Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Sep 1927, p. 4

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THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. PAGE FOUR _- Gormley The firemen of Toronto played a 'riendly game of ball at Victoria lquare on Wednesday night. A dance inded the evening’s fun. Among the Ire-fighters were Mr. and Mrs. Al- 'ert McKenzie a former boy of the 2th line Markham. Mr. Chas. Hart’s mother visited vith them this week, returning to her in Aurora, accompanied by Dorothy and Marjory Hart, stay till the opening of tome l‘helma, .vho will zchool. Mr. Herm. Mortson’s hired man net with an unfortunate accident this Neek. He stepped on a rusty nail ind as a. result had to lay off work t‘or sometime. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boston and fam- ily left early Monday morning for a trip to the States. Miss Alma and Byrle Farqharson ind the three Misses Harts had a tea party with Miss Gwen Moynihan on [Friday afternoon. Mr. Gerald Freeland and Mr. Bert Knapp left home Monday morning for Saskatchewan. Miss Gerty Cook spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs. Gilbert of Toronto, attended church on the town-line Sunday afterâ€" noon. ' Mr. Mullen visited Mr. Wm. Dennie on Sunday. Mr. Dennie is now able to be up. Miss Anna Steckley left last Tues- day morning for New York en route to Indla’ Where She wm resume her with marked success. Rev. Mr. Pick- Missionary Work. Lansing On the grounds of Rev. T. W. Pickâ€" ett, Lansing Horticultural Society staged their first annual flower show ett opened the show with an address. . ' z ' " i. . . . h ‘1‘ Steady riutlhallf (lay flooidtlfiis‘ngl lnwhlch he pralsed the somcty for the e p many 0 e alme S ' manner in which its influence had cality to start fall plowing. Mr. and Mrs. C. Moynihan and r n son visited with the formers , G a d secretary J. Bowen, were ln charge brotherâ€"in-law at York ~Mills. Miss Jessie and Mildred Collard are visiting with their sister Mrs. Hermon Mortson. The many friends are glad to see Miss Mabel Boynton out again. beautified the homes of the district. 1 President E. Morrison, assisted by,l W. Allen, Toronto, acted as the judge. Prize winners were as followsz»â€" Bouquet of wild flowers, W. Bur- ford, L. Hutchinson; bouquet of house flowers L. Hutchinson, R. Noad; specâ€" ial basket of flowers, Mrs. E. Morris- Mrs‘ J‘ DQWSberr‘v 0f Rmhmond on; special display of flowers, J. Bow- Hill, visited with her parents here this week. , Ruth and Eric Moynihan, Miss and Mr. Roy Bovair, of York Mills spent the weekâ€"end with the formers parents. Mr. E. Hunt expects a new grain machine this week. Miss Betty Aigen spent the week with Gwenith Moynihan. Miss Dugan and Miss Burnham are visiting with their aunt Mrs. Ross Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. L. Nichols attended the christening of Stewart and Char- lie Wellman on Friday night. Rev. Elia Dennie and Mr. E. Mc-lA. A. Wall officiated. M Servicoable. School Shoes Here is the boy- proof oxford which has been our leader for years. Made of good strong calf-skin and ona generous last it is the best school shoe a parent can selecet for foot ccmfort and service. Reinforced and double stitched at all “strain” points. Rubber heel if desired. $1.95, $2.95 $3.95 in black and brown, in sizes from baby to girls size 7; to boys 5%» Sheppards 5 Store 2597 Yonge Street. Phone HUDson 1485 Power Threshing, feed and filling si which the Fordson provide Fordson and the position of t to line up for belt work. It moves i to another, hauling all the equipment required. IWorsley; collection of vegetables, R. 6 G M. Burford, F. pink, M. blooms, white. purple, Asters. Orford; B65519 scrwener 0f RIChmond H11]’,Hutchinson, M. Pugh; collection high- ly commended, M. Hamilton; best col- lection, M. Pugh. Calendula. E. Dewar; cosmos, M. Pugh, M. Hamilton; dahlias, J. H., Pugh. ‘ Gladiolas, 3 spikes, R. Dewar; 6 spikes, M. Burford, M. Hamilton; best collection, R. Dewar. Gaillardia, F. Orford, F. R. Noad; tiger lilies, M. Burford; marigolds, M. . Gowan, M. Pugh; nasturtiums, Mrs. wright, M. Burford; pansies, M. Bur- ford, M. Hamilton. Phlox, ford; perennial, F. Orford, M. Noad. Petunias, single, M. Hutchinson, F. Orford; double, F. Orford. Roses, Mr. Morrison, R. Dewar; salpiglosis, M. Hamilton; scabiosa, M. Hamilton, M. Burford; snapdragon, M. Pugh, H. T. Elliott, E. Daniels; stocks, H. T. Elliott; sunflower, R. Gowan; sweet peas, M. Burford; ver- benas, M. Daniels, F. Orford; zinnias, H. T. Elliott, M. Hutchinson, begohias, F. Orford; potted plants, J. Whalan; asparagus fern, M. Pugh. Vegetablesâ€"Beets, M. Burford, R. Dewar; carrots, M. Burford, A. H. Worsley; cabbage, M. Pugh; cucum- ber, R. Dewar, A. H. Worsley;'onions, F. Steers; potatoes, A.H. Worsley, M. Burford; squash, Hubbard, A. H. VVorsley; vegetable marrow, A. H. Dewar. Fruitâ€"Duchess apples, M. Burford. The automobile has made it possâ€" .ible for the people of the villages to get used to strangers. For Your Belt Jobs , . baling hay, sawing wood, pumping water, grinding 105 are but a few of the important belt jobs for s ample power. The size of the he belt pulley make it convenient tseli quickly from one job With its low first cost and low cost of operation, the Fordson is the most economical power unit available for farm work, whether on belt or draw-bar. annual, F. Orford, M. Bur- L Re-Opening of Schools ‘ Schools will re open Tuesday, Sept 6 AT 9 A.M. STANDARD TIME R. S. COOPER Secretary G. H. DUNCAN Chairman. Vaughan Township The regular September meeting of 'thc Vaughan Township Council will le held in the Township Hall. Vellore AT 1 l’. M. transaction of general business J. B. McLEAN, Clerk Maple Ont., Aug. 31, 1927. i for i York Market Heavy week-end rains sponsible for a decrease in the num- ing at the York Market at the north- ern city limits. The salne cause doubtless contributed to the scarcity of fruit offered for sale. The big crowd of buyers gave evidence of the popularity of the bi-weekly market amongst the residents of the neigh- .boring districts. Prices asked were: Applesâ€"Duchess’ 30c per 6 quart; Astrachan. 50c per 6 qt. Farm pro- duceâ€"Eggs, 55c and 60c. per doz.; cream (whipping) 40c. per pt., table 25c per pt.; butter, 35c per 1b.; cot- tage cheese, 10c. per pkt.; honey, $1.50 per 100-lb pail, 12-02 jar, 25c.; chicken. (roasting) 45c per 1b., (boil- ing), 30c 1b.; ducks, 35c per lb. VegetablesfiCauliflower, 10c. to 20c each; peppers, 3 for 10c.; gher- kins, 20c. per qrt., $1.25 per 6 quart basket; celery, 10c per head: potaâ€" toes, 25c per 6 qt. basket; cucumbers, 30c. per 6 qrt basket; corn, Golden Bantam 30c., per doz.; beans, green or yellow, 40c per 6 qt. basket; mush- rooms, 75c per 1b.; tomatoes, 50c. per 6 qts.; beets, carrots, onions, 3 for 10c. Flowersâ€"Begonias, 20c per pot; Boston ferns, $1.00 each; gladioli 30c to 35c per doz. ELGIN MILLS The open air service last Sunday evening, on the lawn of Mr. D. Kersâ€" well' was very largely attended and a very helpful and enjoyable service was held. The next will be held on Sunday, Sept. 11th, at 8.30. On Sunday next, September 4th at 3 o’clock a. Sunday School will be start- ed in the pavilion. All children and young people in the community are invited to attend. Both the services and the Sunday School are intended to supply the needs of the whole comâ€" munity at Elgin Mills. \Von Prize at Schomberg Three local rinks took part in the bowling tournament at Schomberg on ped by James prize, coffee percolators and card tables, and Edgar Wall’s rink won third prize, carving sets and bowl bags. The rinks were as follows: Miss McLean, E. T. Stephens, Mrs. E. T. Stephens, Jas. McLean skip; Mrs. L. H. Clement, Mi'ss I. Wiley, Edgar Wall skip; Mrs. P. G. Hill, Mrs. N. J. Glass. A. E. Glass skip. _/___ FALL FAIR DATES Barrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 27-28 Markham . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 29-Oct. 1 Newmarket . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 27-29 Wâ€" l The Richmond Hill High and Public , Tues, Sept. 6th were re- , ber of farlners on hand Tuesday even- , Friday of last week and the rink skipâ€" l McLean won second [ We will. gladly send you a copy of our new folder: "Things You Should Know Before You Buy Your Tractor." Ask for it. Little Bros. Richmond Hill Ont. ESTOVE l The coll evenings will soon be here You wil need aqlittle fire to make the l . ‘house more cosy. If buying a stove ‘make sure its McClarey’s QUEBEC COOKING. QUEBEC HEATER QUEBEC :3 \VAY HEATER LET l'S SHOW THEM TO YOL' Cooper’s hardware Glass and Glazing etc. Phone93 , .1 111311 A. chm.on .;-._lâ€"Ont. I. l THL‘RSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1‘. 3927 _ Classified Advertising "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING--I\IAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra I each insertion. FOR SALEâ€"Good Clover Honey 5 lb. FOR S.\l.Eâ€"â€"Summer kitchen. 10 .‘; tins 65 cents. 10 lb. tins $1.25. or in 14. good condition, chimney and out lots of 50 lbs or over 12 cents per attached. Apply Box pound. Delivered anywhere in the Richmond Hill district. Apply J. ‘ V MacGillivary, Richmond Hill, R.R. FOR S‘XLE-ng’oo‘ House on Centre 1' my King 1607_ Street. stucco, almost new, 50’ fron- tage, 5 rooms and unfinished bath room, Oak floors, sun room and large verandah, small fruit and fruit trees. Immediate sale. Apply Mr. Winch, cor. Centre & Yonge Sts ____â€"â€"- n t), house Maple. ______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" LEAVING CANADA MUST SELLâ€"â€" Idea] bungalow, nicely decorated, water, electric light and furnace. 12 acre of land,, handy to cars. Wm. B l . ' ~ . . L;3::lton’h:::pgang???) Srtglget WANTEDâ€" Contracts, progresswc, ” 2' F “1° ’ for all kinds of blasting, stumps, ______________.â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" quarry or dirt, expert at business. FOR SALEâ€"Good springch 1101- _ ’ stein, due about September 20th, al- Land Clearmg' trees removed or so one good work home Applv cut down. Write for information, Howard Jackson, Maple, phone Francis L. Watts, 122 Shuter St., i 537, Toronto, phone Elgin 8965. BEES FOR SALEâ€"Eleven colonies, Italians in double walled hives also a number of empty hives with frames and supers, apply Walter Scott, Unionville, R. R. â€"___________.__â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- FOR .SALE.â€" White enamel bed, springs, Coleman Lamp, all in fist class condition. Phone 137 r 13. $4.00 .l’ER. FOOTâ€"160 feet deep, water and electric light, very easy terms. Wm. Brotherton, Stop 6, Yonge Street, Lansing, Phone Willowdale 63 J. HOUSE FOR RENTâ€"Richmond Hill on Yonge Street, at car stop, six l rooms? hardWOOd floors! eleCtric' â€"_.___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- water, garage. Apply at Liberal \VANTEDâ€"Hear from owner good ‘ Office. farm for sale. Cash price, particu- lars. D.F. Bush Minneapolis, Minn. HAIRDRESSINGâ€"Marcel H ggjheRfigfn’ Gentle Street’ weSt’ WANTEDâ€"An opportunity to sell the articles which you have no use for, to secure for you those things which you want, to sell that farm or house and lot, in general to put and curl ROOM .AND .BOARDâ€"High school girls, house privileges, apply Lib- eral Office. you in touch with the people you CASH PAID For Poultry market want to meet- My reputation is prices. A. Robinson, Box 166, the very 138513 and 13m welland 1 Richmond Hill, favorably known throughout York County. Apply “Liberal Classified ,‘ Ads.” ’ _____â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" FOR RENTâ€"House 6 rooms, electric light orchard line drive, moderate rent, Finch, Elizabeth St., Rich- mond Hill. â€"‘.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" FOR SALEâ€"Police dogs, 2 females, and 2 males, (registered), phone i ’Thornhill 73. Have You Seen the NEW GOODYEAR BALLOON ? __â€"_â€"___râ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" WANTEDâ€"Girl for part time work. Apply Richmond Hill Confections, : Richmond Hill. ‘_________â€"__â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- OWNERS SACRIFICEâ€":Ideal Bung- l, alow, nicely decorated, good base- ! ment, two piece bath, handy to ‘ school, stores and cars. Wm. I Brotherton, Stop 6, Yonge Street, l Lansing, Phone Willowdale 63J FOR SALEâ€"Good seed wheat, apply l H. A. Tutt and Sons, stop 15,, Thornhill. TO .RENTâ€"-â€"Red brick house, eight rooms, electric light, village of Maple. Apply E. P. McQuarrie, R. R. No. 2, Maple, Phone 3322. I- MORTGAGE. SALEâ€"Five roomed bungalow, water and electric light, large lot. paved road, come and make an offer. W. Brotherton, Stop 6 Yonge St., Lansing, Phone Willowdale 63J. -. ____â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"‘ FOR SALEâ€"Two fresh Holstein cows l also young one. Sow and pigs. . Apply Mr. George Kozak, Richmond ‘ Hill, Ont. ' AN! what a tire! Big, handâ€" ,' some, sturdyâ€"w ith a wonder , ful All-Weather Tread specially '1 designed for balloon tires. Built of SUPERTWIST Cords. More mileage than.balloon tires ever ‘ gave before. More road-grip. Even ' tread wear. No noise. And her. are the prices. 29 x 4.40. .. $13.40 31 x 5.00. .3193“ 29 x 4.75.. 17.00 31 x 5.25.. 2290 all x 5.25.. 22.25 31 x 6.00.. 29,45 30:635.. 31.60 33 x6.00.. 26.95 ‘ For Sale Harold Reid’s Garage ELGIN MILLS. Telephone 116 r 3. .a,..:3 YEAR OLD HORSE, GOOD f FOR FARM WORK, WILL BE ‘ SOLD CHEAP n -0 Buying here doesn't mean waiting a few days for it. CHEVROLET COACH, 1924, IN GOOD RUNNING CONDITION. REAL BARGAIN. Notlce I MARKHAM TOWNSHIP PUBLIC NOTICE RE NOXIOUS WEEDS Section 4 of the Weed Control Act, 1027, provides as follows: “Every ocâ€" cupant of land, or if the land is un- occupied, the owner, shall destroy all Bladder Campion, Ox-eye Daisy, Per- Little Brothers Richmond Hill â€"â€" Ont n... . Lansing _â€" ennial Sow Thistle, White Cocle. When Norlnan Trowell, the li year Wlld Mustard’ ‘Vild oats‘ Gamma as often in Thistl/e, Burdocks, etc., year as sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seeds. Section 0 of the same Act also pro- videsâ€"“Any owner or occupant of old son of Thos. Trowell, cl" Maple- hurst Avenue. Lansing. was crossing Yonge Street at Lansing. on Saturday August 27. he was lillth‘de down by an auto driven by Leonard Blur-Lt. of is . V l'm( v.‘ r ('r row-‘1 it - w ‘l i .. Illillywolitl A.\':. Lanslng. lb: lad ‘. .1 hi in} “ft” ‘m’ of "7" pm . ,. vlslons o ‘. s : 't ' t : who was elnpluyul 21‘; the lilornmll 1 L ml } ‘I “I \ n” MAJ-‘95 or . .. v. - in?" et' 5 ‘t t 9 I '. Limit Club \-.".‘..- l'eil‘rn.l:g hot: and] , r I t H "Ni ( 71" LVN" "mu. 0f ' n 7 ,. tli’.‘ Ilsnectr ~ vi" . -- , . -" .1 had "Uri snipped hit a. soutmirvulzd,‘ 1 H , ‘ '1 P”? “1”!” "1‘" A“ . .. , “.33.. li‘r'lll‘ u. ‘(-;;'1 4 ' «t ‘ i:< w Rildlul (1 ll run around :lln l‘fil‘lr‘w A a L‘ 11 n R “'5 than 4", ' f 7‘ 'l‘i, . ‘ ‘.'_ (:y n e ‘- "V V ;“4’l r,“ ‘iw when ll“ i‘z'i.('l'tt1"") ‘1 " "‘ n ‘lmn "‘0 “'1 C “:73 Sue“ i ’ H ‘ Nifence. R. O. 15'74. (‘ ‘1'": S. 10. v: lie was §".‘.‘L'Zl 1*.“ *.”~-n_l , 1 I” ‘ ' ' ’ ’ .. . .. Iriil‘lcl‘itfo. Dr. ( . L. Elt‘l. .11 l V v _ , Ii 1“ ,ile U NI, m l 1.. Mldd'c’ion. . v . 1 031,4, ll‘l’:.l ml at _\-I-’a; ox; .L‘Wil. “1' i“ ' ‘ ‘ y 1 ‘ Inspector», lp. .'-:'-.r‘:l‘.-am - :1. -' '1‘! l i. r l

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