Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Aug 1927, p. 3

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â€"-â€"_â€"_â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" $1.50 PER YEAR The Liberal is recognized as one or the Newsiest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to twelve pages, all home print, it carries all the neWS of the entire district and our circulation is increasing every Weekâ€"Subscribe to-day. PRINTING The Liberal plant is equipped to is all kinds of commercial and general printing and can attend to all ordell promptly and at reasonable prices. ____â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" VOL. L. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. AUGUST 4. 1927 Nm 7 m.-- Professional And Business Directory. l G EN E R A L N E W S AN 1: Sâ€" ( ‘â€" ‘CAL I ~ I A ' U NATIONAL FERTILIZERS North $013139 SILANGSIE‘iCthIan Hm Province “'ill Fight The Noxious ADELMO MELECCI AND MISS on ROLPII L. LANGSTAFFâ€" Wood Monaco IhT-C'lw. ‘Onice hours: 3:10 mm. and 6|: 8 p.m. __ I I I I F Y F n 23:35.2: .{r;‘.£‘.‘:fi;;‘f‘.n....i i non. inn or or our a eat :ili lflccfllllt’rn' number 0! pupils in Plan" 0mm hours: 1: 3 run. Agriculture. is inaugurating 11 cani- or‘ m i or . , . . Rlclll‘moiild nine y- Friday~ and Saturday “WW 10” paign to eradicate the weed pest For plumper heavier higher_grade grainâ€"use 8 1 v ' ' ~ ' " (r - r r l. . . ‘ v y _ For 'Mii'ri'lmxi'ii’ii‘én°s J ' DR' CHARLEb 8- DUNNING “hmh is ixaCtl‘k such a hem“ to“ National Fertilizer this season. \ou ll be surprised at I i I I I l’Otv'ntZ AVe Lansing- from 0mm") agricumn‘e annually It how earl our cro will mature with a wood dressin MCDONALD’S ORCHESTRA \Vi]]ow..’ 140. is estimated that noxious weeds are of this SE: Zrior ferglizer D g THORNHILL Office hours: 12-115; 6-7.15. .costing the Province five millions of p ' Poplilm' throughout Elm (“Strict for Eiau‘fitfilgé‘ig'hgff’d'fgg’lgfj don“ ‘1 year- The-V are “0t only CRFS' National Fertilizers are properly-balanced fertilizers, mus“ Suitable £0: 1‘” kmds 0f dances' Office hours: $.30: 2-5: 7.30â€"9. ing 2’ SUbStantial 105‘“ in Ill-"duetmn “Made in Canada” from formula: it has taken years to 'Open for epgagemelnt§- ‘but are taking away from capitalized perfect Every bag is uniformly mixed with guaram telephone: Phornhll 63- i value of farm lands. teed analysis attached to each bag. Frederick Pollett Mr. Martin’s department is calling PIANIST DR. L. R. BELL ifor the whole-hearted co-operation of- Good fertilizer is an investment, not an expense. pupil of Ernest Seitz Dentist every possible person to end the weed Order yours now. We ship anywhere in Ontario. Conservatory Examinations Office: Trench Block, two doors nmsanc? and is .givmg effecfive help Feesâ€"$20 per term (20 lessons.) north of Standard Bank. _bY PUttmg “3th Him the law I‘OSPQCt- . Studio_MrS_ A. I“ phipps_ Richmond Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 pm. 111;; the extermination of weeds. Under Ask about Streetâ€"Phone 13W. Telephone 32 the Weed Control Act. 1927, now ef- National . I I ___.___._.___ fective, the destruction of weeds is T "’ in districts ' 4 N . . . . x. JOHNPi£h0AÂ¥l2£§SO Dr. W. Finlay ‘no longer optional it is compulsory. : . StOCk FOOdS it; where we are T Y s, I’lqctic‘il Experience DENTIST Every occupant of land and every J RTIN â€"they get . ' not repre . a ear 2 ' ‘ . . . . ' - 378 Bercsrord Avenue. West Tommo MAPLE ONTARIO owner of unoccupied land is required . ' HON‘ ' MA . results! _ : sented Lyndhurst 2821 ‘ Office Hours to destroy all noxious weeds before Mlnlster 0f Agnculture for OntaI‘lO ' Telephoned Drug ,StogfitRmh' MONDA 1’ only 12_8_30 p_m. their seeds ripen. Municipal Councils who is making a determined effort to mon i or appom n . , . ' TEIeDhoneâ€"Maple 3 are also requlred to deStroy all "OX‘O' rid the province of the Weed Menace. George Guy us weeds growing upon the highways. 43 wohurn Avenue. DR. MACLAREN Let everyone WWW” ‘0 end “‘0 . . . West Toronto . Ontario NORTH TORONTO D t. t weed nuisance by exterminating them A“ ‘déal home ‘5 one Where there 15 Phone Hudson 0970J en 15 W“? on every farm, highway, lane and 10V9, kindneSS and contentment beâ€" PIANO rliUNER AND PLAYER Bank‘:?§:{m£31;13033553;:‘1iflt0r waste space in town and country. tween housecleaning times. EXPERT ’ " c' .. Certificate Plano “mini-5 O’Nerv‘nory Ofl‘ 9 t 5 Many People Afraid of Work A tramp asked a farmers wife one _._ -- _. ice ours 0 p.m. P - - , , - A day for a piece of bread. As she gave Evenin S b A ointment. renner John Olhel of British Colâ€" '. . . . Telephgne pp fumbia in an address to the Canadian him 11 131909 0f 1316 She] Szllldi If 1 â€"â€"- Club in Hamilton. declared that much “Poor fellow' you 0‘” as 1 you“ YONGE STREET WRIGHT & TAYLOR vDr. J. lwas wrong with Canada atpresenty be_ seen better days.” Th P d _ f th d. t . t d h FUNERAI DIRECTORS . ..Y I h , .. ., th e ro uters o e is me an ouseholders of North LASTCE SERVICES DENTIST jcause the mental attitude of its men 95’ so ave’ ma am’ 5a” .e York and North Toronto will find this a splendid market. . AMBU . I, d “2 ‘and women was wrong. A revival of tramp- Hey SllOVEIGfl about a. cubic . Rmhmomlél'lfitppgng315" an Standard Bank Building the rugged honesty of the pioneer was :00; 0f (:19 dam: hlsomouthl glflithls Open Every saturday Mornlng 1 lg ' ‘ . - . ni e an a e , “ nce ea in Branch Olfices Atâ€" Thomh'“ :Siefed;h::e“’::‘:' farthJIO°rEZ£1n§the marble halls" AT 8 O’CLOCK AND TUESDAYS 6-9 P.M. . i _ w ie- 'H ’ ‘ THORNlliiLL “‘9NtDM liNI‘ZN‘ILLE lcollared men who are afraid to lose a ‘ :And how’ asked the farmer S Wlfe’ "ms 05 0 em 9 _ L 'little honest sweat, but who yet exact "dld you come to 1059 web a mce 3479 YONGE STREET WILLIAM COOK, COOK & DELANY a fat living from the grime of the toil- ’home.” BERT IIUMPHREY (William Cook Is. Gard” Cook ‘en Men and women were crving for “Term expired,” said the tramp. ‘ . . . ' Thomas llelniiy) ' . ' l i Undtrtalter .ind Ambulance SerVice Bamm’rs, Sonmorsy me. lbread’ (Whlle countless acres that ’ FUNERAL CORIPLETE 85 Richmond St. West _ .. iiiciniicnii iiiii Ufiice (Liberal once) every iidle.) The demands of industr were Other Fllncrals to your I‘Pqunements Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday after ‘ y $9 Black or Grey Casket Toronto Office: 816 Federal Building. [would produce food for all were lying Courtesy and Consideration my Motto. noon. \Vooilhridgo. Saturday ntierimon. inOt equally diStribUted- T00 many Telephones: Willowdale 69 “0"” 1° ‘00" M C‘me‘” RM" ‘parasites were living on the men who and Hudson 367 ' . . . u . d - , . V i . NAUGH'lON & wNKINS are rea y p10 ucmg the wealth of this ‘ w Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries country. 'j Telephone Adelaide 2108 ‘ R- Offices: 85 I‘iichiiiond St. West. Toronto { :74. ' ‘ Nn ht Bl k. A r ' ' i", ‘_ v. veterinary surgl'on “Solicitors. Til-:0“ Aiifocrn. lliglllmond Hill. I ‘ Children OUt at hlbht _ a ' THORNHILL é‘l\llilll'l.i"”}x;l)l’lcllllTCll. Markham and North l The children’s Protection Act, pass_ a I :. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"“â€"“'â€"â€"â€"___ Waller S. Jenkins. Ros. Phone 'Hill. 5048 lEd at the last session of the Provinci- n _ a. MACDONALD, B.V. Sc. 1- “W figs‘gggheRg-fikm We ‘al Legislature, has made this import- Veterinary Surgeon ant enactment: “No child shall loiter .- - HENDERSON & MCGUIRE ‘ iin any public place after nine o’clock . I ‘ l- . . BarrlSters' SOllcltors‘ Etc' ‘in the evening, or be in any place of Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Address: Yonge St., PW Richmond Hill mm“ Henderm" \V. H. McGuin J A. B i .i ' v - Telephone 132 om”: 9:323 Sun the; Ruining, lpublic lesort or entertainment after . .___.__.__â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- Adelaide and Victoria Sta. lthat hour, unless accompanied by his a... El ii 5301 - ~ . El 5309 ‘ - ~ . J~ T. SAIGEON g ‘ TORONTO 31“ .parent of guardian or an adult appomâ€" V4 MAPLE {ted by the parent or guardian to ac- -‘ Licensed Auctioneer for the County A. CAMERON MacNAUGHTON jcompany such child. A parent who .‘i of York‘ _ f BARRISTER ,permits his child to violate his section Sales attended to 0“ Smite“ “0 ‘ce 511 McKinnon Building, :of the Act shall, for the first offence, o and at reasonable rates. . Patronage solicited . W Toronto' Phone: Elgm 4:879 IOffence, 82.00 and for a third 01. any PRENTICE & PRENTICE ,subsequent offence $5.00.” There is Corner Jordan & Melinda Streets lineur a penalty of 81.00; for a second AUCTIONEERS Barristers. Solicitors, &c. in" We" 0f a curfew 1‘” i“ any 90"“ I'- J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St., ! . Manning Arcade, imumt)’. This Act will cover any of KToaonlt)0_ Had. King Wlest, 'IGrontgélCianads lthe points necessary to restrict the . . lientlce ' l ICC“. 9 ep lone 1 am . We are prepared to (‘Ol’lilllk‘t soles of every Cable Address: “Dedon hours 0f children on the streets. The description.P Forms “pd (“gin lsitock “108.8 Arthur A. Muedoiiiild. Frank Dent“: Eonus 15 all on the parents to See that ' i 1 5 - t n '0( on comnns» , . 1 . :ib‘rf.m‘}\)ll sails-:‘attleciiiibil ti; oiihshortest notice. _â€"__â€"._I “um Demun' H'___A' jthe law 15 Obeyed by the cmldren- end conducted by the most approved methods. J _ .._â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"‘â€"-â€"â€"â€"’â€"â€" - . . i V _ . . a Barrister, SohCItor, Etc. l Newspaper Ad‘e't‘smb SILVERSIDES &.FARl\iER ___. Toronto Ofi‘ice _ E An important and interesting de- Licensed Auctioneers Manning ChamberS, Corner of 'cision lhas been taken by 65 of the County of York Queen and Bayflopposite City ‘largest national advertisers in the Pure Bred Sfififif‘é‘fif specmlty' Hall. iUnitcd States. Hitherto they have i I i/l L villi Every time one man does the work of two, you STOUFFVILLE MAPLE HOTEL ldevoted an extensive part of their adâ€" save one man’s wages. Maple Every Saturday. [vertising campaign to billboards. In . . “ . ,, . A. :future they will cut out this $1,500,- Wlth aFordSOn thresmng ngs dcobSUI-ng less tlha-n CARTAGE AND EXPRESS T.'C. NEWMAN l000 billboard method and employ $2000 {or tractor, separator an at comp etc, you can thresh 700 to 1100 bushels of wheat in Sand and Gravel, Concrete Work. Toronto Office, 18 Toronto Street. is a lesson in this for those “'ho adver- ten hours with about the man power larger OAK RIDGES phone Elgin 1887‘ tise very little or not at all. News- rigs requiz.e_ )ichmond Hm Office, Dominion Hotel ‘paper $dvertismg is read nowadays T I __ _ . Every Saturday afternoon “just as much as the news, and every mvesugate the low cost and labor-sawng possr- ' - . l . u "5' r i~-r‘~ - r "\r‘ ‘c‘ n P ’ Spelght & Van Nostrand Phone Richmond Hill. 52 lnleNhant and Claftsman Should tell butJQS 0: Former. TinctOic. Or..- 01 Cane as 20.000 Fozt‘lson owners must live near you. Ask Ontario Land Surveyors Mow“. to loan at current ates ithe world” about his goods or what he him Lie vouid iarrb. without his Fordson. Jean do; by which is meant that part of .the world in which he has his being City’ subsu‘flp‘iglvsnd Farm land which‘is served by the local news- 51 ~ ' , BARRISTER. S I. ‘ i ‘ Forty Years Continuous Ergo ICITOR’ ‘Vpapm' mu Practice 2135 Yonge Street ; 703 Temple Building, Toronto. { _ . Toronto 2. HUdgon 1393. i The Markham girls sott ball team Phoneâ€"Adelaide 0096 MAPLEâ€"EVERY TUESDAY has had a remarkably successful seas- Standard Bank Building. on so far. They have played eight games and won everyone. Markham Won Every Game Little Brothers Richmond Hill, Ontario. ‘ Economist. DR. w. SALEM CALDWELL \V. J. R 3511) ' ' Ofilce Hoursâ€"3 10 10 mm. 1 to 2 Paperhanger and Decorator. He~“Why is 350111- face so red? and 6 to S T , _ Sheâ€""Cause." Telephone 3 IhTERIOR Asp EXTERIOR H “C ‘ MW MAPLE oxmmo WORK DONE- 9â€" can“? . Workmanship Guaranteed. She'â€" cauwmmlh' DR. J. P. WILSON Estimates Free. fl Office hours: 9 to 11 a.m. This Year‘s Books On Hand WOTdSWONh ""113 Right 6 t0 8 p-nl-i and by appmntment- StODY 2473'0nge Street. The child is. father of the mom and Office: Centre and Church Sts" PdoxE 1 ring '3' he begins to exercise paternal auth- i. plowing and Garden work Barrister, soHcitor, Notary Public_ lnewspaper columns exclusively. T . - ' i o . a n ' . . U.» ichmond Hill Ihuric 4 â€"â€"â€"-*â€"__â€" om}. m 3 WT} an...“ . e We I b ‘

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