Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Jun 1927, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JUN “W 27. E9,19 m‘ M THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONT. PAGE SEVEN non-manhunâ€" up. Thornhiil Field Day l ' July lat ADDRESS COM MUNIU \TIONS T0 VJILFRED R. DEAN Thornhzli Ontario Telephone 23 r 2 wflfiâ€"E I OPTOM ETRISTS EYESIGIIT SPECIALISTS. J'lim'ough Eye Examinations and Glasses That Fit Perfectly. Special Attention to Children’s byes. Open Evenings. Pnoite Hudson 0461 for Ap THE BIND OPTICAL CO. 2513 Yongc St. North Toronto. (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) ___________/â€" A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THORNHILL. ONT. people is left With the American Red All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Winterton’s Old Stand Yonge St. GEO. KIDD Boot and Shoe Repairer. f FOR INSURANCE INSURANCE is an essential part of THRIFT INSURANCE is absolutely essential to Credit. INSURANCE is refused to those who are not of GOOD CHARACTER INSURANCE is valued by all our leading men whom We are ,proud to recognize as GOOD CITIZENS. A. G. SAVAGE , . ‘ TEL. 118 / RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO figs...â€" Eyes Examined-- BY THE MOST MODERN METHODS. GLASSES IF REQUIRED AT RIGHT PRICES ARTIFICIAL EYES FITTED. F. E. LUKE OPTOMETRIST AN D OPTIC‘IAN 167 Yonge Street, Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) "Elgin 45220 Groceries and l Provrsrons We carry a full line of Quality Groceries and Pro- visions and solicit :51" patronage. W‘o assure you of prompt and comic-n" service at all times. i l ‘..‘i . l l i I i Schembe‘tr Pii (Irocerics. " Kn: -â€"i'- “l. ' i ‘. _. , . .. .w {the Pgrrbtrey Regulator» era. is r csL‘rs All over CaviJJA Write rsr‘z‘R‘Arrs PL‘LILT‘Rl‘GCL‘K EPEE PRA3T noon co. or CANADA‘zmu-m 'I 2'3 Laria\v Ava “Termite S w-rg pointment. is just ‘erywhereâ€"the first to arrive at the TO THE RESCUE An Appeal By lax-"Reeve for ‘ The Campmgn North York Red Cross knows ncithcr L'I‘l‘L‘tl nor of work that is undertaken by Rcd nationality-fits miusion simply is to; Cross societies \vc would like to quotc ‘i'cli’cVO distress :iz‘d bring comfort a stntcmtnt made by Mr. l'loovcr. ‘and courage to tliosc ii: nccd. Its ;~.iiii official Tt‘])l't’>’<"lli{lll\'0 ol' the Govcrn- of mercy ri-aclics for and xv:- find the As a concrete cvamplc of the sort merit of the United States, with rci'â€" lheroic ntii‘scs doing \‘ulipnt work in crence to the M ssippi flood disus- 'tlie frontier sections of our own ; ter;__“'1‘oâ€"niglit,” said Mr. Hoover.,provincc wlicrc mining. lumbering. “there are 191,000 (lczzftutc men, wo- ltrapping and exploration lurc 1:111ch men and children in the concentration numbers of our more mhvemmuum; camps of the American Red Cross and .men and women. To these rmnot: there are 134,000 others whose plight places, wncrc medical attention is ,limited and not always availablc. the , tRed Cross nurses find much to do in alleviating suffering and combating; epidemics of various kinds. as pathetic on the roofs of of houses and the upper floors of such buildings as have not been swept aw- ' ay by the flood waters. All these I "90,000 unfortunate American citiz- 1).: ens are being fed and otherwise . . ,.J_. v There .in outlying (listiicts, as well as for cared for by the. Red Cross. ! _ . V _ is no wav of telling how many more itllfll’ of 'our own locality an appeal is thousands the Red Cross will be called Plow, bemg “3‘19 IOI‘ funds 101' iho on to provide for until the flood has ico‘mlf‘g Wm.”- The Canu‘h‘nfn R9“! and to f,‘;‘,‘,§.Ҥf‘“fi§€if’ beg” °Ver agam the lProvince of Ontario $300,000 for the I . i ‘ .1.” f ,in work. Of this‘ amount the Govern- The ent're flossonstl )1 Elm-lid Odegéliltutg .ment of our provinces has guaranteed for these un or una e the sum of $30,000 and a general apâ€" peal will be made to all the municiâ€" palities for the‘ balance. At a pub- lic meeting of representatives of our local Red Cross Society it was agreed that $2500.00 should be made the ob- jective for North York in this cani- paign. With this end in view, the township is being organized into districts and arrangements made for a general can- vass, giving every family an opporâ€" tunity to contribute. We feel sure that the undertaking will appeal to every man, woman and child of the community, and the Committee look for the hearty co-operation of all. any other organization. Newtonbrook For the support of such noblc work Cross Society because the laws of the country do not allow of any expendiâ€" ture unless voted by Congress which, unfortunately, is not now in sesswn. What a dilemma for these sufi‘erers were there no Red Cross to come to their rescue. This is the history of Red Cross ev- scene of disaster and the last todeave in every case of national calamity'or of the single isolated rfamily in dire needâ€"always ready for immediate action and in many instances handl- ing situations that could not be dealt with by PAINTING, PAPERHANGING Interior Decorating All the newest designs in finest quality wall papers to choose from. K . Estimates Gladly Given. Prices Moderate. L. B. FINCH. ‘ Elizabeth St. â€" Richmond Hill Religious Education Council Convention. The Yonge Street Religious Edu- cation Council will hold its first an- nual Convention in Newtonbrook Church on Tuesday, June 14. The Ladies Aid of the Convention Church will serve supper at 6 pm. for those Wishing to come direct from business. The program will be as followszâ€"7 p.m., Devotional Exercisâ€" es; Music; Address of Welcome, Rev. E. R. Young; Report of Departmental Officers; Secretary's Report; Election of Officers; Installation of Ofiiccrs; Music, solo; 8 pm. Address, Miss Bertha Laine of O. R. A. 0., Toronto; Music by Newtonbrook Choir; Add- ress, Rev. A. R. Armstrong, Church of Redeemer, Toronto, subject, “Christ The Teacher;” Music; Benediction. Red Cross Drive The ladies of the North Richmond liill Sartage MOVING LONG DISTANCE HAULING. Phone Richmond Hill 52. QUICK SERVICE Wm - l-lth :1: , . . . . ‘oi‘ l'illl‘llil}.’jltlll will give an illustmli-d York V ll. .lnvlt pitch-gr li. .Xr'ioid ii. ‘i'oxui: lst lnaso ‘ilillit‘liltlil lt‘. l’ioctor 13nd bus-.- ti. l‘c {ll .31. rIZttlx Sli‘il ii sg H. .i d‘d‘nlrll liuu‘}.cs :s. 14. Johnson ii. .ln .; t. l". (i. Galbraith '0. Smith r.l' Max's (‘. llicks ll Jones. Thornnill 'l‘lic"l‘lioi':ihill Horticultural Socictv mcct' m the school on 'l‘ulsdnf'. .limi- .\ p.1ii.‘ IBM. (Jco. \‘i. 'l‘cldo: “The livâ€" Tlic subjrct will lit‘, Brunt1t'ul."â€"~~l()t) slidcs. wclcomc. ziddrcss. (iai‘dcn cryonc Maple vs. 'I‘hornhill Maple will play Thornliill Ludics ’cvcnmg, June llllh at 7.15 sharp. Thornhill ladies will plzi): at Aurora ‘nc:;t Monday cvcning Juno 121th. (Tonic and cheer the girls along. and don‘t forget “our girls" are standing at the top of the league at, present. Miss Ruth Strangways spent, the \veclecnd with friends in Weston. Miss Lillian Francis motored Southhampton over the \vcck-tnd. Dr. Nelson Simpson returned home last week after spending several months in Fort Francis. 7 Mrs. F. Simpson spent several days last, week with her sister in Buffalo. Miss Lottie Ball returned home last Tuesday after undergoing an opera- tion for appendicitis in the Western Hospital. Heinz Demonstration There will be a demonstration of the Heinz Products at McDonald’s, store, Saturday, June 18th from.10 a.m. to 7 p.1n. Don't fail to see this demonstration it will be worth while. to 3 5 ? PER Pay/m It'contains maltâ€"to aid diges- tion! Limeâ€"to strengthen growing bones! Canada's newâ€" est, tastiest and most nutri‘ tious biscuit. Children love them! Include Oven-kist Biscuits I in Your Order OBTAINARUZ FROM Thornnill â€" Ont. gagâ€" may». i- Wmcrm'r uer r“ .i an»... mum;â€" 7W0" ‘ ‘ l l S. S. FINDLAY House Phoneâ€"Grover 4963 { For interior Construction lVi :\l{ll_ 3our rooms. mat in»? from .ilrults :2'Il Colrl ll; ci'ci‘iiou Cyproc (‘f‘ilinc-1 ziiidp.-rii1ions in your home. (ii'iu'or can be put up in half the time rcquii‘cd for lziili 21nd plastcr*~ saving time and labor costs.» (iyproc Likes anv decoration. Lct us show you :1 full-sized (jvpro-c board ready to apply. - \Vritc for {we booklctâ€""My Home." It will tell you l"“t"(!)‘luo(. Iii-cliouid Gypsum insulating Sin-.iiliiizi: .ind Izmio‘x “ill rcdncc your furl lull from 21)!o-10";. Eireproo ‘ For Sale By RichinOnd Hill, Ont. Richmond Hill, Ont. L. Innis & Sons - Jones Lumber Co. THE YORK MARKET YONGE STREET The Producers of the district and householders of North York and North Toronto will find this a splendid market. Open Every Saturday Morning ATSO’CLOCK AND TUESDAYS 6-9 P.M. AT THE CITY LIMITS 3479 YONGE STREET Market will be Open all Day June 30, as July 1 & 2nd are Public Holidays STONEâ€"for Concrete or Roads ' GRAVELâ€"Screened or Pit Run CEMENTâ€"by the Car Load Materials delivered when required. iJOS. W. M. COUSINS 57 QUEEN STREET, WEST, TORONTO. Office Phoneâ€" ADelaide 5605 _____._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"d, HairdreSsing Marcel and Curl 50C. Trim 25C. etc. Holds deploma for French Waving. ' Appointment not NeceSsary Branch of the Red Cross Society tenâ€" dered a supper to the workers of the lRed Cross Drive in their district on Tuesday evening at Willowdale Unit- couraging addresses were given to inspire the workers to a good start. The publicity committee announced that arrangements had been made with the “Local Band” to leave Newton- brook on Wednesday evening by n10- tor bus and play from Township lim- l ~ 5 its to York Mills advertising the Red MRS. RUSSELL , C3nf-l-g 3L Iii/est 'iil‘.“ (uitirc c:- 372125e of this supper _ , l â€"â€". “-1, : v.1:- lwl‘ll‘u bv inc individual members Adi-10.13 h (C) “ (,j 211;. \V 1* ‘1' ' 'i,’ Rev r. R. Youn'r , ’- a account of the T‘nmto .‘innu... ( .2 1"1' “ i. ' ‘ " « i;ll/ . w . , ti rd);- .. .V t i . i'i' 'i‘ . i t . 1 4'. i t. s i l ed Church at 6.30 pm. Several enâ€" 3 xxztrmw-w .vr “4.1.; ‘7 --‘ 5 AW ‘- 'ggo'._.."_l. '.

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