Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jul 1927, p. 2

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One more week of July, then August "nd the Exhibition and time to think i f your winter’s coal. Why regard the $2.00 bill with dis- trust? It’s just as good as a dollar i)ill used to be. Acton Council will try the experi. ment of keeping down the dust by a- pplying calcium chloride. On certain sandy streets in Oakville, the same thing will be tried out. Worse and Worse A young lawyer had just hung out His shingle. It read, “A Swindler.” A friend advised him to have the sign repainted, using his first name instead of his initial. While the fellow with a poker face may get along, there are times when most of gs think it needs poking. Most of the things you think are necessary wouldn't be missed at all if you didn’t think they were necessary. When the sign reappeared it read, “Adam Swindler.” GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS. Americanism: Trying to pass the --ar ahead: Taking three hours for Bunch after you arrive. No Hurry for Him A Scottish minister walked through ‘I. street in the village one misty even- ng, when he fell into a deep hole. l‘here was no ladder by which he could nake his escape and he began to shout for help. A passing laborer heard his cries, ind, looking down, asked who he was. the minister told him, whereupon the aborer remarked. ‘ Weel, weel, ye needna kick up sic 1. noise. You’ll no be needed afore lawbath, an’ this is only Wednesday 1icht.” .Didn’t Need Him A maiden lady of uncertain age, when asked why she had never mar- ried, replied: Have you secured your driver’s lic- lnse yet. Stouffville is to have an increased ax rate this year, but it will be so light over that of last year, that he average taxpayers' will scarcely iotice the V advance. The Council vrestled with the matter at the regu- ar July meeting last Friday evening, 'nd struck the rate at. 31 mills an ad- :ance of one mill over 1926. “I have a dog that growls, a parrot hat swears, and a cat that stays out night’s, so that I really don’t need a lusband." PAGE TWO The total sum of money lost each 'ear in worthless stocks and securities 3 really appalling, and yet men and vomen otherwise sane and intelligent} 'all for this eternal effort to get some- hing for nothing. From trying to -ing a. cane at the Fair to the buying If fake oil stocks, the merry throng )ush madly on. They have not learn- ‘d that one. thousand made in some :et-rich-quick scheme will be spent in tome fool way or lost again as sure as 'ate. The real value of money to a man is based on the way he earns it. speculation sometimes wins like 3 bob- ailed flush, but it more often loses. When a speculator does win, it is the host dangerous thing he can possibly :ioâ€"it eggs him on. At some famous auction rooms was :old the other day a copy of a seven :eenth-century A t (time of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector) “for the Better Avoiding and Preventing An- noyances in the City of London." This Act provides that “No man shall after .he hour of nine at night cause any :udden outcry to be made in the still of the night, as making any affray ,or beating his wife, or servant, or singing Inder penalty of 3s. 4d.” Presumably here was no objection to wife-beat- ng‘ before the hour of 9 p. 111., and it 7id not matter how much one inconâ€" 'enienced one’s wife, as long as one iid not disturb the neighbors. Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Subscription $1.50 per yearâ€"To the United States $2.00. Covering Canada’s Best Suburban Distric‘. Advertising Rates on Application. Law Against Wife-Beating THE LIBERAL TELEPHONE 9. .Gems Picked From College Quizzes. These are scholastic gems, gleaned from the last mid-year tests at Welles- ley College: “Although Shakespeare wrote a great many sonnets, a few of them are beautiful." “In King David’s time they strung people up by the lamp-post." The Writer thinks the Poet sings, The Craftsman follows wondrous things, The Doctor heals, the Lawyer pleads, The Miner follows the precious leads, But this or that, whate’er befall. The Farmer, Must feed them all. The Farmer’s trade is one of worth, His pasture with the sky and earth, His pasture with‘ the sun and rain, And no man loses for his gain. And men may rise and men may fall, {But the Farmer he must feed them all. “Wordsworth’s poetry is too full of thought to be natural. His descriptions of sunsets are natural, but rural." “Milton believed that every one was horn under a siren." “The presnt educational system in- hibits the attainment of the full flares. cence of our poténtialities." The THE FARMER The King may rule o’er land and sea, The Lord may live right royally, The Soldier ridge in pomp and‘pride, The Sailor roam o’er the ocean wide; But this or that, whate’er‘befall, “A deacon is the lowest form of a Christian.” ' “Pompeii was an ancient city des- troyed by an eruption of saliva from the Vatican,” God bless the man who sows the wheat Who finds us milk and fruit, and meat. May his purse” be heavy, his heart be light, « ~ . His cattle, his corn, his all go right; God bless the seed his hands let; fall, For the Farmer, he must feed us all. grace. _ , There’s a hog o’ the farm, and a hog o’ the train, A hog everywhereâ€"I’ll be blowed! But the littlest, dirtiest, meanest of all Is the two legged hog o’ tlie road! We writer-chaps, have magic type writers. I have dropped you in a hurtling motor car, along side of a fool driver. Save yourself if you can. “Cattle are bought and sold at the Stock Exchange.” The streaming glare of the lamps beforewyouflight the steepest of down grades, stony, uneven, rutfilled. This fool at your side ignores his brakes and is running free. Great Codfish ! He is going to take that incline wide open. It is madness! Simultaneously you are conscious ofa jar and a leap, of striking something, of surâ€" mounting it, and plunging onward. For what seems secondsâ€"endless secondsâ€" the car is in the air, and then the road rises in its might to smite you. There is a detonation, a crack, a bang, horribleâ€"deafening. 'Ihen everything goes black. Can We Eliminate The Driv- ing F00] The hog 0’ the farm has hair or swear, To the farm hog, ’twould be dis- back, The hog o’ the road on his face; If I should compare the road hog, I Realistic, what? And it is more than probable that. you have encount- ered just such an accident as set forth above. Or, if you haven't you have pictured it just this way. Do we all know the driving fool ? I’ll say we do. Why, then, isn’t it a good plan to have a special Sunday memorial service, dedicated to driv- ing foolsâ€"with all the spare parts for such occasions. It could be memoriz- ed by preachers all over the country and would go something- like this: Organ Prelude: “Keep lights burning.” Announcement of Text are the pace-makers, for disinhabit the earth.” Offertory Hymn: “There’s a little spark of gas still burning.” Sermon: “Consider the joy-riders; they toil not but they certainly do they spin Organ Farmer, he must feed them all. Postlude ssmg‘ “Blessed they shall your tail» on his Grade Crossing.” Nothing will make the driving fool a more sincere convert to the Golden Rule than the exhibition of uniform courtesy on the part of his brother motorist. This more than anything else will reduce automobile slaughter to a miniumum. Let’s try it anyhow. It costs noth- ing. Have You Got Your Driver’s Permit Yet ? Everyone who drives a motor car‘ must secure a license. All applicants must fill out and sign their own appli- cations, and every question on the form must be answered. LiCenses are $1.00, and if an examination is requir- ed that is $1.00 extra. An instruction permit is $1.00, good for 60 days, to be replaced by the regular permit after examination. Operators under 18 years must obtain a special permit di- rect from the Department. Local garages are supplied with the forms. Early application is advised but time 5Will be given for all to get permits. Folloyving are the questions that must be answered:â€" 1. Name in full of applicant. 2. Address. 3. Age. ‘4. Nationality. ' 5. Sex. 6. Weight. 7. Height. 9. Color of eyes. 10. How many miles (approximately) [have you driven a motor vehicle? a surprise party at the residence of Mr. 'J. W. Hopper. When at Richmond Hill Sarah, widâ€" ow of the late Alexander Young p355â€" ed away in her 47 year. 11. How long have you continu- ously operated a motor vehicle? 12. Have you the full use of both eyes? Both ears? both hands? both feet? If not, state particulars. 13. Are you subject to epileptic When Maple Village was all astir on Tuesday occasioned by the induction 'and ordination of the Rev. C. A. Camp- bell, the new minister-elect in the Presbyterian Church. fits ? DO YOU REMEMBER ? This Week of 1890 When the members and friends of ;he young peoples class of Thornhill Methodist Church met in the form of 14. Do you wear eye-glasses? If so in what respect is your eyesight defec- tive '! Whén Mr. Charles Wiley, clerk in the Fire proof store, spent part of a weeks holidays in Toronto. When the entertainment held in Temperance Hall, Victoria Square, was well attended. The first part of the program consisted of the Melodio- us squeaking of a crank organ, which was succeeded by some Magic Lantern views of various kinds, the principal being scenes from “Uncle Tom’s Cab- 15. Have you any mental or physical infirmity or defect than that m. n When Mr. Robert Thompson, M., of Patterson Lodge, Thornhill and Rev. W.W. Bates, past Master attended the Grand Lodge at Bellville. This Week of 1896 When a large crowd of spectators, good scientific lacrosse and a-victory by a score of 6-4 for Richmond Hill Were the characteristics of last Satur- days game between Bolton and Richâ€" mond Hill on the latter’s grounds. year. When Mrs. William Bowes of Thorn- bill passed away in her 7lst year. When Mary Daniels, late of Rich- mond Hill passed away in her 73rd When the lacrosse club ice cream social was held on Mr. John Browns lawn and Park. Music was furnished by the Richmond Hill Band. When Mr. G. Glover the strong de- fence man of Markham Lacrosse team drove over on Saturday with a number of friends and witnessed the Hillâ€" Bolton Match. iWhen Mr. T. Cousins and Mr. T. Mcâ€" Cormack of Maple put a fishing week in at Sparrow Lake. This Week of 1902 When there was a large turn out at the Conservative Demonstration at Holland Landing. Mr. T. Herbert Len- nox of Aurora, was presented with a cabinet of silver valued at $400. When Mrs. Jerry Smith and little daughter returned home after a week’s visit with Mrs. Smith’s mother in Col- lingwood. When the chosen friends of Te per- anceville attend a picnic at V'ilcox Lake. When Vaughan Council met and communications were received from Mrs. A. Sunderland re right of way of her property from J. E. Francis re Thornhill Public Library. DO YOU REMEMBER This Week of 1906 ‘Vhen Miss Mundey of Thomhill I and Miss Crane, of Toronto, were the | guests of Mrs. J. Palmer, “Fairview” THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. “ Way Back in Liberal Files ” DO YOU REMEMBER DO YOU REMEMBER mentioned above? If so, state par- ticulars. 16. Are you employed as a chau- ffeur? , 17. Have you a Chauffeur’s Li- cense? If so state number. 18. Have you ever been convicted of any crime. If 30, state particulars. 19. Have you ever been issued an operator’s license? 20. Have you ever been refused either an operator’s or a chauffeur’s license ? NotHA penalty of $100 is provided for a person who makes any false sta- tement of facts in an application for a license. Ask Me Anothor With Local Color Almost every paper or magazine we pick up carries a list of various ques- tions under the heading “ask me anâ€" other". So why not some with local color such as: 1. Who is the most reckless driver in town? 2. Who is the biggest grouch in Richmond Hill. 3. Who is the laziest man in York County? 4. What subscriber to the Liberal owes the most for his paper? 5. Who is the lonliest girl (if any) in town? 6. What young man is the best one arm driver in the North Yonge Street histrict ? 7. How many members constitute the York County Council? 8. Who are members of the Rich- mond Hill Board of Health? What are their duties? 9. Who is Mayor of Elgin Mills? 10. When will Yonge Street be be paved ? It‘Will be seen at once that these are not catch questions, but an excellent best of your general knowledge of local conditions. Try them yourself before looking for the answers on Page 16. for a few days. When the Jefferson football team played a friendly game with the team here. Richmond Hill Won by a score of 1 -0. The Richmond Hill line up as followszâ€"D. Atkinson, F. Burnett, A. Watson, L. Soules, W. Trench, R. Goode, G. Topper, Wyc Trench, J. Gl- over, F. Grady B. Newton When Mr. Will Trench, of Richmond Hill took Rev. Mr. Wilson’s circuit work on Sunday preaching at Maple Sunday evening. ' When the monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. J. H. Kirby, Maple. There was a fair attendance. D0 YOUR INVESTMENTS GIVE YOU AN INCOME 0F For forty-three years no bond recommeded and sold by our organization has failed to pay principal and interest. G'A-STIMSUN iffi. Gentlemen :. Kindly send me a copy of your booklet. “The Investmem Tin-t." I understand this place: me under no obligation whatever. - Name . . . LET us Show you how it is posSible to secure this attractive rate on your surplus funds with absolute safety or communicate with Address Willowdale, J. J. DUGGAN THURSDAY, JULY 21. 1927 hon...-nnroza'u-uonouvo.ucurt-mun" per cent. ° TheOldes‘t 537‘ Bond flouselnCanada J SUMMER ~‘ TERM In Shaw’s Twelve Toronto Business Schools for June, July and Augustâ€"is now open. Enter 'gny_ giay. F_‘ree‘ Curriculunk‘W. K‘sfiaiwi, Registrar, 46 Bloor West, Toronto. Ontario TORONTO

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