Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jun 1927, p. 3

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The Liberal is recognized as one or; the Newsiest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to twelve pages, all home prfiit, it carries all the news of the entire district and our circulation is increasing every weekâ€"Subscribe to-day. ‘ TDELMO MELECCI AND MISS ROSALIND BUSH, L.T.C.M. ~ Frederick M. Pollett PIANIST \ Pupil 0f Ernest Scitz Conservatory Examinations Feesâ€"$20 per term (20 lessons.) Studioâ€"Mrs. A. L. ‘l’lfipps, Richmond Streetâ€"Phone 13W. McDONALD’S ORCHESTRA ‘ THORNHILL Popular throughout the district for music suitable for all kinds of dances. Open for engagements. Telephone: Thornhill 62. 48 Woburn Avenue. / NORTH TORONTO Phone Hudson 0970J PIANO TUNER AND PLAYER ENPERT Certificate piano tuning Corservntory JOHN T. ANDERSON , Piano Tuner 35 Years’ Practical Experience 378 Beresford Avenue, West Toronto Lyndhurst 2821 I Telephone Glenn’s Drug Store, Rich- mond Hill. for appointment WRIGHT & TAYLOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Oflices‘ Atâ€" THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Prices Most Moderate Undertaker and Ambulance Service 95Blafk or Grey Casket FUNERAL COMPLETE ' Other Funerals to your requirements. Courtesy and Consideration my Motto. * Telephones: Willowdale 69 and Hudson 367 W Stop 5. Yonge Street. Lansing Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Address: Y9nge_ St., Rjghmond Hill J. T. SAIGEON MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shontest notice and at reasonable rates. Patyonage solicited \Wo are prepared to conduct ales of every ducription. Farms and farm stock ulu l cinlty. Farms bought and sold on commis- | on. All sales attended to on shone“ notice, and conductod by the nut: sum-owed malhode. Express and Long Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire ‘By Hour or Contract Telephone 71753757 DR. J. P. WYLSON Office hours: 9 to 11 a.m. 6 to 8 p.m., and by appointment. Office: Centre and Church Sts.. Richmond Hill Phone 24. MXAPBE Licensed Auctioneers County of York Pure Bred Stock Sales 3 Specialty. Phone 2703 DR. W. SALEM CALDWELL PRENTI’CE & PRENTICE AUCTIONEERS if MACDONALD, B.V. Sc. SILVERSIDES & FARMER Oflice Hoursâ€"8 to 10 21.111. 1 to 2 and 6 to 8 \ Telephone 3 '1 WILSON ’S CARTAGE Speight & Van Nostrand Ontario Land Surveyors J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St., Toronto. Hud.1347W. K. G. Prentice, Millikan. _ Vol. XLIX. City, Suburban and Farm Surveys. Forty Years Continuous Practice 703 Temple Building, Toronto 2. Phoneâ€"Adelaide 0096 A. \STONEHOUSE CARTAGE AND EXPRESS Plowing and Garden Work nd and Gravel, Concrete Work. JOHN R. CAMPBELL For Information Phone 58] MRS. MYLKS EERT HUMPHREY Veterinary Surgeon THORNHILL Professional And Bushess Directory. $1.50 PER YEAR George Guy OAK RIDGES MUSICAL STOUFFVILLE BUSINESS TelEphoné 132 MEDICAL MAPLE 0m RIO Nortli Yonge St. - Richmond Hill DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFFâ€" Ofl‘we hours: 8: 10 mm. and Bye/p.11. DR. LILLIAN '0. LANGSTAFFâ€" Disgaases’ of women and childrdn) 0 co hours: 1: 8 pm. DR. CHARLES S. DUNNING Dentist Oflice: Trench Block, two doprs north of Standard Bank.’ Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 pm. Telephone 32 MAPLE ' ' Office Hours MONDAY only 11 DR. IMACLAREN I Dentist WORK DONE QUICKLY fl Bank of Commerce, Opposite Eatons. (William Cook F. Gordon Cook Thomas Dolnny) ‘ Bun-Intern, So etton, Etc. Toronto Office: 816 Federal Bullflng. 86 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill omce (Liberal om.) our: Thursday torenoon. Maplo, Thursdny um- noon. Woodbridgo, Saturday attornoo‘. Money to loan a: Currem Bate WILLIAM COOK. COOK & DELANY HENRY S. MULLOWNEY, M.A. farmers. Solicleou, Nauru. Telephone Adelaldo 2108 0mm: 85 Richmond St. West. Toronto ‘ Naughton Block. Anton Solicitors for: Aurora, Richmond mu. Kinf, Whitchurch, Mark m and North Gwi limbnry. Walter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone Bill. 50“. J. Harry Naughton. Res. Elgln mun. Res. Phone 127.2» E13111 5301 A. CAMERON MacNAUGHTON BARRISTER 511 McKinnon “Building, Corner Jordan & Melinda Streets Toronto. Phone: Elgin 4,871 Banister, Solicitor, Notary Public Toronto Office: Standard Bank Building, 2468 Yonga St. (Eglinton Ryanol). Phone Hudson 8218 Richmond Hill Office: Over Dull: Dry Goods Storeâ€"Every Saturdly Many to Loan at Current. Boon Phone Richmond Hill 119 .Burristers. Solicitors, Etc. (David Hendegson H. M86111" Barrister, Solicitor, E‘c. â€" Toronto Office â€" Manning Chambers, Corner of Queen and Bayâ€"-â€"oppOSite City Hall. 2.145.; .3 Office hours 9 am. to 5 pm. Evenings by Appointment. Telephone 80 Dr. Willard Arihstrong Oflicé-Egursti'830; 2â€"5; 7.30-9. Thornhill Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Toronto Oflice, 18 Toronto Street. Phone Elgin 1887. ’ichmond Hill Office, Dominion Hotel Every Saturday afternoon Phone Richmond Hill, 52 Denton, Macdonald &'7Denton Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Manning Arcade, King St. West, Toronto, Canada. Telephone Main 0311 Cable Address: “Dedo” Arthur A. Macdonnld. Frank Denis) Lnura Danton. BJL For work anywhere in the district. Poyntz Ave., Lansing. Willow. 140. Office hours: 12-1.15; 6-7.15. Capitol Bldg., Yonge St. de. 1133; Ranq._2121. HENDERSON & MCGUIRE NA‘UGHTON“ .3; JENKINS J. J. CLEMENTS PAINTER AND DECORATOR Estimates Cheerfufly Given Gas Extraction. Standard Bank Building Thornhill James A. Boles) 0mm: 93~95 Sun Lila Building, Adelaide and Victoria Stu: 5’ MAPLEâ€"EVERY TUESDAY Standard Bank Building. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, ETC. 2135 Yonge Street Toronto. HUdson 1898. DRS. LANGSTAFF Dental Surgeon. Maple Every Saturday. HAROLD J. KIRBY DR. L. R. BELL Dr. W. Finlay ~ CAMPBELL 1' only 12â€"830 p.m. Telephoneâ€"Maple 3 T. C. NEWMAN MAPLE HOTEL to loan at current rates. DENTAL Phone Ring 33 DENTIST Phone 100 LEGAL TORONTO LINE ONTARIO mm 5302 Ontario cm was: E‘ple of monthsâ€" and farmers are virtu-l lally up in arms against the “chicken thief.” The authorities are aware of the existing evil and are willing to do all in their power to stop it but to patrol such a large area is a diflicult and expensive proposition. Township officials no matter how diligent or efficient cannot be in all sections of the township at once and several cas- es have been cited where chickens have been stolen in one district when the cpnstables were concentrating their efforts in another. Last week roost raiders visited the farms of Edward Willis and James Oliver at Vandorf and made away with about $200 worth \of fowl. The same week 150 hens Were taken from Wm. Heise and 50 from Mrs. Ambrose Nichols, Victoria Square. The farm of Arthur Roys- ton, Thornhill was Visited last .week and a number of good birds stolen. Farmers, poult men and citizens generally througho 1; York County are alarmeé at the prevalence of chicken thieving and recent stiff sentences handed out to offenders who have been caught seem to have failed to put a stop to this despicable practice. It is estimated that thousands of dol- lors worth of chickens have been stol- en in this county duying the past .cou- York County Farmers In Arms Against Chigken Thief The legislature of New Brunswick has passed a bill permitting the sale of liquor under government control, as in Quebec and Ontario. Only two Canadian provinces Nova Scotia. a Prince Edward Island are now und prohibitory laws. The exemptions of diamond jubilee caebrations from amusement tax is a concession which the provincial trea- sury department was wise to make. It would hardly seem fair to urge municipalities to celebrate the dia- nd Jubilee and then tax them for the privilege of doing so. WOODBRIDGE One of the outstanding residents of this community passed away here on Saturday evening June 4 in the per- son of Mr. George Elliott. He was a son of the late John ElliottTwho movâ€" |ed out from Toronto and settled in Vaughan 101 years ago, was born on th‘ homestead, lot 11, Con. 8, no Feb- .ruary 11th, 1&0, and “gas consequent- A horticultural paper says that one ounce of tomato seed will pro- duce three million tons o! tomatoes. ‘This prompts The Passing Show to remark that\ the average disappointed amateur gardener will claim the fig- ures have been reversed: GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS The Town Council of Uxbridge has ordered a junk dealer in that town to erect a suitable fence to obscure from view a huge pile of junk. The fence is to be erected under supervision of the Council and under the provisions ‘of a certain by-law. Albion Township is making a gredt improvement in the road from the King townline to the corporation lim- its at Bolton. j ly in his 88th year. His Wifeâ€"Eliz- abeth Gowland, who predeceased him three years ago was a daughter of the late George Gowland. He was a man of sterling character, very fond of reading, was well versed in all the general topics of the day, and at one time Was offered the Liberal nomin- ation for West York to oppose the late Hon. N. Clarke Wallace. He was Sat one time a member of Vaughan Township Council and ‘first deputyâ€" reeve and when rivalry between the east and west sides of the townâ€" ship was very keen he was defeated ,by the late Andrew Russell. He was Ialso a member of the Woodbridge Public School Board for many years. About eleven years ago he retired from farming and has lived at his present address ever since. He is survived by one son. Thomas of West- on; and six daughters, Mrs. Alex Marnoch, Vaughan; Mary Elizabeth at home; Jessie, dietitian at Annesley Hall} Toronto; Mrs. (RevJ Harvey Young. Hazelton, B. C.; Mrs. Wm. Gard, Weston; and Mrs. (D12) D. A. Carmichael, Ottawa. He leaves one The young people of Laskay will give a play entitled “Yimmie Yon- son’s Yob” in the Community Hall, Vandorf on Friday evening, June 17th under the auspices of the Vandorf Women’s Institute. This play was given in the Laskay neighborhood and was much appreciated by a crowded house. TEMPERANCEVILLE A garden party under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid of Temperanceville United Church will be held on the lawn of Mrs. W. E. Barker, on June 23rd. There will be a girls softball tournament, open, lst prize $10, 2nd prize $5, tournament to commence at 5 pm. standard time. supper, with 8 pm. and at 8.30 p.m. a miscellan- eous program will be rendered by city and local talent, Aurora band will be in attendance. Tickets 50 cents each. R. W. E. Burnaby, Chairman. gtraggefiiieswfiill be served-fr‘om to RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. THURSDAY. JUNE 16. 1927. CHICKEN STEALING ON A LARGE SCALE IS MENACE TO COMMUNITY. Vanddrf These are only a few examples of the ravages of the chicken thieves who have been Working in this district but it is sufficient to show that the prac- tice has reached the stage where it is a real and threatening menace to the community. The only appanent remedy is ever- lasting vigilance on the part of the authorities with a possible increase in the number police employed for a period until he epidemic subsides. Once, caught the offenders should be shown no leniency as’the safety of the Rublic property is at stake and an ex- ample should be made of every chi- cken thief caught which would make ;the whole business look less attrac- itive to phospective operatpi-s.‘ - n Constables Rowntree and Ireland of Vaughan Township and Constable Walker of King Township were re- warded for an all night vigil last Saturday when they caught two Wood- bridge men with a load of 31 hens. The officers. were watching the roads in the early hours of the morning and when accuseds car approached they blocked the road and held the men up ,at the point of the revolver. When ‘they were brought before Magistrate Brunton and a remand of a week was asked. Frank Moore, appearing for the crown asked $1,500 bail each. brother, John Elliott, Woodbridge, and one sister, Mrs. McKee of Toronto. The funeral took place to Hillcrest Cemetery on Tuesday ’afternoon and was largely attended. Strawberries In Halton Fruit growers in Halton Coim'ty es- timate that strawberries will be plenâ€" tiful in about two Weeks time 211- though in some cases they may be on the market next week. -It is stated that the weather at pre- se'nt is good for this branch of the fruit growing, and although some of the vines in places’were Winter kill- ed, which will make the crop perhaps not so plentiful, it is thought it will ‘be a good season. Ease maxi mevemiemce m Emma Wank The compact build of the Fordson enables it to be operated any- where. , The ovefall length is but 102 inches and the width 61% inches. It can be turned ’in a 21 foot 'circle. The controls are so easy and convenient to manage that a twelve year old boy can operate the tractor. With all tanks full, the Fordson weighs only 2950 This light ,weight results in easier handling ‘on every farm job. Soil packing is minimized, being actually less than oneâ€"fourth as much per square inch as when packed by the hoof of an average size work horse. ‘ ‘ No'other tractor at any price ‘has all the features of the Fotdson. CARS Littfie Brothers, Ask us for the latest folder: " Thifigs You Should Know Before You Buy Your Tractor”, which explains Fordson features in detail. No car owner can afford to be Without dependable insurance pro- tection. Public Liability, Property Damage, Collission, Fire and Theftâ€"the risks are too numerous. You might travel for years with- out suffering loss. And you might sustain such a loss tomorrow. The cost of carrying automobile in surance is very small whencom- pared with the indemnity it affords. FOR RATES AND INFORMATION APPLY TOâ€" YONGE STREET x is looking for his mon- ATS off to the man who ey’s’worth. 'He will finq it at our coal yards. Phone your order and note the promptness of our deliv- ery. l. D. RAMER #4}: 52¢ 722 7;”: M447! Autamobile Insurance Richmond Hill TRUCKS Every Car Owner Needs J. R. HERRENGTON This Protection {I mm’r 4; 4 7/IA7'S (UM/N6 ~ 70 ' MAI/1Q Phone 87 Richmond Hill, Ontario The Liberal plant is eqipped to in all kinds of commercial and general printing and can attend to dl onion promptly and at reasonable prices. théir supply now as the shippers are increasing their prices on June 1 and Septernber 1 and we have the very ’best hard coal thét is mined and all is thoroughly screened ebfore deliv- As anthracite, coal prices are the lowest they have been for years we advise customers and others to‘ order preparation. TRACTORS RICHMOND HILL, ONT. can guarantee service and NOTICE PRINTING No. 51.

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