THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1927‘ FOR YORK COUNTY Good pay, Exclusive selling rights and reserved territory. Largest list of varieties and best stoek, aacclimaâ€" tised, Canadian-grown. Nurseries 600 acres. Established forty. years. A good opportunity for capable salesman. Wanted NOW Reliable Saiesman SALVAWN ARMY? Holiness Meeting . . . . . . . . . . 11 a Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p Salvation meeting . . . . . . . . . . . 7 p Meetings Held In Lorne Hall. Everyone Invited In a large variety of shades and the newest at The Richmond Hill Furnishing Store In fine quality, good make. newest shades, at Four-in-Hand, large variety, of shades See us for shoes for men, women and children. Summer underwear combination RICHMOND I-[ILL CORPS District Sergeant Major Butler Sunday Services NORMAN J. GLASS Sheppard’s Shoe Store 2597 Yonge St. North Toronto HUDson 1485 )IIE N S CL'Lljs Women’s New Fall Footwear at $1.00, Bows 50c. I’ELHAM NURSERY CO. Toronto 2, Ont. S ElIR.’1Ԥi $2.00 to $2.75 $1.75 to $2.00 $1.00 to $1.50 'J‘IE S 7 p.111 8.1T) 1T1 Already the social gay- eties of fall and winter are under way and noth~ ing is more important in woman's attire than that she be properly"and fitâ€" tingly shod. There is a wide variety in our new stock of women’s shoes. There are styles and leath~ ers for street, dress. country and sport wear. Smart oxford types and dainty slippers. Fashionable shades and toes. the shoe or slipper for every occas- ion. Rev. B. R, Strangwavs, B.A., B gnxxS'rER Sunday Services \ 11 a.m.â€"A Little Leaven. says you can’t beat Wool- nough’s Harnfss come in and see it when in Toronto. Geo McDonald Presbyterian Church. Who wouldn’t be a smallvtown merchant? a REV. M. C. CAMPBELL, M. A. REV. M. C. CAMPBELL M. A. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sunday Services At 2.30 pm. A Hearty Invitation To All. $5 to $8 Cor. Queen and Ontario Streets Toronto. Minister. Miss Aileen Atkinson Organist and Choir Conductor. Buying only small stocks enables the small-town merchant to try out the novelties and new styles people are look- ing for â€"- on which the margin of proï¬t is greater than on staple lines. Hand- toâ€"mouth buying keeps down the capital invest- ment, and additional quan« tities or odd sizes can always be ordered by Long Mrs. Chapman. Organist. Thanks to this method of conduct- ing business retailers have never been able to show as many up-to-date styles as now. Disténoe. By using Long Dis-~ t a n c e t h e wide- a W a k e small-town merchant with his low overhead expense can make his store the buying headquarters for a large surrounding territory. Phone Elgin \6980 UNITED CHURCH THORNHILL 2.30â€"Sunday School .m.â€"â€"Some pleasant day Problem H. Woolnough Richmond Hill Minister Mrs. Joseph Lund of Ontario Cali- fornia is visiting with her brother Mr. T. J.Wilson, Teston. Misses E. Warman and E. Young of Richmond Hill and Miss D. Warman. of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Warman, Todmorden. Mrs. Egerton Young and Mrs. Boy- lan FitzGerald, of Woodbridge, N; J., mother and sister of Rev. E.R. Young, have been visiting during the past week at the Newtonbrook Parsonage. Mr. C. Skeele is spending a week in Muskoka, with his friend Mr. John Innis. Mrs. Burton Levering and son Ger- old of Goldwater, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Thompson, Yonge St. this week. I Miss Amy Roost of Hamilton is visiting with Mrs. W. A. Wright. I Miss Elinor May of Hamilton has returned home after spending the past week with her friend Miss Iris Thompâ€" son Eventually she warned the boy: , “Chile, Chile, ain’t I tol’ you time an’ ag’in that you’se eatin’ too much Icane? Don’t you know, chile, cane Ukined Abel?â€â€"Tit-Bits. \ Mr. C. Marsh attended Presbytery meeting in Toronto on Tuesday. \ COMINGâ€"F. E. Luke, Optometrist ht H. F. Austin’s drug store, Rich- 'mond Hill; Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 11, from 1 p. m. to 8 p. m. Form Representativesâ€"Form V.â€" Hilda Wright, Form IV, Mildred Mack- ie, Form III, 'Iris Thompson, Form II A, Nelda Davis, Form 11 B, Alma Pratt, Form I A, Isobel McLean, Form I B, Esther Johns. The following officers were elected at the Girl’s Athletic meeting on Mon- day of this week. Pres, Marion Ellis Vice-Pres, Mona Woods, Sec._Treas., Louise Lockhart. The following officers were elected at the Boy‘s Athletic meeting on Thursday lastzâ€"Hon} Pres., Mr. Ste- wart, Pres., Johnston Armstrong, Sec.-Treas., Duncan Campbell. Form representativesâ€"Form V., Alan White, Form IV, Frank Brayâ€" bon, Form III, J. Langstaff, Form II A., A. Boddy, Form II B, R. Mackie, Form I A, V. Moore, IB, H. McDonald. Manager of Athletic activitiesâ€"Mr. Hume, Capt of Football team, Walter Steckley. BIRTH TYNDALLâ€"At Richmond Hill on Wednesday, Sept. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Tyndall a son. m.o.o.a-u.4.-o-oc-o-o‘u-._m BEATONâ€"PRATTâ€"On Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1927, at Knox College Chapâ€" el, by the Rev. Dr. Grant, Margaret Grace Pratt, of Sault Ste. Marie, daughter of the late Wm. and Mrs. Pratt, formerly of Richmond Hill, to John Lewis Beaton, of Orillia. KING‘â€"At Dodsland, Saskatchewan, on Wednesday, Sept. 14th, 1927, And- rew G. King, in his 67th year. Funeral from his late residence, (Church Street, Markham, Ont., on Sunday, Sept. 18th, at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Victoria Square Cemebery. HOOVERâ€"At her late residence, Elia, Ontario, on Monday, September 12, 1927, Mary A. Hoover, in her 78th year. Funeral Thursday, September 15, 2 p. m. to Edgeley Cemetery. HARRISONâ€"At her home, 73 40th ave., east, Willowdale, on Saturday, Sept. 10th, 1927, Mary Elnora, belov- ed wife of Robert T. Harrison. Funeral was held on Tuesday, Sept. 13th, at 2 p. m. from Fred B. Myers’ Funeral Home, Lansing. Interment followed in Park awn Cemetery. 'FIERHELLERâ€"At Newmarket, on Tuesday, Sept. the 13th, Annie Jose- phine Fierhellgr. SOCIAL and PERSONAL Funeral serï¬ce at her late residence Main Street, on Friday, Sept. 16th, at 2.30 p. m. (standard time). The old negress viewed with mis- giving the large amount of sugar cane being eaten by her six year. old grandson. High School Notes MARRIED DEATHS LOCAL NEWSY ITEMS THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. A very successful sale m rattle sheep and swine was held on VVc'ims_ day afternoon by Colin Shear uwn lot 1, con. 11, King Township. (Z:-ws with calves averaged about $1: I. and yearling Jerseys sold from $2-50 to $130. Everything was sold and the sale brought over $3000. It was con- ducted by J.T. Saigeon, auctioneer, Maple. Will person or persons having ac- counts against the Ladies Lawn Bowl- ing Club kindly present same before Wednesday, September 2151: to any of the following ladies. Mrs. P.C. Hill, President; Mrs. Boyle, Secretary or Miss Mary McLean, Treasurer. A very serious fire occured on Fri- day morning last when the barn of Mr. E.T. Stephens on the farm rented by Mr. Chas. Hunt, on Yonge Street south of the village was burned to the ground. All the season’s crop was lost together with the threshing ma.- chine which was in the barn at the time. The Richmond Hill fire bri- lgade answered the call and did good 'work all day in keeping the fire in control. The loss of both the barn and crop is partly covered by insur- ance. NOTICEâ€"The Spirella Corsitier will be in town on Monday, Wednesday, Friday afternoons’, anyone desiring an appointment kindly drop a note to Liberal Office. Let Water Out of Fund The water was let out of the pond to-day in order to allow the engineers to get the necessary levels for the commencement of construction of a pipe line. It had the effect of con- siderably unsettling the water but cit- izens have no need for alarm as it will be only tempory inconvenience and will right itself in a short time. Garbage will be collected as usual on Thursday next September 20 and citizens are asked to govern them- selves accordingly and take advantage of the service. Ex-reeve Thos. Trench is busy this week constructing a brick vault at the rear of the town offices. It will be fitted with modern door and will fill a longâ€"felt want as a safe keeping: place for the town records. The Liberal is recognized as head- quarters for sale bills in this section of York County. If you are contem- plating having a sale, call on us and we will be glad to assist you in mak- ing up and arranging your list. Our paper has a circulation which will guarantee you a successful sale. The Liberal, Quality Job Printing at The Right Price. Telephone 9, Richmond Hill Presbyterian Services Rev. W.J. Forbes Robertson will occupy the pulpit of the Richmond Hill, Tholjnhill and Lansing churches on Sunday. Richmond Hill Sunday School will open at 2.45 p.m. instead of in the morning as has been the custom during the summer. Your Laundry The Toronto Wet Wash Laundry whose truck calls in this district every Wednesday and Saturday have made arrangements to attend to all calls left at the Liberal Office. If you Wish the driver to call at your house, Telephone 9 Richmond Hill. If you live a distâ€" ance from the drivers regular route parcels ‘may be left at this office and they will be called for by the driver and delivered here in due time. House- wives of this district are cordially in- vited to make use of this service which should prove a convenience to many. Two local rinks composed of Messrs P. C. Hill, A. E. Glass, E.T. Stephens and Gid Moodie took part in the Scotch Doubles Tournament at Totten_ 'ham on Friday last and report an ex- cellent ï¬me. Messrs Stephens and Moodie were successful in winning ‘the first prize, cut glass water sets. The annual local tournament for the Greene Cup took place on the local green on Monday afternoon and even- ing. Twenty-one members took part and the cup was won by the rink skip- ped by W. Wellman. The rink skipp- ed by A.E. Glass won second prize. A Scotch Doubles Tournament will be held at the local green on Wednes- day, September 21. Garbage Collection Successful Sale BOWLING NOTES Barn Burned Building Vault Sale .Bill Notice ihappe Before buying your Fall Hat Come in and see our assortmenf; of the very latest in Millinery in Felts and Velvets. The place where you get quality and service and a little more for your money. Hosiery Just received another lot of Scarves and Ties in the newest designs International Plowing Match. NOTICE Mrs. Norman Batty The Billeting Ccmmittee are desirous of seuring well in advance the names of citizens in this district who are able 10 provide sleeping accommodation for visitors to the Great lnternatimal Plowing Match and Machinery Dem~ onstraticn Which will be held at the Municipal Farm,Lang- staff. Oct. 11, 12, 13, 14, also the names of those who can provide stable room for teams. ‘ Kindly leave name and address and number of people. you .«y- can accommodate with Phone 53 Richmond Hill Buy At Home And Save Your Car Fare. Richmond Hill Ask Us About Our Profit Saving Coupons Atwater Kent ' Radio Sets Our Radio S<ason opens this year with the ï¬nest Atwater Kent Radio Sets we have ever sold. All six tube single dial control in beau- tiful Walnut Cabinets. Our stock is com- plete, and we invite you to come into our show room and see and hear the sets in operation. See Atwater Kent and judge for yourself. for Men, Women and Child- ren at prices consistent with quality, ' A. GREENE Richmond Hill. . Baldock Limited ;35c.t0 1.95 Trench BlOCn Ontario Ontario