The Low-Stuqu Body ‘ In case of breaks or bum brakes Who Pays the Damage? YOU DO ! RICHMOND HILL John Dunlop & Son FLORISTS Richmond Hill - Ont. We solicit "orders for cut flowers for all oc- casions which will be promptly and cheer- fully ï¬lled. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS. A'horough Eye Examinatlons and Glasses That Fit Perfectly. 9min] Attgntionjo Children's Eyes. Open Evenings. Plume Hudson 0461 for Appointment. fl‘hornhill All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Winterton's Old Stand Yonge St. Callâ€" C. H. TAYLOR Phone 28 Thornhill When BetterAutomobiles Are Builtâ€"McLaughlin’BuickVViH Build Them THURSDAY, AUGUST 18. 1927 Estimates Cheerfuliy Given For work anywhere in the district. See the low-swung body as McLaughlin-Buick builds it, and you will see at once why McLaughlin-Buick is the industry‘s accepted leader in beauty, luxury, performanceâ€"and especially in value. M-ezac McLAUGHLlN-BUICK J%r1928 ‘czent For Automobile Insurance. TEL. 118 J. J. CLEMENTS PAINTER AND DECORAj‘QR THE BIND OPTICAL CO. 2513 Yonge St. North Toronto. (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) Unless You Insure Withâ€"â€" Boot and Shoe Repairer. and DECORATING A. G. SAVAGE wit/2 no loss of headroom or road clearance DAVID HILL, Richmond Hill PAINTING OPTOMETRISTS HE dream of every automobile manufac- turerâ€"to build a body low swung for beauty and for readability, without loss of head-room or road-clearance-has become reality in McLaughlin-Buick for 1928. McLaughlin-Buick engineers achieved this lower eFEect, not by the makeshift of smaller wheels with their increased tire wear, but by a complete re-designing of bodies, and by an entirely new and exclusive principle, the double-drop frame. The tallest McLaughlin- Buick now stands but 70 inches high, yet McLaughlin bodies are roomier than ever before. Phone Ring 33 GEO. KIDD ONTARIO Ontario “He gazed attentively with distend- ed eyes.†“She cast her eyes to the window of the opposite house and then let them fall upon the automobile at the door." Surely the eyes must be the hardi- est bf all the organs of the body, to endure treatment which would be im- possible to any other. A writer in Minerva has catalogued a few of the uses and treatments to which those supposedly sensitive members are subjected by current Italian novelists thus: “She devoured with her eyes the jeweler’s windows." ‘ “His eyes roved incessantly from one end of the street to the other.†Surely enough to make even the strongest eyes wear. “Her eyes were drowned in a sea. of tears.†The optimism of the West for this year’s crop is standing up Well and the farmers, except in a few lowlying areas, are confident of a yield as good as and indeed much better than prev- ious years. Frost has stepped in but has not caused consternation. Porter, Dodsland, Asquith and Elrose, Saskat. chewan, have felt it worse than other points. ‘Rust is troubling some farm- ers in Manitoba, and weeds are the concern of a few in Alberta, but these are isolated instances. The majority of acreages are healthy and standing up well, ripening rapidly and harden- mg. “His eyes hurled pointed and pois- onous darts.†Barley cutting is also under way and the bountiful hay crop is practic- ally all gathered in. Isolated points in Southern Manitoba and Saskatche- wan and in Northern Alberta send news of early wheat cutting; some districts expect to have their harvest under way next week, others say they will not be ready for two to three weeks. Crop Generally Good Harvesting Is Under Way Winnipeg, Aug. 17â€"The sound of the thresher haas already been heard on the Prairies. According to the Canadian National Railways’ weekly crop report rye cutting is general and in some places, notably in the inter- lake area of Manitoba, it has been threshed. Thirty bushels to the acre is the report of the Winni- pegosis district and the rye crop is on the whole regarded as very good. Cutting Barley. GOOD CROP PROSPECTS IN WESTERN CANADA EYES IN METAPHOR WHY MEN WORK “Why do you peddle your fruit?" said I To a huskster of melons who wander- ed by; “Why do you shout from dawn to gloom?†Said he: “For the wife and kids at home."’ “Why do you dig in the ditch?" I asked Of a grimy laborer, sorely tasked; And this is the reason such work he did: I “I gotto da wife. I goota da kid.†Oh they went down the busy street Eager toilers with hurrying feet; Butcher, baker and banker, grave, Why do they work and why do they save? What is it moves to work and plan? What is the motive of every man? Stop and ask him what holds him fast Dreaming and striving to serve at last; Polished speech or aan accent queer, This is the purpose that you shall hear: “I gotta da wife, I gotta da kid.†Each shall tell as the digger did: “This is» the purpose which rules us all: “Home and the wife and the child- ren small.†CANADA’S FINEST VACATION RESORT. JASPER NATIONAL PARK Even the mountains of Switzerland do not excel the glorious Alpine scen- ery of Jasper National Parkâ€"Can- ada’s National Playground in the Ca- nadian Rockies, 5300 square miles in area. For the comfort of the vacationist, Jasper Park Lodge offers excellent ac- commodation for 600 guests and every luxury and convenience to be found in the most modern hotel is provided. There is a magnificent 18 hole golf course, splendid tennis courts and in addition, climbing, hiking, motoring, camping, boating, bathing and danc- ing furnish abundant means for rec- reation. Jasper National Park is situated on the main across continent line of the Canadian National Railways and is .given unequalled double daily service by the Continental Limited from Montreal and Ottawa and the Confed- eration from Toronto, the luxury trains to the West. Profusely illustrated literature may be had from any Canadian National Agent. 8 oz. Can with Sprayer. For Your Garden THE PLOWMAN The delicate green trees stand up There by the fenced ways; One or two are crimson-tipped And soon will start to blaze. The plowman follows, as of yore, Along the furrows cold, Homeric shape against the boughs; Sharp is the air with mold... 0h, new days, yet long known and old! L0, as we look about, This immemorial act of faith, That takes the heart from doubt- Kingdoms decay and creeds are not, Yet still the plowman goes Down the spring fields, so he may make Ready for him that sows. Field and Garden Hoes Berger’s Paris Green and Arsenate of Lead. ‘ Kill The Flies With Richmond Hillâ€"Ont. Hay Forks Turnip Hoes CQGEEEF’3 HARï¬WARE Phone93 THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. WHIZ. â€"Edgar A. Guest. Teacherzâ€"“Johnny, can you tell me what a hypocrite is?†Johnny:â€"-“Yes, ma’am, it’s a boy who comes to school with a smile on his face.†‘ ORGANIZING BIG CONVENTION Major General A. D. McRae, Chair- man of the sub-comlttee arranging the preliminaries for the National Conservative convention at Winni- peg, which 5,000 delegates are ex- pected to attend. Our Watches are wonderfuin accurate timekeepers in fine modern cases, up to the minute in style. A Finer Watch JEWELER 2485 Yonge Street Opposite Capitol 'l‘heatr‘ 6. In entering Main Highwaysâ€"Stop and Look. Don't my to cut into trafï¬c. Wait a minute and it will pass. '1. Don’t stop on the Highwayâ€"Don’t park. Like Cut $8.50 4. in passing trunkâ€"Be careful. _ When you overtake and pan mocha car. see that the road ahead is clear. Be sure there is a place in the trafï¬c line which you can reach before you meet a vehicle coming the other way. Keep to your right on curves. Don‘t try to pass near the top of a hill. There may be a vehicle approaching which you cannot see. Alwayn indicate what you intend to do either by the horn or signal with the hand. 5. When other can try to pass youâ€"Let them pass. Brakesâ€"Get your braka tested frequently so that your car will obey when you want to stop. Steering Gearâ€"No part of the car in so vital. Take care against breakage by frequent inspection. Four Wheel Brake Signsâ€"Put one an die rear of your car if you have {aux-wheel brakes. 3. Don’t “Ion!†on main highway: when trafï¬c I: heavy. 2. Have your ear ln pefleet mechanical shape. Gluing Headlidlttâ€"See that your lights are of one of the types authorized by the Department. and that your bulb. m in focus. Write the Department {or a free folder telling how to focus your lights. These are the simple Rules of Driving It is necessary to observe each one scrupulously all the time. 1. Get your Motor Vehicle Operator’s License. Have it whatever you drive a car. If you get into an accident. or are stopped by a trafï¬c ofï¬cer or policeman, the almenee of your Operator's License in itself will be considered a breach of the law and subject to ï¬ne. GILROY Ontario Department of Highways It is dangerous to yourself and to other: to park on the highway. If you wish to stop, move on to the ï¬rst urn-out, and get your car entirely off the pavement. The law is very deï¬nite in providing that when a vehicle overtakes another and attempts to pass, the second vehicle shall pull over to the right and let the ï¬rst vehicle go by. Some drivers still think it clever to speed up when overtaken. That is against the law. If you are just “out for an airing" go where the traï¬ic is light. County and township roads are in good shape. Slow moving trafï¬c is the came of many accidents, because the motors behind must pals. Don't be nelï¬dz with the road by holding up trafï¬c which has a right to proceed at a reasonable speed. You must obey them if you wish to be safe on the Highways Tralï¬c has increased so much on the highways that motor car drivers must become “trafï¬c conscious". They must realize that safety for all motor traflic is largely in the hands of the operators of cars. Some do not yet under- stand this. while a small minority are perpetual oï¬enders against common sense. decency and the law. Both these classes of drivers are a menace. The co-operation of all intelligent and right-minded motorists is desired in giving caution and advice to the careless. In cases of flagrant breach of the law or rules of the road, other motorists should take license numbers and send them to the local authorities or to this Department with particulars. USE COMMON SENSEâ€"BE COURTEOUS. Think of the dangu‘s you create for yourself and other: by careless. thoughtless driving. ' It is better for you to let the other driver have the road, if it helps you to avoid an accident or a lawsuit. The Hon. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister Numerous requests have been made to keep the school open during July and Augustto accommodate those who are unable to at. tend during the winter months.The school will remain open for two or three days each week and those intending to take advantage of our very low fees coupled with the most capable teachers are asked to call or write for particulars. Car stor; 6 A walk 300 ft. south On East Side of Yonge Street. The Thompson School of Music now having completed the Fall and Winter terms are prepared to accept pupils for the Spring Term There are many taking advantge of this school from points as far away as Newmarket, Gormley, Richmond Hill, Thomhill, New- tonbrook, Oriole, Agincourt, Willowdale, York Mills and other small- er places. OU’LL shake hands With a square deal when you order coal off us. You will find that not only is our delivery prompt but that we live up to our full weight ton reputation. l. D. Ramer Thompson School of Richmond Hill COAL â€" PAY BY THE LESSON G. Strickland Thompson, Principal M-U-S-I-C â€" WOOD â€" BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES. and poultry feedsâ€" Dandy, Full 0’ Pop and Purina Chick ry Ration. Alsoâ€"Bran, shorts, Gluten and Dai Cement--Tile Wood and Solvay Coke At the Elevator We carry a full line of Blatchford’e NOTICE PAGE SEVEN PO. Box 813 Lansing Ont. FEED 93