Ofï¬ce hours: 9 to 11 am. 6 to 8 p.m.. and by appointment. Ofl'ice: Centre and Church St‘s.v Richmond Hill Phone 24. MAPLE dosenptiuu. cpscialiy. Fur lion. All snip and conducted Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited UIORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Prices Most Moderate Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Address: Yonge St.,.Richmond Hill Telephone 132, Other Funerals to your requirements Courtesy and Consideration my Motto Telnphones: Willowdale 69 and Hudson 36? W Ship 5. Yonze Street. Laming DR. W. SALEM CALDWELL 9 Blï¬cli ‘ 01' Grey Casket FUNERAL COMPLETE CARTAGE AND EXPRESS Plowing and Garden Work Sand and Gravel, Concrete Work. 48 Woburn Avenue. NORTH TORONTO Phone "Hudson 0970.1 PIANO TUNER AND PLAYER EXPERT Certiï¬cate piano tuning Conservator. Pupil of Ernest Scitz . Conservatory Examinations Feesâ€"$20 per term (20 lessons.) Studioâ€"â€"Mrs. A. L. Phipps. Richmond Streetâ€"Phone 13W. SILVERSIDES & FARMER Licensed Auctioneers Canty of York Pure Bred Stock Sales 11 Specialty. Phone 2703 VOL. L. Telephone 35 Yearg’ Practical Experience 378 Bcrcsford Avenue. West Toronto Lyndhurst 2821 Oflice Hoursâ€"8 to 10 a.m. ] to 2 and 6 to 8 Telephone ’3 The Liberal is recognized as one or the Newsiest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to twelve pages, all home print, it carries all the news of the entire district and our circulation is increasing every weekâ€"Subscribe to-day. MCDONALD’S ORCHESTRA 'I‘llORNHlLL Popular throughout the distvrict for music suitable for all kinds of dances. Open for engagements. Telephone: ’l‘hornhill 62. From the 'l‘ornntn Comelvntnry of Music‘ Will "event 1: number of pupihg in Hana Vocal nnd Theory. Richmond Hill - Friday and Saturday Toronto Business School (No 12) at Yonge and Roselawn, two blocks north of Egling_ ton Ave. You may begin Day Sessions any day and Night Work from Sept. 19th. the openng of Shaw’s North We invite you to call or write. W. H. Stafford, Principal. W. H. Shaw, President. ADELMO MELECCI AND MISS ROSALIND BUSH, L.T.C.M. WRIGHT & TAYLOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and NZ Night Phone 15 Branch Ofliccs Atâ€" Undertqkor and Ambulance Service PRENTICE & PRENTICE AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice. 415 Balliol St, Toronto. Ilud. 1347W. ' K. (‘1. Prentice, Millikan. R. MACDONALD. B.V.Sc. FREDERICK M. POLLETT A. STONEHOUSE ANNOUNCING JOHN R. CAMPBELL Veterinary Surgeon THORNHILL DR. J. P. WILSON rhone Clonn's Drug Stoxe. Rich mond Hill, for appointment JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano Tuner BERT prel a mu '. Friday and Saturday For Information Phone 581 J. T. SAIGEON MAPLE OAK RIDGES S'I‘OUFFVILLE Professional And Business Directory. $1.50 PER YEAR MEDiCAL ‘}e0r{re Guy BUSINESS MUSICAL M R S. MYLKS HUMPHREY cumluct Miles of every nd furm stock sues u m nud sold on commisâ€" :d m on shortest notice. must nuyrovud methods. ONTARIO $95 'ztnry Yonge St BONDS REAL ESTATE 1 'Bnrrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Toronto Ofï¬ce, 18 Toronto Street. i Phone Elgin 1337. I ~‘ichmond Hill Ofï¬ce, Dominion Hotel } Every Saturday afternoon Phone Richmond Hill, 52 CAMPBELL LINE Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. â€" Toronto Ofï¬ce â€" Manning Chambers, Corner of Queen and Buyâ€"â€"opposite City Hall. > ' MAPLE HOTEL Maple Every Saturday. A. CAMERON MacNAUGHTON BARRISTER 511 McKinnon Building, Corner Jordan & Melinda Streets Toronto. Phone: Elgin 4-879 Elgln 5301 Solicimrs fax-EV A£{6§;.-â€"Ric1’1;nond Hill. King. \Yhitchurch. Markth and North Gwillimh‘ny. Walter s. 'Jcnkins. Res. Phone Inn. 5043 .1. Harry Naughton. Res. Elwin Mills, Res. Phone 127.2 Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. (David Hendegson W. H. McGu‘Jh Richmor Thursday noon. \\'n W I Ofï¬ce Hours MONDAY only 12 MAPLE DR. L. R. BELL Dentist Ofï¬ce: Trench Block, two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Telephone 32 DR. CHARLES S. DUNNING Dentpn. Macdonald & Denton North Yonge St. - Richmond Hill DR ROLPII L. LANGSTAFFâ€" 003cc hourw: 8:10 am. and 6:8 p.m‘ DR. LILIJAN C. LANGSTAI-‘Fâ€"-â€" (Diseases of women and childnn) Ofï¬ce hours: 1:3 p.m. Mon†Arthur A. ifï¬Ã©tioxlnld.‘ Frank Dante: Lnurr Danton. B.A. Ofï¬ce hours 9 am. to 5 pm Evenings by Appointment. Telephone 80 Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Manning Arcade, King St. West, Toronto, Canadl Telephone Main 0311 CablqAAddress: “Dedo†HENDERSON & I‘vch UIRE Toronto NAUGHTUN & BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 2135 Yonge Stre'et Toronto. HUdson 1898. MAPLEâ€"EVERY TUESDAY Standard Bank Building. Ofï¬ce hours: 8.30 LLIAM COOK, COOK 8: DELANY Paperhanger and Decorator. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK DONE. James A. Bolesf 0mm: 93-95 Sun Life Buildlng, Adelaide and Victoria '8“. ‘w. J. l{i511) J. R. HERRINGTON FINANCIAL AGEN’I Poyntz Ave., Lansing. Willow. 140. Ofï¬ce hours: 12â€"115; 6-7.15‘ CLupitol Bldg.. Yonge St. (\ViHium This Year‘s Books On Hand Stop 24 Yonge Street. PHONE 1 ring 5. Standard Bank Building Thornhill Workmanship Guarant Estimétes Free. HAROLD J. KIRBY Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 as: Rs Rivhmond St. Want. Toronto Naughton Block. Aurora Dr. M. J. QUIGLEY Dental Surgeon no Ofï¬ce: 816 Federnl Building. 85 Richmond St. West uond Hill Ofï¬ce (Libeml Ofï¬ce) Ovary 1y foremmn. Maple. Thursday after \Vomlbridge. Saturday afternoon. Mnnov :0 Inn" at O'Rreut Rate mid. 1133;' Randi2121. Thomas Delany) Barristers, Solicitors. Etc DRS. LANGSTAFF Dr. W. Finlay DENTIST to loan at current rates. Phone 87 Richmond Hill. '. C. NEWMAN Y only 12â€"830 p.m Telephoneâ€"Maple 3 DENTAL LEGAL TORONTO Phone 100 INSURA§CE L'OANS Gordon Cool: 2-5; 7.30-9 N KINS teed ONTARIO ...... uv'lu u m Ming, 1 Over fifty members and friends of [the Daughters and Maids of England }UIRE :Benevolent Society attended the lodges Eu; {annual corn roast, held last Friday E “can†’evening in the orchard of Mrs. W. iildlng, :Hinchcliffe, Johnson avenue, Lansing. ‘5'!“ 580, lUnder the supervision of President Mrs. I. Astles and Convener Mrs. G. Joyce, a splendid program of games GHTON and dancing was staged, with intervals “"0 gof corn, weiner and marshmallow RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY.0CTOBI§17R 13. 1927 '- Eggs jumped another five points to 70 cents at North York township mar- ket at the city limits North Yonge V street on Saturday last,'and the pre- diction was that inside of two weeks IEthe scarcity would put eggs much higher. Chickens and ducks were plentiful both ranging from 35 to 40 lcents per pound. Fresh pork at 25 to '28 cents was also selling briskly. EPricse ranged as follows: Tomatoes 25 cents per six quart basket, apples 25 to 50 cents, cauliflower 10c per head [cucumbers 2 for 5, butter 48c., pickles, 25c per pint, pears 400. six quart bas- ket, red peppers 3 for Na, celery SC. to 3 for 25c, rabbits 50c, grapes 50c.. (six quart basket, citrons, 10 to 25c. I'each, onions 25c per six quart basket. lVllSS Annie Elliott, teacher of school section No. 5, 3rd line, Alboin, was held up in her school shortly after closing hour on Monday afternoon of last week, and forced to hand over her purse and six dollars, the money she happened to have with her. The pup- ils departed and Miss Elliott was clos- ing up her work when a young man a- ppeared in the school and demanded her money. Miss Elliott ran from the building but was caught by the hold up man when she tripped and fell in the yard. The. thief grabbed her purse and made off, but was arrested the next morning in Toronto. At the regular meeting of Math ham Township Council a by-law was passed appointing W. F. Nicholls colâ€" lector of taxes for west half. and Wm. Pingle for east half and Unionville Police Village at the salary of $225.00 each, each to furnish bonds of 320.000. Miss Annie Elliott section No. 5, 3rd held up in her sc closing hour on Mm John H. Gowland. a son of one of the pioneer farmers of Markham township, hasysold his 100 acre farm, lot 19 in the 7th concession, to Joseph and Frederick Hobbs of Markham for a sum reported to be $13,500. 1 Anniversary services will be held in ithe Nobleton United Church on Sun- ,day, October 16th. Rev.- Walter Rack- ham, of Whitevale, will be the special preacher. An augmented choir will provide special music. During the evening Messrs G. El- ‘ourne and Harry Evans as colored gentlemen kept the entire company merry. roasting; I Mr. Phillips of Highland Creek apâ€" peared before Markham Township council at the last regular meeting offering to draw gravel or crushed stone at 25 cents per ya? for loading and 25 cents per mile for hauling, up to five miles, over five miles no charge for loading. The council told Mr. Phillips that that they would com- lpare his offer with the present costs jfor hauling and if they were lower, lhis offer would be considered. iGENERAL Two farm wagons drawn by horses and loaded with household goods and farm equipment, and covered with “tarpsâ€, passed through St. Thomas the other day. Inquiry brought the information that Clinton Learn, an East Elgin farmer, was moving across the line to Indiana, and find- ing truck or rail transport prohibi- tively high in price was taking his effects by wagon. He expects to be a reductiqn of 5 mills from last year rate. Tottenham’s tax rate has been fix- ed at 37 mills on the dollar. This is The annual Peel plowing match is to be held on the farm of H. A. Wilâ€" son, 3 lots above Sandhill, on Friday, October 215t. 4 days on the road NEWSANL‘. VIEWS Camper’s Hanï¬ware The cool evenings will soon be here You will need a little fire to make the house more cosy. If buying a stove make sure its A cold meat supper and entertainment will be given by the following artists Peter Bennett and family, of Toronto musical entertainers; Miss Margaret McDonald, of Aurora; Miss Grace Stone, Miss Mary LaWSon and Rev. A. H. Halbert, of King, Ont. Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m. Admission adults 40c.; children 25 cents. Surely there is nothing more beaut- ifuI out of doors than a fine October day in Ontario. Harvest Home services will be held at Teston United church, Sunday, 0c- tober 16th, 11 a.m. Rev. A.S. Kerr, of Maple will preach, assisted by King choir. 7 p.m. Rev. QH. Bowman will preach assisted by St. Paul’s church choir. Thursday, October 20. STOVES Winnipeg is the “Overall City†of Canada. Government statistics show that Winnipeg’s nine overall factories produce more than any one province in the rest of Canada. And they are worn in the West, too. A new world record for winter wheat production seems likely on the farm, of C. S. Noble, of Nobleford. Alberta, with Kharkov 22 M.C., a wheat developed at Macdonald College near Montreal. While but 840 acres of a 1.300-acre field of this wheat has been threshed and Weighed in at the elevator, the wheat has rated 57 bush- els to the acre, and this section, the poorest of the field in the world re- cord crop set by the same field in 19â€" 16, yielded at that time but 52 bushels to the acre. While high yields on small fields are common this 1,300- acre field looks like a world record. Report of a drowning says “the man was crossing in a birch bark ca- noe when he had an attack of myocarâ€" ditis and gastritis.†Doesn’t matter what kind of a canoe he had, there’s none of ’em could stand all that. In judging the field turnip contest this season in which there were eight- een contestants, for the Markham Ag- ricultural, Society, Mr. George Mic- Kague, of Woodvflle, the judge, said “that he never had a harder decision to make than the one for the above Society,†and he felt that even those who did not get a prize were nearly as good as the ones who won the prizes. Phone 93 Richmond Hillâ€"Ont. Miss Kennedy, clever British en- gineer, who was a guest of honor at the Shipping a Machinery Ex- hibition held at Iympia, London. QUEBEC COOKING. QUEBEC HEATER “QUEBEC 3 WAY HEATER LET US snow THEM TO YOU CLEYER YVOMAN ENGINEER Teston Harvest Home Services McClarey’s Glass and Glazing etc Advertise in “ The Liberal The Department of Highways and the Municipality of Richmond Hill when they contracted for the new pavement did not experiment, but adopted a time proven pav- ement suitable in all respects for climatic and traffic conditions. Of course it was. LAID AND GUARANTEED B“! The Warren Bituminous Paving Co. of Ontario Limited Yonge Street through Richmond Hill Showing Macadam road built in 1913 which has been torn up this year and will be replaced by a permanent paved roadway with the T.’ T. C. tracks in the centre of the street. The Best By Every Test Head Office 54 University Avenue A Good Dinner Toronto, Canada The Liberal plant is equipped to iii! 3]] kinds of commercial and general printing and can attend to all orda- promptly and at reasonable prices. PRINTING