Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Sep 1927, p. 4

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The' W.M.S. met at the home of‘ Mrs. Wesley Hamilton last Wednes- day with a full attendance. A large hale was packed consisting of cloth- ?ng and quilts for the Indigns Home at Norway House. ‘ --f Korea will be the special speaker at the evening service. There will be pecial music by a ladies choir. On .llonday night, September 19th, the Young ladies of the church will give a Missionary Pageant which ishighly recommended. There will be a musi- -al program and an address by Mrs. Barker on her work in Korea. Don’t {ail to miss this treat. The W.M.S. of the Laskay Unit‘ed ‘hurch are having Missionary anni_ ersary services on Sunday, Septem- :er 18th, 'at 2.30 and 7 p. m. Rev. "Ir. Burgess will speak at the, after- 100m service and Mrs. A. H. Barker, l. Soanes. This service will be held n the PavilliOn if weather unfavor- :ble PAGE FOUR 3 p. m.â€"â€"â€"Sunday School in the pav- llion. All are welcome. 8.30 p._m.â€"Open ai!l Service on the awn of Mr. D. Kerswell, by Rev. P. St. John’s Church’ 10 a. m.â€"â€"Sunday School 11 a. m. â€"Morning Prayer Parish Hall 3 p. m.â€"â€"-Sunday School- I 9 p. m.'â€"â€"Evening Prayer Harvest Thanksgiving Service on Wriday, September 16th, at 8 o’clock. The Rev. T.A.A. Wright of Whitby vill preach. All the above services .te on Daylight Saving time. When thieves entered the home of ’5. Dingman, York Mills, last week- :nd, while the family was away, they eft evidence that meals had been en- Eoyed. They left some of the food on he table and left the electric stove mming. Every room in the house rad been ransacked. “v ..._..-._-.v.. “v u. nun. uvn vv Luann AvLuuAvuAvc, but subcau pru- l duction of the mechanical department of the Canadian National Rail- ways. Forty of these “Northern Type” engines have been manufactured in Canadian plants for use of main line fast assenger and manifest freight service. They are 93 feet 10% inches over a l, The tender has a capacity of 11,800 im erial gallons of water and 20 tons of coal. In working order the t tal welg t of eniine and tender is 638,000 pounds. Note the new osition o the whistle, loca ed on the left hand of the smoke box near the stac . This is to save the driver’s ears. These en nes are designed for Eower at speed and it is estimated thatkthey can me. e 90 miles an hour wit a heavy train. The illustration depicts the new “6100” class locomotive, the hates: duction of the mechanical denartment of the Canadian National Expert Vulcanizing With Modem Equipment Tires 1 30 X Elgin Mills Oak Ridges York Mills Canada’s Newest Locomotive « LASKAY WE specialize in remedying Tire Ills. No mattcr what ailment your tire may be suffering from we can give it a clean bill of health. Expert skill in vulcanizing and a thorough knowledge of every part of a tire qualify us to put your tire in perfect running condition. A tire that is in good condition is a good investment. Let us examine your tires and save yourself the annoyance of wondering what is wrong. Our rates are reasonable. Our serVice lS yours for the asking. ? TIRE SHOP Open Evenings. Hudson 3160-m Credit Sale of (Cattle Sheep and Swine, Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 1 o’clock . the property of Colin Shear- down, lot 1, con. 11, King Township 1 mile south and east of Bolton, consis- ting of 11 fresh milk acows, 11 spring- era, 22 steers and heifers, one and two years old, 11 sheep and 19 pigs. Terms, 12 months credit. J. T. Saige- on, Auctioneer. ‘ If perpetual motion were to be dis- covered in these days 'of startling progress it would be accepted as a matter of course. Auction Saleâ€"Saturday, October 1, horses, vehicles, and\hogse and lot the property of Norman Preston and Mrs. Stevenson. Terms cash for chattels and the terms for house and lot will be made known on day of sale. Sale at 2 o’clock sharp. J. T.‘ Saigeon, Auctioneer. Booth Robbed Petty thieving has been reported a- long” Yonge Street during the past couple of weeks. The refreshment booth of Mrs. Miller, Mill Road was broken into during thefiveek and a quantity of pop and confectiomary stolen. ' Vulcanizing Specialists Still 011 “Fast Time" Despite the official announcement that the town would revert to stand- ard time on Sunday evening last a good many of the local business housâ€" es are still running on daylight saving time. Several of the business men ex- press themselves quite strongly on the question and fail to understand why local clocks should be changed before the change was made in the city of Toronto. “It simply means that we must open on fast time and close on ;standard time and We don’t know ‘where we are and neither do our cus- tomers” said one prominent business man to the Liberal. It is understood that Toronto will chdnge to standard time on September 25. Yonge and Albertus Street NORTH END PTQ' If You Please A great many’of our subscriptions Qmmence on September 1, and not_ ices to all subscribers to this effect have been sent out. Discerning ad- vertisers insist on a paid up circulati- on and in order to keep the Liberal to the front as a bright news up-to-date weekly we must keep our subscrip- tions paid in advance. This is neces- sary to maintain our advertising pat- ronage and we ask the co-operation of our large family of readers. \Ve are endeavouring to maintain one of the newsiest and best equipped weekly newspapers in the province of Ontario in this district and all we ask is your co-operation. Thank you in anticip_ ation. When he was returning from work on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 3, short- ly after 5 o’clock in his wagon, Geo. Stone of Sheppard Ave., Lansing was thrown to the pavement and severely bruised, when a car driven by L. Thomas, 1386 Bathurst St., Toronto, crashed into the rear of his wagon, and causing the team of horses to run away. Stone was driving south on Yonge St. just south of the Municipal Hall, when Thomas car also going south attempted to pass, but on ac- count of another auto going north, had not sufficient room to pass with the result that he crashed with terri- fic force into the wagon. Mr. Stone was thrown violently to the ground. He received a bruised hip, arch of right foot sprained and one of his fingers was Uroken. He received medical attention from Dr. J.D. Berry of Willowdale. When Walter Smith, of Bales Ave., Lansing was standing at the edge of the pavement on Sunday evening, Sept. 4th, at 9.30 p.m.,"along with his brotherâ€"in-law, L. Douglas, of Carling Ontario, they were struck by a south- bound auto, driven by R. DraVes, of Detroit. Smith was badly bruised a- bout the arms and legs but Douglas who suffered a broken leg, below the knee, and his left leg fractured at the thigh, two ribs fractured, a thumb broken and his kidney lacevated, was very seriously hurt. Dr. C. E. Hill of Lansing had the injured man conveyâ€" ed to the Toronto General Hospital, where he lies in a critical condition. Draves is being held by the Provinci- al Police. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 1 School lunches and homeâ€"work are the order of the day again. Good success to the new teacher, Mr. S. lLonie and all our boys and girls in rtheir splendid endeavours. Another interesting event in this old burgâ€"Saturday, September 17th is Field‘bay oi sports and concert in the evening under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society, of Carrville Church. Ladies Softball tournament for which a prize of $10.00 will be given to the winning team. Novelty races and running races for young and elderly young. Refreshments will be served on the grounds â€"A good concert will be given in the evening. Sports start at 2 p. m. sharp, concert at 8 p. m. ' Carrville Lansing The regular meeting of North York Council was held at Willowdale on Tuesday. It was finally decided that the bridge over the Don river will be constructed, with work commencing at once. This was the decision of the council, when they accepted the decision' handed out by the Ontario railway board, after hearing for a second time evidence submitted by petitioners in the vicinity who did not want the bridge. Engineer Baker stated that if the bridge was commenced immediately it could be finished this fall, but the least delay would hold up construcâ€" tion till spring. By_laws were passed authorizing stone and gravel pavements on Doris street‘from Spring Garden avenue to Greenfield avenue, and on \Ventworth avenue from'Addington St. to Storâ€" 'mont street; stone and gravel pave- ment on McKee avenue from Yonge ‘street to Kenneth avenue; watermains on Bishop avenue from Yonge Street to the east limit of lot 16, plan 2233; also a sixâ€"inch watermain on Tenth avenue west from Dufferin Street to the west limit of plan 2502; a by-law authorizing the construction of the necessary works, plant appliances ’and equipment for street lighting on John avenue from Yonge street to the west end of John street. The regular. meeting of Vaughan Township Council was held in the Township Hall, Vellore on Tuesday. Reeve Kellam presided and all the members were present. vaughan Twp. Council James Stewart 3rd concession, was ' paid $39. for sheep worried by dogs ! on July 11. He was allowed $15. each for the sheep by the valuator and $6. I was realized which was deducted ‘ from the amount. paid. Mr. Stewart, complained that he did not know I where he could go and buy shearlingl ewes for that price. He had shot a ' couple of dogs this year he said but l they did not have tags and he could not trace the owner. ‘ The coll evenings will soon be here You wil need a little fire to make thé house more cosy. If buying a stove make sure its The construction work on the sub- division streets at Yonge Street has been nearly completed. A coat of tarvia will now be put on which will complete a job which is highly satis- factory to the council and to the people on the streets concerned, there is a possibility that Oxford St. may be also paved this year. It is already graded and the council thought it adâ€" visable to get the stone on this year if at all possible. Deputy Reeve Robson stated that he felt a reward should be given to people who shot dogs found worrying sheep. A grant of $20 was voted to the Vaughan Township School Fair. A communication was received from the Provincial Department of Highways advising that the grant to the Township this year, based on work done, would be $9,275.98. This was quite satisfactory to the council. The clerk was instructed to have the Townhsip engineer take steps to have an award for the opening of certain ditches on May Avenue with a view to providing better drainage for the street. A by~1aw was passed appointing T. H. Keys and Dougald MacIntyre tax collectors for the Township. A letter was received from Mrs. Bennett Brookside complaining that an award of the fenceâ€"viewers had not been enforced and asked the coun- cil take action. ' A writ has been served on the Township as a result of the accident on August 3rd, when the car driven by Wm. G. Hull, of Toronto, plunged over the embankment at Boyle’s pond on the Maple sideroad. Hull claims $1000 damages and costs. Notice was also received that action would be taken on behalf of Guy Risebroug‘h who was injured in the same accident and who has since died as a result of injuries received. Cooper’s Hardware STOVES Phone93 Richmond Hillâ€"Ont. QUEBEC COOKING, QUEBEC HEATER QUEBEC 3 WAY HEATER LET US SHOW THEM TO YOL‘ North York McClarey’s Glass and Glazing etc. FOR .SALEâ€"One whité enameled iron bed 6 x 3 feet, complete with springs. Price $5.00. Apply Mrs. Jenly Smith. FOR SALEâ€"Winter King seed wheat clean. Apply Peter Jones, Maple, Phone Maple 2860. FOR SALEâ€"Barn with stable, 18 x 30. Apply John H. Francis, Thom- FOR SALEâ€"Shetland Pony, Xile of Pittsford (reg.) at stud, he is solid black, 2. Winner at Canadian Nation_ a1 Exhibition, the Royal Winter , Fair and July 151:, horse parade in Toronto. Can be seen at Glen Don Farms, lots 1, 2, con. con.’2, Mark- ham, P.O. R.R. 1, Eglinton, Ont. FOR SALEâ€"$3.600, House on Centre Street, stucco, almost new, 50’ from. tage, 5 rooms and unfinished bath room, Oak floors, sun room and large verandah, small fruit and fruit trees. Immediate sale. Apply Mr. Winch, cor. Centre & Yonge Sts FOR SALEâ€"9 young pigs, 2 months old. Apply Louis L. Nichols, R.R. No. 2, Gormley. FOR SALEâ€"Good Clover Honey 5 1b. tins 65 cents, 10 lb. tins $1.25, or in lots of 50 lbs or over 12 cents per pound. Delivered anywhere in the Richmond Hill district. Apply J. MacGillivary, Richmond Hill, RR. 1, tel. King 1607. ~ FOR SALEâ€"Two fresh Holstein cows also young one. Sow and pigs. Apply Mr. George Kozak, Richmond WANTEDâ€"A good home for Watch dog, no charge. Apply at Liberal Office. WANTEDâ€" Contracts, progressive, for all kinds of blasting, stumps, quarry or dirt, expert at business. Land clearing, trees removed or cut down. Write for information, Francis L. Watts, 122 Shuter St., Toronto, phone Elgin 8965. TO .RENTâ€"Red brick house, eight rooms, electric light, village of Maple. Apply E. P. McQuarrie, R. R. No. 2, Maple, Phone 3322. WANTEDâ€"An opportunity to sell the articles which you have no use for, to secure for you those things which you want, to sell that farm or house and lot, in general to put you in touch with the people you want to meet. My reputation is the very best and Iam well and favorably known throughout York County. Apply “Liberal Classified Ads.” HAIRDRESSINGâ€"Marcel and curl M33. Russell, Centre Street, West, Phone 178. ROOM .AND .BOARDâ€"High school girls, house privileges, apply Lib- eral Office. CASH PAID For Poultry market prices. A. Robinson, Box 166, Richmond Hill. WANTEDâ€"A reliable farm hand, Married or single, able to milk well, a n d h a n d1 e horses. Non smoker 'preferred. At once apply Louis L. Nichols, R.R. No. 2. Germ- Iey. WANTEDâ€"Hear from owner good farm for sale. Cash price, particu- lars. D.F. Bush Minneapolis, Minn. JOUSE FOR RENTâ€"Richmond Hill on Yonge Street, at car stop, six rooms, hardwood floors, electric, water, garage. Apply at Liberal Office. Little Brothers Richmond Hill â€"â€" Ont â€"3 YEAR OLD HORSE, GOOD FOR FARM WORK, WILL BE SOLD CHEAP hill Hill, Ont. CHEVROLET COACH, 1924, IN GOOD RUNNING CONDITION. REAL ,BARGAIN. RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERT]SING--MAKE THE MOST OF IT" For Sale Classifieé Advertising THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1927 FARM WANTEDâ€"Wanted from 17: to 30 acres suitable for poultry. must have part bush, with house and buildings to exchange for a good detached brick (tapestry), square plan house in good location and large lot, communicate at once with full particulars to W. Brother- ton, stop 6 Lansing, Phone 63 J. NOTICEâ€"The Spirella Corsitier will be in town on Monday, Wednesday, Friday afternoons’. anyone desiring an appointment kindly drop a note to Liberal Office. Good pay, Exclusive selling rights and reserved territory. Largest list of varieties'and best stock, aacclima- tised, Canadian-grown. Nurseries 600 acres. Established- forty years. A good opportunity f0 'capable salesman. ‘ Wanted Now Reliable Salesman Section 4 of the Weed Control Act, 1927, provides as follows: “Every oc- cupant of land, or if the land is un- occupied, the owner, shall destroy all Bladder Campion, Ox-eye Daisy, Per- ennial Sow Thistle, White Cocle. Wild Mustard, Wild Oats, Canada Thistle, Bin-docks, etc., as often in year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seeds. Section 9 of the same Act also pro- videsâ€"“Any owner or occupant of land who contravenes any of the pro- visions of this Act or who refuses or neglects to obey any lawful order of the Inspector given under this Act shall incur a penalty of not less than $20 nor more than $50 for every such offence. R. S. 0. 1914, C. 253, S. 10, Amended.” AN! what a tire! Big, hand- some, sturdyâ€"w ith a wonder- ful All-Weather Tread specially designed for balloon tires. Built of SUPERTWIST Cords. More mileage than. balloon tires ever gave before. More road-grip. Even tread wear. No noise. And here are the price§. 29 x 4.40 29 i; 4.75 30 x 5.25 30 x 6.75 Buying here doesn't mean waiting a few days for it. ning stream through I Must be sold to wind 11 Price reasonable. J. R. HERRINGTON Seven room frame house and two acres of land adjoining. The prop- erty of the late Wm. Innes, Rich- mond St, choice garden land, run- ning stream through property. Must be sold to wind up estate. Telephone 87 Richmond Hill MARKHAM T0\VNSHIP PUBLIC NOTICE RE NOXIOUS WEEDS Seen the NEW GOODYEAR BALLOON ? Harold Reid’s Garage FOR SALE Have You FOR YORK COUNTY Telephone 116 r 3. PELHAM NURSERY CO. 3 Toronto 2, Ongt. L. Middleton, P. P‘etch, Inspectors, Tp. Markham ELGIN MILLS. $13.40 17.00 22.25 31.60 Notice 31 .00 33 x .00 Yonge St .$19.80 , 22.90 - 29.45 ' 26.95

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