Pupil 0f Ernest Scitz Conservatory Examinations Feesâ€"$20 per term (20 lessons.) Studioâ€"Mrs. A. L. Phipps. Richmond Streetâ€"Phone 13W. CVOL. L. The Liberal is recognized as one or ‘the Newsiest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to tivelve pages, all home print, it carries all the news of the entire district and our circulation is increasing every weekâ€"Subscribe toâ€"day. PIANO TUNER AND PLAYER EXPERT Certiï¬cate piuno tuning Conservatory Night Phone 1.") Branch Ofï¬ces Abâ€" THORNIIILL AND UNIONVILLE We are prepared to conduct snles of every Anuiptiou. Flu-ms nml Inrm stock sales a npocinlty. Farms bought and hold on commis- Iion. All sales uttcndod m on shortest notice. .nd («Inducted by [he most. anprmed methods. ADELMO MELECCI AND MISS ROSALIND BUSH, L.’1‘.C.M. DR. J. P. WILSON Ofï¬ce hours: 9 to 11 am. 6 to 8 p.m.. and by appointment. Ofï¬ce: Centre ‘and Church Sts.‘ Richmond Hill Phone 24. MAPLE (.From the Toronto (.‘onmrvntory of Music will accept in number of pupils in l‘inuo Vanni and. Theory. Piano Tuner 35 Years’ Practical Experience 378 Beresford Avenue. West Toronto Lyndhurst 2821 Telephone Glenn’s Drug Stole, Rich- mond Hill, for appointment .pUJ FUNERAL COMPLETE 4, :1 3 Other Funerals to your requirements. Courtesy and Consideration my Motto Telephones: Willowdale 69 and Hudson 36? W Stop 5. Ymuze Street. Lansing J. T. SAIGEON MAPLE Litensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sale: attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage salicited Richmond mu McDONALD'S ORCHESTRA THORNHILL Popular throughout the district for music suitable for all kinds of dances. Open for engagements. Telephone: Thornhill 62. Undertaker and Ambulance Service 9 Black or Grey Casket FUNERAL COMPLETE Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of ()nlnrio Veterinary College Address: Yonge St. Richmond Hill Telephone 132 \VRIGHT & TAYLOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Licensed Auctioneers County of York Pure Bred Stock Sales a Specialty. Phone 2703 CARTAG E AND EXPRESS Plowing and Garden Work Sand and. Gravel, Concrete Work. DR. W. SALEM CALDWELL FREDERICK M. POLLETT Oflice Hoursâ€"6 to 10 am. 1 to 2 and 6 to 8 Telephone 3 PRENTICE & PRENTICE AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice. 415 Bulliol St“ Toronto. IIud.1347W. K. G. Prentice, Millikan. SILVERSIDES & FARMER R. MACDONALD. B.V.Sc. ANNOUNCING A. STONEHOUSE 12) at Yonge and Roselawn, two blocks north of Egling_ ton Ave. You may begin Day Sessions any day and Night Work from Sept. 19th. the openng of Shaw‘s North We invite you to call or write. V. H. Stafford, Principal. W. I. Shaw, President. JOHN R. CAMPBELL JOHN T. ANDERSON Toronto Business School (No BERT H UMPHREY For information Phone 58] MRS. MYLKS Veterinary Surgeon THURNHILL Prices Most Moderate Phone Hudson 0970.! 48 Woburn Avenue. NORTH TORONTO Professional And Business Directory. G EN E R A L 5? E W S A N I: V 1 EW 5 $1.50 PER YEAR George Guy OAK RIDGES STOU FFVILLE BUSINESS MUSICAL MEDICAL Friday and Saturday ONTARIO Ofï¬ce Hours MONDAY only 12 MAPLE A. CAMERON MacNAUGHTON BARRISTER 511 McKinnon Building, Corner Jordan & Melinda Streets Toronto. Phone: Elgin 4:879 North Yonge St. - Richmond Hill DR. ROLI’H IL LANGSTAFF~ DR. LILLIAN C, LANGSTAFFâ€" (Disennes of women and children) Ofï¬ce hours: 1: 3 pm. Phone 100 DR. CHARLES S. DUNNING 1:1an 530 CAMPBELL LINE Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. : ~â€" Toronto Ofï¬ce â€" ; Manning Chambers, Corner of: Queen and Bayâ€"~opposite Cityi Hall. . MAPLE HOTEL Maple Every Saturday. DR. L. R. BELL‘ Dentist Ofï¬ce: Trench Block, two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 pm. Telephone 32 ‘VILLIAM COOK, COOK & DELANY (William Cook F. Gordon Cook Thomas Delnny) Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Toronto Ofï¬ce: 816 Federal Building. 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill Omce (Liberal 0mm) "or, Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday after- noon. Wnodbridge, Saturday afternoon. Monev to loan at Current Rate Barristers“. Solicitors, Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 Ofï¬ces: 85 Richmond St Won. Toronto Naughton Block. Aurora Solicitors for: Aurora, Richmond Bill. King, Whitclmrch, Markham and North Gwilliml‘ury. Walter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone Hill. 5048‘ J. Hurry Naughton. Res. E'Hzin Mills. Res. Phone 12742 Yonge St‘ BONDS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE ’ “‘ IDTANS J. R. HERRINGTON FINANCIAL AGENT Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. (David Henderson W. H. McGuiro Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public. Toronto Ofï¬ce, 18 Toronto Street. Phone Elgin 1887. ’ichmond Hill Ofï¬ce, Dominion Hotel Every Saturday afternoon Phone Richmond Hill. 52 Ofï¬ce hours 9 am. to 5 p.m. Evenings by Appointment. Telephone 80 Demon, Macdonald & Demon Barristers. Solicitors, &c. Manning Arcade, King St. West, Toronto, Canadt Telephone Main 0311 Cable Address: “Dedo†Ofï¬ce hours: 8: 10 sun. and 8: 8 Arthur A. Macdonald. FrurrllzrDeub Laura Danton. BA. HENDERSON & MCGUIRE Poyntz Ava, Lansing. VViUow. 140. Ofï¬ce hours: 12-1.15; 6-7.15. Capitol Bldg.. Yonge St. Hud. 1133; Rand. 2121. Ofï¬ce hours: 8.30; 2-5; 7.30-9 NAUGHTON 8: JENKINS LIO'V‘“ to loan James A. Boles) Oï¬icea: 93~95 Sun Life Building. Adelaide and Victoria Sts. Standard Bank Building Thornhil] BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 2135 Yonge Street Toronto. HUdson 1898. MAPLEâ€"EVERY TUESDAY Standard Bank Building. Paperhanger and Decorator. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK DONE. Workmanship Guaranteed. Estimates Free. This Yeal‘s Books On Hand Stop 24 Yonge Street. PHONE 1 ring ‘\T. J- Ei [51]) Dr. M. J. QUIGLEY Dental Surgeon HAROLD J. KIRBY DRS. LANGSTAFF Dr. W. Finlay DENTIST T. C. NEWMAN Y only 12â€"830 p.m. Telephoneâ€"Maple 3 Phone 87‘ Richmond Hill. DENTAL LEGAL TORONTO current rates. ONTARIO Elgln 5309 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, 1927 The bird who says “I don’t have to Advertise for everyone knows Who I am, where I am, and What I sell,†will .never make any more than a living. The average shopper does not care [who a merchant. is, where he is, or {what he sells. But, he does care aâ€" Ibout information as to cost of what she wants Without wasting steps. So 3 Advertise. I There is much alarm in Alberta and some parts of British Columbia at the present time over a serious out- break of infantile paralysis, which has ecaused a large number of deaths a- mong children in these Western Prov- inces. This dreaded disease is one which has baffled medical authorities for many years, and the cause and treatment of it still remains much of ]a mystery to medical science. The menace of glaring headlights is to be discussed at the annual convenâ€" tion of the Canadian Good Roads As- sociation, at Niagara Falls, on Sept. 27, 28, and 29. It is anticipated that many ideas will be brought forward on this subject which has been a worry to government officials. Windsor police have arrested fifty persons in alleged gambling dens and blind pigs. The authorities knew nothing about such doings until they read about them in the newspapers. There has been evolved- a comfort- able motor car in which a passenger can lie at full length. The only trouble is that one's first ride in it is always the last. The Aurora fire brigade have been equipped with new rubber coats and hats. These outfits were purchased with the proceeds of the Still Alarm. shown in the Starland Theatre last November. Markham fall Fair promises this year to be one of the biggest in its history. The prize list contains over $1,200 in cash special prizes for speed- ing alone, besides a number of silver cups and other trophies for the har- ness and light horse classes. A speci_ al attraction on Friday is a softball tournament between these girls teams:â€"â€" Aurora, Stouffville, Patter- son Candy Co. and Gooderham & Wurts. The secretary reports that at the rate entries are pouring in the exhibits will easily break all records. “You’re sure to have a good time at Markham Fair,†is as true a slogan this year as evei‘. On Sir Harry Lauder’s recent visit to New Zealand, a class in one of the sch 015 was asked to name the world’s richest man. A boy answered, “Sir Harry Lauder.†“But,†said the teacher, “Rockfeller and other mill- ionaires are much richer.†“Yes,†was the boy’s surprising reply, “but they spend some of theirs.†The attendance at Vellore school fair was not quite as large as in form. er years. The cup was won by one of Miss Carroll’s pupils of Pine Grove school. The same pupil won it two years ago. The singing by @he schools was good but many schools did not take part in this. Speeches were de- livered by Reeve George Kellam of Vaughan, Mr. Wilkinson, the new in- specter, Mr. A. Campbell and others. Many farmers in this district have purchased tractors this year. The use of the tractor seems to speed up the work on the farm. Indications point to an early by election in the riding of Prince Ed- ward. Horace Colliver, former Con- servative member for that riding, was at Queen’s Park recently interviewing Premier Ferguson, it is understood. on the prospects for an early filling of the seat left vacant through the ap- pointment 'of Hon. W.E. Raney to the Supreme Court Bench of Ontario In the event of an election, Mr. Colliver, who lost to Mr. Raney by a very small margin on the Government con- trol issue of last December, will again be the Government candidate. on, Xork, North York and Etob fair finally shook off the jinx, at Saturday held one of the most cessful days in the history (If the In the neighborhood of 5,000 p gathered in the grounds. The 1 list in farm products and live was exceptionally large and the quality of all the features of the all contributed to the unqualified cess of the day. Advertising for a Cat In connection with the recent adâ€" vertising convention in London, the story of how a dubious citizen became convinced that advertising is some- times effective is being related. The story concerns the attempt of a canvasser to persuade a reluctant trader to place some advertising. The trader couldn’t see it. asserting that “nobody reads advertisements.†The agent decided to represent his client as desirous of purchasing a cat. The advertising was inserted. Four hours elapsed after publication, and then the office of the newspaper re- client as'desirous of purchasing a cat. The advertising was inserted. Four hours elapsed after publication, and then the office of the newspaper re- ceived a frantic telephone call. It was the trader. Please, would they withdraw the notice at once? It must not be allowed to get into another edition. For already, he said, no less than 117 cats had been brought to his door. . Aft avin Weston Fa The; enfry and on high Carp Epidemic The strang epidemic which overtook the carp in Lake Simcoe it appears has passed into Balsam Lake, evidentâ€" ly through the Trent Canal as did the original fish. With the Department of Game and Fisheries still searching for a solution to the Lake Simcoe situ- ation, carp have begun to die in BaL sam Lake, and, according to infor- mation that has reached the depart ment, are now dying by the hundreds. Recovers Stolen Goods Police Chief R.D. Risebrough has recovered a set of ivory chess-men that was stolen from the home of Mrs. J. Kilgour, Sunnybrook Farm. It was found at an antique shop on Avenue road, in the city, as a sequel to the arrest of Robert S. Gardener in Lond- on. Gardner was brought to Toronto on Saturday and Chief Risebrough in- terrogated him regarding the series of robberies which have occurred in North York recently. He says that Gardner confessed to stealing: the chess-men but denied breaking into any other houses. Thanksgiving Day Monday, November 7, will be ob- served as Armistice Day and Thanks- giving Day throughout Canada. A proclamation to this effect appears in the current issue of the Canada Gazette. During the past morith several places have been entered in the York Mills district and articles taken. Scarboro Fair Fine weather attracted a large crowd to Scarboro fair on the Aginâ€" court fair grounds Saturday afternoon and great interest was taken in the splendid exhibits in all departments. From all over the toxvnsnip and even as far as Markham and surrounding villages came people to visit the oldest fairjn Ontario, and old friends renew- ed friendships and discussad cattle and crops in the way people do when they meet at a fair. Look at Your Label Our mailing list has been revised and should show correctly the date to which your subscription is paid. Kindiy examine_ the labél on your paper and if it is not correct advise this office at once. Subscriptions should not be in arr- ears and we would greatly appreci- ate a remittance from all those past due. Thank you. I Not the Country Acton Free Press: The “poor†farmer is not always poor, in fact is not generally poor. A young farmer settled in the Webb district, Saskat. chewan, in 1916, as a hired man. He bought a farm in 1918 at $40 an acre, has paid 825,000. No doubt he work- ed very hard but even so his success is worthy of note. The trouble is not always with the country. It is some- times with the man if he fails to make good. The col] evenings will soon be here You Wil need a little fire to make the house more cosy. If buying a stove make sure its Cooper’s Hardware STOVES Of Ottawa, who is the General See- retary of the National Conservative Convention to be held at Winnipeg on October 10th. Phone93 Richmond Hillâ€"Ont. QUEBEC COOKING, QUEBEC HEATER QUEBEC 3 WAY HEATER LET US SHOW' THEM TO YOU McClarey’s GEORGE F. PERLEY Glass and Glazing etc. DAVIES’ DRY GOODS STORE, RICHMOND HILL. Beauty Parlor Closes, Monday And Thursday At 6 p.m. And Wedâ€" nesday, at 12 o’glock noon. Tuesday, Friday and Saturday open until 9. 30 p.m. Davies’ Dry Gaods Store Our operator, MISS DENBY, holds a ï¬rst class diploma for Marcelling, Water Waving, Hair Tinting, Shampooing, Bob and Hair Cutting, Scalp and Facial Treatment, Manicuring, Etc. Phone Your Appointments, 119 IT is not one day too earlyito order that new fall suit if you want it hand tailor made caretully and ready for you when the cool fall breezes blow. In fabric we are showing all of the sturdiest worsteds and cheviots woven including Sportex. We ï¬t we guaran- tee ; for style the sprucer conservative and ,ultra dressy two and three button models, either single or double breasted. Well draped trousers are the demand of good dressers and to these we turn particular attention. RICHMOND TAILORS To Drivers of Motor Vehicles FALL SUETS LAST WARNING! Ontario Department of Highways If you have omitted to get your Operator’s License, this is your last warning to secure it. Don‘t drive a car without it, either on city streets or country highways. Application forms for a Motor Vehicle Operator‘s License can be secured at any garage. Licenses will be granted forthwith to anyone who has driven over 500 miles and Highway Traflic oï¬icers have been instructed and muni- cipal police have been requested to demand the production of Motor Vehicle Operator’s Licenses, and any driver unable to produce his or her license at any time is subject to a ï¬ne of not less than $10.00. In case of accident 01' infraction of The Highway Traï¬c )Act, the Operator’s License is sure to be called for. Drivers who have not their Operator’s License cannot be considered experienced and competent. for six months continuously, and who is not physically disabled. Examinations will be afforded to all others by Highways Department examiners. ‘ It is against the law and punishable by ï¬ne to/opcratc t motor vehicle registered in Ontario without ï¬rst securing a Motor Vehicle Operator's License. Hairdressing Parlour J. A. GREENE Telephone 5j or Residence 49w Richmond Hill, Ont. Lights on Horse Drawn Vehicles After October I. I927I every horse drawn vehicle on the public highways in Ontario must carry after dusk and before dawn a light plainly visible on the left hand side showing white to the front and red to the rear. The attention of horse owners is particularly directed, Drivers of automobile: should be more main than ever that their tail lights are away: in working order. If you have not yet secured your Motor Vehicle Operator’s License apply for it without delay The Hon. CEO. 5. HENRY, Minister Tailor Made The Liberal plant is equipped to (In: all kinds of commercial and general printing and can attend to sll ordeal! promptly and at reasonable prices. PRINTING