Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Oct 1927, p. 2

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PAGE TWO I pray Almighty God be pure and honestâ€"that th worthy motive or unjust gree as far as I know itâ€"â€" and tend to promote love and peac that the words I write in this house may ey be dictated by no personal spite, un- d for gain; that they may tell the truth eâ€" amongst men. vv “nus/n.“ - uv V. .,i, this banner County greet you 'with the wish that the 1927 Internation- al Plowing Match go down in history as the greatest on record and only to be eclipsed by the success of The Ontario Plowmen’s Associâ€" ation in 'rhe future. The principle of plowing is just the same as that prevailing in Bibical days but the methods have naturally changed and improved. Space would not permit the description of the varied methods of plow_ ing existing to-day in many countries of the world where the most primitive implements are still in use but even visitors to this great match may see pIOWS over one hundred years old and even some drawn by oxen. The present match however is primarily a contest and deâ€" monstration of modern methods as practised by western civilization. Tests will be made in stubble and sod, and all the other kinds of plow- ing lands, with single furrows, double furrows, with plOWS drawn by horses as well as tractors. ‘v ,L n-____4_., IIULBC§ no u"... a.” ‘1. Through the agency of this peaceful contest, the York County farmer will bring into play all the rich experience acquired and inheri- ted, and matching it against the sturdy agriculturalists of other parts of Canada whose fathers and grandfathers went into the primeval for- est of this County, where they hewed out for themselves and their families, new homes and new firesides. This Plowmen’s Meeting is held under the auspices of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association, and is an annual eyent. It is under the pat- ronage of the Government of the Province of Ontario, and is, of course. intended to stimulate the ancient, as well as the modern art of plow- ing. There is no event in the Province of Ontario that has the same drawing power as this Ontario Plowmen’s Association, and if the weather man will only smile upon us for the next few days, it is con- fidently predicted that well over 100,000 people will attend. Farming, the science of makmg things gum produce; of making two blades of grass grow W} of making good wheat or oats or barley or turr corn grow where inferior samples grew before; 0 give forth forty or fifty pounds of milk a day in 1 a half she now givesâ€"if she will not, get a cow t' the home surroundings beautiful where today th merely an uninteresting plac! to sleep and eat HOME and familyâ€"that is the picture of our id( tieth century farming in the province of Ontario Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Subscription $1.50 per yearâ€"To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application. WELCOME TO YORK COUNTY WELCOME PLOWMEN‘ TO YORK COUNTY. Richmond Street DEMONSTRATION. 0F MODERN METHODS J. H. CONN, District Agent, 615 Yonge St, Toronto R.C. MICHAEL, Richmond Hill. Local Representative GET OUR PRICES ON ( ;E )1 ELN'JC ‘V ()RK IT WILL PAY YOU Blocks Made To Order 01' From Our Stock At The Northern Life Assurance Ce. 7‘ Send us your name and address NOW 101' full particulars of this exceptionally attractive plan. Our. agent will gladly show you how it will work out to your life-long advantage. :1 ENTePAnAMouur‘ Every 12 months the holder of a Northern 20â€" Pay Life Coupon Savings Policy receives guarâ€" anteed cash dividendsâ€"dividends that in- crease each year for 20 years. This unusually attractive plan provides the protection your family needsâ€"plus interest on your money. The yearly dividends are in the form of coupons which can be cashed annâ€" uallyâ€"each coupon having a greater cash value than the one preceding. If you prefer not to cash the coupons the policy will be paidâ€" up in 15 instead of\ 20 yearsâ€"your depend- ents protected without a cent further cost. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1927 , the science of making things grow and increase and making two blades of grass grow where one grew before; nod wheat or oats or barley or turnips or potatoes or nere inferior samples grew before; of inducing “bossy” to rty or fifty pounds of milk a day in place of the quart and w givesâ€"if she will not, get a cow that will; of making irroundings beautiful where today they are drab and spell uninteresting plac! to sleep and eatâ€"in short founding a 'nmilvâ€"H‘iat is the picture of our idea of anceessful twen- COUPON SAVINGS (vav CEMENT MIXERS FOR RENT SUCCESSFUL FARMING THE LIBERAL TELEPHONE 9. '. S. REAMAN 20-PAY LIFE Lstablished 1897 words I write in this house may uRK COUNTY. ’The people of wish that the 1927 Internation- AS WELL AS ANCIENT LIFE 1897 Richmond Hi1. Yards Sir:â€" Well here I am again, and this time I want to draw the attention of the citizens to the tired critics bench, namely the bench on the station plat- form. I just can’t decide whether the “Tired Critics" or “Expecton ator’s Roost” is the best name, but both are appropriate any way. That old bench could tell tales, draped all over it any old day or evening and all day Sunday are experts. Engineering experts, Real-Estate experts, experts on Municipal Management and these last mentioned could, yes they could, give our Town Fathers a lot of ad- vise. They have them beaten to a frazzle but they couldn't, oh no, give their services and time free, they might do it cheaply because they real- 1y do not have to work, they only thing they give freely if is their opini- on and tobacco juice. The town water has improved so, Mr. Sloan is safe for a while. Any. real-estate deal they can squash for some one else they squash it. Knockers Well you just don’t know the half of it, business, churches, The Liberal, roads, taxes, anything from soup to nuts they knock it. It is a desease with them, they can’t help it. Taxes 1 just can't The members of the Thornhill lad- ies softball team have at last put their. uniforms away in moth balls for the Winter after having terminated one of their most successful seasons since they organized. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. As predicted in this column early in the spring, the femine ballists from this town have upheld well the tradi- tions of true’sportsmanship enjoyed by Thornhill. N All told the girls have participated in over . 25 games. This includes 8 games played in the Young Street ‘Ladies Softball League, 8 exhibition games and the balance in tourna- ments conducted in conjunction with various field days. Much credit is due Manager Eaton for his well balanced team he welded together which consisted of:â€"â€"“Toots” Irish, Catcher; Jean McDonald, Pitch_ er; Marion Forrester ,lst; Gladys Hooper, 2nd; Norma Ground, S.S.; iLela Brillinger, 3rd; Ila Brillinger, R.F.; Edith Luesby, C.F; Rheo Hoop- er, L.F; Dorothy Hopper, Wilkie Hooper, and Edith Davies, Utility Iplayers. Manager Bert Eaton’s aggregation of lady ball tossers set a fast pace in the Y.S.L.S.B. League, winning 6 and losing two. This seemed to cause considerable consternation among the other teams and at a meeting held in July so much mud slinging took place, that they withdrew from the league. HENRI ETTA TAKES BENCH Since their withdrawal from the Y. S.L.S.B. league they have been play- ing exhibition games, and out of eight played were victorious in seven. They 21156 participated in a number of field day tournaments winning first money at Thornhill, Lansing, Woodbridge and Carrville and being runners up at Herb Lennox picnic. Editor Liberal It is unfortunate that they With- drew from the league as there is no doubt but that they would have lifted the silverware this year. Another Successful Year for Ladies Softball Team Young People’s Meeting The opening iiieeting of the Young People’s Society of the United church here will be held in the Sunday school next Monday evening, October 17th at 8 pm. This meeting will be in the form of a social evening. Refresh- ments will be served and a good pro- gramme has been arranged for. Women’s Institute Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the 1 Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. F. Simpson next Thurs- day afternoon, October 20th. Arch- deacon Davidson of Toronto, will ad- dress the meeting. The ladies are asked not to forget their donation of _fruit for'the poor children. Thornhill District News Ladies Aid Entertained by Newton- brook Ladies. The ladies aid of the United Church here Were entertained by the Newton_ brook ladies on Thursday last at the home of Mrs. Frank Summers. A splendid programme was arranged consisting of a duet by Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. D. Bales, solo by Mrs. E. Bales and a reading by Miss Doris Goulding. The afternoon address on the constiâ€" tution of the Woman’s Association of WARMERS T0 TASK keep away from taxes, and words cannot express what I’ve heard about taxes. Often have I wondered just what a bench like that was for but now I know, it is for the benefit of the I “‘tired brigade” because they chew the rag and tobacco so much. If this old world could be improved on they would naturally be the ones to do it and I would suggest a spitoon on each corner. Oh another thing they doâ€" but whisper itâ€"they do make remarks about the way the poor females dress, hair ankles and dress. Well maybe some do wear their dresses short, they have to so they won’t drag in the to- 1 bacco juice, their hair may look like a feather duster and their ankles may. be over 7% inches but then the poor ‘ dears are usually kept busy. Just now they don’t count so much because the main topic to-day is to pave, to curb or not to pave, not the women, oh ,‘ no, the road. Or is it Wiser to wait till our Reeve or Reeveâ€"to-be is safe- ly seated on the throne and then bring the Warren Paving people back to finish the job. But I am wondering a- way from the benchers. I have just i thought the reason they sit’ there is‘ I I because they don’t take ,the Liberal they haven’t a telephone and there isn’t much neWs in a mail-orderâ€"cata- logue and its the only way they have of gathering the news of the town. - A‘u Revoir i the United Church of Canada was given by Mrs Mowat, of Toronto. A sumptuous supper was then served and a social time spent. Social and Personal Mrs. Lowery and daughter Reba of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Pratt of Teston spent Sunday with Mrs. A. A. Brillinger. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farr and son Jim spent the Weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Robson Farr at Chatham, Ont. Mrs. Stewart Brillinger and son Donald of Parry Sound, are visiting with Mrs. A. Brillinger. Hooverâ€"LHaines On Tuesday, October the 4th, at Knox College Chapel, by the Rev. F.J. Moore, Dorothy lj‘rederica, only daug- hter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Haines, of Thornhill, became the bride of Dr. Gordon Irvine Hoover, only son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hoover of Weston, on and Horticultural Society again proved a great success. Over 250 guests spent a enjoyable evening in euchre and dancing. The prize winnâ€" ers in the lucky spot dance were Dor- othy Chinnery, of Lansing and Eric White, of Richmond Hill. Arrow fiance, Mrs. R. W. McIntosh and Mr. B. Humphreys, of Willowdale, Lucky number, G. Denby and Jack Robinson of Newtonbrook. The euchre prizes ‘were won by Mrs. John Breakey and Mr. Edgar Dean, of Thornhill. Successful at Home at Thornhill ' ‘ Golf Club The third annual Community at Home put on at the Thornhill Golf and Country club last Monday evening by the Thornhill Field Day Associati- A meeting of the J.W.I. will be held in the basement of the church on Saturday, October 15th, at 2.30 p.m. The speaker of 'the afternoon will be Miss E.M. Chapman, Editor of the Home Section of the Ontario Farmer. Good music is also provided. The roll call will be responded to by a re- cipe for “a tasty supper dish.” The members of the Buttonville Institute will be present at the meeting. Every_ one in the community is cordially inâ€" aVictoria Square vited to attend SALVATEON ARMY Holiness Meeting Sunday School .. Salvation meeting \ Meetings Held ‘ CARTAGE & TRUCKING, ALBERT CHAPMAN Local and Long Distance RICHMOND HILL CORPS District Sergeant Major Butler Sunday Services Local and L0! All calls prom} to Richmond Hill ; Held In Lorne Hall. Lveryone Invited ' promptly attended HENRI ETTE AT THE PLOWING MATCH Now is the time to order that new fall suit or overcoat, if you want it hand tailored, and made carefully. In fabric we are showing all of the sturdiest worsteds and chéviots woven including Sportex. The fit, we guarantee; for style, the sprucely conservative and ultra dressy two and three button models, either single or double breasted. Well drap- ed trousers are the demand 0; good dressers and to these we turn particulars attention. clothes. The highest HIGH GRADE WOOLENS RICHMOND TAILORS YONGE STREET Step in. Examine the materials. SOON now fall fires will be lighted, to burn all through the winter; short days and long nights mean more lights and greater hazardsâ€"and it is time that all business and home owners take stock to know if they are fully protected against loss of fire. . Fire insurance is so reasonable man no owner or property can afford not to be well protected. The insurance fire rate in Richmond Hill is low due to several contributing factors, formost of which is the effective work of the local fire department which has held the average loss to a minimum dur- ing the last ten years. Winter Fire Dangers We can fix you up with jus you want and for either shor age. ailor Made Clothes FURS RE-LINED AND RE-MODELLED J. A. GREENE Telephone 5j or Residence 49W Richmond Hill, Ont. 'ance is so reasonablq that no owner of THURSDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1921 standard is the only standard. Phone 87 the kind of a policy or long term cover- RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Wear distinctive

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