2. The estimated cost of the work is $11,360.00 of which $350.00 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated cost per foot frontage is 50 cents. The special assessment is to be paid in ten annual instalments. 3. A petitio to the said council will not avail to prevent its construction, buta petition against the work or the manner in which it has been undertaken may be made; pursuant to Section 8 of The Local Imprdvement Act, to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board, by a majority of the owners represent- ing at least one-half of the value of the lots which are to be specially assess- ed therefor. . u ,,,,,:,1-_-J L" +1â€. f‘nnnpil n? 1. The Cou ‘ons’cruct as a :treets set out rest upon the 1 4. A by-law for undertaking the work \a. meeting thereof to be held on Tues day at a regular or special meeting thei'eo f to DATED AT MAPLE, ONTARIO August 2nd. 1927), STREET PAGE 131ij AKE NOTICE Edgar Ave (Plan 1930) from Yonge Street to 35’ east of the west limit of Edgar Ave. Oak Avenue (Plan 1960) from Yonge Street to the east limit of Avenue Road. Oxford Street (Plan‘1931) from Yonge St eet to the‘ west limA of lot 35. May Avenue (Plan 1987) from Yonge Street to the’ west limit of Lot 31 ’ ‘v I 359‘JW" .-‘-.. ï¬a¢§~r -' AA Money Savers é ES .1 WE DEL! VER A fresh stock of varied lines cf glass and chinaware, Vases, Candy Jars, Bulb Bowls, Fruit Bowls. Etc. in the p0pular art glass. , China Cups and Saucers from 156 to $1.00 Come in and Inspect our stock. Canned Peaches g: Assorted Sandwich BiSCuits, Christies 1b.33c Apple Sauce. Aylmer Reg. size tins Bruï¬swick Sardinesjï¬ 0i! 4 Tins 25c. ï¬iéapple, Sauth African, Eggs, per tin 25c Dainty Lunch, Sand- wich spread small ï¬re Strawberry Jam 3 lb. Giass 49s: BUTTEï¬gâ€"ChoicéCreamery 38c. Quality Cooked Heamï¬t on Ice During Hogflgggxg Local Improvement Notice SUGAR Gran. puref cane lbs. 67C. MALT VINEGAR Small Bottle HARVESTERS! $15.00 TO WINNIPEG _________â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"i AUG. SOthâ€"From Toronto, Caledon East, Beeton, Meaford, Collingwood, Penetang, Midland, ( South and East in Ontario, also Stations in Quebec West of St. Andrews and La'chute. SEPT. 7thâ€"Ij‘rom Stations in Ontario, Toronto. Inglewood Jct. and West and South thereof. Richmond Hill HRH-n- ----- -~- ~- «in: . From TORONTO (Yrion Siatimflâ€"Aug. 30th- 12.bl .3.m. (Midnightnug. 29th) 12.30 p.m.;10.40p.m. Sept. 1131â€"12533 jun; 10.40 p.111. From PETERBORO â€"â€" Aug. From WIN: 80131 â€"â€" 12.01 am. (Midnight â€"-12.30 an]. Aug. 29th) via Lindsay, Black- via Chathau water and Atherley. and Inglewc Throdgh ans {tom mcil of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan intends to local improvement 9. Macadam Pavement, ten feet wide, on the : in schedule below, and intends to specially assess a part of the land abutting directly on the Work: Travel Township of Vaughan THAT:â€" i1 of the C‘ Special T9113 OFW'innipeg via ( Ff rom mher prinCile points connecting with above special unins. For details Through Tralnsâ€"Comfoflablc Color-M Ganâ€"Speck“ cm for ‘-- Cost to be borne by Corporation. . & M. STERN Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for Thursday, Friday. Saturday. 15 W Fruit Cake, rich Sul- c tana 1 1b blocks 23c. $350.00 PHONE 8 Rdsedale Brand, Californ- ia, reg. size tin . . . Cost to be borne by land abutting directly TOTAL on the work. COST ill be considered by the Counci the 6th day of September 1927 be held thereafter. Dainty Lunch, Mayonngi§e From WINDSORâ€"Sept. 7th â€"12.30 a.m. (Midnight Sept 6th) via Chatham, London, Hamilton and Inglewood. ink Salmon, small tins iau Nada-ml Railways No oil, small gyAuglljZJi? $3300.00 $3250.00 $2060.00 $2400.00 J. B. McLEA' ierk of Vaugéx ’1 Plus half a cent per mile beyond to all points in Maui- toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta,-â€"Edmonton, Tannis, Calgary. MacLeod and East. RETURNINGâ€"de a cent per mile to Winnipeg, bins $20.00 to destination gram OTTAWAâ€"Aug. 30thâ€" 12.01 am. (Mid- night Aug. 29th); 12.01 noon. Ontario $1360.60 03300.00 $3250.00 $2000.00 $275 21c 12c 750.00 200 f For details consult local Canadian National Agents IOâ€. for Women and Childron 19c Social Items Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Langstaff and son Brett, of Stony Brook, Long 15- land, N. Y. called at the Thornhill Golf and Country Club last week to view the 01d homestead. Miss Marguerite Boyle and Mrs. Boyle motored to Peterboro on Wed- nesday to visit relatives over the week-end. The Thomhill Orchesfra will play at a garden party at West Hill on Friday evening. Mrs. F. Simpson is visiting with her son Fred in Timmins Ont. Mr. F. Cryderman, of Minesing visited his niéce Mrs. Walter Luesby last week. I Misses Annie and Aggie Cooper are visiting a few days with their sister Mr. Lumsden former.1ne:nber of the Mrs. W. Carlton, Toronto. Sterling Bank Staff here was renew- ing old acquaintances in the village this week. Miss Lena Drury of Toronto form- erly of Thornhill called on friends in the village last Week. Mrs. A. F. Oliver of Teï¬â€˜onto and Helen Clubine of Bradford are the guests of Mrs. J. Wells. Miss Hilda Farr, of New York is home spending a week with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. F. Farr. Miss Hilda Farr, of New York is home spending: a week with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. F. Farr. Misses Hilda and Florence Farr, Mrs. S. Reaman of Richmond Hill and Mr. F. Farr motored to Chatham to spend several days with Mr. and Mrs. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. from China will speak in the United Sunday School here next Sunday afternoon at 2.30 p. m. Rev. Al. Terryberry, of the Lords Day Alliance will preach in the United Church here next Sunday Morning. The Ladies aid of the United Church here held their regular meet-1 ing in the form of a picnic on Mrs. O. C. James Lawn yesterday afternoon, (Wednesday). After the business ‘was transacted, refreshments were ‘served on the lawn, and an enjoyable social hour spent. Softball Notes Picnic at Wilcox Lake The ladies softball team from here picniced at Wilcox Lake last Saturday afternoon and evening. A very en- joyable time was spent in boating, swimming and softball. Much of the success being due to Mrs. R. Scott, Mr F. Echlin and Mr. B. H. Eaton who conveyed the girls to the grounds. 11K Monday’s receipts of cattle at the Toronto Market included nearly 200 stockers aand feeders from Western Canada, a large percentage of which were mixed breeds and animals of very common quality. There was a good demand for choice steers weighâ€" iing around 900 1b., and the few offer- ed brought $7. Plainer steers ranged Ifrom $5.50 to $8.75, with fancy anim- als at $9, and choice heifers crossing the scales at $8 to $8.50, with an oc- casional top up to $8.75. Good steers and heifers were unchanged at $7.25 to $7.75, with medium grades at $6.50 to $7.00, and common killers at $5.75 to $6.00. ' The outlet for choice springers was considerably better and a good many changed hands at $90 to $100, with a few up to $110. The best milkers isold at $75 to $90. Toromo Markets From PALM ERSTONâ€"Sept. 7thâ€"9.00 a.m. \{ia Ggelph, Used Car Sale W. G. Baldock announces in-this isâ€" sue a sensational reduction in the prices of good used cars. If you are in the market this sale offers an un- usual , opportunity. 25,000 WANTED éeorgetéï¬n and Inglewood. tic ted 11in 211' Church Notes 1. W. Lea of the Ontario Pro- Union preached a very inter- nd impressive sermon in the Church here last Sunday Thornhill g, Midgand, Capreoljnd :Ichzm 3211!. returned Mi's will speak in the ‘si New Territory For At a conference of the York County public school inspectors held in the offices of the Department of Educa. tion, Toronto, last week, with Chief Inspector Greer in the chair, the ‘county was redivisioned for school inspecting purposes, which will give the village of Stouffville and the Township of Markham, a new in- spector. There will be no change in the case of Whichurch Township, where Inspector Mulloy of Aurora is in charge. Inspector Trench is taking on some new ground and giving up other parts of the County, which are turned over to the newly appointed Inspector Mr. Wilkinson, who enters upon his duties with fall term. The following is the manner in which the entire county has been redivisioned, and the education com- imittee of the County Council will be Iasked to sanction the change thus: Division lâ€"Mr. Mulloy: His pre- sent inspectorate plus Richmond Hill, a total of 112 classrooms. Division 2â€"Mr. Campbell: Etolgiâ€" coke Twp, Mimico, NQew Toronto, Weston, Mount Dennis school sec- tion, a total of \183 classrooms. Division 3â€"Mr. Jordon: York Tp., Lambton Park, Silverthorn, Swansea, Rav'linson, Fairbank, King George, George Syme, Humbercrest. a total of 18’- classrooms. Division 4â€"Mr. Trench: 23 class. ironms in North York. the whole of :East York Tp., Leaside, Forest Hill, lHumcwood, Briar Hill, a total of 165 New Inspector Takes Over Duties classrooms. Division 5â€"Mr. Wilkinson: Vaug- han township, Markham Tp., Scar- boro To, 17 claserOWS in North York, Woodbr'idge, Markham village, touffville, total of 158 classrooms. Plans are under way for the enter- tainment in Richmond Hill of the party of Northern Ontario Motorists who will visit the Exhibition next month. The officials in charge of ithe party have been notified of the ‘intention of the local officials to en- ltertain the party of 1000 motorists who will spend the night here after their long journey before_proceeding into the Queen City. Has High Regard That the interest of local people in the visit is appreciated is evidenced by the following letter which has been received by the Reeve from R. A. tapells of the Toronto Board of Trade which is self explanatory: J. J. Lunau, Esq., Reeve, Richmond Hill, Dear Mr. Reeve:â€" In View of the visit to Toronto in September of nearly a thousand mot- orists from Northern Ontario, I am delighted to learn that you have deci- ded to have the roadway leading into your City in first class shape by the time they arrive. Our friends from the North are for the first time able to get out of their Country by motor, thanks to the Gov- ernment building the new Highway from North Bay to Cochrane. They are not accustomed to good roads up in that great Country and are under the impressipn that in Southern On- tario, and especially in and around Toronto, we have the very best. I am isure that when you are through withl your roadway, that is the impression they will have of Richmond Hill. For several years I have during the summer months, had the pleasure of passing through Richmond Hill two or three times a week and consider it to be one of the prettiest places in Ontario. I have a very high regard lfor the enterprise and progressive- ness of its business men and citizens generally. JOB PRINTING THE LIBERAL IS EQUIPPED TO TAKE CARE OF EVERY PRINTING REQUIREMENT. QUALITY WORK- MANSHIP AND PROMPT SERVICE -AT THE RIGHT PRICE. TELEâ€" PHONE 9, RICHMOND HILL. I am not surprised that you have in mind entertaining our Northen Ontar- i0 friends and as Vice-Chairman of the Northen Ontario Development Committee of the Toronto Board of Trade, Vice-President of the Ontario Motor League and a member of the Honourable Mr. Finlayson’s Commit- tee, I desire to thank you and your Associates for your kind co-operation. With all good wishes for the future lsuccess and progress of your splendid ltown, believe me School Inspectors This Fall For Richmond Hill Sincerely Yours R. A. Stapells We have 6. Used Ford Trucks ranging in price $50 to $295 _ for a 1926 model. ‘ Why not pick one out to-day as they will soon be gone at such bargain prices. EASY TERMS. CLEAR TITLE. A few pleasure car left at greatly reduced prices- RICHMOND HILL BRANCH. otors Limited EM Showrooms 1391 Yonge St. Used Car Lot Broadway & Yonge The only authorized Ford Dealer on Yonge Street from Bloor to City Limits. Investments The Imperial Bank wishes to be helpful in the furtherance of its clients’ interests. A Bond Department has been established for the pur- pose of buying and selling the highest class of securities for our customers. The Bond Department will be glad to advise pu through the Manager of our nearest Branch. Richmond Street Harvest Is New in Full Swing See us for that Binder Twine Offering them at attractive prices. Phone 18 Pulleys, Rape, FOIks or Lines. GET OUR PRICES ON (/IC 31 EtN'l‘ ‘V ()RK IT WILL PAY YOU Blocks Made To Order 0r From Our Stock At Yards still have a few Oilers and good grade of Machine Oil. We sell the good old Plymouth Line. . Y. W. Braihwaite G. S. REAMAN :reet ] CEMENT MIXERS FOR RENT Perfection Stoves 0 F CALI‘ZADA Richmond Hill THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1927 A. T. MINNIS, Manager. Richmond Hib. We Deliver. Get yours 3‘