The meeting will be held at the home of Miss Winnifred Nichols and the ad- dress will be given by Rev. Mr. Eaton of Unionville. Mr. and Mrs. Boston and daughters Velma and Marian left Monday morn_ ing, motoring to Boston, Mass, U.S.A. to visit Mrs. Boston’s brother Rev. R. Schell, they expect to be away two weeks. Master Andy McIntyre of Toronto, who has been holidaying with his uncle Mr. Lyon, returned home Sun- day with _his father, who spent the day with friends here. The Junior Women's. \Institute of “Victoria Square are postponing the September meeting until~ Sept. 10th. Misses Isabel and Beryl Lyon, ang Miss Margaret McIntyre, of Toronto, are visiting with friends in Stouff- ville. ‘ Mrs. Cowles of Cleveland Ohio, Mrs. D. McIntyre and children of Toronto, returned home Sunday after spending a few days with friends 'here. ’ Get Ready For School Get ready for school which opens next Tuesday. G. H. Glenn who carr_ ies a complete line of school books and supplies elsewhere in this issue invites students to visit the store early and make their purchases. MAPLE KNNUAL HELD DAY, SAT’Y. SEPT. 3&3 VOL. L Regular Saturday Matinee 2.30 p.m Adding... S Sawzvef "37:; WW Victoria Square When Obadiah Strout wcnl u-courlin’ Lindy I’ u l n a m he found a way to put the skids under rivalry. “ Don’t Tell Everything †CAPITOL NEWS COVERING CANADA’S BEST SUBURBAN DISTRICT Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Sept. 5, Sept. 6, Sept. 7 2492 YON GE STREET, AT CASTLEFIELD rL (“le Chevrolet Oakiand Special Holiday Matinee Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sept. 1 Sept. 2 Sept. 3 Topics and Fables. Monday, Labor Day 2.15 p.m APITOL THEATRE Msmo‘ COMEDY Plan now to attend the fiftieth ann- iversary of the Edéeley United church on September 16th. Supper served from 5 to 8 pm. Admission 25c and 15c. Come and bring your friends. Silence A stranger who was rather deaf en- tered a little Scotch church. He seated himself in a front pew and placed an ear trumpet on his knee. An elder of the kirk, who had never seen an ear trumpet. watched him with grave suspicion. 'Mrs." E. Usher entertained a number of her Sunday School Pupls at dinner last Sunday evening. ’ Mrs. Wesley Stong’s sister of Cal- gary, is visiting here. Mr.‘ E. Brown, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his mother. Mr. L. AfWhitmore and family also Mr. and Mrs. L. Robb, motored to the Caledon mountains on Sunday. Miss Eveline Bagg has been visit- ing her friend Miss Hollingshead, of King. When the minister entered, the man ‘ lifted the trumpet from his knee, but! before he could adjust it he felt a tap on his shoulder and heard the in- dignant elder saying: “One toot, an' you’re oot.†Mrs. LAIbert Peelar, of Toronto, spout a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peelar. Blahche Sweet Louise Fazenda Elmo Lincoln John Bowers Barbara LaMarr June Elvidge Hank Mann Gale Henry Victor Potel Billy Franey COMEDY Lloyd Hamilton IN “Goose Flesh†Greatest cast ever assembled in one picture Lon Chaney Call at our Show room or phone us for our prices. CHEVROLET SALES & SERVICE Ask us about the New Canadian Oakland. Entirely a new car at lower price Edgeley New and Lewer Prices on Chevrolet “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials. Liberty: In All Things, Charity.†RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1927 The Reeve in conversation with The Liberal explained that the change is made one week previous to Toronto largely to accommodate the school pupils. ' vLocal citizens will come in for an lextra hour of sleep on Monday morn- ing next, to make up for the one lost last spring when the hands of the clock were shoved on one hour. Ac- icording to official announcement else- ‘where in this issue the village will‘ re- vert to standard time on Sunday night at midnight. Monday is a holiday so ‘people will have one day grace to iget used to the change. Church on Sunday will be on daylight saving time and if anyone perchance walks in an hour late it will be due to his enthusiasm to eliminate the vagaries of Big Ben by doing the hand turning stunt one day too soon. Decide Markham League’ Winners Here on Friday A softball game will be played at the Agricultural Park, Richmond Hill on Friday afternoon, of this week at 2.15 p‘ m. betweenVictoria Square and Unionville, ‘to decide the champâ€" ionship of the Markham Central Lea- gue. There were six teams in the league, two Unionville teams, Brown's Corners, Buttonville, Locust Hill and Victoria Square and a very interest- ing season of softball has been enjoy- ed. Victoria Square were easy winn- ers of the first half of the schedule having won every game. They were beaten by one game by Unionville in the second half and in the play-off each team has one win to their cred- it. The deciding game will be play- ed on Friday afternoon and as_ the teams appear to be quite evenly matched should ‘-be very interesting for the fans of this district. STANDARD TIME HERE ON MONDAY The /old school bell will ring out once again throughout this district on Tuesday .morhing thus ending the summer vacation which seemed all too short, and heralding the commen- cement of another school year. School bags and dust laden books will be re- scued from the seclusion of the shelves and closets which they have enjoyed Richmond Hill reverts to standard time on Sunday night and all schools will be on this time. It was largely ‘out of consideration for the schools \that this action was taken by the council. Many pupils who attend are ‘from districts where daylight saving .never was in effect and as the time for the change in the city of Toronto and other districts is so near at hand it Was thought advisable to make the change now with the minimum in- SCHOOLS WILL OPEN TUESDAY, SEPT. 6th since last June and there will be the usual scramble which has character- ized schwol opening since time imme_ morial. Convenience“. For the residents of South Yonge Street it will mean coming to school at 10 a. m. for a week but the radial schedule provides good service under this arrangement. , Ladies Bowling Tournament A tournament will be held on the local green by the Richmond Hill Ladies’ Club, on Wednesday, Septem- ber 7. The draws will be made at 9.30 and 11 q’clock daylight saving time. There will be four games of twelve ends each. The greens are in good condition and good prizes will be given. Refreshments served on the green. Unionville and Victoria Square Will Play Deciding Game for League Trophy Richmond Hill Schoéls will be on Standard Time PAVING T0 COMMENCE ABOUT SEPTEMBER 15 County Council Committee Inspected Road on Thursday Arrangements have been completed for the paving of Yonge Street and it ‘is understood that the contract will be awarded to-day. The T.T.C. tracks will be paved between the rails which will give a twenty nine foot pave- ment, but there will be no curbs? con- structed this year. If the contract is awarded to-day it is likely that the 'work will commence about September 15th. The special committee of the counâ€" ty council appointed at the June ses- sion appointed to in‘vestigate Rich- mond Hill’s request for a county grant were in the village on a tour and inspection to-day. They looked the situation over and were met by Reeve Lunau and councillor Herring'- ton. Regular Meeting of Women’s Institute Next Wednesday The regular monthly meeting of the Oak Ridges Branch of the Women’s Institute will be held at Craigmore, the residence of Mrs. John H. C. Dur- ham, Bond Lake, on Wednesday, Sep- tember 7th, at 2.30 p. m. standard time. The Aurora Branch of the ‘Women’s Institute being the guests of the day will supply the programme. All cordially invited to attend. St. John’s Church ‘ 10 a. m.â€"â€"Sunday School l 11 a. m.â€"Morning Prayer Parish Hall . 3 p. m.â€"Sunday School 8 p. m.â€"â€"Evening Service by the Rector. At Your Service ‘ For the convenience of the people of this district the Liberal Office is open every evening until 9.30 p. In. Advertising and news contributions should be handed in as earJy in the week as possible but will be taken care of until 10 a. m. on the day of publication. Prompt service at all times on all job printing orders. Telephone 9, Richmond Hill. MR. JOHN KING President of the British Newspaper Society, who. with a party of other pressmen from the Old Country, is making a. tour of Canada. TO MAKE HIGHWAYS SAFE Drastic measures are being taken by the Ontario Govern- ment in their determination to eliminate or reduce to a mini- mum, the menace to life and property created by the speed fiend and the careless driver, according to the Hon. G. Howâ€" ard Ferguson, Prime Minister, interviewed on Monday in con- nection with this questin. The department of Highways is doubling its force of motor- cyo-le officers, and instructions are being given every police constable and motorcycle offi- cer to rigidly enforce the pro- visions of the Highway Trafï¬c Act. Oak Ridges Plans are complete for the annual Maple Field Day which will be held here on Saturday. Many entries have been received for the softball tournament which will commence at 12.30 o'clock standard time and it is expected that there will be several more before Friday night. There will be many midway attractions and foot races for young and old. After supper which will be served in the Masonic Hall, there will be a concert and dance. Plan now to spend the day at Maple. Mr. McClintock an Evangelist and Social Service worker preached in the United church on Sunday evening. It is expected that Rev. A. S. Kerr will feturn from his vacation this week and will resume his work on Sunday next. Mrs. C. Brown, whose s'inging is of_ ten broadcasted, sang a beautiful solo in the United church on Sunday even- The Newmarket Ladies’ softball team was defeated here on Wednes- day of last week by a score of 25 to G in a league game. A charivari was one of the events in the village last week. Mrs. J. McMurachy who is ill is staying with her brother Mr. F. Mc- Donald and his family at Sutton. Miss Rose Brown of St. Alban’s Eng., Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brown of Motherwell, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown and family of McKees- port, Pa., are visiting at Mr. H. C. Bailey’s. The monthly meeting of the W. A. of St. Stephen’s church was held at the home of Mrs. H. Taylor on Thurs- day last. Weekly News Notes and Personal Items From Maple. Framed Excellent Comedy -- News Events Serial Chapter No. 7 “ON GUARD†MILTON SILLS BEQEQEERIEEAIBE Madam Battery and ignition Service #5 5"}CCIAFJIB-i7i‘ï¬i Generatersâ€"Magnetosâ€"Starting Motors Agents for Hart Prestolite, U.S.L. Batteries Generator Repairs and Battery Rentals. Our Own Make The Modern Battery $9.00 The gratifying volume of business we have received from the people of York County residing north of the city limits indicates the courtesy, integrity and willingness to serve on which we havebuilt our reputation Thurs, Friday. Saturday, Sept. 1, 2, 3. A79? , ‘ " - ' - -, V , J J; I ' o '; . ‘v x ' ‘ 51,, A. .. I . ~~ EXPRESS CHARGES PREPAID ONE WAY 503 Yonge St. Near St.Clair, Toronto. HUdson 8153 â€"' THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT L ATURDAY MATINEE 2 P. M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. M Mon, Tues., Wed'y, Sept. 5. 6, '- LIMITED w 24 Hour Service Miss N. Cockrill, teacher of Seeley’s Bay, Mr. E. W. Middleton, of Hamilâ€" ton, Miss J. MiddletOn of Buffalo, and Mr. C. E. Sweet and family of Oshaâ€" wa have all been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Robeson. Mr. C. Roberts has some wonderful gladioli in his garden and the congreâ€" gations of St. Andrew’s and the Unit. ed Churches, are grateful to him for the magnificent bouquets supplied every Sunday. During the two weeks of the ONE. Mr. C. Robeson and Mr. A. C. Robin_ son are closing their stores on Wedâ€" nesday afternoons. Mr. and. Mrs. Carl Saigeon and Master Jack, attended the re-union of the Saigeon family at Ahmerstburg last week. They are also spending sometime in Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Ethel Graham of Aurora has been visiting with Mrs. C. Norman. Miss Snider of Toronto, is visiting at Mr. A. C. Robinsons, Madame Rutherford, of Toronto, who gave vo- cal Iessons here some years ago spent a couple of days last week with Mrs. A. C. Robinson, a former pupil. Mrs. H. Keffer, of Toronto, is spenâ€" ding a few weeks with her son Mr. H. E. Keffer. Mrs. Keffer who is in rather poor health celebrated her eighty-ninth birthday last week. It is hoped that the villagers will decorate their houses for Field Day next Saturday. A beautiful gold Watch donated by Mr. Allan Knight, of Toronto, as lst prize in the one mile open race at the Field Day on Saturday is on view it: Bailey’s Store window. Th‘é public school will re-open for the fall term on Tuesday, Sept. 6. Adapted from George W. Sutton Jr’s. " Dawn of My To-morrow." SINGLE COPY, 3c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE News Events No. 9