PAGE FOUR Paint This F all Now is the time to Replace your Stop 7, N., Yonge Street Phone 28 Keep out the FLIES and the FROST Phone us for your requirements BRAN DR AM-HENDER SON Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers 2470 YONGE ST.â€"JUST SOUTH OF CAPITOL THEATRE PHONE HUDSON 7999. Orthophonic Victrolas and Victor Records Radio Accessories Announcing the Opening of Stephenson’s Music Store Have you promised the family “a good radio set†this year? It is a good investment in culture and you should not delay the day. In present state of development the fall and winter months are best for radio reception. The air is free from storms and electrical disturbances and a good radio furnishes entertainment and instructions for the whole family. ‘ This store is headquarters in North Toronto for the Victor Orthophonic. We can supply you with-complete new sets. The range of prices is very low. You’ll be surprised at the low cost. “Come in and Listen Inâ€â€"and let us explain the merits of the different sets. Special value in combination screen and storm doors. material, All clear No. 1 grade. Well manufactured. 1 318†thick. 6 only left in stock. Regular 89.00. Priced to clear at $7.95. Jones Lumber Company A. E. Galbraith Furnace Pipes, Stove Pipes and Elbows. Storm Sash glazed. Advertise in “ The Liberal Phone 27 For Best Results Use Richmond Hill Radios, Rogers Batteryless DeForest Crosley Stromberg-Carlson Willowdale, Ont. Atwater Kent lMarkham Veterans THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND 111qu ONE At a meeting‘ of the Markham Vet- erans Association held at Unionville, Tuesday night and called by Vice Preâ€" sident Williams G. Hobbs, the annual election of officers for the current year resulted as followszâ€"President, ‘Lionel Middleton, Vice-President, W. G. Hobbs; Sec.-Treas. Allen Meyer. Executive Committeeâ€"Gilbert Mum- ford. Fred W. Sloan, George Styles, F. Clinkinbloomer, R. Walters, H. Lati- mer, George Knowles, Edward Brown, |G.W. McConnell, E. Bolton, A. Travis. Dr. S. S.Ball of Stouffville, Vice.- President of the Veterans of the Fedâ€" eral Riding of North York occupied the chair and conducted the election. The aims and objects of the Associâ€" ation and the extensive work accomp- lished during the past year were set out by President Breuls of the Cent- ral Association. Who for a number of years has been a director of the Alberta Wheat Pool, has been appointed South American representative of the Canadian Wheat Pool. He sails from New York this month for Buenos Ayres. b‘sï¬eééh鑧"'§é}§made by the newly elected officers. Considerable busi- ness was transacted. Several cases of relief received attention and arrange- ments for Poppy Day discussed. James A. Muston, President of the Stouffville Veterans congratulated the Markham Association on the elec- tion of officers of capacity and inte_ grify of character. 1 . 1 ,, A,_,1__ Elocution Classes Miss Marguerite Boyle who is one of the best professional graduates of the Owen A. Sinin studio, and is her- self a very fine platform elocutionist and entertainer, is again starting her classes in public speaking, elocution and dramatic art. Intending students may receive an unprejudiced test by applying at Miss Boyle’s studios, eith- ‘er at Homewobd Hall, Thornhill or at the Harris School of Music Toronto. The success of twenty of her pupils in recitals in Toronto last May is proof {of her ability as a teacher. A Timely Comparison . We print the following with all due respect to the proverbial and recogâ€" nized generosity of plowmen in gen- eral and York County plowmen in particular. It is a Well known fact that members of the local committee arranging for the annual match apâ€" lpreciate very highly the hospitality of ‘Major Morrison and the staff at the Municipal Farm when they hold their periodical meetings. The plowmen are loud in their praise of the way they are used on every occasion. It apparently stops there however ac- cording to a story which is told which is as follows; One of the waiters in the room'where luncheon was served was approached by the guard and kindly told that if he would turn out his pockets he would see that the tips he had received would be put in safe keeping until his sojourn at the farm was ended. The witty waiter how- ever compared the whole affair which had been voted such an enjoyable af- fair by all the guests as very much similar to a tag day in Aberdeen, with nothing when it was all over except a Scotch Mist. Auction Saleâ€"Saturday, October 1, horses, vehicles, and house and lot the broperty of Norman Preston and Mrs. Stevenson. Terms cash for chattels and the terms for house and lot will be made known on day of sale. Sale ‘ at 2 o’clock sharp. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. A credit auction sale of Cattle and pigs, the property of H. S. Fierheller, will be held on lot 17, con. 4, Vaughan, one mile south of Maple on Wednes- day, October 5th, commencing at 1 o’clock sharp. Terms all sums of $25 and under cash, over that amount six months credit on approved joint notes, 3 per cent. off face of note for cash. J. Carl Saigeon, clerk. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. W. J. JACKSON Will Be Resumed Elected Officers North York Council “Work will be commenced imme- diately on the Don Boulevard bridge,†stated Engineer G.H. Baker at the meeting of North York township council Monday afternoon. “The bridge department approves of a con- crete abutment and a steel super structure, with the result that we can now go ahead with the work. 1 ex- pect that the structure will be com- pleted in two months.†North York township market report showed that on operation to Septemâ€" ber 1 there was a deficit of $185.29. This, however, is more than covered by the tangible assets that are in the market, such as tables, trestles, plank flooring, lighting system, extension to building. Receipts for 1926 from July to December amounted to $623.69, with expenditures of $1,081.65, while from January to September, 1927, the receipts were $742.43, with expendiâ€" tures of $469.76, making a total of $1,366.12 receipts for both years a- lgainst $1,551.41 expenditures for the [same length of time. It was recomrï¬ended that Robert Pool, the superintendent, receive $5 per market day from September 1, 1927. Two new polling sub-divisions were created in the township by the pass- ing of by-law 493 which re divided the municipality into 21 sub-divisions in- stead of 19. By-law 494 was passed providing that the annual cost of street lighting on John avenue from Yonge street to the west end of John avenue to speâ€" cially assessed on the lands abutting directly on John avenue, according to the frontage. The reeve and clerk were authorized by by-laws 496 and 497 to execute on behalf of the corporation a deed coh- veying eighteen houses to the housâ€" ing‘ commission of the municipality of the township of North York. Construction was authorized for a six-inch water main on Hilda avenue from Drewry avenue to the south limit of lot 29. Messrs. J.J. Duggan and G. Sims appeared before the council, asking that a grant, no stated sum, be given towards the Poppy Day Fund which will be conducted by the Canadian Legion in the township on November 11, Last year the county made a gen- eral grant by which the local post did not benefit to any great extent. The matter will be given consideration. The population of the jail and jail farm at Langstaff, is growing. Prop- erty Commissioner Chisholm of the City of Torbnto, reported that there were at the jail on September 14, 140 inmates as against 112 on the same ‘date last year and at the farm 307 as compared with 230. Suspicious Brute Daisyâ€"“I mended the hole in your trousers pocket last night after you had gone to bed, Walter dear. Now, am I not a thoughtful little wife?†Walter â€"“W.:ll â€"erâ€"yes, you are thoughtful enough. But how did you discover there was a hole in my pocket?†Husband (going through house- keeping accounts)â€""But what is the earthly use of running accounts with four grocers?†Wifeâ€"“Well, you see, dea makes the bills so much smaller Your life lies before you; the past â€"1et it sleep; Its lessons alone are the things you should keep. ' Voters’ List 1 927 TWp.of Markham CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POST_ ING OF VOTERS’ LISTS Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 10 of the Vot- ers’ List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Unionville on the 15th day of September, 1927, the list of all persons entitled to vote. in the said Municipality for Members of Parliament and at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law. The last day for filing appeals the 6th day of 'October, 1927. Dated at Markham this 15th day September, 1927. More Going to Jail Municipality of the Clerk County of York Regular Meeting Ella Wheeler Wilcox }. A. M. DAVISON, 9f Markham Township :HAIRDRESSINGâ€"Marcel and curl see, dear, it; Mrs. Russell, Centre Street, West, 1 smaller!†1 Phone 178. FOR SALEâ€"Look! Here’s a real bar. gain, home comfort stove, in good condition, with warming closet, Get- ting smaller stove reason for sell- ing. Price $10.00. Apply N.J. Smellie, Phone 42 J., Thornhill. FOR SALEâ€"Wilkinson cutting mounted, complete and in good ning order. Apply J.A. Co Phone 216 W., Willowdale FOR SALEâ€"#Acme Range, in good condition, warming oven and large nickel tank. Reasonable, for quick sale. J. Dewsbury, Mill Street. FOR SALEâ€"Good clover honey, 5 lb. tins 65c, or in lots of 50 lbs. or over 12 cents per pound; slight amber honey, 5 1b. pails 55 cents, or in lots 50 lbs. or over 10 cents per pound. Delivered, anywhere in Richmond Hill district. Apply J.A. Mac- Gillvray, Richmond Hill, R.R. 1, Tel. King 1607. > FOR SALEâ€"1 'Sow and young pigs, also 4 feeders. Apply H. Davis, Phone 108 W. Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"Moffat Range in good condition, with copper water tank, and warming oven. Seen at Miss Heise’s Yonge Street. ' FOR SALEâ€"In FOR SALEâ€"Shetland Pony, Xile of Pittsford (reg.) at stud, he is solid black, a winner at; Canadian Nation_ 31 Exhibition, the Royal Winter Fair and July 1st, horse parade in Toronto. Can be seen at Glen Don Farms, lots 1, 2, con. con. 2, Mark- ham, P.O. R.R. 1, Eglinton, Ont. FOR SALE-â€"1 ton truck in good con- dition. Apply Richvale Garage, stop 23 Yonge St. FOR SALEâ€"$3.600, House on Centre Street, stucco, almost new, 50’ iron. tage, 5 rooms and unfinished bath room, Oak floors, sun room and large verandah, small fruit and fruit trees. Immediate sale. Apply Mr. Winch, cor. Centre & Yonge Sts FOR RENT--Six room house on Richâ€" mond Street, near Yonge Street. Apply O.L. Wright, Phone 78 J. TO .RENTâ€"Three good rooms, at rear of store on Yonge Street. App- 1y B. Sharpless, Stop 24 Yopge SE. FOR RENTâ€"50 acre farm, heavy sandy loam, good house, bank barn, 11/; miles west stop ‘30 Yonge.St. J. Chapple, may start plowing at once. FOR RENTâ€"House 6 rooms, electric light, orchard line drive, moderate rent. Finch, Elizabeth St., Rich- mond Hill. NOTICEâ€"The cider mill at the corner of the fifth concession, and town line, will be open for making cider on and after Sept. 15. J. R. Sider. range, coal or or wood. Ed. Elgin Mills. Little Brothers Richmond Hill â€" Ont RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lincs 5 cents per line extra each insertion. ’ “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-~MAKE THE MOST OF IT" â€"3 YEAR OLD HORSE, GOOD FOR FARM WORK, WILL BE SOLD CHEAP CHEVROLET COACH, 1924, IN GOOD RUNNING CONDITION. REAL BARGAIN. 14 colonies bees and ex- tracting equipment. cap- ping melter, .r separating can steam heated knife. Best offer taken. Apply MR. GORD. BROWN, Colborne St., Thornhill Phone 48W For Sale FOR SALE Classifieci Advertising good condition, 1 wood, 1 heater, coal Sprague, Yonge St., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1927 oper, run- box, WANTEDâ€"Ladies, or ,Gentlemen, as agents for “The Bible Prayer.†No experience necessary" pleasing and profitable occupation. spare or full time. Apply by letter to A. E. Wall Richmond Hill. WANTEDâ€"â€"Hear from owner good farm for sale. Cash price, particu- lars. D.F. Bush Minneapolis, Minn. WANTEDâ€" Contracts, progressive, FOR SALEâ€"1925 Chevrolet Roadster in perfect good condition, recently overhauled, 4 new tires, new battery appearance good. Will sacrifice for cash. Modern Battery Service 1503 Yonge St., Phone Hudson 8153. FOR SALEâ€"Farm 100 or 150 acres, nine miles from City, for particu- lars tele. 30 W, or Box 150 Rich- mond Hill, Ont. JOUSE FOR RENTâ€"Richmond Hill FOR SALEâ€"Tomatoes by the basket and by the bushel. Apply Garfiéld Yerex, Elgin Mills, Tel. Maple 249. FOR RENTâ€"At 6024 Yonge Street, Newtonbrook, double brick store and fixtures, 7 rooms and 3 piece bath, hardwood floors, newly decorated, garage for 2 or 3 cars. J.E. Hod- gins, Huron St., Newmarket. ' Tractors, Threshers, Silo Fillers, Bail- ing Presses, Plows, Harrows, Road Machinery and Tillage Tools for Fordson Tractors. KANE BROS. for all kinds of blasting, stumps, quarry or dirt, expert at business. Land clearing, trees removed or cut down. Write for information, Francis L. Watts, 122 Shuter St, Toronto, phone Elgin 8965. on Yonge Street, at car stop, six rooms, hardwood floors, electric, water, garage. Apply at Liberal Office. ANTED--Boarders, all conveniences Apply at Liberal Office Power Farming Machinery Seven room frame house and two acres of land adjoining. The prop- erty of the late Wm. Innes, Rich- mond St., choice garden land, run- ning stream through property. Must be sold to wind up estate. Price reasonable. ' J. R. HERRINGTON Telephone 87 Richmond Hill Oven-kist HIE MODERN ARROWROOT J. & M. STEIN FOR SALE C. H. Sanderson, Richmond Hill. rep- resents the Fuller Brush C0. in Mark- ham Twp. and will gladly give service to any patrons in this district. Richmond Hill It'oontains maltâ€"to gid digw don! Limeâ€"to strengthen growing bones! Canada's newt est, tastiest and most nutrir tious biscuit. Children love them! FULLER BRUSHES Include Oven-kist Biscuits in Your Order Write For Literature. O.â€" R. R. 2. Gormley. 35 ‘r‘ PER POI/AID Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 165 CASE Obtainable From HEADFORD Yonge St.