Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Sep 1927, p. 5

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FOR YORK COUNTY Good pay, Exclusive selling rights and reserved territory. Largest list of varieties and best stock, aacelima- tised, Canadianâ€"grown. Nurseries 600 acres. Established forty years. A good opportunity for capable salesman. Wanted Now Reliable Salesman Holiness Meeting . . . . . . . . . . 11 a Sunday School . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 3 1) Salvation meeting . . . . . . . . . . . 7 p Meetings Held In Lorne Hall. SALVATION ARMY In a large variety of shades and the newest at In fine qualiiy, good make, newest shades, at - véggfiMONDfllLLiDfiifljg .1 tram MILKMAN Four-in-Hand, large. variety, of shades children See us for shoes for men, women and‘ RICHMOND HILL CORPS District Sergeant Major Butler Sunday Services Summer underwear . 6 Horse Races Each Day TROTTING â€" STEEPLECHASEâ€"- RUN NING Good Band in Attendance. SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT FRIDAY J. H. GOWLAND President R. H. CROSBY, Sea-Them. Sheppard’s Shoe Store 2597 Yonge St. North Toronto HUDson 1485 Don’t MiSS: FRIDAY and SEPT. 30th SATURDAY, OCT. lst. NORMAN J. GLASS The Richmond Hill Furnishing Store 311‘} N 59’ (3411393 THURSDAY, SEPTEMABJEELR, 1927 ___‘ at $1.00. Bows 50c. PELHAM NURSERY C0. Toronto 2, Ont. Everyone Invited 25E MARKHAM FAIR SllIR’l‘N $2.00 to $2.75 $1.75 to $2.00 $1.00 to $1.50' 'J‘ I [*1 S E<STI combination at 1‘! A Necessary Combination Unless a shoe combines both style and comfort, satisfaction is not obtained. The style or model can be seen at a glance. Not so as regards comfort. That; you must feel and experience. We can fit you to a pair of women’s shoes that we will guarantee to be comfortable. We carry all sizes and widths. Rev. B. R. Strangw'ays, B.A., B D ' MINISTER Sunday Services 11 a.m.â€"â€"Under the direction of the W.M.S., Miss Alma Ball of Wahstar Alberta, speaker. 2.30 p.m.-â€"-Rally Day Service, Rev. Dr. Duncan, speaker 7 p.m.â€"â€"Life’s Great ‘Treasure. To all Oddfellows, Rebekahs, ex- members and any others interested in the forming of a Rebekah Lodge of the Independent Order of OddfellOWS at Willowdale an invitation is extendâ€" ed to communicate with either of the undersigned not later than October 7th so that a meeting may be arrangâ€" ed. On behalf of Committee A. S. Giles. Cluiirman. Phone Willowdale 188 H. D. Goode, Secretary. Phone Willowdale 110 A very enjoyable function was held in the Pavillion Elgin Mills on Thurs- day evening last when a sumptuous banquet was tendered the Elgin Band by Mr. J. H. Naughton. The effort of this newly organized band were high- ‘ly enlogized by different speakers and tribute paid the leader Mr. P. A. Drury..Mr. W.H. Legge ably acted as Presbyterian Church. toast'master‘ The returns 70f the Dempsey-Tunney fight will be received by radio at Bal- dock’s garage. The general public are cordially invited. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sunday Services At 2.30 p.m. A Hearty Invitation To All. REV. M. C. CAMPBELL, M. A. St. John’s Church 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School, Rally Day. 11 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. Parish Hall 2 p.m‘.â€"â€"Sunday School, Rally Day 7 p.m .-â€"â€"Evening Service Richmond Hill REV. M. C. CAMPBELL M. A. Minister. Miss Aileen Atkinson Organist and Choir Conductor. ‘2 p.m.â€"Sunday School, Rally Day 3 p.m.â€"Evening Service All services on Standard Time. The Sunday School will hold its an- nual Rally Service next Sunday at 11 a.m. A good program will be given Rev. Waldo Smith, a former pastor, will give an address. Everyone in the community should try to be present. Succesful Corn Roast The young people’s league scored another triumph last Thursday, in the form of a honâ€"fire and corn roast on Barker’s flats. Refrehsments were lserved in plenty including weiners, sandwiches, bon-bons and coffee, after which games were played around the fire. The night was ideal there being scarcely any wind and a full moon which peeked through the clouds as the light of the fire began to wane. ATTENTION Minister Mrs. Chapman, Organist. Banquet ‘For Elgin Band UNITED CHURCH . THORNHILL HEADFORD Oak Ridges ELG IN MILLS Fight Returns (5-..."- Miss Iris Thompson and Miss Doroâ€" thy Hick have been successful in pass- ing their examination in Life Saving at the Central Y.W.C.A. and have been awarded their certificate and ‘bronze medallion. by the Life Saving [Society of England. Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Wright and daughter Miss Mildred Wright, B.A., spent the week-end with Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Steer at Dundas. i SOCIAL and PERSONAL Mrs. John H. Dunlop left on Sunday to visit at the home of her parents, Nashua N.H. and will be absent from home for several weeks. Mr. Wilfrid Thompson and son Lloyd, motored to Ottawa and Mont- real this week. Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Hickson, of Toronto, visited with Reeve an’d Mrs. Lunau laét week. Master Bernard DeFarrari, young- est son of Mr. J.B. DeFarrari, Maple, left last Week to commence High School studies at St. Jerome’s College Kitchener. - Miss Annie McKennan of Toronto spent Saturady with her friend Mariâ€" on Grainger. Miss May Atkins of Toronto, visit. ed with Mrs. Finch on Saturday. Misses Jessie and Lizzie Mitchel of Toronto "are spending the week with their cousin, Mrs. James Cruickshank. Won Good Prize Messrs A.A. Eden and'Morley Bey- non of the local club won twelfth prize in the St. Mathews doubles tourna- ment this week with individual prizes of cut glass and water sets. One hundred and twenty eight rinks were entered in the tournament. -I-p-o-KDI NOTICE Will the party who removed pick from the Fire Hall, kindly return same at once, or steps will be taken .by the Municipality to recover same. J. Lunau, Reeve. Raspberries in September A branch of ever-bearing rasp- berries heavily laden with luscious ripe berries was presented to The Libâ€" eral office this morning from the gar- den of Mr. J. B. DeFerrari. There are several green ones and even some blossoms on the branch which gives promise of berries for some weeks yet if the frost does not interfere. The branch is on display in our window. Thieves Again Busy During their absence from home last Friday, a bold thief visited the premises of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Hopper, and removed an auto tire from the garage, as well as a quantiâ€" ty of this year’s honey crop. Not satisfied, a return visit was made just at nightfall, evidently for the purpose of taking the poultry, but the fortun- ate return of Mr. Hopper from a neighbor prevented further loss. This is the third visit of thieves to Mr. Hopper during the past 3 months. The Provincial Police are inyestigat- mg. :1. "' 1e Mrs. L. Edwards of Sault Ste. Marâ€" lg ie, Mich. and Mr. and Mrs. G. Ed- wards, of New York, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jackson, the past week. DEATHS SLOANâ€"On Monday, Sept. the 19th, 1927, John Sloan, in his 72nd year. Funeral from his late residence, lot 33, con. 8, Vaughan, at 2 p.m. (stan- dard time), Thursday, Sept. 22nd, to King Cemetery. BULMERâ€"CHOWNâ€"At Aurora, on the 19th inst, by the Rev. Dr. H. Harper, Rosella M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Chown, Toronto, to Dr. S.N.R. Bulmer, of the Provincial Health Department, Toronto. BRYAN-BRUMBY--On Monday, Sep- tember 19th, at Temple Baptist Church, Torbnto, by the Rev. W.E. Hodgson, Edna Irene, youngest daugâ€" hter of Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Brumby, to Hilliard Bryan of Minden, Ontario, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bryan of lAurora. When their car was overturned at the hill just east of the village last Thursday, a number of Toronto people were seriously injured. They were taken ‘to Dr. Caldwell’s office for at- tendance and later were able to go back to the city. Quite a numeer from here attended the jubilee anniversary at Edgeley on Friday evening and also the services ‘on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Saigeon spent the weekâ€"end and several days with their daughters in Toronto. The school room of the United church is undergoing repairs and be- ing decorated. The school is now held in the church. Hamilton, Mrs. C. Baker and Mr. J. Baker, of Toronto, spent Monday at Mr. Cousins. Mr. J. A. Rose is having a garage WEDDING Lt Mr. Cousins. A. Rose is having the east end of his Maple LOCAL NEWSY ITEMS at Temple Baptist THE LIBERAL. RICHMONDVHILL, ONT. I---“ a garage store and . COMINGâ€"F. E. Luke, Optometrist at H. F. Austin’s drug store, Rich- mond Hill, Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 11, from 1 p. m. to 8 p. m. NOTICEâ€"The Spirella Corsitier will be in flown on Monday, Wednesday. Friday afternoons’, anyone desiring an appointment kindly drop a note to Liberal Office. NOTICE My wife, Matilda Walder, having left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any debts that may be incurred by her. Isaac Walder, Rich- mond Hill. Home and School Club Meeting A meeting of the Home and School Club will be held in the Public School on Tuesday, September 27th at 8 p. m. The election of officers will be the main item of business and a large at. tendance is requested. Reeve Lunau visited our sanctum this morning and laid on\the desk 3. } fine speciman of an apple. From its fresh appearance We surmised that he had fresh picked it from his orchard and was coming to us laden with gifts -â€"but we did wonder why he didn’t bring a basket. To our surprise how'- ever he informed us that the apple which is of the Ontario variety is one of the 1926 crop of Francy Bros, Gormley, lot 25, concession 4, Mark- ham. For a limited timeâ€"until we yield to the temptation of eating itâ€" this well preserved apple may be seen at the Liberal Office but for the re- cipe for growing and keeping apples like this from one season to another you’ll have to interview Francy Bros. SHOULD BOIL TOWN \VATER Interviewed by the Liberal this Week Dr. J. P. Wilson Medical Officer of Health stated although the town water was at present showing a marked improvement over previous tests, he deemed it advisable for citi- zens to boil all water used for doâ€" mestic purposes. Citizens would be well advised to heed this warning and take all necessary precautions un- til the water supply is definitely deâ€" clared O. K. by the Health authori- ‘ties. Annual Sale of Work The annual sale of work under the auspices of the Women’s Assodation of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian church, will be held on Saturday,\No- vember 26. In this connection a Kit- shower and tea will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Topper Yonge St. on ‘Friday afternoon, September 23. Arrange Prize List A meeting of the joint committees from King and Vaughan. North York and Scarboro associations was held in the council chamber, Richmond Hill on Monday evening with a spendid atâ€" tendance. Arrangements were com- pleted for the match which will be held on Tuesday, October 11 the first lday of the Provincial Match and the 'prize list arranged. ‘ ‘ Repairing Chimney Repair work is being carried on by special workmen from New York on the tall chimney of the J.H. Dunlop greenhouses in Richmond Hill. This is very particular work and requires expert workmen who are accustomed to this kind of work. Many citizens have been very much interested in the operations. Rally Day at Presbyterian S.S. Rally Day Service will be held at the Presbyterian Sunday School, Sun- day, September 25, when all members and friends are specially invited to at- tend. J.H. Geldart who has had 16 years experience as secretary of Y.M. C.A. work in Shanghai, China, will give an address, subject of which is “10,000 miles from Richmond Hill.” Mr. Geldart comes highly recommend- ed and it is hoped all will avail them- selves of this opportu ty to hear him. Special music, assisted by Mr. Car- ruthers of Weston. CAPITOL THEATRE NOTES On account of day light saving time being changed to standard time the Capitol Theatre will open at 6.30 p.1n. show starts sharp at 7 p.m. and 9.m., Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sep- tember 29, 30 and October lst. Capi- tol Fashion Revue presented by the Leah Shoppe, 2463 Yonge St. Ladies gowns and millincry. Fur coats and wraps by Madger & Robston. Special sale of Furs and wraps during the re- V118 Your Laundry The Toronto Wet Wash Laundry whose truck calls in this district every Wednesday and Saturday have made arrangements to attend to all calls left at the Liberal Office. If you wish the driver to call at your house, Telephone ance Irom me arlvers rcgumr Luuw parcels may be left at this office and they will be called for by the driver and delivered here in due time. House- Wives of this district are cordially in- vited to mak‘ which should many ichmbnd Hill. If you live a. dist. e from the drivers regular route Can You Beat This? ould prove nvemence Quality Shoppe Before buying your Fall Hat. Come in and see, our assortment of the very latest in Millinery in Felts and Velvets. The place where you getquality and service and a little more foryour money. Hosiery Just received another lot of Scarves and Ties in the newest designs Mrs. Norman Batty Phone 53 Richmond Hill ! Explanations Required Jerry is a tailor who takes his va- cations Whenever the spirit moves him regardless of their effect upon his business. Being told by a friend ‘that he should have some excuse to give to customers when he locks up his. shop, he had this sign made which he now places on the front door when he is absent: “This shop closed. I am, sick, out of town, attending a fun- eral, gone to a convention, fishing.” Frail Counselâ€"“Now, sir, suppos- ing I made a fierce rush at you and endeavored to knock you-down. How [would you describe my action?” Burly Witnessâ€"“I should say you Buy At Home And Save Your Car Fare. Home school work means student, because early evening "nu-1. nnu numth- nf‘ nthpr duties humber of other duties. Therefore, parents should make sure their child is not subjecting eyes to severe strain or overtaxing which in later years will collect a heavy toll. Great care. should be taken by all parents to prevent injury to eyes of their children during school months. 11 It isn’t just enough to think right. You should KNOW. The v eyes examined by someone qualif We have always specialized on chil And we never recommend glasses sake. 2513 Yonge St. N. Toronto Ask Us About Our Profit Saving Coupons BIND OPTICAL CO. for Men, Women and Child- ren at prices consistent with quality, ist enough to think your child’s eyes are all iould KNOW. The way to know is to have 1 by someone qualified to tell you the truth. rs specialized on children’s eye examination. L‘ recommend glasses unless it be for health’s Bring your child in this week. means night work for the average avening hours, usually are taken up Eye Strain OPPOSITE CAP They were on their way home from the football game. He broke the silâ€" ence by remarking, sadly: “Well, too bad we lost the game.” “Isn’t it?” agreed the girl. “But never ‘mind, Bob; we had the best looking i cheer leaders." Teacher: “Surer you know wh the word ‘mirror’ means, Tommy. A ter you’ve washed what do you 10 at to see if your face is clean?” during t1 supported theIâ€"“The ing the cere ,; 35c. to 1.95 Trench 3106:» Ontario H Got the Habit The bride nearly ceremony and 1 Rah' . Rah! 1TOL THEATRE u know what near 'aint

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