Save Yourseiï¬ at am expense PAGE SIX v._J _, . Farmer; wil‘l ï¬nd tTï¬s the right shop for grinding“ “ ‘1-.. Machine Shop and all kinds of Machinery rebuilt and repaired. Automobile service work a specialty. OxygenWelding: Lawn Mowers Sharpeneo ‘nrmm‘n mu ï¬nd this the right shop for their agricultural work and For Sale By L. Innis & Sons '- - ~ - Richmond Hill, Ont. Jones Lumber Co. - - Richmqud Hill, Ont. Lakeside 5280 Right over damaged walls and torn, faded wallpaper apply Gyproc Fireproof VVallboard. Gyproc walls and ceilings will make every mom bright and fresh. Takes any decoration. Fireproof, cold proof and heat proof. The strongest and lightest insulating wallboard known. Write for free' bookletâ€""My Home." It will tell you how Gyprnc. Rocboard Cum-um Iniulatim: Sheathing and Insulcx will reduce your fuel bill from Write for free' bookletâ€""My Home." Gypsum Iniulating Sheathing and In 20 to 40 per cent. Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of ï¬ve differ- ent kindsof laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. u ‘ “rm†’ - ~ ' ': l . ~ I ‘ . a" "V .. , 3: I' r V Fieprof alboa If you will have laundry ready when driver giving good service. If you only have dr Call up as early as convenient to insure pri We have in stock a full line of Cement Culvert Tile, all sizes and Corrugated Metal Culverts Telephone Thornhill Coke-Coal-Wood TEX? Langstaff Supply Co., Ltd team and Gas Engines, Tractors, Pumps, Etc. Poultry Feed of all kinds 1:.HrEV6i‘h'ARIO GYPSUM co., LIMITED, ’Phone Bell 141 Stop 27 Yonge St. NORTH END, RICHMOND HILL and would be glad of an opportunity to give you quotations. We Call In Richmond Hill District WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY STEAM BOILERS RICHMOND HILL General Builder’s Supplies 51-r-1 FOR SER‘TICE r. H. Duncan. ill Nights, Richmond Hill 80 Prompt Deliver Egg Mash and Scratch Feed_ MAKE your attic into extra. sleeping quarters or a chil- dren's play-room. Gyérol: will give you bright, comfortable extra rooms at small COSt. 5 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. Len driver calls, you will assist us in y have driver call when phoned for, insure prompt attention. . PARIS, CANADA It is also Well to know that several sheets of newspaper thoroughly dried {and placed in the case will keep the gthe strings from rusting when the ghouse is closed for a long period of |time. Moths, whether it is because they are lovers of good food or good music, are exceptionally fond of a piano. It is one of their favorite summer haunts and they wing their way in there re- main until they are discovered and forcibly driven out. Felt Padding Attracts Them Especially attractive to these de- structive pests is the instrument whose owner is vacationing afar. They fly straight to the felt padding be- neath the strings and there set up their damage wreaking homes. How To Drive Them Out ‘ To spare one’s self the expense of repair and the accompanying trouble the winged insects may cause, get sev- eral pieces of camphor gum and wrap them in small pieces of muslin and then place them inside the piano. Moths will seek other haunts. DO YOU KNOW That taffetas should be rolled when put away for any length of time for folding will cause the material to crack. Thatâ€" Colored material ought always to be soaked in cold Water to determine if‘ the color is fast before it is washed with even the mildest soap? Thatâ€"- Velvet will look fresh and new if it is wiped with a slightlv damp cloth in- stead of being brushed? Thatâ€" teaming will usually take wrinkles out of clothes and freshen them? Thatâ€" The easiest way to steam a garment is to hang it in the bathroom, turn on the hot water, close the Windows and doors and allow it to remain as long ‘ as possible? Thatâ€"liquid glass will mend broken l glassware, 'china and pottery so that the flaWS are scarcely visible and the pieces can be handled as if they had never been cracked? Thatâ€"â€" One part oxalic acid to three parts waters, poured through peach stains in linen and rinsed immediately with hot and then cold water, will remove the stains and if these directions are foll- owed carefullyâ€"will not injure the fabric ? Barrie . . . . Beaverton . IBradford .. Markham . . ‘Newmarket ‘Schomberg, lSutton . . . . Toronto . . . Zephyr . . . . Thatâ€" Ostrich feather fans and trimmings ought to be sprayed and packed as carefully as furs becanse moths will often destroy the fragile feathers be- fore tackling the more substantial things? Sonâ€"“Oh, so that’s why he’s 31. ways telling me to keep away from dance halls.†Motherâ€"“Yes, dear, your father and I first met at a dance." Telephone 1535 All trucks Insured for Public Liabil. ity and Property Damage. Express and Long Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire By Hour or Contract A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITIIING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THORNHILL. ONT. HOUSEHOLD HINTS J. J.Deane Government. Municipal and Corporation Bonds 0 Bought. Sold and 6 Exchanng WILSON’S CARTA GE FALL FAIR DATES All business strictly conï¬dential Prints Phone: 7: Woodbridgc MAPLE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Aug. 27â€"Sept. 12 . . . . . . . . . Oct. 4 .. Sept. 27-28 ... July 28-30 . . . Oct. 11-12 Sept. 29-Oct. 1 .. Sept. 27-29 . . . . . Oct. 5-6 .. . . ." Aug. 4-6 Curled Celery Cut the inner stalks of celery into three or four inch pieces and with a sharp knife cut each piece in thin strips to within an inch of the end. Drop into cold water and place in the refrigerator. Cucumber Boats Halve Medium-sized cucumbers lengthwise. Remove center and mix with chopped pimientos chopped celery and boiled salad dressing. Fasten a thin slice of bread on a toothpick to represent a sail and stand it upright in the “boat.†3 peaches, mashed Juice of 1 lemon. White of 1 egg, beaten stiff. 1 cup of sugar Beat mixture until it is of the con- sistency of stiff whipped cream; pack in ice and salt for at least four hours. This will serve six persons. Miss Freda Price of Toronto is spen- ding her vacation with Miss Edna Snider. Miss Marion Downey, of Bolton, spent a few days with her cousin Miss Ruth Snider. The Misses Vera and Irene Jackson and Miss Edith Enridgc and George Snider accompanied Mr. and Mrs. E]. mo Keffer to Lake Wilcox on Monday affxz'noon. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Downey and Miss Lela Downey of Castleberg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Snider Miss Vera Jackson held a very suc- cessful pianoforte recital last Wednes- day. About twenty of her pupils were present. Miss Edith Enridge of Ridgeway is spending a two weeks vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snider. \ The Elia Women’s Institute held a very successful ice cream social on Thursday evening, August 4. A base- ball game between Edgeley and Elia ‘was a feature of the early part of the evening. Then an excellent progrgm followed. The Horticultural Society have is- sued a neat and comprehensive prize list for their third annual flower, fruit and vegetable show which will be held in the township hall on Friday after- noon and evening, August 27. The exhibit Will be featured with an illus- ‘trated lecture in the evening. At a second meeting of the citizens held last Thursday evening it was de- cided that the W. H. Crosby mem- orial gift to this village be a skating and curling rink in the six acre park lor athletic field already donated and committees are appointed to have plans drawn for Mr. Crosby’s approv- al. Since then Engineer Babcock has been engaged to draw up the plans which Will be submitted to Mr. Crosby for approval. The third annual field day, concert and dance of the Kleinburg and Nash- ville Women’s Institute will be held in Kleinburg, opposite school, on Friday. Aug. 12th. Ball games: Girls, Bolton vs. Maple 5 p. m.; Boys, Woodbridge vs. Wildfield, 6 p. m. At 4 o’clock a full program of races will commence. Concert from 8 to 10 by Miss Maud Hopes, elocutionist, The Bennett Family and orchestra. Dancing 10 to 2. See posters. jelly? “From the‘ ocean cur'rents,I sup- pose.†Seasonable Recipes “Where do the jelly-fish get their 9n Kleinburg Unionville Peach Mouss‘e ELIA Davies’ Dry Goods Store When Better Automobiles Are Builtâ€"McLaughlin-Buick Will Build Them (TheJVewV/ogue Richmond Hill Our operator, MISS DENBY, holds a ï¬rst class diploma for Marcemng, Water Waving, Hair Tinting, Shampooing, Bob and Hair Cutting, Scalp and Facial? Treatment, Manicuring, Etc. Phone Your Appointments, 119 DAVIES’ DRY GOODS STORE, ’ RICHMOND HILL. Beauty Parlor Closes, Monday And Thursday At 6 p.m. And‘Wed- nesday, at 12 o’clock noon. Tuesday, Friday and Saturday open until 9. 30 pm. Interior Color Harmonies that match the lovely effect of the Drawing Room McLAUGHLIN-BUICK for 192 8 Evening and Night Long Distance calls now on Local time W. P. HARRIS Hairdressing Parlour DAVID HILL, Richmond Hill OR the convenience of users of our Long Distance service, the reduced rates cn Evening and Night messages will now be based on the time in effect at the originating point. V The Evening rate will apply at 8.50 local time, and the Night rate at 12 midnight. Instead of applying standard time; as heretofore. the time in use at the point at which the message originates will govern. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA McLAUGHLIN-BUICK for 1928 sets a new vogue in motor car designâ€" Rich fabrics, covering walls and ceilings, blend pleasantly with ex- terior ï¬nishes, forming a neutral background for matching or con- trasting interior effects. Form-ï¬tting tailored seats are up- holstered in attractive materials of the ï¬nest quality. Carpets of pleas- ing pattern add a touch of lively color. Even the interiorWare is care- fully selected for its decorative eEect, that the complete ensemble may be in perfect taste. Jn froducz’ng Phone 119 Manager '33" THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1927 Ontario