Saw Yomgaï¬zgi at our expeme PAGE SIX You can find a good used car to suit you here. A wide range of models at prices that will please you. We Tell the Trth About Our Used Cars. Machine Shop USED CARS 'indi Lakeside 5280 If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, ynu will assist. us in giving good service. If you only have driver/cal] when phoned for, '11 up as curl'y us cnnveï¬ï¬‚ent m insure prompt attention. Telephone Thomhill Nights, Richmond Hill 80 51-r-1 Prompt Delivery 'FRI" US IVOR SER\"ICE Langstaff Supply Co., Ltd Coke-Coal-Wood CANT Prompt Delivery Don’t try to do the'heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us heip you. This new pEant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of five differ- ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps; etco No marking, no starching, and each wash dorie separately. team and Gas Engines, Tractors, Pumps, Etc. and all kinds of Machinery rebuilt and repaired. Automobile service work a specialty. . D. GQRREE & {19. LHMETED Poultry Feed of all kinds NORTH END BR ANCH We Call In Richmond Hill District WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY STEAM BOILERS RICHMOND HILL General Builder’s Supplies FINEST QUALITY ZANNEL COAL 2065 Yonge Street North Toronto Branch Phone HUdson 9171 - 2 G. H. Duncan. Egg Mash and Scratch Feed 175 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. Courteous Service To remove the top from a ginger ale bottle, place the top under the metal handle on a pantry drawer, catch the top on the edge of the handle and press the bottle down~ ward. The top will eome off easily. To clean a zinc bath tub dip a rag in parafï¬n oil and rub the tub Well. Then remove all traces of the parafï¬n with a clean, dry cloth, and afterward wash the tub thoroughly with hot watexf and soar). It will keep clean and bright for quite a long time if treated this way. When making toast it improves it both in taste and digestibility if the slices of bread are laid in the open oven for a little while before toast- ing them. They will toast better and more evenly if given this advanced treatment. Metal or brass trays should be washed in warm water and a good yellow soap. Rinse in clear water and polish with a chomois leather. A little lemon juice will remove stains. ers 0T The lime-deposit which forms ir the bottom of- the tea-kettle may sometimes be removed by boiling a little vinegar in the kettle for a while To remove a scorched spot from white linen, spread over the spot a paste made of the juice pressed from two onions a quarter ounce of white soap, two ounces of fullers earth and a half pint of vinegar, mix oil till thoroughly blended. This will sav when cooking fr During the year around. salads should be a part of the daily menu. Lettuce is rich in mineral salts and this quality makes it excellent as a fall tonic. The luncheon salad can have its nutritive value raised by a rich salad dressing so that it may be be eaten as the main course. Rich does not mean fattening as is com- monly supposed. The following dressing is rich in food value Without being What is termed a “fattening†dressingtâ€"i Mince I hard-boiled egg to a pulp. Add to it a tablespoon of mashed Ro- quefort cheese. Add enough oil and vinegar to soften this mixture toga creamy paste then add enough chili sauce to form a liquid dressing. A little pepper and salt, a dash of paprika and a pinch of sugar will afford a delicious dressing when thor- oughly mixed together. Serve this dressing ice cold. (Serve Four) One-half teaspoon salt, 4 table- spoons butter, 4 tablespoons flour, 1 cup milk, 4 eggs. Make a thick cream sauce of the butter, flour and milk Cool it slightly. Add the salt and beaten eggs. Stir well. Put 1 table.- spoon butter into omelet pan. Pour in egg mixture and fold in sides as it cooks. When brown on one side fold over and serve with bacon and parsley and paprika garnish. Grapefruit Cerise ,I To cut a grapefruit with fluted‘ed- ges use a small, sharp pointed paring knife and cut around the fruit to the heart with zig-zag cuts, when opened it will be attractively “scalloped.†For grapefruit cerise pour some red syrup over each half. Any fruit syrup or melted jelly will do. Put a maras- chino cherry in each centre. "Bacon, Tomato. Egg Toast Cook bacon until crisp and brown and drain on paper. Put a spoonful of bacon fat on each piece of toast required. Put a poached, scrambled or sliced hard-cooked egg on each piece of toast, cover with tomatoes stewed and seasoned highly with salt and pepper and with the strips of ba- con. (Make 12 Medium Sized.) Two cups flour, 4 tablespoons bak- ing powder, one-half teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons sugar or honey, 1 egg 1 cup milk (scant if honey is used), 3 tablespoons melted shortening, one- half cup chopped nuts. Mix and sift dry ingredients well together. Beat egg, add milk, shortening and honey if used. Stir 2 mixtures together and chopped nuts. Bake in well greased muffin tins in a hot oven (450) about 20 minutes 01‘ till done, which depends ,on the size of mufï¬ns. 11 )1‘ , the .1 clc HOUSEHOLD HINT Keep Shakers Han metal salt and pe] ,he shelf of your kit 11 save time as we To Improve Toast Grea'se In Sinl‘ of newspaper xer before pom Savory Omelet Nut Mufï¬ns Kettle THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. i1] itogether. Take < ed flour etc., ton with fat on hot 1 .add more mixed spersons. Walnpt Pancakes Two cups bread flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon bak- ing powder, 2 cups sour milk, 2 tea- spoons melted butter, one-half to three quarters cups broken walnut meats. Mix and sift the dry ingredients to- gether; add milk to make a batter the consistency of thick cream. Add butter last. Pour from end of spoon on a hot, well oiled griddle. Scatter nuts over each cake at once. Brown and burn as usual. Serve with hot syrup. Polenta This is a favorfbe with those who like cornmeal, and with the exception of the frying may be prepared the day before. the crus 1n hot v Four cornme 2 cups Scald one cup of cornmeal with one cup of boiling water and let stand until it swells, then add three more cups of boiling water and one tea- spoon salt and let cook over the flame for ï¬ve minutes. Place in a double boiler or in a ï¬reless cooker for two hours, as this requires long, slow cooking. Then add one-half cup of grated cheese and cook until cheese melts. It can also be baked in a gregsed baking dish or turn into a greased bowl and let cool and when set, cut in inch slices or with a round biscuit cutter and fry in a hot vegeâ€" table oil. Serve with a white or tom- atoe sauce. Vary The Meat Diet With Eggs. Eggs are always as valuable addi- tion to the diet as they are rich in vitamines and contain protein in an easily assimilated form. At this sea- son of the year, when eggs are cheap and plentiful they should be used as often as possible to replace meat. They are particularly adaptable to luncheon and supper dishes. Eggs in Cases Make the desired number of tart- shaped cases of good rich pastry. Line with bread crumbs and slice into them hard-cooked egg. Add a little cream sauce. Grate cheese over the top, add seasoning and sprinkle bread crumbs over all. Bake in a fairly quick oven. Eggs Nova Scotia. Soak over night half a pound of salt codï¬sh. nI the morning pick it apart, scald, then drain it perfectly dry and put into cream sauce. Toast rounds of bread put on each of them a layer of ï¬sh, on top of this poached egg, and over this the remaining sauce. Ox Eyes From a round loaf of bread cut of? two inch slices. Remove crusts and scoup out a. portion from the centre of eagh, then place them in a deep, wellâ€"buttered baking dish. For three persons, beat together two eggs, add a pinch of salt and three-quarters of a. cut) of milk. Pour over the bread Break an egg into 1he hOIIOWS of each slice and bake in a hot oven. Scrambled Eggs With Green Peppers. Take a green pepper and a small onion, chop together ï¬nely and fry in butter. Take four eggs and two tablespoons of cream. Beat well to- gether and mix them in the pan with the onion and pepper and cook lowly, stirring until done. REAL ESTATE Richmond Hill John Dunlop & Son FLORISTS We solicit orders for cut flowers for all 0c- casions which will be promptly and cheer- fully ï¬lled. Richmond Hill - Ont. BONDS INSURAN J. R. HERRINGTON FINANCIAL AGENT nmea two ‘ether Mot g1 tbgethe cups mill‘ 1'. Take 3 mill EGG RECIPES lK, two-m1: tablespoon 1r, baking: h WHERE; riddle. If too thii} flour. Serves 10 21TH 1d mo] Jgh of AKFASTS INSURANCE W Nd Oi the batter Cak Phone 87 "IE LOANS (alt and z, pour 1i}: Professional Graduate of Owen Smiley Studio. CONCERT ENTERTAINER AND TEACHER ADDRESS FAT AND SKINNY Getting thin or getting fat. How those two bugaboos do hang over our people. Verily no blue law could cause more discomfort. Mary adores chocolates, but she’ll tell you mournfully that she can‘t eat them because she’s getting too fat. Dad doesn’t really mind his big paunch, but so many people say, “you aren’t so slim as you used to be, are you Jim?†that in des- peration he takes to gym, suffers the tortures of using long unused muscles and lives on a slice of toast and Water just to put the silencer on that “getting fat†speech. And how the fat ones do envy the thin ones whom the doctor orders to drink lots of milk, eat beefsteak and all the candy they want. Unfortunately the juvenile hero of the day has more reasons for being naughtly on his birthday than at other times. He is ex- cited and full of energy. He cannot understand why he cannot have his own way since it is his birthday party. And he is quick to ’discov- er that the bars of parental diSCipline have been lowered for the day. Youthful minds do not distinguish between liberty and license. Nor do they realize that there are other rewards for being good than security from punishment. If the parental vows of the morning are broken one usually knows where to place the responsibility. A birthday anniversary without temper or tears is ardently to be desired but seldom realized. For though the honored one may have been a gift from the gods his conduct is most human even on the anniversaries of his presentation. And how the fat ones do envy the thin ones whom the doctor orders to drink lots of milk, eat beefsteak and all the candy they want. But suppose you are a thin one and hate milk? Still you will suffer the nauseating stuï¬â€˜ just so you Won’t have to hear people say, “My goodness, girl, you’re nothing but a wraith.†Somehow or other, one can’t help thinking that old Gibbon, who wrote “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire†is to be envied for his courage. The doctor told him, so the story goes, that he’d die if he kept on getting fatter. He required a specially built chair big enough for two ordinary folk. But he said, he’d be darned if he’d give up eating the Way he wanted to, and so he died, glorying in his fatness. Paperhanger and Decorator. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK DONE. Workmanship Guaranteed. Estimates Free. This Year’s Books On Hand Stop 24 Yonge Street. PHONE 1 ring 5. Miss Marguerite Boyle Elocutionist Thornhill / WV. (3- IlEID The Red Cross appeals to YOU for support Canadian Red Cross Society INCE the War, the Red Cross has disbursed over Seven Million Dollars for the Soldiers, Women, Children and Frontier Families of Canada. About half of this has been spent for disabled soldiers â€"â€"half in the other services of the Society about which you have been told. ' The Treasury is almost empty. The Red Cross brings cheer to our disabled warriors and their families. It stimulates the children of Canada to hmlthy living and good citizenship. It relieves suffering, and brings skilled attention to Canada's frontier districts remote from other aid. Its work is indispensable. It now appeals to YOU, as a patriotic and humane Canadian citizen, to contribute generously to its negd for funds. Boyle Studia Telephone 54 R 2. $1,000,000 Needed Now for Red Cross Work Send Contributions {of Ontario Division. Canadian Red Cross Sociefy, 410 Sherboume Street, Toronto 5, Ontario THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1927 nit‘y Nation-Wide Appeal l‘E 3r] 9W IR SEMI N {I H m t} DIAMONDS RINGS BROOCHES WATCHES, SILVER~ WARE, FANCY CHINA. JE WELLER 2485 Yonge Street Opposite Capital Theater NORTH TORONTO thday part f tune to I IFT SHOP GILROY with 1‘6 punis} agg at 1T iemn vows that r whippings on 11‘ 1t tan customes ttle Bc ion dur FlllC vent