PAGE SIX Save’ Yourself at our expense Lakeside 5280 Machine Shop Change Xouy Atï¬c .1 into a comfortable den, radio room, play- room or extra sleeping quarters by erect- ing ceilings and partitions of Gyproc. Gyproc will make your attic ï¬re-resistant, warm in winter and cool in summer. ‘W ire {of free booklr-lâ€"“My Home." Itwill tell y how Gyproc. Rouboanl Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and Insult-x will reduce your fuel bill from 20 Lo 40%. 153 THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARI For Sale By L. Innis & Sons - - - - Richmond Hill, Ont. Jones Lumber Co. - - Richmond Hfll, Ont. Oxygen Welding. Farmers will find this "work and grinding. We have in stock a full line of Cement Culvert Tile, all sizes and Corrugated Metal Culverts STEAM AND GAS ENGINES, TRACTORS, PUMPS, ETC. Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of ï¬ve differ- ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. Telephone Thornhill Nights. Richmond Hill 80 5l-r-1 Prompt Delivery Tli‘f US FOR SER"ICE If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will assist us in giving good service. If 'you only have drive? call when phoned for, Call up as early as convenient to insure prompt attention. Coke-Coal-Wood Langstaff Supply Co., Ltd ROC Firgproof Wallboard Poultry Feed of all kinds PHONE BELL 14] and would be glad ofan opportunity to give you quotations. and all kinds of Machinery rebuilt and Repaired Automobiic Service Work a specialty. We Call In Richmond Hill District WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY RICHMOND HILL STEAM BOILERS General Buildef’s Supplies L141 STOP 27 YONGE ST. North End, Richmond Hill. G. H. Duncan. 175 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. Egg Mash and Scratch Feed Lawn Mowers Sharpened. the right shop for their agricultural PARIS, CANADA Marshmallow Salad Thirty marshmallows, 4 slices can- ned pineapple, 2 large oranges, lé cup walnut meats, few grains salt, lettuce, salad dressing. Cut marshmallows in thin strips. Drain pineapple and cut in small cubes. Pare oranges, remove sec- tio free from membrane and cut in pie es. Cut walnut meats in pieces. Mix ingredients, arrange on a bed of lettuce leaves and serve with mayon- naise or cream salad dressing. Combination Salad One-half cup shredded pineapple 11/2 cups sliced bananas, 1 cup straw- berries, 1/2 cup orange pulp, 1/2 cup shredded cocanut, 1/2 cup grapefruit pulp, 1/2 cup halved maraschino cherr_ ies, 1 cup sliced peaches, 12 marsh- mallows, lettuce. Drain the grapefruit and mix thoroughly with the other fruits and the marshmallow; which should be cut into small pieces. Chill and serâ€" ve on crisp lettuce leaves. Sprinkle Lwith plain or browned cocoanut. Menu Hint Let us try jellied meat roll for din- ner the next hot day. It must be made the day before using or very early in the morning. Here is an ex- cellent recipe. Creamed potatoes are always nice to serve with this kind of a meat, as they constitute the one hot dish and are quickly and eas- ily prepared. Jellied Meat Roll Creamed Potatoes, Pickled Beets Buttered New carrots, Huckleberry Tarts, Tea or Coffee. Recipes Try Jellied Meat Rollâ€"Ono and one-half pounds chopped meat, salt and pepper to taste, two teaspoons chopped onion, one-half cup olives chopped, two eggs, six tablespoons milk, two tablespoons flour, two hard cooked eggs. Mix together all in- gredients except hard cooked eggs. Place half the mixture in loaf pan, set the hard cooked eggs in it, end to end, and pile the remaining mix_ ture on top; place pan in another half full of water and bake in a moderate oven, 350 degrees, for 45 Iminutes. One can stewed and strained to- matoes, salt to taste, two tablespoons gelatine, one-fourth cup cold water, one-half teaspoon allspice, one bay leaf, one-eigth teaspoon pepper. To tomatoes, add salt and seasonings, and the gelatine, which has been soaked in cold water for five minutes. Have tomatoes boiling hot. Pour over sliced meat loaf and place in refrigerator until firm. Correct this sentence: “Don’t call a taxi,†said the sweetie; “a little twa- mile walk will do us good.†Huckleberry Tartsâ€"Line a deep pie dish with plain paste. Turn cup upside down in the middle. Fill around it with huckleberries. Add sugar to taste. Lay a wide strip of plain paste around the edge of the dish. Cover and press the edges firmly together with a pastry jagger. Crystallized cApples Six apples, two cups sugar, one- and one-half cups water, one-half lemon, whipped cream. Make a syr- up of the sugar and water, slfée the lemon very thin into it. Cook fifteen minutes. Have the apples of good quality and even size. Pare and core, cook carefully in the syrup five or ten minutes, watching them that‘ they do not break. Arrange in a warm dish, pourt remaining syrup over. When cold fill centers with chopped nuts or anything desired. Garnish with whip- ped cream and the lemon slices. Bake in _ hot oven twenty-five min- utes and serve with powdered sugar sprinkled thickly on top. All juicy fruits are excellent cooked in the same way Important Trifles Keep paraffin in a small, covered, lipped saucepan or individual teapot so it can be quickly melted and easily poured. If the meat; is exceptionally tough, rub baking soda into it; let it stand several hours and wash it well be- fore cooking. Seasonable Recipes Rubbing an onion on a tin before sticking on the label will prevent it coming off? When household linens wear out in the hemstitched hems, join the linen to the hem with a novelty braid. It doubles the life of the article and looks well. Vegetables 5} three waters? Helpful Suggestions THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. ould be \va shed in Mahogany should be washed with cold tea or a weak mixture of vine- gar and water? / ’ . It is best to iron unstarched things first as they are easier than starched ones, and irons always work better after a little use. WHITE BEDSPREADS A clean white spread upon a bed, With snowy pillows at my head, Brings slumber deep and comforted. White linen sheets to tuck me in, Smooth-folded underneath my chin, Bring quiet after daytime din. White bedspreads cover folk that weep, And folk that smiling fall asleep. The: cover fretful dreams, and deep. My) fresh-washed spread, by breezes fanned, Sun-whitened, soothes me, healing, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE LOW PRICED SLMMER TOLRIST FARES blandâ€" All night, a motherly white hand GOES TO GENEVA Dr. 0. D. Skelton, Under Secretary of State for External Affairs, who. with Senator Raoul Dandurand and Hon. J. D. Stewart, will represent Canada at the Eighth Assembly of the League of Nations, to be held in Geneva. next month. See the Places You Lane‘eil to Visit You can take a trip to the interest- ing places in Canada at greatly re- duced rates. Plan to visit Jasper National Park this summer. See the wonderful North Pacific Coast, the giant Mountain Country of British Columbia, Alaska or the interesting Maritimes. Now is a very comfort- able season for travelâ€"and its lower cost adds another good reason for planning a present season trip. Any Agent of Canqdizm National Railways will supply you with litera- ture and full information regarding the different tours and their cost. A11 trucks Ipsured for Public Liabilâ€" ity and Propérty Damage. Exuress and Long Distance Moving Sam] and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire By Hour or Contract Telenhone 1535 OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TXNSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THORNHILL. ONT. Eyes Examined-- BY THE MOST MODERN METHODS. GLASSES IF REQUIRED AT RIGHT PRICES ARTIFICIAL EYES FITTED. c 167 Yonge Street. Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) Elzin 4820 WILSON’S CARTA GE F. E. LUKE MAPLE Transparent velvet is tlie popular farbric for the coming season. The frock pictured is fashioned of black transparent velvet trimmed with wide bands of narrow gold and silver/ braid in scalloped effect on pale pink chiffon. The.‘ sash of self material is faced with pink chiffon, and a large pink flower completes the costume. Style Whimsies Corset manufacturers are develop- ing a new model with a definite tap- ering at the waistline, in contrast to the usual straight. boyish contour. Collapsible and boneless construction is the rule, however. Latest Style Notes For liberal Readers Lacy weaves in lisle hose is spon- sored for fall wear with the jersey frocks. Tailored self belts are emphasized in one important sportwear house. They appear in coats and frocks mounted on leather in certain neces- sary instances. A novelty fur described as “hyena†is a new member of the peli: family used to trim formal coats. Two- tone monkey, broadtail shaded in three shades of gray, and snow leopard are other types. ' Wine, cherry, malaga and pome- granate are colors particularly appro_ priate for the fall season. Quite English are white lisle hose with a pronounced rib. ’ A cut-out triangle piped in color gave variety to the square neckline of a recently seen frock. We are prepared to Take Care of your Richmond Hill Radio Needs Will Your: Brakes Pass Police lnspeclion ? Oak Ridges Hudson and Essex Cars Repairs to all Makes of Cars Acetylene Welding -- Prompt Service TIRES, GAS, OILS Summit Garage J. E. WIGMORE, Prop. Chrysler Dealers, Tires, Accessories, Marconi and U.S.L. Radio, Livery, . Battery Charging, General repairs on all makes of cars. Ask us about the new Everready layerbuilt B. Battery. They last longer. Batteries, Tubes and Supplies JUST ARRIVED. RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Bad brakes are dangerous. Drive in and have them inspected and adjusted. FREE SERVICE. BARACLOUGH & STUDDY . Baldock ' Limited and Accessories. We have a new stock of THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1, 19 Phone Richmond {flgRing 23 HALL’ 9 35/? w E a 57% 7/ N RICHMOND HILL,ONT£n PHONEISB car N your next service sta- tion conversation sayiâ€" “Peérless gas and Castrol oil." Reddy Power will make it snappy for your Coal Oil at reduced price to farmers for threshing. “Be Ready With Reddy Power†flu) Ontario