Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jun 1927, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR The execptive of the Young Peo- ple’s Society met on Monday evening. Plans were made for a picnic on July 16 and hope that the young people will keep this date open. It was de- eided to withdraw the weekly meet- ings until Septembei'. Rev. E. R. Young has been conductâ€" ing a study class on “The Pupil" each Wednesday evening. These have prov- en to be very inferesti'ng‘and helpful. , J 77:1! cu w uc “A; . um-" Several come “fvlrom R'ijcfimond ‘Hill and Thornhill each evening to these classes. IChoir practice will be held at the church at 8 pm. Friday evening. Mr. R. ‘S. Moore had the misfortune to sprain his ankle on Monday morn- ing but hope he will soon be able to be on it again. Hicks Smith while on his way for a ride with the baker Saturday receiv- ed a very sore foot. He stepped off the wagon and the wheel passed over his toe giving it a severe bruise. On Sunday evening next, Rev. E. R. Young will take as his subject “Lead Kindly Light.” There will also be special music given by Messrs. Jes- se and Vernon Pike ‘of Zion. Pollyanna Club Re-Organized. The regular monthly meeting of the Pollyanna club was held last Thursday evening at the home of Miss Janet Riddle. Mrs. Glenn Shaw who has worked so faithfully with this Club has resigned much to the regret of the girls of this club, but the girls have been very fortunate in securing a leader for the club. Misvaottie Stephenson has very you need not plan ahead if you wish to laquer a chair. a table or even an entire floor, for PERMALAK dries in no time, almost as soon as the article is finished it is ready to use again. IT Stop 7 North Yonge St. Ellis A. Galbraith 3“ Permalakw is the latest word in modern laquers and comes from the same famous family as B-H “English” Paint. Thus is its quality assured. ._.,. '1 evmlet In the tum-au- homoâ€"lm 6eâ€" peadn {my in I]! weaken And under All con- ditionsâ€"ii: quick moan, use in handling. and its krtsiatihle benuty appealing to the finer‘mtes. The many impmvunems first in- mduced in lawiaficed cars by Chevrolet and the striking beauty of design and color make it u cu worthy of service to those who also own the ccsdiesl of as. More Ind more the own- cu of big cus are now turning :0 Chevrolet for a second car. Brushing Laquers The Man Beautiful Chmdct in Chm-role: Ladies' Wear Open Every Night Until 10 o’Clock p. m. EXCEPT WEDNESDAY cum “in Glass, Oil, Paints Builders’ Hardware J ubli‘ee Parade Sale Do not tail to come and see our Annual Business Men's Parade. Special prices all this week. 2519 YONGE STREET NORTH OF \KEEWATIN AVENUE (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) kindly consented to be leader of the Pollyanna Club or will be better known as “Aunt Polly.” The elec-‘ tion of officers took place and the fol- lowing officers Were elected. Pres- ident, Miss Rose Wiltshire; Vice-presâ€" ident, Miss M. Jackson; Secretary, Miss Irene Smith; Treasurer, Miss Geraldine Foreman; Sports commit- tee, Miss Doris Soden, Doris Goulding M. Jackson, E. B. Tate. Flower Commitee, Misses, Ida Thomas and Janet Riddle. A social hour was then spent. First Annual Convention of the Yonge Street Religious Education Council. A most sucessful convention took place in Newtonbrook United Church on Tuesday evening last. After a sumptuous supper given by the Ladâ€" ies Aid the convention program was begun. . GRAVELEY ~ch, The devotional period ,was taken by Rev. Peer of Willowdale Baptist Church. The address of Welcome was given by Rev. E. R. Young. Reports of the departmental superintendent were given. Home Department, Mr. Geo. Gee; Temperance Department, Mr. M. Grisdale; Missionary Depart- ment, Mrs. E. R. Young; Young Peoâ€" ‘ple’s Department, Mrs. W. Luesby; Children’s Department, Mrs. A. W. Galbraith; Secretary-treasurer, Mr. Douglas Cooper. These reports were not of all the schools as some had failed to report/ to the various super- intendents but splendid work is being done in some of the schools. An an- them was sung by New nbrook choir. Miss Bertha Laine of I ntario Relig- ious Education Council, Toronto gave a very fine address. She outlined the :ar - Child rensWear Mens Furnishings. DRY GO()DS Phone 28 Willowdale dqflingr Road-(er - - - 5655 Sport Rm 5730 Couch - - - ~ - S760 Cabriolet - - - 5390 imperialedndSednn - - - - . . $975 RogdugDeljvegSér'w Can'rdchusia S490 iV-‘fé'r'i'md: Guns' ' ‘- - - - - - - - $645 Prim u Ruhr), Cajunâ€"Gowns“: Tax: coupe: ... LandauSoda THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, GNT. work for each department superintenâ€" be gotten and how work might be imâ€" proved. The school standards were shown to give the delegates a better idea of how each school might reach a higher percentage for work done. This was most helpful information to the workers in this society. The officers of this organization were re-elected. It was thought best to not make any change as this unit is not yet organiz- ed a year. The following officers were re-elected:â€"President, Mr. A. W. Galbraith; vice-president, Mr. George Gee; Secretary-treasurer, Mr. \Douglas- Cooper. The superintenâ€" dents were all again re-elected with the exception of superintendent for “Teen Age Boys" Rev. Wall of Rich- mond Hill was appointed to this of- fice as Rev. J. W. McIntosh is leav- ing Richmond Hill this week to take up work in United States. ‘ A solo was sung by Miss Edna 'Wiltshire of Thornhill which‘ was ‘very much enjoyed. Rev. R. A. Armstrong church of Redeemer, Tor- ontorgave almost“ instructive ‘address riâ€"_1â€"....._M uuvv v..- w "w, on, “abrist TheVTeacher," explaining Christ’s success as a teacher and how we may be like him. PLANS OTTAWA TO LONDON FLIGHT Captain E. J“. Janney, Canadian aviator, Who hopes to carry a mes~ sage from the people of Canada to King George by a non-stop flight from Ottawa to London as part of the Diamond Jubilee of Confedera- CF-SIIS “Hon celebration. 5655 S780 5865 S930 5975 ’Govemmant, Municipal and Corporation Bonds 0 Bought, Sold 9 J. J. Deane All business attich Prints Phone: 78 Weadbridgc confidential Morley S. Hamilton Thornhill . Toronto Presbyterial W.M.S. Annual Meeting “Steady Progress” was the note sounded in all reports given at the 12th annual Meeting of the Toronto Presbyterial W. M. S. Section IV. which was held at Au_rora on Friday, June 10th, 1927. Mrs. (Rev.) M. C. Campbell presid-| ed at the morning session. Dr. Gar-I ues S. Eldridge of St. Andrew’s Pres-l byterian Church Aurora spoke a few words of welcome and Mrs. J. A. ‘Hilts, president of Toronto Presby- terial gave a most interesting ac- count in her address of the General council meetings held recently at Windsor. Mrs. J. Williams, Toronto Presbyterial secretary took “Current Events” as her topic and very inter- esting and inspiring was the progress shown in.a11 departments. Interest and enthusiasm never laqking, the Clarion.Call is 7“What the Presbyterian W. M. S. has done in the past,'so can we do in the futqtjg.”_ u. ...- _.._.._ Mission Band Work was very ably dealt with by Mrs. W. R. Adamson, as was also “Our New Exchange De- partment,”_b’y‘ Miss M. Bain. Miss C. I Yrilx ___-_ ~Alhln4- iiifié'ivs'évbf ~Iiicâ€"hrnond Hill was soloist at the morning session. At the afternoon session Mrs. W. Snedden, District vice-president, pre- sided. Miss Ferguson, superintendent of Toronto Presbyterian Deaconess school gave the address. The work of the “Deaconess” was explained in every detail and particularly did she impreSs 131302 the gathering the duty ..-- ,___A-... A-“ :“LA “Hr- v..- as a W. to “Elle nechmers into Canada of all nationalities. Reports were given by the secre- taries of the following auxiliaries, Y. W. Auxiliaries and MiSSion Bands. Aurora, Besa, Eversley, Newmarket, Richmond Hill, Sutton, Strange, Thornhill, Lansing and Wilnlowdale; These reports‘were most' interest- ing full of inspiration and with a steady determination sounding throu- gh them of “We can and will Suc- ceed.” Miss Alize Hodgins of Lloyd- town last years delegate to the sum- mer school gave a full and interest- ing account of the week spentAthere. Miss Dorothy Watson of Aurora \was soloist in the afternoon. Auxiliaries was present, and a very pleasant and instructive meeting was brought to a close, by a hearty note of thanks being tendered to the ladies of Aurora Presbyterian Church for their most kind hospitality. inning at the baseball game on Wed- nesday night Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blanchard were called to the centre of the diamond and present d with a handsome clock on behalf of the Rich- mond Hi1 Hockey. Club and associat- es. The following‘ address was head by Mr. L. B. Teetzel and the presen- tation made by Mr. Cecil Harding. Richmond Hill, June 15, 1927. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blanchard. Richmond Hill, Ontario. « We the officers, members and as- sociates of the Richmond Hill Hock- ey Club are desirous of acknowledging the great contributions you have made to the sporting life of Rich- mond Hill. To you Mr. Blanchard is due’to a large extent the credit ‘for the successes which has attended the efforts of the local Hockey and Baseball Clubs during the past few years, yet we feel that credit is also due to Mrs. Blanchard who was ever your consistent supporter in all your sporting undertakings and for these reasons as well as to manifest the ‘g'l'eat esteem in which you are held in this community, we ask you to acâ€" ,cept this clock as a small token of our ;regard. May we also extend our hearty con- gratulations coupled with our very best wishes that in your new life you shall exeprience the best of real {hap- piness“ arid success. Sunday School Anniversary The annual picnic of the Headford Sunday school will be held on Satur- day, June 25th on the grounds of Gordon Chellew. There will be a splendid program of sports. Come and have a good time. w"6le7811ansz 26th special services will be held at 11 am. and 7 p.m., Rev. Wesley Dean will preach at both services. The Sunday school and preaching service next Sunday will be specially interesting as Rev. A. P. Quentin of West China will address both of these He will be robed in the gowns of the oriental priestsâ€"Mohammedan, Bud- hist, and show curios from the mis- sion field. 'resentation To At the commencement of the fggrtfi HEADFORD 7/5 Popular Couple FOR SALEâ€"1921 Chevrolet Touring. new Duco job and in good cofidition Apply Box 21. Liberal Office. WANTEDâ€"Young- man or woman for special work. Must be able to meet public. Apply by letter, B05: 13, Liberal Oflice. FOR SALE or RENTâ€"7 roomed brick house in Richmond Hill, all conveniences. Apply J. R. Herring- ton, Richmond Hill. WANTEDâ€"Young men and women ‘ betWeen ages of 16 and 22 for spec- ial work in York County. Duties commencing at once.. .Apply by let- ter only to Box M. Richmond Hill, TO LETâ€"Pasture, 140 acres, two run- ning streams and two shades ideal for horses or cattle. Also a house and twelve acres, orchard and run- ning stream. apply to John R. Bal- es, Fahey Estate, Elgin Mills. NOTICEâ€"Pasture for cattle will take in a limited number for the season, running streams through the fields. D. Kerswill, Elgin Mills. FOR SALEâ€"Holstein Bull, Klondyke Teake, Pontiac, one year old last December, straightlpriced, from ac- credited herd. Apfily J. J. Fox, R. R. No. 1, Eglinton. . FOR SALFrâ€"Fordson Tractor, New, plowed 20 acres; Also No. 9 Oliver Plow, belt, Pulley and steel saw frame and saw. Bargain for quick sale. Apply AL. A. Montgomery, FOR RENTâ€"Six roomed house on Richmond Street, just ofl’ Yonge, Richmond Hill. Electric light, hard and soft water. Immediate poss- ession. Apply George Smith, Box 189, Richmond Hill. FOR SALE’â€" Cabbage plants, Apply H. Davis, Mill St., Phone 108-W. FOR SALEâ€"A one ton Ford truck in good running condition or will ex- ch'ange for car. Apply G. Rowbot- tom, Bay View Avenue, Thornhill. Impressive Farewell By REV. J. W. McIntosh Last Sunday evening in the United Church of Richmond Hill a very large congregation assembled to hear Rev. Mm .McIntosh for the last time, be- fore his removal to a new field of endeavor. Rev. McIntosh took as his text, Philappians I and 27. .Only let your conversation ube as it becometh tha‘ gospel of Christ, that whether I come and see you or e_l_se_ be gbsent, inxfiavtywfiéa of' your affairs, that ye stand fast qne spirit_wit}1_ope n-nigd, striving together for the faith of the Gospel.” The retiring minister point-‘ ed out that “conversation” in this con text would be better replaced by the word “conduct” and so would read, “Only let your conduct be .as,‘_‘it be- cometh the Gospel of Christ,” and from these words he made a strong appeal for Christ-like living. He ex- plained that this involved a continual fight against the forces of evil, as indicated by the latter part of his text “striving together for the faith of the Gospel.” His farewell mesage based upon this text will long remain in the minds and hearts of those who heard it and will be a. source of encouragement and inspiration in the days to come. Special music and the singing of three favorite hymns of the retiring pgstor completed a memorable ser- v1ce. ' York and Peel W.C.T.U. Elected ‘ Officers. At the annual convention of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union of York and Peel Counties held in the United Church, Aurora, last week the following officeriwege elected:â€" .--.1 Hon Pres., Mrs. H. ’H. McMahon, Toronto; Mrs. E. Western, Newmarket Pres., Mrs. T. R. White, Aurora; Vice pres. for York, Mrs. A. E. Plewman Richmond Hill; Vice Pres. for Peel, Mrs. W. Lorne Davidsony Meadow- vale; Cor. Sec., Mrs. J. C. Irvine, Wes- ton; Rec. sec., Mrs. O. L. Wright, Richmond Hill; L.T.L. Sec., Mrs. A. Ontarid. L Phipps, Richmond Hill; Y Sec., Mrs. J. A. L. MacPherson, Islington. Sup- erintendentsâ€"Evangelistic, Mrs. Con- nell, Keswick; Citizenship, Mrs. Char- les, Aurora; Flowers, Mrs. Marshall, Newmarket; Press, Mrs. R. A. Starr, Newmarket. Scientific Temperance, and Anti-Narcotic, Mrs'. W. J. Thomp- son, Newmarket; r Mo_ther’s_‘ Meeting hviéiimon-d. Hill, Phone 128 f 12. av“, $‘valllmnxnvvy .--....-- .-- . "no and moral Education, Mrs. Meikleham Aurora; Parlor Meetings, Mrs. C. A. Simpson, Brampton; Railroad, Mrs. R. Watson, Brampton; Travellers’ Aid and soap wrappers, Mrs. Coates, Port Credit; Temperance in 5.8., Mrs. Fingland, Mimico; Law Enforcement Mrs. Minues, Mount Dennis, Treas. Mrs. M. G. Corner, Sutton West. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING£~MAKE THE MOST OF IT'f RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents'for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. On Wednesday, June lst a quiet wedding took place at .the King City Unit Church Parsonage when Ina May, daughter of Mr. Berwick Weld- rick of Teston was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Joseph Golden of Goderich Ont, only son‘ of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Golden of King City. The bride was prettin dressed in a ‘gown of White georgette and carried ;a bouquet of pink roses. After a {two weeks trip the happy young cou- IpIe will make their home at Goderich We extend to them heartiest congratu- lations. _ .u. - Classifieci Advertising GOLDENâ€"WELDRICK Wedding When in Toronto come in and ask Geo. McDonald torshAow_you om: spec: THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 192 Bi'ass trimined farm bridles, winkers and flat check reins hand made from best No. 1 Harnes Leather, $11.00 per pair. H. VVoolnough Cor. Queen and Ontario Streets \ Toronto. IN THE MATTER OF the estate of William Innes, late of the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, Lumber Merchant, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased, who died on the 16th ‘day of April 1927, at Richmond Hill are required on or before the 30th Lday of June 1927, to send by post pre- paid to the undersigned, their chris~ tian names and surnames, 'addresses and description, the full particulars in writing of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of Ithe security, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said 30th day of June 1927, the undersigned executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the ‘claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said executor will not be liable for the said assets {1' any part thereof to any person or persons, of whose claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution.' DATED, June.8, 1917. John Henry Innes, Executor. ClO. J. J. MacLennan, 15 King St., 'W., Toronto. , Solicitor For Executor. Notice to Creditors For real service, buy here inmtown GOODYEAR This test exaggerates and reveals any possible pores. The slightest leakage means rejection. ,That's why Goodâ€" year Tubes deliver such unj- versal satisfaction. Goodyears don‘t cost any more than ordinary Tubes» We‘ve got your size. Get our prices. Harold Reid’s Garage ELGIN MILLS. Telephone 116 r 3. 11‘1R1VESS 3 DIAMONDS RINGS BROOCHES WATCHES, SILVER- WARE, FANCY CHINA. EVERY Goodyear Tube gets an under water stretch before it leaves the factory. ' The Tube is inflated, played Tubes. ' Leak-Proof i}1“_a_iénk of watei': then stretched mechanicqu _ to a pointifiar in excess of 'what it will get in the severest of NORTH TORONTO JE WELLER 2485 Yonge Street ppcsite Capital Theater FARM BRIDLES Making IFT SHOP GILROY

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