Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Sep 1927, p. 6

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mGE 311g Save Yourself at, our expense Machine Shop STEAM AND GAS ENGINES, TRACTORS, PUMPS, ITSâ€"TC. If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will assist us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for, Call up as early as convenient to insure prompt attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Parcels may be left at Liberal Office, Telephone 9, Richmond Hill Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of five differ- ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. No marking, no starching, and each Wash done separately. ' Jones Lumber Co; - Oxygen Lawn Mowers Sharpened. Farmers will find this the right shop for their agricultural work and grinding. Lakeside 5280 Telephone Thornhill Nights, Richmond Hill 80 51-r-1 Prompt Delivery TRY US FOR SERV’ICE We have in stock a full line of Cement Culvert Tile, all sizes, and Corrugated Metal Culverts and would be glad of an opportunity to give you quotations. General Builder’s Supplies Langstaff Supply Co., Ltd nu...“ lw‘.’ .. ..rr.l . Write for free bookletâ€""My Home." It. will tell you how Gypgoc, Rocboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and Insulex wul reduce your fuel bill from 20 104092. Tm: nN'rARIO GYPSUM CO.. LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA ROC Fireproof Wallboard T 12mm PHONE BELL 141 THE ONTARIO GYPSUM C0.. and all kinds of Machinery rebuilt and Repaired Automobile Service Work a specialty. We Call In Richmond Hill District WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY RICHMOND HILL STEAM BOILERS Prompt Service L141 STOP 27 YONGE ST. North End, Richmond Hill. G. H. Duncan. For Sale BY : Richmona Hill, Org: 175 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. COKE COAL WOOD 15] DO YOU REMEMBER This \Veek of 1890 When at Richmond Villa the resi- dence of the brides mother Richmond Hill by the Rev. John Hunt, assisted by Rev. J. C. Spear, E. A. Blakely, M. D., of Winnipeg, was united in marri- age to Arminda Myrtal, fourth daughter of the late A. Law, Esq. When the Russell Bros., of Rich- mond Hill were very succeSSful in ‘carrying off several prizes in thor- ough Bred Jersey Cattle at the Can- ‘adian National Exhibition. When at the Presbyterian church was the scene of a very pretty wedd- ing when Miss Alice of Percival only daughter of the Rev. W.W. Percival, of Richmond Hill was united in man. iage to Mr. Robert A. Anderson of Vancouver, B.C. When the Pulpit of the Methodist ChurchY Thornhill was occupied in the morning by Mr. John Clubine and in the evening by Rev. Mr. Brace of Carrville. l utu A v nu». When during the absence (f Mr. and Mrs. Ma.ny of the 3rd con., King, their residence was entered and ran- sacked, twenty-five dollars in cash being stolen. DO YOU REMEMBER This Wirek of 1896 When Richmond Hill defeated Stouffville in their semiâ€"final match in Lacrosse. When at Richmond Hill on Thurs- day. September 24th, after a linger- ing illness. Mrs. Geo. Hooper passed away at the age of 48 years. When the Markham Council met at Webber’s hall Unionville on Saturday, Sept. 19th all members present. When Maple’s ’Civic Holiday was duly observed. The village assumed a gala appearance. The concert in the evening was opened by the rector Rev. C. Sydney Goodman. Miss Ann_ ie McNeil and Miss Edith Keffer gave selections on the piano, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Heslop sang several lovely solos and duets. When the funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. Palmer took place, many old friends being present. When possible roast the meat in a waterless roaster, which adds doubly to the flavor of any roast. After alâ€" lowing twenty-five minutes to the pound for roasting, place the finished product on a large platter. Then place halved pears on the meat and [cover with this pear syrup: One and one-half cups pear syrup, one-fourth cup of brown sugar, two tablespoons cornstarch, one-eighth teaspoon salt. Rind and juice one lemon. Chilled Tomatoes with Cream Slaw Peel tomatoes, scoop out center and chill on ice. Fill with finely chopped lcabbage mixed with the following dressng: One teaspoon salt, oneâ€"half teaspoon mustard, dash of cayenne, one tablespoon sugar, one egg, one- half cup hot milk, two teaspoons butt- er, one-fourth cup hot vinegar. Mix mustard, salt, cayenne and sugar in double boiler. Add egg (unbeaten), mix well, add hot milk, then butter. Cook until mixture thickens (about ten minutes), stirring constantly. Re- ‘move from fire and beatkhot Vinegar in gradually. Strain and pour over cabbage. Serve cold. l Angel Cake White of nine eggs, one cup granu- lated sugar, one teaspoon cream of tartar, one cup flour, one teaspoon vanilla. Beat eggs to a stiff froth, stir in sugar by degrees. Sift flour four times, put in cream tartar and sift again. Stir lightly and ‘bake ithirty minutes in moderate oven. Do inot open oven for ten minutes. Bring the ingredients to the boiling point and then boil three minutes. Pour over meat and serve hot. Any fruit may be substituted. Before com is boiled on the cob it must be carefully husked and the silk removed. Then it should be placed in a stew pan which contains enough c‘old water to completely cover the ears. Salt is needed in the propor- tion of one level tablespoon for a doz- en ears, and a rounded tablespoonful of sugar for the same amount of corn brings out the flavor. The dish re- quires a tight cover and the flame over which it is placed must be mod- erate. Ten to 20 minutes of cooking are necessary. When removed from the water it Should be boiled in a nap- This Week of 1901 [Switzer left the When a very pleasing event took Havergal College. Seasonable Recipes “ Way Back in Liberal Files ” DO YOU REMEMBER Tenderlion Fruit Steak Corn on the Cob THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND BILL, 9113‘; place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira. Fleury, of Temperanceville when this highly esteemed couple celebrated the fifteenth anniversary of their wedd- ing When at the residence of the brides brother Mr. Wm. James, York Town- ship, by the Rev. J. A. Grant, Thomas Goulding, Toronto was united in mar- riage to Rebecca youngest daughter of ;the late William James. When the annual meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society of the Methodist church here was held in the Sunday School Room. The following officers Were elected: Pres., Mrs. Elli- ott; 1st Vice Mrs. Wellwood, 2nd Vice Mrs. Newton; Rec-Secy. Miss Trench; lAssistant Rec. Sec., Miss A. Mort, son; Cor. Sec’y, Mrs. Switzer; Treas. Mrs. Crosby. When' the High School Literary Society organized electing the followâ€" ing committee: Mr. A. Carrol, Miss Georgia Boyle, Miss A. Stevenson, Mr Alfred Read ahd Mr. E. Breakey. When Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Sanderson, Miss Hattie Linfoot, and Miss Ethel Switzer spent Sunday with friends in Aurora. This Week of 1906 When on Sept. 18 in New York City in the church of the Holy Cross, by the Rev. Father Foley, Ella Powers of Maple, Ont. was united in marriage to Clarence Snider of Peterboro, Ont. When Mrs. Proctor, wife of Mr. Al. Proctor of Newmarket and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Wait, Aurora passed away. When the annual Harvest Thanks- giving service was held in St. Mary’s Church here last Sunday evening. The rector Rev. John Gibson occupied the puplit. Mrs. Percival Dean, of Toronto sang two lovely solos and Mr. Earle Newton and Miss Kerswill pre< sided at the organ. When the annual meeting of the York County W.C.T.U. was held in the Christian Church Keswick. Dele- gates were present from all parts of York County. Miss Wiley represent. ing Richmond Hill. When Misses Olive and Hazel Switzer left the village to attend kin and placed on a platter. Corn Soup Grate the corn from 4 large ears and stew it for 10 minutes in a little salted water. Have one pint of hot milk not boiling. Drain the corn and put it in the milk, adding a large lump of butter, some minced parsley and such other seasoning as is liked. Serve immediately with stufl’ed olives. Beneath Notice Sunday School Teacherâ€"“Ernest, who defeated the Philistines?” Ernest (roused from day dream)â€" “Dunno. I don’t follow none 0’ them bush league teams.” COMING ! Eyesight Specialist 167 Yonge Street, Toronto 2. Toronto's able eye specialist mav be consulted about your eyes for glasses at H. F. Austin’s Drug Store Rich- mond Hill, Tuesday afternoon from 1 P-m- t0 8 W“. October 11th Telephone 1535 All trucks Insured for Public Liabil- ity and Property Damage. Professional Graduate of Owen Smiley Studio. Express and Long Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire By Hour or Contract CONCERT ENTERTAJNER AND TEACHER ADDRME A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THORNHILL, ONT. ._ Marguerite Boyle Elocutionist Thornhill DO YOU REMEMBER WILSON ’S CARTAGE Boyle Studio F. E. LUKE Telephone 54 R 2. MAPLE Miss Man makes opportunity. Those who don’t fish or play golf or burn gas find something else to lie about. WORLD FLIGHT ABANDONED William Brock (top) and Edward Schlee (lower), of Detroit, who have abandoned their attempt to fly round the world in record time. They had reached Toklo, Japan. a distance of 12,275 miles, and had to cross the Pacific Ocean to com- plete the trip. Davies’ Dry Goods SEE DAVIES’ DRY GOODS STORE, Our operator, MISS DENBY, holds a first class diploma for Marcelling, Water Waving, Hair Tinting, Shampooing, Bob and Hair Cutting, Scalp and Facia 1 Treatment, Manicuring, Etc. Phone Your Appointments, 119 Beauty Parlor Closes, Monday And Thursday At 6 p.m. And Wed- nesday, at 12 o’clock noon. Tuesday, Friday and Saturday open until 9. 30 p.m. Oak Ridges Hudson and Essex Cars Repairs to all Makes of Cars Acetylene Welding -- Prompt Service TIRES, GAS, OILS and Accessories. Will Your Brakes Pass Police Inspection ? Summit Garage J. E. WIGMORE, Prop. Chrysler Dealers, Tires, Accessories, Marconi and U.S.L. Radio, Livery, Battery Charging, General repairs on all makesof cars. RICHMONE} HILL MOTORS Hairdressing Parlou Bad brakes are dangerous. Drive in and have them inspected and adjusted. FREE SERVICE. BARACLOUGH & STUDDY Phone Richmond Hill 2 Ring 23 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1927 Mrs. ,Grabbâ€"“Lor’ bless yer, sir them ain’t handkerchiefs; that is yer How Changer The Lodgerâ€"“Oh, Mrs. Grabb, you- ’ve made a mistake in my Washing this week. You’ve kept my shirt and sent me half-a-dozen very old hand- kerchefs instead." shirt!” RICHMOND HILL,ONT. PHONE l53 £ RESOLVE today to treat treat your motor right and Peerless gas and Castrol oils. They give yourengine more pep and pOWer and real mile- age per gallon. Coal Oil “Be Ready With Reddy Power” HALL’S $EIZ'fl/IQE at reduced price to farmers for threshing. SERVI E STAT] N RICHMOND HILL. some!)

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