Tractors. Threshers, Silo Fillers, Bail- ing Presses, Plows. Harrows. Road Machinery and Tillage Tools for ,Fordson Tractors. KANE BROS. SALVATION ARMY THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1927 CASE (Power Farming Machinery Sunday Services Holiness Meeting . . . . . . . . . . 11 a Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 p Salvation meeting . . . . . . . . . . . 7 p Meetings Held In Lorne Hall. Everyone Invited TheRic‘nm 0 nd Hill Furnishing Store In a largé variety of shades and the newest at In fine quality, good make, newest shades, at Fourâ€"im} children. See us for shoes RICHMOND HILL CORPS District Sergeant Major Butler {Direct from New York Summer underwear combination at NORMAN J. GLASS Ella N S CALPS we have just returned from New York with all the latest styles in; for Fall Wear. A large assortment of materials always in stock Now is the time to have your J. A. GREENE Telephone 5j or Residence 49w 2587 YONGE STREET â€" NORT H TORONTO. Men’s Suits, Ovemoats Write For Literature. ‘ 0.â€"- R. R. 2. Gormley. RICHMOND TAILORS at $1.00. Furs Remodelled or Relined Si- [11 1831‘s}; $2.00 to $2.75 $1.75 to $2.00 $1.00 to $1.50 'J‘IBES'3 Fur coats made over and relined. large variety, of shades b'ows bUc. 1‘ men IIEADFORD 3 pm “1811 §Q¥§ mc Special attention given to repair work. Geo. McDonald says it' you want your harness repaired well and quickly send in to H. Woolnough Phone Elgin G980 Rev. B. R. Strangways, H.A., B D MINISTER Sunday Services 11 a. m.â€"â€"Add To Your‘Faith Sunday School 2.30 pm. 7.30 p. m.â€"The Benefit of Friendship A cordial invitation iSrextended to all. Presbyterian Church. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ,Sunday Services At \2.30 p.m. A Hearty Invitation To All. REV. M. C. CAMPBELL, M. A. Minister \ Richmond Hill REV. M. C. CAMPBELL M. A. Cor. Queen and gltario Streets Toronto. Oven-kist WE MODERN ARROWRGOT‘ Minister. Miss Aileen Atkinson Organist and Choir Conductor. C. H. Sandetson, Richmond Hm. rep- resents the Fuller Brush C0. in Mark- ham Twp. and will gladly give service to ahy patrons in this district. Telephone 1657 Richmond Hill Mrs._.'Chapman, Organist. FULLER BRUSHES REPAIRS . 8: M. STEIN [heiifliï¬ï¬ (23301. It'contains maltâ€"to aid digest tion! Limeâ€"to strengthen growing bones! Canada's new, est, tastiest and most nutri' tious biscuit. Children love than! Include Ovenâ€"kist Biscuits in Your Order UNITED cuuncu THORNHILL 35 9‘ PER POI/ND Richmond Hill, Ont. Obtainable From w Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Plewman and family have returned after a seven week’s vacation in the Muskoka dis- trict. Mr. Jï¬meS McLean is in London this week conducting a series of plow- ing demonstrations in Middlessex County. Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker, May Ave., returned recently from a delightful trip to the old land. Dr. and Mrs. McKee of Menthis, Tennessee spent the week end with Mrs. C. Mortson, Roseview Ave. J. Eric Blaney B.S.A. has gone to Kingston Rhode Island, to take the position of assistant chemist at the State College. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barnes, of De- troit, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Baxter, of Metamore, Mich., Miss Maxine Shar- on, Detroit and Mr. W. A. Armstrong, Barnes of Bridgeburg, Ontario motor- ed from Detroit-and after spending a few days with friends at Bridgeburg visited this week with Mrs. J. Woods, Mill Street, sister of Mr. J.E. Barnes. Mrs. H. A. Nicholls, and Miss Rus- sell, of Brantford, were guests in Aurora, last week, visiting many old friends Major Blaney has returned from his visit to his sisters, Mrs. G. H. Currie in Detroit. He was accompanied by his son J. ’Eric Blaney. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hume are holi- daying at Lake Couchiching. Mr. Southmayd of Aurora com- menced duties as clerk at Glenn’s Drug Store this week. A large number from here are planing to .attend the Maple Field day on Saturday. Miss Evelyn Warman, of Toronto, is visiting for a few days at the home of Mrs. Barrow, Centre St. East. Mr. Harry Hopper left this week for Western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hoover have re- turned after a delightful holiday in the Muskoka district near Baysville. Northern Motor Party Changes Plans It is not expected that the party of Northern Ontario motorists who are coming down from the northern part of the province to visit the exhibition will stop at Richmond Hill. Their early plans called for spending the night here and the local municipality made plans to entertaain them, but a change in the schedule has been made and it is understood that the northern party will camp at Armour Heights. Doubles Tournament Thirty-eight rinks took part in the Scotch doubles tournament on the greens of the Richmond Hill Lawn Bowling Club on Thursday last and the big event was favored with ideal weather and the keenest competition throughout the whole day. The grounds were in the best shape of the season, and representative teams were present from many of the lead- ing city and county clubs. The a- wards were as followa: First prize to McCaffrey and McDougall of New- market, second to Burch and Bond of Oakland Club, Toron o, and third prize to Allen and pa tner of Kew Beach. \Von Prize at Ex. We extend congratulatoins to En- dean Nurseries Ltd. on their success at the Canadiain National Exhibition in winning the second prize for their nursery exhibit. The display in the ‘Horticultural building is a very cred- itable one and has been the subject of much favorable comment by visitors to the big fair. A Correction ‘ In the advertisement of Jerry Smith in our issue of last week an error was inadvertantly made. The second last paragraph should have ‘read: “I have received dozens of watches from Quebec; two from Eng- land; one from India; one from Cali- fornia; one from Brooklyn; and a 1great many from British Columbia and eastward." Au bel‘ SOCIAL and PERSONAL "“ MARRIED VAUGHANâ€"SHEPPARDâ€"On Sat. urday, August 20, 1927, by the Rev. W. H. Howey, B.A., B.D., Toronto. Norah ,Alleyne, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Frank Sheppard, Cranbrook, Ont., formally of Toronto, to Mr. Harley Vaughan, of Philadelphia. ' DIED BAKERâ€"On the second concession of Markham Township, on Sunday, Aug. 28th, 1927, Minnie Chatterley, beloved Wife of Nathaniel Baker, in net 45th year. ‘uneral was .. -0.-._‘.o-u-â€"v.< ....-...._.-.-._._4§ LOCAL NEWSY ITEMS THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. eing very Homemaker Editor Will Address VVomen’s Institute The opening meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Women’s Institute will be held on Thursday, September 8, at 3 p. m., at the home of Mrs. A. E. Plew- man. The “outstanding feature of the program for the meeting will be an address by Mrs. Purser, well known newspaper woman who will take as her subject “My Experiences as Edi- tor of the Homemaker of the Globe.†This promises to be a very interesting meeting and every woman in the com- munity is cordially invited to attend. If You Please A great many of our subscriptions commence on September 1, and not_ ices to all subscribers to this effect have been sent out. Discerning ad- vertisers insist on a paid up circulati- on and in order to keep the Liberal to the front as a bright news up-to-date weekly we must keep our subscrip- tions paid in advance. This is neces- sary to maintain our advertising pat- ronage and we ask the co-operation of our large family of readers. We are endeavouring to maintain one of the newsiest and best equipped weekly newspapers in the province of Ontario {in this district and all we ask is your Ecoâ€"operation. Thank you in anticip_ iation. Maple Field Day on Saturday The Exhibition marathon is over and the next big event is Maple Field Day, Saturday, September 3. A proâ€" gram of interest for young and old has been arranged for both afternoon and evening. Plan now to attend. Division Court Held Here The regular session of the Division court was held in the Council Chamâ€" bers here on Tuesday. Judge Widdi_ field presided and the following cases were heard; Gardener vs Whitty both of Markham township, for $111.98 bal_ ance rent and other items, judgement for the plaintiff for 810. without costs. J. H. 'Naughton appeared for the plaintiff and Clifford Case for the defendant. Bennett vs Waugh re ifence adjourned to the next court. ‘Judgment was given in favor of the primary Creditor in a case' of garni- shee, Krompart primary creditor, Winters Primary debtor and Sisters of St. Joseph garnishee. The judge- ment in favor of the primary creditor was for $42.74 with $14.76 paid as Ipart payment. I Ajax Reaity 3: Buikiing Compagy‘ ! For a limited time only we are offering the property which is bounded, by Richmond and Wright Streets at prices ranging from If you pay cash a discount of 7 % will be allowed, or you can pay $1.00 a foot deposit and the balance in ten equal monthly installments. REMEMBER THE TITLE TO THIS PROPERTY IS GUARAN’] Plan of the property can be seen at the- The property recently purchased by us is now offered for sale at prices and terms which have never before been equalled in a growing district. ‘ Richmond Hill with its new Street Car Service direct to the heart of the City of Toronto. Its paved road and the great possibility of obtaining a flourishing and progressive industry, is now on the eve of a wave of great prosperity. Situate in close proximity to the City of Toronto which is showing a marked trend Northwards. Richmond Hill property is going to increase in leaps and bounds, and if you take advantage of the opportunity now offered you, you will share in this prosperity. 3450 YONGE STREET Local Representative A. E. JACKS, PHONE 149 The usual commission allowed all agents uality Shoppe The place where you get quality and service; and a little more for your money. Mrs. Norman Batty Phone 53 Richmond Hill Buy At Home And Save Your Car Fare, We are showing some of the newest styles in Velvets and Felts for fa/ll wear at popular prices. MATRONS HATS IN LARGE HEAD SIZES 7N! GUARANTEED 4; z Trench BIOUn â€" Ontarien