Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jul 1927, p. 3

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The Liberal is recognized as one o: the Newsiest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to twelve Pages, all home print, it carries all the news of the entire district and our circulation is increasing every Weekâ€"Subscribe to-day. VOL. L. ADELMO MELECCI AND MISS ROSALIND BUSH, L.T.C.M. 'P‘rom the Torontn (‘onxervumry of Music. wxll accept 3 number nl pupils in Plant). Vocnl and Theory. _ Richmond H111 - leday and Saturdsy Frederick M. Pollett PIANIST Pupil 0f Ernest Seitz Conservatory Examinations Feesâ€"$20 per term (20 lessons.) Studioâ€"Mrs. A. L. Phipps, Richmond Streetâ€"Phone 13W. McDONALD’Sfi ORCHESTRA THORNHILL Popular throughout the district for music suitable {or all kinds of dances. Open for engagements. Telephone: 'l‘hm'nhill 62. Certificate piano tuning Cnhscrvntory JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano Tuner 35 Years' Practical Experience 378 Beresford Avenue. West Toronto Lyndhurst 2821 Telephone Glenn’s Drug Store, Rich- mond Hill, for appointment WRIGH F & TAYLOR FUNERAL “DIRECTORS _AMBULAN- 'l SERVICE Richmond mu mapsâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices Atâ€"â€" THCRNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Prices Most Moderate ' 4WD FUNERAL COMPLETE « ‘Othex- Funerals to your requiren Gofif’terw zm'd Consideratimmy 1Teh‘phonos: Wulowdale 69 and Hudson 367 \V S‘np 5. Yuma- Strect. Lansi] $9 Sales attendcd'io on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited 48 Woburn Avenue. NORTH TORONTO Phone Hudson 0970.] PIANO TUNER AND PLAYER EXPERT Address: Yonge J. '1‘. SAIGEON A MAPLE Licehsed Auctioneer for the County of York We are propzlred to conduct sulea of every description. Farms and farm stock sales a Ipacialty. Farm: bought, and sold on commis- non. All sales amended to on shortest notice. and conducted by the most approved othods. Express and Long Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire By Hour or Contract Telephone 1535 MAPLE DR. J. P. W-I‘LSON Office hours: 9 to 11 a.m.' 6 to 8 p.m., and by appointment. Office: Centre and Church Sts.. Richmond Hill Phone 24. Yndertnkor SILVERSIDES & FARMER Licensed Auctioneers County of York Pure Bred Stock Sales :1 Specialty. Phone 2703 STOUFFVILLE CARTAGE AND EXPRESS Plowing and Garden Work Sand and Gravel, Concrete Work. DR. W. SALEM CALDWELL »Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College ddress: Yonge St, Richmond Hill R. MACDONALD, B.V.Sc. Office Hoursâ€"S to 10 am. 1 to 2 and 6 to 8 Telephone 3 Speight ngnNostrand PRENTICE & I’RENTICE AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St., Toronto. lIud.1347W. K. G. Prentice, Milliken. _ K; STONEHOUSE Ontario Land Surveyors JOHN R. CAMPBELL City, Suburban and Farm Surveys. Forty Years Continuous Practice 703 Temple Building, Toronto 2. Phoneâ€"Adelaide 0096 For Information Phone 58) MRS. NYLKS TVILSON’S CARTAGE BERT IIUMI’HREY Veterinary Surg THORNHILL $1.50 PER YEAR Professional And Business Directory. Eeorge Guy MUSICAL OAK RIDGES BUSINESS Teléphone 132 and Ambulance Service 01‘ Grvy Casket {AL COMPLETE 11:4 to your requirements. Consideratimmy Motto. MEDICAL MAPLE , Lansing zcon ONTARIO 11”...» “A--. v"--__ .. North Yonge St. - Richmond Hill 1 DR, ROLPH L. LANGSTAFFâ€"f i DR. CHARLES s. DUNNING Office hours DR. LILLIAN ‘ Dentist Office: Trench Block, two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 pm. Telqphone 32 Ofiice Hours MONDAY only 11 MAPLE Eank of Commerce, .Opposite izatons. WILLIAM COOK, COOK & DELANY i Richmm 'l‘hursduy noon. \Vr nu'illiml‘ury. Walter S. Jenkins.‘ Res. Phone Hill. 500.8 J. Hurry Naughton. Res. E‘qiu Mills. Res. Phone 127.2 (Diseases Office hours Elgin 5301 A. CAMERON MacNAUGHTON BARRISTER ' 511 McKinnon Building, Corner Jordan & Melinda Streets Toronto. Phone: Elgin 4879 Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. (David Hendogson ‘ n W. H. McGuire Office hours 9 am. to 5 p.m. Evenings by Appointment. Telephone 80 Dr. M. J. QUIGLEY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. â€" Toronto Office â€" Manning Chambers, Corner of Queen and Baywopposite City Hall. omé'flfié'éso; 2â€"5; 7.30-9. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Toronto Office, 18 Toronto Street. Phone Elgin 1887. "'ichmond Hill Office, Dominion Hotel Every Saturday afternoon Phone Richmond Hill, 52 Mom" to loan at current rates. Toronto Poyntz Ava, Lansing. Willow. 140. Office hours: 12-1.15; 6-7.15. Capitol Bldg.. Yonge St. Hud. 1133; Rand. 2121. Denton, Macdonaid &Denton Barristers. Solicitors, &c. Manning Arcade, King St. West, Toronto, Canade- Telephone Main 0311 Cable Address: “Dede” Arthur A. andnnald. Frank Dent“) Laura Damon. BA. ‘ Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries ’J'elephonhAdelach 2x08 Offices: 85 Richmond St. \Vest. 'loronto Naughton Block. Aurora Enlicitnrs for: Aurora. Richmond Hill. 1:. “'hitchm‘ch“ Markham and North HENDERSON & NICGUIRE NAUGHTON & JENKINS Wishes to announce that he is noW" practicing dentistry in the office formerly occupied DR. MACLAREN Dr. Willard F. Armstrong. Standard Bank Building Thornhill (William James A. Boles) Offices: 93-95 Sun Life Building, Adelaide and Victoria Sta. Dentist WORK DONE QUICK E. ‘2’ BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 2135 Yonge Street Toronto. HUdson 1898. MAPLEâ€"EVERY TUESDA \‘r. J" ffiblll) DRS. LANGSTAFF INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK DONE. Workmanship Guaranteed. Estimates Free. This Year's Books On Hand Stop 24 Yonge Street. PHONE 1 ring 5. Thomas Delnny) Barristers, Solicitors. Etc. nto Office: 816 Federnl Building. 85 Bichmnml St. _West _ ‘ mond Hill Office (Liberal Office) every uy forenoon. Maple, Thursday afiel- Wnndbridge, Saturday a'hernoon. Manev to loan M. Current Rate Maple Every Saturday. HAROLD J. KIRBY Paperhanger and Decorator DR. L. R. BELL Dr. W. Finlay DENTIST Standard Bank Builaivng; Y only 12â€"830 p.m. Telephoneâ€"â€"Maple 3 CAMPBELL LINE T. C. NEWMAN MAPLE HOTEL 8727717011."). and 6:8 p.m‘ C. LANGSTAFFâ€" of women and children) 1: 8 mm. DENTAL Phone 100 LEGAL TORONTO Gordon Cook ONTARIO Elgin 6309 Weather conditions throughout the fruit growing provinces during the first half of June were generally cool with abundant and in some instances ex- cessive moisture, resulting in a gene- ral backward season. During the lat- ter part of the month, however, con- ditions for the most part improved and all crops are making good growth. Canadian Fruit Crop Making Favorable Progress Cherry and Plum Crop will be lightâ€"Strawberries were disappointing but Raspberries give promise to good yield. There have been some changes in the apple situation since last month, and at this date it is difficult to arrive at a reasonably fair estimate of the total commercial crop, owing to the late set throughout the Dominion, and particu- larly in Nova Scotia. Indications, however, point to some increase over the five year average. Other fruits remain fair to good. CHERRIES:â€"â€"The situation has not materially changed since the last re- port. Sour cherries are estimated at about 609'? of last year with early Richmonds showing superior promise to Montmorency’s. Sweet Cherries are generally a light crop estimated at 50% of 1926. The total crop is estimâ€" ated at 60,500 bushels. PLUMS:-While.practically all trees carried a heavy bloom the results are very disappointing. The set was poor and a heavy drop has occurred resulting in a greatly lowered estim- ate which is now considered to be ap- proximately 50% of last season or a- bout\86,000 bushels. GRAPES:â€"â€"Vines now in flower stage with a general indication of a- bout 80% of crop of 1926 or approxi- mately 14.000 tons. Hamilton to Jordan “the crop is estimated at 80% and from Jordan to Niagara at 70% East of Hamilton the fruit buds were injured and a crop of only 25% is ex- ;pected. Vineyards generally in good state of cultivation with vines making excellent growth. ‘ STRAWBERRIES: 'â€" Due to wet! and cool weather at blossom time foll- l owed by a very hot dry spell the crop ‘ A meeting of the officers and direc- tors of the Richmond Hill Agricultur- al Society was held at the office of the _president W. H. Legge on Friday eve- ‘ning when the business of the year was cleared up. The financial state- -ment presented by Secretary R. S. }Cooper showed the 1927 exhibition to ihave been a fair success financially Iwith the receipts showing a balance iover the expenditure for this year. In- lview of the fact that the fair had to be postponed from May 24 on account of the rain this was the source of much satisfaction to the officers and direcâ€" ‘V tors who expressed themselves as well ’pleased with the 1927 fair and the , standing of the finances, of the Socie- .ty. regarding ways and means of better- ing the fair in the years to come. It is a safe wager that sports will con- ’tinue to be a major attraction as the .directors were highly pleased with the lsuccess of the softball tournament this .year. The live stock however will not Ibe neglected and an effort will be gmade to make the showing more attr- gactive and the judging especially of ithe cattle more easy of access to the ‘public. A recommendation was pass- led on to the 1928 board of directors that the women’s fancy work and poul- 'try be omitted from the 1928 prize list. {It was felt that the women’s work dis- Eplay did not bring out any appreciable iamount of local competition and that the society was merely paying out good ;money in prizes to “professional exhi- 1bitors" who came year after year with the same work. As there was very little competition in the poultry class- es and in \'i6\V of the fact that the so- I There was considerable discussion Financially the 1927 Fair Brok‘e About Evenâ€"Directors Well Satisfiedâ€" Recommend that Fancy Work and Poultry Be Omitted Next Yearâ€"No Crop Competition This Year Richmgnd Hi]? Fair Board Held Meeting RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. JULY 21. 1927 is not realizing the first expectations and it is now estimated at 90% of last year. The 1926 acreage was estimat- ed at 1590 acres yielding approximate. 1y 3,992,000 quarts. Early varieties in the Burlington Aldershot district have been harvested and show a total yield about 75% of the 1926 crop. RASPBERRIES:â€"The' canes are mostly in excellent condition and maintain the June estimate of a crop equal to if not slightly better than last year. TOMATOES:â€"For some time after the crop was planted conditions were not conducive to good growth and the plants remained practically stationary. They have since recovered and good growth is reported with the expect- ation of a crop equal to ‘that of last year. Potatoes Reports show an increased acreage particularly in Eastern Canada. The season has been generally backward but growing conditions are now favâ€" ourable in practically all the commer- cial districts and with continued good weather an increased total tonnage is to be expected over that of 1926 which amounted to 48,682,000 cwt. of which it is estimated that 39,646,000 cwt. was merchantable. Early potatoes are doing well in most parts of the province. Cold Wet weather at the beginning of the month retarded the crop somewhat but the crops responded to later Warmer weather. Harvesting of the crop in the Niagara district became general a- bout July 12th. The acreage of early potatoes is estimated to be 5,000 acres. The acreage of later potatoes is ex- pected to be about the same as last year which is estimated at 153,468 acres, but in some districts the plantâ€" ing has. been much delayed and the crop on the whole is somewhat back- ward. The total yield for the province in 1926 was 9,898,000 cwt., or an aver- age of 64.5 cwt. per acre. ciety has no proper building to house the exhibits it was thought wise to discontinue the poultry show. There was some discussion as to the advis- ability of changing the day of the Fair on account of the many attractions on that day but the board was too evenly divided to make any recommendation. The field crop competition of which has been a feature of the societies pro- gram for a number of years is dropped for this year as there were not sufficiâ€" ent entries to carry it on. Those present at the meeting were; President W. H. Legge, H. A. Nichols, J. Lunau, F. Graham, G. H. Duncan, R. Agar, W. H. Pugsley, James McLean, F. A. Clark, Robt Thompson and Sec- retary R. S. Cooper. PROF. F. E. BUCK 0f the University of British Colum- bia, who was elected president of the Town Planning Institute of Canada at the annual convention held at Vancouver. Professor Buck is the town planning adviser to the municipality of Point Grey, Van- couver. and is a. keen student of modern movements. Will Yaur Brakes Pass Police lnspeclion ? STONEâ€"for Concrete or Roads GRAVELâ€"Scpeened or Pit Run CEMENTâ€"by the Car Load House Phoneâ€"Grover 4963 The Producers of the district and householders of North York and North Toronto will find this a splendid market. Motor and Transmission Overhaul Authorized Ford Dealers Richmond Hill â€" â€" â€" â€" Om J. E. WIGMORE, Prop. Chrysler Dealers, Tires, Accessories, Marconi and U.S.L. Radio, Livery. Battery Charging, General repairs on all makes of cars. RICHMOND HILL MOTORS AH Work Guaranteed Open Every Saturday Morning ATSO’CLOCK AND TUESDAYS 6-9 PM. AT THE CITY LIMITS 3479 YONGE STREET Thisoperation consists of removing motor and transmission completeâ€"disassembling and cleaning, rebabbiting bearings, reboring if necessaryâ€"replacing necessary parts ream fitting crank shaft, fitting pistons, rings and reaming connecting rods, grinding valves, re- lining bands, rebuilding transmissicn, assemb- ling above and installing in car, overhauling ignition and carburetor, motor tested (does not include starting motor and generator.) Bad brakes are dangerous. Drive in and have them inspected and adjusted. ‘ FREE SERVICE. V‘V. DI- C(3USINS 57 QUEEN STREET, WEST, TORONTO. THE YORK MARKET Materids delivered when required. $25.00 YONGE STREET FOR LABOR arts Extra. The Liberal plant is equ'pped to do all kinds of commercial and gene»! printing and can attend to all orden promptly and at reasonable prices. Office Phoneâ€"â€" ADelaide 5605 PRINTING Ontario

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