w. - - ' ~n de-chene T" B only Satin, Santa“. and Crel’“ -' 3"“583 Regularly priced up to 3-25 00.â€" $16 t0~ $19 ' Idlers From The People I ,3" I J. A. GREENE a! Special this week ° ‘ «'51 . . ' k, Ma- , _ “5" Telephone 5] or Res1dence 49W mgr-033d ï¬gguï¬mggï¬g‘gggemen, secluded spot gambling. Is this prac- of their eldest daughter, Elizabeth PAC; Igggggnigtomgggli 2?;12‘25: 613321;}:- ‘aCh and Arm to William J. Snider son of Mr. . . y_ - -- - . . 1 V 2587 YONGE STREET â€" NORTH TORONTO. and Mrs_ Jacob Snider of Maple Ont mg thrift among our young life. 5 only Full Dresses? 1“ Whlte, green, pa These boys are old enough to know better but where does the trouble lie. rose. These are genuine Fuji, not Rayon Specially price- at The marriage to take place the last week,’ of June. Mr. F. T. Moyle of Didsbury, Alta. V! $7400 UNITED CHURCH THORNHILL ' ev. B. R. Strangways, B.A., B, D MINISTER Sunday Services 11 a.m.â€"The Greatest Prayer. 2.30â€"Sunday School. 7.30â€"Peter Delivered. UORDIAL WELCOME EXTENDED TO ALL ALVATION ARMY visited this week with his brother and sister Mr. and Miss Moyle of Rich- mond Hill. Mrs. H. D. Tresidder and Miss Tresidder of Dewhurst Blvd., Toronto spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Edmunds, Roseview Ave. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sunday Services At 2.30 p.m.‘ A Hearty Invitation To All. REV. M. C. CAMPBELL, M. A. Minister Mrs. Chapman, Organist. Mr. Chapman sings a solo at each service and those who hear him re- gard it a great privilege as well as as rare treat. Council Will Meet Monday The village council will meet in reg- ular session on Monday night next in the Clerk’s ofï¬ce for the transaction of general business. When last in- . terwewed the Reeve had no deï¬nite Town League Games The Liberal Prints and the Dread- noughts who have each won one game in the town league clash in a regu- lar ï¬xture to-night (Thursday) and a On Tuesday next, June 14 the Tigers play the good game is looked for. Dreadnoughts. word from the T. T. C. regarding the moving of the tracks on Yonge Street but it is possible that some action may be taken in regards to the paving at this meeting. Jubilee Celebration Arrangements are Well under way Has the home teaching been ignor- ed or did they have any. Are they encouraged by parents to disregard the law or have they been permitted to run wild and have their own way in this village until they will run it and even ruin it. I appreciate the action of the au- thorities and feel that action was on- ly taken when advice was requested. If the boys who were taken into ‘ court felt the loss of the ï¬ne which was imposed, have them ask the crap shooters in the park as to the value of a few dollars. They are all young men. Surely it is time for you Mr. Subâ€" scriber to take the young of this vill- age in hand and create some form of clean sport and amusement which will uplift and be helpful instead of en- deavoring to‘ encourage them as law breakers. Thanking you for the space. FAIR MINDED SUBSCRIBER. Summer Underwearâ€"Vests and Bloomers for Women and Children. at Reduced Prices Children's Play Suits for Boys and Girls at Reduced Prices All Millinery in Stock at About Half Price _ Clearing Price, fromâ€"$1.95 to $4.95. ' Take advantage of these bargains andsave some money. Mrs. Norman Batty Phone 53 Trench BIOCn Richmond Hill H ntari for the Jubilee celebration in, Rich- mond Hill on July 1st. A meeting was held in the public school on Thursday last and another will be held this evening. At the last meet- ing Reeve Lunau presided and among Intermediate Game Richmond Hill interemdiates will play their ï¬rst home game in the York Simcoe League in the Agricul- tural Park on Wednesday evening RICHMOND HILL CORPS District Sergeant Major Butler Sunday Seryices MAPLE , ii 1' oliness Meeting ‘ ' _ . . _ _ 11 am. next June 15 .at 6.30 pm. daylight those present were, W, W, A, Trench. . The sports which were to be held ndav School 3 pm saying time with Aurora as the VIS- Thos_T1-enCh,Miss Brown, Miss Rich- on Empire Day took place on the . I . . . . . . . . . . . . lung team It 1.5 hoped that a large ardson. J. A Gaining w, A_ Wrth Public School grounds on the King‘s Nation meetmg _ . . . . _ ' _ . . I 7 p.m_ crowd of fans will .turn out and sup- Cecil Iinl~ding_ James McLean and J,]birthday. Quite a number of visitor; Meetings Held In Lorne Hall. £01: lile boys ASllverCO‘ieCtmn Wm B Smith- The program Conmlltteelwere. Presem and en‘ip‘ved the pm- Everyone Invited e :3 en' reported that an elaborate confedera- Ceedmgs. The fol-lowmg' am “1' “DELIVER Shoals-Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 9, 10,11 tion pageant was being' prepared un- der the direction of Miss Brown and Miss Richardson. Owing to the ab- sence of C. II. Sloan who was appointâ€" ed chairman o fthe sports committee Juniors Play At Newmarket Richmond Hill junior team will go to Newmarket for a regular league game on Saturday next, June 11. prize winners Races, boys under 7 Harry Cooper, Lloyd Palmer, Donal!" Kennedy; Girls under 7. Marion 0‘:- iver, Frances McFeely. Rosie Donei- a1; Boys under 10, Hugh Parsons. ~-: - '--‘11.:,!!. there was no deï¬nite report of the Norman Hartley, Lloyd Thompson. 1 1 ' § w C . â€"‘ sports contemplated. Chairman Girls under 10. Nellie O‘Brien. Jean LPBBYS Potted ‘ ._ Wright of the church service reportâ€" Parks. Muriel Gunn; Boys under 12, a , I . . . ed that arrangements were about coni- lIâ€"Iugh Parsons, Clelland Thompson. (51'1"; Beans For Meats 5". ~ pleted for the joint services on Sunâ€" Jack Chapman: Girls under 12, Ne1- ' . , i T- ~ '2 ' ï¬g day evening. ,iie 0'17“: ri, Muriel Gunn, Dorothy ' ‘ . Preservulg biliall Ln Ilebh Cl‘lcp ', i ..___:;' lCaYe; Boys under 15, Arthur Lloyd. Nikolai: tin Per Rome 3 for glbs fer Earl Couper, Allan Rumble; Girl“ Under 1:â€), Jean Ingram, Freda Lloyd Moijirrie lng‘rauiï¬ legged race, Toni- liny Cooper, Murry McDonald; BOot Race, Freda Lloyd. Jean Ingram. Thr- wsre Trilei‘ved by a game 01' softball in which (icoi‘g‘c Lloyd’s team defeated Freda Lloyd’s nine by lT-lfl.' F. J. Mansbridge Wins Contest Keen interest was shown during the werk in the contest inaugurated iby Mr. IV. Ward Price who otfcrcd a priz'e of one dollar for the correct :inswz“ to the conumii'um “Why are iichniond Hill roads like 'imy Ridâ€" " ' ‘ H .2492 Yonge St. at Casileiielr ZSC 25c 1 ib block . . 2 this Zlc 326 ilr‘i‘tic‘i'ii" CAKE. Rich Sultana, Syceiai Comfort Soap it’s all right 4 bars igc j" Thursday, Friday Saturday 20C 7 .I_l_:ine 16,,‘i’i’, TS ;'.Lt"‘S ge." Among the in ' answers re- r. H W , .7 ‘ V ‘ wivcd no ,mu In“: [7,“, 1,5,1]: up“ .sa:i.i:‘.tli nor airnimisai} rscnirâ€" v I p . THEFUNN/ES‘THLME .- wer which ‘ ‘ ‘2’“ 1 lb I‘m/itional shortening . . . i‘. ONFOURFEET/ : both '~ 1 ll) row (WWII . . . . . . . ’. CHA ' ‘ lel'tflcllCS to cle ‘ 1 ’ ‘ ‘h " ’1' .,' 1 .ï¬ I f ._ ’ RUE" Ward cm» is ‘ ; gar :-:i‘a\i'btii‘yJam. lilo Jai all or metal; ring Mllme Mr. F. of Moi 0MP Eggiï¬ih ii gifm’ii. i . Pa icy California. D02. . . Zoe , g ;' - i‘liziiorid liill ' J h God's blue sky a bottle 1 . / 'N , ‘I I- (ï¬rst) they . it' "Illlli for your thirst ‘ "91‘ L ’ if " -I ___h l . o Out in the open uitdcr ‘,, «ml to add fuuil-zzcst .o l ,. 1.1.1.†Extra 2 for 456. Large 5 for 95¢ (A'Lr‘tl' ll ('ill‘lzlt’fcl‘â€. . i ’ iii/arr ' r the lunch. As}: 11.:- to s ligiri‘ t.- weal: rit‘il \'l~l’~‘.“l" " c“: I J" if," " L "In a I!) G . arm. I . i . E: lure hflsiï¬â€˜triy am .5 E lass .lar 43¢: ‘ ‘ ‘ ï¬ne/low? ' I . ' O. Henry. and l\l‘<< ‘ __.._â€"___._...._ 4-, . H i ‘ 1 ' "~- . ‘7 ', l‘.7ilinott I’criry "isi"'l -‘ i Lé’UQ/K‘BUI/t/ fl) r 1.:iw‘rci r Wei; 9*. the 1mm: of" 371'. and “In Fresh Fruits arid Vcoetables Gd - ‘ tégi‘érmom/M AIR l l l l l l I Pineapples, Cuban l u l l ' 'l‘. A. Cousins. " . I ‘ I "1‘ . . ' Miss Helen Jackson. teacher of r ,5“ rt": ‘4 ' i270 MILK/WIN" ‘ w ‘ ‘ Lir E'rin‘cc in .l’crth Awnuo J‘ 1?? i ii! (“h-J "i ‘ ' ' ~ ~ 3 ’ . . . . ~ . ,1 r: o Kawaâ€" sao - La... d .2 3“ ' 7““ I“ 513,3);qu .lll loieim ..c \,_ .i... [ii ‘ .. . . l A - ’t N .V' to! . . Em x, i i Iâ€- - __ T x i \ Vin i x a .. vi \. .. . i...-ciiinoiid ..:.l â€" â€"â€" â€"â€" Ontario i . ’ 3.: immi Burn-1 ,. .1: ~ - , _ ‘ i 5:11 ‘“"73F"???twitewisesiralet'r 317"" T. iii-3n. lit 8 » ‘L‘VIIY'DII'JV’IBJ‘N\‘E?HTW i (IN? 710 tivi'i': . xi ‘Ili‘. -'. int-v.1 mo % lie Ridiriiaiiil N0 MMBE â€" it: ~ Cit-ARE): OR«EUT---OUR LUMBER! : re rt‘ui . ninth}:35"i..i‘iilf;C.i'~l .vTLITiï¬hiEï¬IZ-{Lm 0 Our Men’s Oxfords atâ€"~ $4.50 to 86.0.0 , _ Q . i . (lame ‘ mi»; .1 v -;v -:‘ Ii Mom Hill ‘6 E , ml Hill llTnitud I".‘. ;: U mu: "iltl‘lll‘on ‘ .3 - A lJ ‘ :r’ l.‘ :-L L. ' iii Car .5 s I .3 ii a ‘iz. ‘l‘ liv- Piir iiisiiirig ii. i - . ,, . l ,n. y. l .t i'. ii i T __'___i ‘ g, I. -_ g I, I | ' ~n's Straw Hats. 111 the popuâ€" u "'1 ’i . » ‘ rim Boater zitâ€"$2.50 to 8.5.50. l V i t ' . t y . iris". 111‘s Leghorn Hat. \‘ei'y popu- _ i ,7; .' . -,~ y , 4 i, P t . ' f1:- - and comfortable at $4.50. I f. I rm: ;' -, i ' .- 1' - . i l ‘\.'r~ l<>~ l l y. ummer underwear 101' men, ‘i i .. he: , I; I. W ‘ i. t 1:. ’ ‘ (l Children. EMEMBER WE ARE AGENTS ' FOR THE HOUSE 01“ IIOBBERLIN. ’QRMAN J. GLASS J"! ..__- i;- I 1 _ l l