PAGE SIX Save Yourseli at our expense ‘Lakeside 5280 - 175 Ossington Avenue, Phone Orders for Our Driver May be Left at Liberal Office, Richmond Hill Machine Shop L. Innis & Sons - Jones Lumber Co. - Right over damaged walls and torn, faded wallpaper apply Gyproc Fireproof Wallboard. Gyproc walls and ceilings will make every room bright and fresh. Takes any decoration. Fireproof, cold proof and heat proof. The strongest and lightest insulating wallboard known. Write for free bookletâ€"“My Home." It. will tell you how Gyproc. Rocboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and lnsulcx will reduce your fuel bill from 20 to 40 per cent. THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA 155 STEAM AND GAS ENGINES, TRACTORS, PUMPS Oxygen Welding. Farmers will find work and grinding. Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of ï¬ve differ- ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure G. H. Duncan. Telephone Thornhill Nights, Richmond Hill 80 51-râ€"1 Prompt Delivery TR)’ US FOR SER‘TICE soaps, etc. No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will assist us in 1 giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for, I Call up as early as‘convenient to insure prompt attention. ‘ i We have in stock a full line of Cement Culvert Tile, all sizes. anti Corrugated Metal Culverts and would be glad of an Opportunity to give you quotations. General Builder’s Supplies Langstaff Supply Co., Ltd ELTEEAM' PHONE BELL 1‘11 and all kinds of Machinery rebuilt and Repaired Automobile Service Work a specialty. We Call In Richmond Hill District WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY RICHMOND HILL STE'AM BOILERS Prompt Service ng‘. ' Lawn Mowers Sharpened. find this the right shop for their agricultural 11â€"141 STOP 27 YONGE ST. North End, Richmond Hill. For Sale By - Richmond Hill, Ont. Richmond Hill, Ont: 175 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. Make Old Rooms New "/1 slegpfnrgrqliarters or a chil- dren’s play-room. Gyproc will give you bright, comfortable extra rooms at small cost. MAKE your attic into extra e‘non;nn’ nllnrl‘PrQ m' :1 Châ€- COKE COAL woon Tele. 9 , ETC. At the first meeting of the W0- mens’ Institute for the 1927â€"1928 season which was held at the residâ€" ence of Mrs. A. Plewman, Yonge St., “on Thursday, September 8th, Mrs. IHarold M. Purser, Editor of the Homemaker’s Page on the Toronto Globe addressed a large and interest- ed body of Institute members and their friends. ‘Mrs. Purser whose subject was “Some Experiences of a Woman Edi- tor†presented a convincing picture of the hard work, the wide field of use- fulness, the many difficulties and the great “human interest†rewards of those who edit a woman’s page on a big city daily. She spoke of the thousands of letters from all classes and conditions of people received in a year; of the manifold inquiries on all sorts of subjects; of the huge numb- er of unpublished letters requiring personal anSWer, and of the function of such a page as the Homemaker in acting as a clearing house between correspondent and correspondent. “It is curious too, “said Mrs. Pur- ser." to note what an avalanch of let- ters may be induced by things which seem unlikely subjects. Just lately someone wrote my department offer- ing some information regarding pat- ented ear drums for the deaf and we had no less than 400 letters of in_‘ quiry following this letter. Theni not long- ago a correspondent of the page referred to a supposed cure for epilepsy and another basketful of let-’ ters“ of inquiry followed immediately. But in anSWering all such inquiries on medical, legal or other such matters we are careful in our personal letters sto stress the need of going to experts for individual advice and it is part of our work to get from such experts such general knowledge as will direct our correspondents in the safe paths of knowledge. Four pounds plums, four pounds sugar. Pick over plums and prick the skins so they will not burst in cooking. Arrange alternate layers of plums and sugar in a granite dish and let stand over night. In the morning drain off syrup, boil and skim. Add plums and cook up till tender. Fill into hot jars and seal. Cup Cakes One cup sour milk or butter milk, two tablespoons sugar, one third cup corn syrup, one cup cold boiled rice or potato or any vegetable that can be mashed. One .tablespoon butter or any shortening, one tea-cocoa, one egg, one teaspoon vanilla, one quart- er teaspoon soda. Flour enough to anal/{e medium stiff dough. Fill gem pans half full and bake in a moderate oven. Markham Sharon . . . Virginia H Belhaven . Agincourt Willowdale East King Two tablespoons butter, one onion, one-half green pepper, one can to- matoes, or six whole ones, one can corn, or three cups boiled green corn, salt, pepper, four to six slices of but. tered bread. Melt the butter and in it cook the minced onion and green pepper until light brown. Add the tomatoes and corn and season. Line a baking dish with the buttered bread from which the crust has been trimm- ed. Pour in the vegetable mixture and cover with bread and bake in a hot oven until the bread is light brown. Corn Omelette Four eggs, one. half teaspoonful of salt, four tablespoonfuls of cream, one cupful of corn, two tablespoon- fuls of butter. Beat the white of the eggs and the salt together until it is smooth and stiff. Fold in the well- beaten yolks and add the cream and the cupful of corn, which has been stewed and drained, or which has been cut from the cob after it was cooked. Have melted butter ready in a hot pan Pour in the egg mix- ture,. cover it and let it cook slowly The omelet is done when the top will not stick to the finger. Fold it then and serve it immediately on a hot platter. Vandorf Vellore “Of the correspondent who wrote lobe Women’s Editor Gives Interesting Talk to Local W. I. Seasona‘ble Recipes Tomato and Corn Scallop SCHOOL FAIR DATES Preserved Plums THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept. Se‘pt Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. 28 26 asking for answers to 24 questions a- bout a trousseau tea the less said the better except to say that with her and all of her kind it seems the hard- est thing to convince them that the most precious commodity on a city daily is space.†From the many'letters read by the speaker from mothers, wives, sisters, ‘g'randmothers, aunts, business wo- men, housewives; from the literate and illiterate, the married and single, the young and old it was made clear that the editor of a women’s page in a crowded city has few idle hours if she meets all the demands made up- on her. A hearty vote of thanks was mov- ed to Mrs. Purser at the close of her talk: by Mrs. A.A. Perry and was seconded by Mrs. 0. Wright, both of whom expressed appreciation of the many fine aspects of the speak- er’s work and her address. In pre~ senting this vote Mrs. A. Phipps, the president who was in the chair added ,ed her OWn tribute and extended a warm welcome to the representatives ‘of the Thornhill Institute who were present and other guests. Other pleasant items on the pro- gramme included a piano solo by Miss Marion Ramer and aduet by Miss \Phyliss Glass and Miss Mae Sander- son. Mrs. Mylks the treasurer reported that the Tag Day for the Library Fund had brought in the sum of $67.- 14 which brought the total in this fund to $233.49. The balance in the General Fund was shown to be $20.04. Mrs. Phipps announced that at the next business meeting special com- mittees on membership, reception and publicity would be appointed and that on October 13th a public meeting in the High School Gymnasium would be addressed by the High and Public ‘School Principals, Mr. J. Stewart and er. W. Scott on “Cooperation Beâ€" tween Parents and Teachers." l 1. A piece of velvet pasted across ‘the heel of a slipper will prevent rub- bing and will save the stocking. 2. The easiest Way to crack ice is to ,Wrap it loosely in a heavy cloth and crush it with a hammer. 3. A layer cake needs a hotter oven to bake in than does a loaf cake? 4. Any layer cake filled and iced Swith flavored, unsweetened, whipped ‘cream, makes a toothsome dessert? 5. A carpet swaeper will press :down the pile of new_rugs unless it is held lightly? The old negress viewed with mis- giving the large amount of sugar tcane being eaten by her six year- old grandson. Eventually she “Chile, Chile, ain’t I ag’in that you’se cane? Don’t you killed Abel?â€â€"Tit-] Telephone 1535 All trucks Insured for Public Liabil. ity and Property Damage. COMING ! Eyesight Specialist 167 Yonge Street, Toronto 2. Toronto’s able eye specialist mav be consulted about, your eyes for glasses at H. F‘. Austin’s Drug Store Rich- mond HilL Tuesday afternoon from 1 P-IIL $0 8 P-m~ October 11th Professional Graduate of Owen A Snï¬ley Studio. CONCERT ENTERTAINER AND TEACHER ADDRESS Boyle Studies Express and Long Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire By Hour 01' Contract A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THORNHILL, ONT. DO YOU KNOW THATâ€"- Marguerite Boyfe Elocutionist Thornhill HOUSEHOLD HINTS WILSON ’S CARTAGE Telephone 54 R F. E. LUKE ’â€"Tit-Bits. MAPLE Miss warned the boy: tol’ you time an’ eatin’ too much know, Chile, cane The poet wrote: “Man wants but little here below." The cynic wrote after him: “Try and get it." DEVELOPING NEW WHEAT Herman Trelle, the Canadian wheat king, is developing a. Wheat which will cause quite a stir in the grain- growing belts of both Canada and the United States. This new variety of wheat can be sown later and ripens eighteen days earlier than any present variety. We are prepared to Take care of your Richmond Hill Will Your Brakes Pass Police Inspection ? Oak Ridges E Chry ler Dealers, Tires, Accessories, Marconi and UgL. Radio, Livery, Battery Charging, General repairs on all makes of cars. Hudson and Essex Cars Repairs to all Makes of Cars Acetylene Welding ‘ -- Prompt Service TIRES, GAS, OILS and Accessories. Summit Garage Ask us about the new Everready layerbuilt B. Battery. They last longer. Batteries, Tubes and Supplies JUST ARRIVED. RECHMQED HILL MOTORS Bad brakes are dangerous. Drive in and have them inspected and adiusted. FREE SERVICE. BARACLOUGH & STUDDY . Baidock Limited THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1927 We have a new stock of 'théJ HILL [HUI J. E. WIGMORE, Prep. Phone Richmond Hill 2 [611ng HALL’S 2 SERVI©E ga gymsme R|CHMOND HILL,ONT. PHONE l53 “Be Ready With Reddy Power†Coal Oil at reduced price to farmers for threshing. THE wise old owl will advise you to use care in the selectâ€" ion of the correct fuel and lubrication for your motor. There’s a. differenceâ€"and if you use Peerless gas and Castrol oil the difference will be important to your pocket, book. | DON'Y LET TROUBLETRDUBLE YOUQ’S‘A W Ontario