Rev. B. R. Strnnzways, MINISTER 11 A. M.â€"-A Message from John’s Gospel. i 2.30â€"Sunday School. 7.30â€"The History And Doom Of Herod. The Minister and Elders invite all members and friends to one or both of the services. Let us keep the Sabbath. Holiness Meeting Sunday School . . . . . Salvation meeting .. Meetings Held In SALVATION ARMY Men’s Straw Hats. in the popuâ€" lar Boater atâ€"$2.50 to $3.50. Men’s Leghorn Hat, very popu- lar and comfortable atâ€"$4.50. Running Shoes for Men, Women and Children. I Summer underwear for men. See Our Men’s Oxfords atâ€" $4.50 to $6.00 THURSD‘AYLENE 16, 1927 _"RIԤHMOND HILL CORPS District Sergeant Mdjor Butler Sunday Services The Richmond Hill Furnishing Store REMEMBER WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN. â€"‘ L. INNES & SONS NORMAN J. GLASS Phone 133 Richmond Street SUMMER SUIT’S RICHMOND TAILORS 2587 YONGE STREET â€" NORTH TORONTO. Sunday Services UNITED CHURCH THORNHILL gs Held In Lorne Hall. Everyone Invited See Our Large Range of Samples and be Convinced that You can Secure Quality Goods Exclusively Tailored At a Remarkable Saving. EXCLUSIVE GOODS, CORRECTLY TAILORED BY CANADA'S MOST EXCLUSIVE TAILORS FOR MEN ' AND YOUNG MEN. Telephone 5j or Residence 49w . . . . . . 11 am. .....t.3 p.m. 09'] . GREENE We are in receipt of a copy of the Confederation Nundber of the war Cry. It is a very creditable number and is a. publication which every hou- sehold should be glad of an opportun- ity to purchase. It contains a write ,up on every province and is attract- ‘ively illustrated with pictures of all the Governor Generals and Prime Ministers since Confederation as well as many other historical pictures. It will be a ï¬tting souvenir of the Ju- bilee year and is a credit to the Sal- vation Army who are responsible for compiling it. It may be procured locally from the Army Oï¬icers. Change of Schedule Minister Mrs. Chapman, Organist. Mr. Chapman sings a solo at each iservice and those who hear him re- gard it a great privilege as well as ‘as rare treat. ‘ Walr Cry Confederation Number THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH GAIN we want to remark that our lumber is well seasoned. It is taken care of by mill men who are experts in their line. It is an article that you will ï¬nd thorough- 1y dependable and trustworthy and priced as the wholesale market con- ditions allow. School Meets At 1.30 p.m. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN I CHURCH. Sund'ay Services At 2.30 p.m. A Hearty Invitation To All. REV. M. C. CAMPBELL, M. A. Copies of the Summer Schedule for the Metro- politan Division Radial Cars may be obtained from Conductors and 5t- ation Agents Tordnto Transportation Commission Radial Department. REV. M. C. CAMPBELL M. A. Minister. Miss Aileen Atkinson Organist and Choir Conductor. Sunday Service 11 am. Thursday Evening, 8 pm. Heartiest Welcome Come and Bring Your Friends. S. S. and Bible Class, 10 a.m. Effective June 17th Richmond Hill I An afternoon tea in honor of Mrs. (Rev.) McIntosh was given by the llady members of the High School staff in the teachers room on Wednesday of last week. The members of the public school staï¬ were-guests. {Miss Mabel Boynton and Miss Lau- rine McCag'ue of Victoria .ngare spent the week-end visiting friends in Lawrence Park, Toronto. nun-u... Mr. Eric Blaney a recent graduate from Guelph is spending a few days in Barrie at the home of his sister, Mrs. Goulding. Mrs. Joseph Brown, Schomberg, Ontario, announces the engagement of her daughter, Myrtle Olive to Mr. Delmur C. Monkman, son of Mrs. Monkman, Lloydtown, Ont. Marriage will take place quietly latter part of June. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. E. Grainger and fam- ily enjoyed a motor trip to Severn on Sunday. Miss Mary A. Robinson who has been taking a post graduate counse in Public Health nursing at the Uni- versity of Toronfo has successfully passed her examinations. Mrs. J. Wilson Harman of Regina spent the week-end with Mrs. Fred- erick Mason “Aspley†Richmond Hill, on her way to join Judge Harman at their summer home in Muskoka. Mr .and Mrs. R. Agar, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilson and son Carl of Toronto arrived home from an auto tour of the northwestern States, calling on friends in Pittsburg and vicinity. At one point in their trip they were at an alâ€" titude of 24,000 feet on Mount Jewett and coasted for 8 miles down again. They visited the oil ï¬ields and coal ï¬elds in. Pennsylvania on arriving home they had covered over 1,000 miles. Among those from this district who attended the annual meeting of section four of the Toronto Presby- terial W. M. S. in Aurora on Friday last werezâ€"Mrs. W. Snedden,‘ Dis- trict vice-president; Mrs. Beresford, Mrs. C. N. Cooper, Mi‘ss‘Heise. Mrs. Buchannan, Mrs. Ireland and Mrs. K. Blanchard, Richmond Hill; Mr . Geo- rge Cooper. Mrs. (Rev.) M. C. amp- bell, Mrs. Hall and Miss Gray from the Thornhill, Willowdale and Lans- ing Churchcs. “0.0-0.0. Word has been received that Rev. A. H. Rowe and family are-remov- ing after July ls’c from Strathmore, Alberta, where they have been for ï¬ve years to Granum Alberta, which‘ church issued a c 11 to Mr. Rowe some time ago. 1‘ .and Mrs. Rowe are rejoicing in the birth of a second son at the “Cottage Hospital†Strathâ€" more on Saturday. June 4th. Mrs. Rowe was formerly Miss Nora M. McMahon elder daughter of the late T. F. McMahon. Mrs. John Woods returned last week from attending the last illness and funeral of her brother the late William A. Barnes of Detroit. “Reeve†Lunau attended the sessions of County Council in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Burns and Mr. James Moore motored from Acton and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Moffat. Monster Parade The busines men’s parade in North Toronto starts from Eglinton Ave. and Mount Pleasant Road at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 22, via Merton†St. to Yonge to City Limits. The streets will be decorated in conjunction with the Central Jubilee Committee and will be well worth coming to see. SOCIAL and PERSONAL Painting Up J. J. Clement of Thm'nhill who is well known throughout this district as a painter and decorator is engag- ed this week painting the residence of Mrs. Harrison, Richmond Street. This is Jubilee year and a more gen- eral desire on the part of citizens generally to paint up and clean up would be commendable. Job Printing The Liberal Job Printing Depart- ment is equipped to do ï¬rst class work at a reasonable cost to the customer. Our work speaks for itself and a trial order will convince you that‘our qual- ity service and price is right. Tele- phone 9 and our representative will be glad to call on you and assist you in compiling the copy. For Quality printingâ€"The Liberal, Richmond Hill Telephone 9. \Won Prize At Newmzu'ket Four local rinks attended the annu- al spring tournament of the Newmar- ket Bowling Club on Wednesday af- ternoon and the rink skipped by A. E. Glass was successful in getting a plus of 23 out of a possible 30 and thus were tied for ï¬rst place. Instead of playing off the aggregate plus was counted and the Nevimarket rink aw- arded the ï¬rst prize. The local rink were yesented with the second prize four yellow slickers. The rinks were A. G., Savage, George Gee, George Glenn, A. glass Skip;_ M. Beynon "Lean-r skip P. C. Hill, W.’Wellman, J. H. Naught- on, skip; F. J. Mansbridgu, E. T. Ste- phens, G. Moodie, G. Willis, skip; Rev .Wall, Dr. Bell, N. J. Glass, Jas. Mc- IN MEMORIA’M CURTISâ€"In loving memory of my dear husband and father, - Leonard William Curtis who was killed by ac- cident near Thornhill, June 11th, 1923. We always think of you deanDaddy, And think of how on died, To think you could t say good-bye Before you closed your eyes. r So we shed a tear that is siléntâ€" And breathe a sigh of regret, For you were ours, we remember. If all the world forgets. Sadly missed, Wife, June, Billy and Margery “Domestic Science†should include the science of keeping still at least nine of the ten times you wish to say something. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, iOCAL NEWSY ITEMS F. of which the deceased was a high- ,ce 1y respected member. The sermons et were largely attended and the pro- ; fusion of floral offerings bore festi- _“ns mony of the esteem of a host of '11 friends". Left to mourn his death are two sons Williams of Bridgeburg Ontario; and Charles in’ Detroit. twtw sisters. Sarah Ferguson of Detroit rt_ and Mrs. John Woods, Richmond Hill, srk andt one brother Jat’nes Barnes, De- “ r01 . - The regular mixed bowling tourna- ment will be held at the local green on Monday evening at 7.30 and it is hoped that there will be a good turn out of members. Acknowledge Donations ‘ The Board of Directors and Matron of the L. T. B. and Orange Home are very grateful to kind friends who have been leaving donations} of rhubarb at the home and will Welcome further donations, Mt. Eden will be pleased to deliver same if left at his store, also they desire to thank Mrs. Dunlop for her valuable donation of eggs. Regular Monday Night Tournameut Jubilee celebration in Richmond Hill and as the time draws near the people. are more and more appreciating the signiï¬cance of the event and the day promises to be one long to be remem- bered in this community.~ Several of the surrounding communities have signiï¬ed their intention of joining in the celebration here and the success of the day seems assured. The pro- gram of sports will commence att2.30 daylight saving time and will be fea- tured by softball games and athletic events and races for the children of the district with suitable prizes. \In the evening at 7.30 a colorful pageant “The Crowning of Canada†will be presented by the Richmond Hill pub- l he school pupils under the direction of Miss F. M..Brown. Other num- bers will be given by outside schools and there wil be choruses by all the children and community singing. It is expected that an address will be given by the popular parliamentary veteran, Mr. W. F. McLean, ex-M.P. No admission fee 'will be charged and lemonade will be provided free. for the adults and an ice cream cone will be given free to every child in atten- dance. It is expected that many will come'in the afternoon and picnic on the grounds for which provision has .been made. Plans are well under way for the‘ BEYNONâ€"PHILLIPS Lakeview Farm, Temperancevill'e, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Tuesday evening at 7 o’clock when Elsie Margaret only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips became the ‘bride of Elmer Clayton, “Kelly†Beyâ€" non of Maple. The Rev. T. R. White of Aurora ofï¬ciated. The bride who was given away by her father, looked charming in ivory georgette with wed- ‘ ding veil caught with orange blossoms and carried Ophelia roses and lily-of- tlleâ€"valley and wore the gift of the groom a white gold‘wrist watch. The; bride was attended by her cousin Miss Ida Rankin of' Mount Dennis who wore nile green georgette with legâ€" horn hat to match "and carried Mad- am Butterfly roses' The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Dennis Beynon. During the signing of the rigister Miss Ruth Oram of Temper- a ceville sang “Because.†After a dainty buffet luncheon the happy couâ€" ple left for Midland and Honey Har- bor, the bride wearing a rose dress with hat to match and black satin coat. On their return they will reside on Broadview Farm, Maple. Late Wm.’ Barnes William A. Barnes who Was born in Etobicoke Township, York County died in Harper’s Hospital, Detroit on Thursday, June 1, after an illness of about two years. He left this dis- trict and settled in Detroit about _for- ty two years ago where his death is mourned by a large circle of friends. The funeral was held from the chapel of Alfred W. Eppens on Saturday, June 4 a nd was under the direction of Columbus Lodge, No. 215, I. 0: O. The opening game of the Richmond Hill Ladies’ Bowling Club will be held next Wednesday afternoon, June 11 at 2.30 sharp, All the memebrs are cordially inï¬ted. Jubilee Celebration WEDDING Ladies Bowling Club OBITUARY NOVA SCOTIA FATHERS OF CONFEDERATION Shoppe The Store Where you get more for your money, combined with Quality and Service Very Special Law Prices This Week See Our Dres‘s Goods and Individual Dress lengthsâ€"N0 Two Alikeâ€" at $2.95 5 only Fuji Silk Dresses. in white, green, peach and rose. These are genuine Fuji, not Rayon Specially price, at Summer Underwearâ€"Vests and Bloomers for Women and Children. at Reddced Price Children’s Play Suits for Boys and Girls at Reduced Prices Phone 53 ‘ Richmond Hill DEng LEADER Stores Specialsz-Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 16, 17,18 Richmond Hill only Satin, Canton and Crepe de-chene Dresses Regularly priCed up to $25 00â€"â€" Special this week $16 to $ 1 9 All Milliuery in Stock at About Half Price Clearing Price, fromâ€"$1.95 to $4.95,, HOUSE DRESSES from 98c to $1.98 Mr’s., Norman Batty Take advantage of these bargains andsave some money. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables» PHONE 8 . STEIN Trench BlOcn â€" Ontario PAGE FIVE Ontario