Tractors, Threshers. Silo Fillers, Bail- ing Presses, Plows. Harrows. Road Machinery and Tillage Tools for Fordson Tractors. ‘ KANE BROS. SALVATEGN ARMY HolinOSS Meeting . . . . . . . . . . 11 a Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 p Salvétion me‘eting . . . . . . . . . . . 7 p Meetings Held In Lorne Hall. Everyone Invited Men’s Straw Hats, in the popuâ€" lar Boater altâ€"$2.50 to $3.50. Men’s Leghorn Hat, very popu- lar and comfortable atâ€"$4.50. Summer underwear for men. See Our Men’s Oxfords atâ€" $4.50 to $6.00 Running Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Power Farming Machinery The Richmond Hill Furnishing Store W mired from New Ymk NORMAN J. GLASS ’ REMEMBER WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN. RICHMOND HILL CORPS District Sergeant Major Butler Sunday Services E'WTCHMONDJ JILLUAJH. ] 1 Emma MILKMAAL†_; Men’s Suits, Overcoais for Fall Wear. A large assortment of materials always in stock Write For' Literature. ‘ O.â€" R. R. 2; Gormley. THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1927 RICHMOND TAILORS J. A. GREENE Telephone 5j or Residence 49w 2587 YONGE STREET â€" NORTH TORONTO. ’e have just returned from New York with all the latest styles in CASE EXCLUSIVE GOODS, CORRECTLY TAILORED BY CANADA’S MOST EXCLUSIVE TAILORS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN. HEA DFORD 11 am p.m FASHION NOTES Delicate pastel shades, popularly described as “the paradoxically so- phisticated baby colors,†are the most favored tones for summer Wear. While the shades are not limited to dresses for any age, they are particu- larly delightful in youthful frocks. Sunday Services 11 a. m.â€"â€"Rev. C. W. Lea will preach for the Ontario Prohibition Union. 2.30 p. m.â€"Sunday Scholl The evening services have been with' drawn for the month of August. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Rev. B. R. Strungxw Presbyterian Church. WE MODERNARROWROON A LACGILJ lllVlLuLlUll Lu nu. REV. M. c. CAMPBE L, M. A. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. REV. M. C. CAMPBELL M. A. J. 8: M. STEIN? Sunday Services At 2.30 pm. A Hearty Invitatioano All. Minister. Miss Aileen Atkinson Organist and Choir Conductor. Richmond Hill Minister Mrs. Chapman, Organist. C. H. Sanderson, Richmond llni. rep- resents thl- Fuller Brush Co. in Mark- ham Twp. and will gladly give service to any patrons in this district. It contains maltâ€"£0 aid diges’ tion! Limeâ€"to strengthen growing bones! Canada‘s newâ€" est, tastiest and most nutri' dous biscuit. Children love them! Include Oven-Ids: Biscuits in Your Order FULLER BRUSHES 35 9‘ PER Pot/No Richmond Hill, Ont. UNITED CHURCII THORNHILL Telephone 165 Obtainable From Richmond Hill m'angx'uys, MINISTER .-kist Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Vanderburgh and two children of Toronto and Miss Moodie, of Richmond Hill motored up to St. Mary’s and spent the week-end at the home of R. A. Moodie and James McDonald. They Were accompanied back by Andrew and Alex McDonald, who/will remain for a couple of weeks holidays. “From†the St. Marys Journalâ€"Ayus, July 28, 1927 Mr. V. A. Hall, of King City, is summering at; San Souci, Georgian Bay, District. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Greene and daughter May have returned from a delightful motor trip to Ottawa, Montâ€" real, New York, Niagara Falls and other points in the States. They re- port a very enjoyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Clement are holidaying at Sparrow Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Lund of the city of Ontario, California, are renewing old acquaintances visiting her brother T. J. Wilson, of the 01d homestead, Test- on, also Visited with her cousin Mrs. T. Cook sr. I Mr. W. H. Pugsley of Richmond Hill was among those in attendance at the Lennox Picnic on Monday. He occu- pied a seat on the speaker’s platform. Mrs. Lauder Glass of Detroit, is vis- iting with her parents and friends here Mrs. Seymour of New York, city visited _ last. Week with her uncle and aunt Rev. and Mrs. N. Wellwood, Rich- mond Hi1]. Heise Mr. and Mrs. Oral- Grounds and children, Master Oral Jr. and Miss Dorothy, of Detroit Mich., and the Misses Mary and Clara Lyons, of Elsie Mich., who are visiting relatives in this Vicinity spent the week-end with their uncle Mr. Tom Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Lehmzin and family of Carlisle, Pa., are spending a few days with relatives in Gormley, and with the former’s sister Mrs. O.L. Heise. Mr. J. P. Glass Visited over the heli- day With friends in Oshawa. Mrs. Petch and Ilene have returned home after spending two weeks at Ferndale Beach. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams and son Arthur of Carlisle Sas., arrived by motor to Richmond Hill on W'ednesday July 27th, and are the guests of the formers sister Mrs. Leary and Mr. Leary and are en route for Toronto Where they will visit friends for a month. Correct this sentence: “When I’m drunk,†said he, “I don’t seem such an ass as that fellow.†Misses Marvele Hill and Marjorie Murphy are spending their holidays with Mrs. Wm. Mac Andrew of Ren- frew, Ont. A village is a place where daughtel’ marries beneath her if Dad has 37,432 in the bank. Another good thing" to take for your nerves is about 87 trips around a plowed field behind a pair of mules. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dick, of Lemoy- ‘ Pa., called at the home of Mrs. O.L. In honor of whose memory thirty thousand people gathered at Otta- wa on Wednesday when a bronze statue of the late Canadian States- man was unveiled by His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales. SIR WILFRED LAL'RIER THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. LOCAL N EWSY ITEMS Water Is 0. K. That Is Bacteriologically Speaking Dr. Wilson local Medical Officer of Health has just received another re- port of the town water from the De- partment who have again given the water their 0. K. and declared it to be pure. This is re-assuring news to the public who for some time have had their doubts. However the water is only tested for bacteria and therefore the department 0. K. merely means that “bacteriologically†the water is pure. But as for the taste, odor etc. the man on the street will tell you that the water is pureâ€"yes kind reader, pure bunk. Will Be In Play Off Games The Richmond Hill Junior Baseball team have been notified to be in read- iness for the O.B.A.A. play-offs which commence on Saturday, August 13. A meeting of the O.B.A.A. executive will be held on August 8 when the exact dates and draw will be announced. i Won Scholarship Miss Mary Herbison, John Oliver iSchool, South Vancouver, daughter of Rev. Robt. and Mrs. Herbison form- ierly of Richmond Hill ranked third in {the matriculation examinations in the '_ western province. She will receive a §$100. Royal Institution scholarship and attend the University of British .Columbia. During her three years at 'South Vancouver High School Mary led her class every time until the final examinations when she was beaten by three points by a classmate. She commenced her very suecessful school career in Richmond Hill and the Lib- eral extends congratulations and the wish that Miss Herbison may enjoy many more times the splendid success which has characterized her life thus far. Annual Picnic \4 About 25 members of St. Mary’s Young People’s‘ Recreation club journ- eyed to Roche’s Point on Wednesday of last week for their annual picnic. The weather conditions being ideal a very enjoyable time was spent by all. Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell, the noted medical missionary of Labrador. upon Whom His Majesty the King has conferred the insignia of Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. Bowling Tournament Forty rinks were entered in the mix- tournamcnt held at the local green or. Wednesday afternoon. It was one of the most successful tournaments eve: held here and was featured bv many closely contested games. The first prize a handsome silver trophy was won by skip Grant of Kew Beach club, second prize skip McKnight Tottenham third prize skip Nelson Withrow Park, fourth prize skip Robinson, Milton, fifth prize skip Davison, Unionville, sixth prize skip Rankin, of North Toronto. Refreshments were served on the green and a very enjoyable afternoon spent. Won W. H. Legge Cup The rink skipped by Gid Moodie was successful in winning the W.H. Legge cup in the annual play for this trophy on Monday last. Six rinks competed and the winners in addition to the trophy shared with the runners-up the additional prizes of cups and saucers Cheese and cracker dishes. The winn- ers were W. G. Baldock, Dr. Bell, Miss Hazel Switzer, Gid Moodie skip; the runners up were G. Neville, George Gee, Mrs. Kerswill, N. J. Glass skip. Tenders Called For Richmond Hill Street The advertisement for tenders for the construction of a pavement in the Village of Richmond Hill appeared in the city papers this morning. The tenders must be in by August 30th, which means a considerable delay in the local paving program over that was previously expected. It was generally expected that the work would commence about August 1, but the delay now means that the street will not likely be touched for several weeks yet. HONORED BY KING The place where you getquality and service and a little more foryour money. The more you listen, the more you wonder why Adam didn’t name the jaybird the mule bird. After all, it’s much cheaper to remain at home and lie about the number of blankets you sleep under. WELLSâ€"0n Monday, Aug. lst, 1927, at King, Ont, Emma M. Wells, beloved twife of W. J. Wells. Funeral Thursday at 2.30 p. m. from residence of her daughter, Mrs. Donald Brown, Third Concession, King to King Cemetery. GRAHAMâ€"At Markham, Ont., on Monday, Aug. the lst, 1927, Charrolot- te Ann Laughlin, beloved Wife of Art- hur F. Graham, in her 54th year. Funeral was held from her late residence, Wales avenue, on Wednes- day, Aug. the 3rd, at 2 p. m. and In- terment followed to Zion Cemetery, Cedar Grove. Phone 53 Richmond Hill All Ladies’, Misses and Childrgn’s Straw Hats to clear at prices Dresses in Fuji, Silk, Voile and Broadcloth. Special price Belts, Collars, Cuff Sets and Ties in newest styles at low prices, Hosiery for Women and Children from 49c to $1.95 for fuil fashioned. House Dresses 980 to $2.25 h": Staples we have Voiles, Ginghams, Gaiatea, Prints Broadcloth and Dimity all at prices to compare with any. Buy At Home And Save Your Car Fare. A. D. GORRIE & CO. LIMITED 1926 Oldsmobile Coupe $875 “53339 $1900 to $2.95 MELLENERY alf Prim Mrs. Narman Bafly 1924 Ford Ton Truck $225 1925 CV el‘lznd Sedan $485 We Teil the Truth About Our Used Cars. 1921 Ford Touring $95 $2.95 to $7.95 1925 Star Sedan $650. DEATHS North End Branch 2065 Yonge Street in small and large sizes. North Toronto Branch Phone HUdson 9171 26 Motor. “Well, sah,†said Sambo, aftey’be- ing asked What kind of chickelis he preferred, “all kinds has dere merits. De white ones is de easiest to find in de dark; but de black ones is (It: A" easiest to hide 8:49? you get ’em." Vellore . . . . . . . . . . . Markham Township Wfllowdale ‘ . . . . . . Monday, Aug. 8â€"Credit sale of ï¬rst class heard of Holstein cows, some with calves at side and some near due lot 17, con. 2, Scarboro, Malvem the property of N. H. Winch. Sale at 2 o’clock standard time, 6 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers-,. Saturday, August 13â€"Auction sale of planing mill and equipment at L. Innes and Sons Richmond Hill. Sale at 12 o‘clock standard time. J.T. Saigeon Auctioneer. m AUCTION SALE REGISTER SCHOOL FAIR DATES Trench Blacn. â€" Ontaria . . Sept. 19th, 1927 ) . . . .Sept. 20, 1927 .. Sept. 27th, 1927