PAGE SIX Save Yaurseiï¬ at our expense Lakeside 5280 Machine Shop L. Innis & Sons - Jones Lumber Co. - Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- i ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of ï¬ve differ- ‘ ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. STEAM AND GAS ENGINES. TRACTORS, PUMPS, Oxygen Welding. Lawn Mowers Sharpened. Farmers will find this the right shop for their agricultural work and grinding. We have in stock a full line of Cement Culvert Tile, all sizes and Corrugated Metal Culverts If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will assist us in ‘ giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for, | Call up as early as convenient to insure prompt attention. ' Coke-Coal-Wood PHONE BELL 141 Poultry Feed of all kinds ' and w0uld be glad of an opportunity to give you quotations. and all kinds of Machinery rebuilt and Repaired Automobile Service Work a specialty. We Call In Richmond Hill District WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY RICHMOND HILL STEAM BOILERS "141 STOP 27 YONGE ST. orth End, Richmond Hill. For Sale By Egg Mash and Scratch Feed. 75 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. - Richmond Hill, Ont. - Richmond Hill, Ont. meats or ice AToughens It Never salt meat before cooking, for it will harden the tissues and cause it to be tough. Season when it is on the platter ready for the table. Preserves Fresh Fish. When you have some fresh fish that you do not wish to cook the day -you get it, sprinkle it liberally with salt and wrap in a piece of mus- lin wrung out of vinegar. Rinse under cold water before cooking. Uses the Hook. When baby gets to the active age he is quite likely to tip over his high chair. One mother had a screen door hook on the back of the high chair and a screw-eye in the woodwork of each room frequented by baby, in- cluding the porch. Then' she hooked the chair securely and knows that he can play and be active without coming to harm. Oil Stains. To remove oil stains rub the mater- ial with lard and wash with warm water and soap. ‘ 0.- ___ NEW Mop. r _ When starting a new floor mop, Gold trimming is noted in new try bmShing (mt the dirt With a dress models. Many belts are of Whisk broom after eaCh “Sing, in' metal or of leather trimmed with stead of shaking it. metal. Even Slices. Wrap a piece of waxed paper a- round the knife blade before cuttin- butter into squares for serving. It will make much neater pieces of but- ter. ‘ Fill Whitchurch Township Council with all members present met at Vandorf at 2 o’clock p. m. August 27th. A number of road and other acc- lounts were presented and which the [treasurer was instructed to pay as lfollmvszâ€" The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Messrs J.H.C. Durham, Thos. For- ester and others presented a petition from Ratepayers of Road Division no. 1, requesting the council to grade and gravel the Road known as Lake Ave. and undertaking to contribute priv- ately toward that work the amount of Eighty Five Dollars or more. i J. A. Blarke, for valuing sheep for ‘D. McClure $2.00; A. G. Snider, pro- visions for T. Jordan $9.11; Stanley McCormack, 178 yards gravel for div 38, $44.50; Lake Willcox Brick Co. 167 loads gravel for div. 1, $66.80; W. Cl‘uickshanks, 13 loads gravel for div. 2, $5.20; W. Dillane, contract ‘price for culverts on 2nd and 6th con. Lines $1269.00; Louis Brownsberger, .cutting weeds, div 34, $7.50; Stanley iMcCormack, grading and gravelling, 'div. 38 $188.40; L. P. Evans, cutting Weeds, div. 8, 86.40; W. L. Hall, cuttâ€" ing weeds, div. 28 $14.70; Earl Davis, idragging, div 39, $12.57; Nilton |Fockler, cutting weeds, div. 31, $7.10; Wm. Hartwick, dragging, div. 26, $6.15; A. N. Widdifield, cutting Weeds div. 22, $17.35; J. H. Widdifield, road lSupt, 195 hourso$117.00; John Stap- |leton, cutting weeds, div. 45, $5.70; .Otto Tranner, cutting weeds, div. 40, 316.05; E. Madill, cutting weeds, div 9 $7.70; S. C. Snively, dragging and re- Vpairing road, div. 1, $31.50; Fred iMonkman, repairing road grade, div ‘2, $24.25. . Communication was presented from Mr. Dillane, requesting payment for erection of concrete culverts on 2nd and 6th Con. lines now completed. A resolution was passed instructing the treasurer to pay to Mrs. G. W. Petch, the sum of TWenty-Five doll- ars as compensation for 25 feet in depth, North East corner of lot 20, con. 3,» used for road widening. Council adjourned to meet at Lake Avenue, off Yonge Street, for consid_ eration of improvement of that road. and to meet again'at Vandorf-Hall, Saturday, September 24th at Ten Lo’clock a. m. Whitchurch Council HOUSEHOLD HINTS \4 4: Garnish large red cherries with nut and use to garnish fruit salads cream. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HXLL, ONT. A decidedly flared line below tight fitting hips is a feature of many of the new dresses. Waistlines are ‘generally located at the hips, but occasionally a‘wide girdle makes a lower line. MISS MEGAN LLOYD GEORGE Daughter of the famous British Lib~ eral leader, who has been asked to contest the seat at Pontyprldd, Wales, as a Liberal, during the next election. Many of the new jerseys ier than those of last year. Contrast in bodice and skirt is strongly in evidence in some of the Paris style openings. Often a short jacket completes these costumes. Smart tailored suits with vests are either plain black or with plain velour jackets and checked skirts. Style Whimsies \ Rhinestone embroideries on black are prominent in evening dresses in Agnes’ collection. ‘Tis said that jersey will be a strong favorite in the fall fabrics. It is shown in many novelty mixtures. In the autumn Redfern collection the silhouette is varied. Skirts are generally longer in the back and the hem is flaring. Pointed effects are shown in both coats and dresses. Fox fur serves as trimming on many of the new fall afternoon frocks, the head and tafl also being used. Preparedness. In putting a par-affine top on your jams and jellies first coat with a thin layer, then lay a piece of string a- cross and finish the coating. Let the end of the string hang over the edge of the glass. When the parafï¬ne is to be removed, pull the string and it will come off whole. Professional Graduate of Owen A Smiley Studio. Telenhone 1535 All trucks Insured for Public Liabil- ity and Property Damage. Exnress and Long Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire By Hour or Contract' CONCERT ENTERTAINER AND TEACHER ADDRESS Boyle Studie OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THORNHILL. ONT. Eyes Examined-- M iss Marguerite Boyle Elocutionist Thornhill BY THE MOST MODERN METHODS. ' GLASSES IF REQUIRED AT RIGHT PRICES 167 Yonge Street, Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) Elzin 4820 ARTIFICIAL EYES FITTED. WILSON’S CARTAGE Telephone 54 R F. E. LUKE MAPLE are heav- The editor of the Altoona Tribune; is an independent and he says so in: this way: ‘Some people have an idea‘ when they pay $1.50 a_ year for a? newspaper they own the whole pro-i position, including the editor, and can run both to suit themselves. Occasia onally there is a fellow comes along and pays up a year or two of arrearsj and then with a pitying look at the editor, as if he felt sorry he was go-‘ ing to lose his subscription, says: “I 1guess you might as well stop my pap: ier; I would like to help you, but am1 lgetting more papers than I can read." {Bless your life, son the editor neveri ‘loses any sleep over losing a subscrib-i 1er. He wants all the subscribers he; can get; the more the better; but heI wants those who appreciate his paper :and consider they are getting value' {received for their money. We do not iwant your subscription as a matter of icharity; if you do not want the paper say so, it’s a business proposition lwith the editor. We can pull the bell cord over the old gray mule to per- fection and if we can’t run a paper‘ that is worth the price we’ll quit. Don’t subscribe for our paper as a jmatter of charity. It costs $1.50 a year and you could\ not print one weeks copy‘for $4.00.â€"Ex. Rastusâ€"“Quick, Sam, 3 wildcat jes run into yo’ house where yo' Wife Samâ€"“Well, he’ll jes’ hab to git out de bes’ way he kinâ€"dat’s all.†ONE WAY OF PUTTING IT We are prepared to Take care of your Radio Needs Richmond Hill Will Your Brakes Pass Oak Ridges Hudson and Essex Cars Repairs to all Makes of Cars Acetylene Welding -- Prompt Service TIRES, GAS, OILS and Accessories. Police Inspection '3 Summit Garage J. E. WIGMORE, Prop. Chrysler Dealers, Tires, Accessories, Marconi and U.S.L. Radio, Livery, Battery Charging, General repairs on all makes of cars. Ask us about the new Everready Iayerbuilt 3. Battery. They last longer. Batteries, Tubes and Supplies JUST ARRIVED. RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Bad brakes are dangerous. Drive in and have them inspected and adjusted. FREE SERVICE. BARACLOUGH & STUDDY . .Baidock Limited THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1921 have a new stock of Phone Richmond Hill 2 Ring 23 HALL’S 2 $5RV/6E 37A 7/ @N T RICHMOND HILL,ON PHONE [53 “Be Coal Oil at reduced price to farmers for threshing. REDDY Power says be ready withâ€" Ready pow- er. Peerless gas and Cas- trol oil will give you new motor performance. Ready With Reddy Power†Ontario