PA GE FOUR L Maple . ,,._,_. u. l..~ua.v - .v....... v Stephen's church was beautifulâ€"i O Q ly decorated on the occasion of the , Harvest Thanksgiving services on , Sunday. Rev. Mr. Soanes, of Aurora“ preached an eloquent and impressivo sermon in the evening. The choir of the United Church took part in the Anniversary services} at Elia on Sunday. Quite a number from here attended the Fair at V’Voodbridgc on Saturday. A large number of pupils from the Public School carried off prizes in art and writing at VVoodbridge Fair. The road south of the village is opâ€" en for traffic this week. Dr. Fred Routley has gone to Min- neapolis to attend a Conference of the American Hospital Committee. A com roast was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miller on Friday evening. A number of guests were present from Toronto. Mrs. C. Keifer and Miss Edith Keï¬"- er and Mr. J. Hansalt and family of, Toronto, visiited Miss M. E. Morrison on Friday and Saturday. Miss Jean Tumbull, teacher of Do- mestic Science at Kitchener, visited at Mr. H.C. Bailey’s on Sunday. MEN’S aniior’s WEAR :‘orsyth Shirts Arrow Collars Caps for Boys New Fall Showing of Men's Felt Hats “ THE BROCK †A Canadian Achievment 2495 Yonge Street Opposite Capitol Theatre Phone HUDson 8424 W rm Subscribe For THE LIBERAL THE LIBERAL is recognized as York County’s newiest home paper and best advertising medium. Our news service covers the entire North Yonge Street district from the City Mrs. Jas. Coleman and son Mr. Ro- limits northwards. The best news- bert Coleman and daughter, Mrs. E. paper value obtainable, $1.50 per Cameron of Deckerville Mich, visited year. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jackson, this week. Public Notice Re SanitarySupervision of Water Area The area defined by the Provincial Board of Health as the source of water supply for the Corporation of the Village of Richmond Hill is as follows: “That part of the stream on the west side of Yonge Street, between Mill ' Street and adjacent to lots Nos. 449 and 451 by Reuben’s plan; and a point on the said stream at a distance of two and one half miles north of Mill St. Over this area the Local Board of Health has sanitary supervision. The attention of persons living within the defined area is directed to the following being section 93 of the Public Health Act. 93.-â€"(1) No sewage, drainage, domestic or factory refuse, excremental or other polluting matter of any kind, which either by itself or in connection with other matter, corrupts or impairs or may corrupt or impair the quality of the water of any source of public water supply for domestic use in any municipality, or which renders or may render such water injurious to health, shall be placed in or discharged into the waters, or placed or deposited upon the ice of any such source of water supply, or be placed or suffered to remain upon the bank or shore of any such source of water supply near the place from which the supply of water for domestic use is obtained, nor within such distance thereof as may be considered unsafe by the Provincial Board, after an examination thereof by a member or officer of the Board, nor shall anyone bathe or swim in the waters of any such sources of water supply within such area as may be fixed or defined by order of the Provincial Board. 10-11 Geo. V c. 81, s. 5. .. . . . . . . (2) Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of subsection 1 shall incur a penalty of not more than $100 for each offence, and each week’s continuance after notice by the Provincial Board or local board to discontinue the offence shall constitute a separate offence. 2 Geo. V. c. 58, s. 93. By order of The Local Board of Health of the Village of Richmond Hill. Signed J. LUNAU, ‘ A. J. HUME, Chairman. Secretary ___________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" NOTICE We carry a full line of Blatchford’a Dandy, Full 0’ Pep and Purina Chick OUR coal business and its and poultry feedsâ€" Alsoâ€"Bran, shorts, Gluten and Dai- success is based upon the service that we render to our patrons. We sell them clean coal of the greatest heat units and we deliver on time. i l. llâ€"Ramer Richmond Hill COAL ry Ration. Cement--Tile Wood amlSolvay Coke At the Elevator FEED WOOD BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES. , Welcome to the Provincial , Plowing Match Don’t fail to visit our display of ChevroletCarâ€"s Marley 5. Hamilton DEALER Thornhill, Ontario ‘in;: Machine on the Market. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. _,___ \Yilson and Hargraye Install New Machinery l “'e take pleasure in announcing that We have recently installed in our repair shop a (‘RO'WIC (‘up \thel‘ Valve Refacing Machine. Guaranteed to lo the most Accurate Valve Refacâ€" , and a i complete set of valve re_seating cutt- ers. and are now fully equipped to do a scientifically perfect and accurate valve job for you. i This method of doing valve work is ‘endorsed by automotive engineers. as being the only way in which to obtain a perfect gasoline tight. joint, which will give your motor the power. pep, and mileage it should have. As we are, always endeavoring to be Lipâ€"to-date, so we can give you the very best of service and workmanship, we have gone to great expense in in- stalling this equipment, and believe that our efforts will be appreciated by you. If your car, truck or tractor jerks and snorts, lacks pick-up and power and acts like it is trying to climb a mountain when you are only trying to navigate a small hillâ€"and you are getting tired of feeding it an over- dose of gasolineâ€"it needs a valve job â€"that’s all! Bring it to us and let us do a valve job with this wonderful machine and we aboslutely guarantee to remedy the trouble. We invite you to drop in the next time you are around this way and let us demonstrate this machine, and exâ€" plain to you the importance of having your valves propeer seated. WILSON & HARGRAVE 3419 Yonge Street Just at the top of the hill Phone HUDson 6960 1Court of Revision The Court of Revision for the Vill- age of Richmond Hill will hold its First sitting on Monday, October 24th in the Council Chamber at 8 o’clock p. m. for the purpose of hearing com- plaints and appeals against the assess- ment for the current year. All quested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Dated at Richmond Hill, Oct. 6, 1927 A. J. HUME, Clerk. whom it may concern are reâ€" King City A grand concert and entertainment will be given in Eversley Presbyteri- an church on Friday evening, October 21, at 8 p. m. Parkdale Baptist church choir under the leadership of Mr. E. Newtonbrook , Classified The ladies aid of Thornhill United church were entertained by the New- tonbrook ladies aid on Thursday, Oct. 6, at the home of Mrs. Frank Sumnâ€" ers. A special programme was ar-‘ ranged consisting of a Duct by Mrs. D. Bales and Mrs. Shaw, solo by Mrs. E. Bales, reading by Miss Doris Goulâ€" ding and an address on the constitutiâ€" lon by Mrs. Mowat of Toronto. A :sumptuOUs supper was then servul land a social time spent. for each subsequent insertion. each insertion. l-‘(lR fin-shelled S.‘.l.l‘:‘lllll'lllllll September 24th. calf byi also brood sow and one horse wagon. 1.. F. inggs, Richmond Hill, l’hone lli r l2. Jersey side. HELI' \V.\N'I‘I‘:I)â€"l.1ll)01’lll;§. for a- Traffic Constable Killed Provincial traffic constable Andrew iriputBtuvo \veeks up more, Apply- L. . . W ,.. , . . . « McKay of Toronto who has been on . and ont half mile duty in the North Yonge Street distâ€" 3).) $01) J S mm “Net, phom‘ A y r a. riot met an untimely death on Tues- day near Bradford while carrying out Ihis dutic as a patrol officer. The ac- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGEâ€"Large heater, wood or coal. Will exchange eidcnt took place on tho south slope ‘ for get of “WM driving. hqwow m. ,of the Holland Landing hill as the Chickens_ All)â€, J Jenkins Flgin late officer was following a motorist. ‘ Mini I ' 1The unfortunate officer was rushed to Newmarkct hospital but died with- FOR SALEâ€"Pelham Nursery stock, in a Short time- Trees, shrubs, bulbs and roots all descriptions. Apply W. J. Baker, Box 2, R. R. No. 1 Richmond Hill. 1 BEBE-E Hardware -, M‘ WANTED~Good general wanted $25. a month. Apply Mrs. Robinson the log house, York Mills, Hud. 0069 J. FOR RENTâ€"Good dairy 200 acre i farm on Yonge Street, near Richâ€" Householders and Builders Hardware mond Hill. Apply Hall’s Service Station, or E. J. Gamble, Brandran.chderson Paints bridge Phone 1238_ Varnishes and Lacquers ‘TO RENTâ€"Cottage to rent $10.00 G'aSS‘G‘aZing cis, Thornhill. ‘ Massey Harris Repairs WANTED FOR WAITING CLIENT #Fifteen to fifty acres of land with good buildings, part bush and runn- " ing water, to exchange for good six Ellis A. GALBRAITH. to Apply Wm. Brotherton, Stop 6, STOP 5061 N YONGE STREET PHONE US Your REQUIREMENTSi Yonge St, Phone Willowdale 63 J. 1WANTEDâ€"Boarders, all convenienc- Phone 28 I es, Apply at Liberal Office. WILLOWDALE' ONTARIO lSTRAYED-From lot 16, con. 2, Mark- ham, on or about September 15th, a red heifer. Anyone detaining same will be prosecuted. Apply Albert Leek, Gormley, Ont“ ___‘_____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"#- FOR SALEâ€"1 Huron Heater, in good condition, With warming closet. Ap- ply A. T. Mathews, Richmond St. facing Elizabeth St. _________â€"___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- FOR SALEâ€"One coal heater, one Happy Thought range, in good reâ€" pair, reasonable. Apply to Mrs. J. Caseley, church street. 1927 Municipality of the Twp. of Vaughan County of York Voters’ Clerk’s notice of First Posting of Voters’ List. , ‘ Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Votâ€" ers’ Lists Act and that I have posted up in my office at Maple, on the 3rd, , day of October, 1927, the List of all FOR SALEâ€"Oxford Laurel heater, with hot air pipe, in good condition. Apply Mrs. J. Tyndall, Richmond Hill. STRAYEDâ€"Onto the propertyof Roâ€" U‘Wv _.\'O'l‘l(‘liâ€"The cider mill at. the corner contained in a certain mortgage whic will be produced at the time of 531 persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parlia- ment and at Municipal Elections,land Harris will furnish the entire proâ€" gram. This is an excellent opportun- land Keffer, lot 9, con. 4, Vaughan, on or about Sept. 30, four turkeys. Owner may have same by proving ity to hear one of Toronto’s leading choirs render a program of popular songs and music. Admission adults 35 cents; children 25 cents. A number of members of Robert- son Lodge visited Schomberg Lodge on Monday night where about 175 Masons assembled to honor the visit of the D.D.G.M. Dr. Lockhart who has not been en- joying the best of health lately is showing marked signs of improve- ment. Members of the local Hunt Clubs are anxiously looking over their fire- arms in anticipation of the hunting season. Two clubs will leave King City this fall. Maple Anniversary Services Anniversary services of Maple Uni_ with services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Preacher Rev. Dr. Back of St. Georg- es United Church Toronto, special music by the choir. A concert will be given October 28, at 8.15 p.m. in the Community Hall, Maple, by the choir of Yonge Street United church, Toronto, under the leadership of Mr. Beatty assisted by other talented artists. Supper will be served in the Masonic Hall, by the ladies of the church, Friday evening, October 28 commencing at 5.30 p. m. Tickets for supper and concert, adults 60c.; children 25c. Credit Auction Sale of Stock imple- ments, household furniture and etc. will be held on the property of Walter Scott, lot 26, con. 4, Markham, about 1 mile east of Victoria Square on Sat. urday, October 22, at 1 o’clock sharp. Prentice and Prentice, Auctioneers, 'Abner Summerfeldt. clerk. FRIDAY, OCT. 21â€"Mr. F. J. Oram. will have a credit auction sale of farm stock and implements on lot 67, con. 2, King 1,4; mile north of l l Temperanceville. F. N. Smith auctioneer. Sale at 1 o'clock. ted church will be held on October 23, that such list remains there for in- property and paying expenses. spection. That Part 1 of said list contains the names of those persons entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and Elections t0 the Legislative Assemb- 1y. That Part II of said list contains the names of those entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only. And that Part III of said list con- tains‘ the names of those entitled to vote at elections to the Legislative Assembly only. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or ommissions corrected ac- cording to law. Dated at Maple, Oct. 3, 1927. J. B. McLEAN, Clerk of Vaughan Township ‘CASH PAIDâ€"For prices. Apply A. Robinson, 166 Richmond Hill. _â€"â€"__â€"â€"â€"- 'STRAYED-To the premises of D.W. Clubine, a cow, owner can have same by proving property and paying ex- ‘ penses. FOR SALE--Large Coal heater, nickle trimmed, grates in A1 condition. This is a good stove and will be sold for a reasonable price. Apply Wm. Davies, Richmond Hill, ‘Tel. 119. â€"_’â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€"â€"â€".â€"_â€"â€" LOST â€"â€"Tan collie dog, two years old, male. Finder kindly apply at Libeâ€" ral Office. FOR SALEâ€"Full grown black currâ€" ant bushes for sale or exchange for manure, phone Philpott, stop 24. Poultry market box FOR SALEâ€"Good clover honey, 5 1b. tins 65c, or in lots of 50 lbs. or over 12 cents per pound; slight amber honey, 5 lb. pails 55 cents, or in lots Executors Sale . of valuable freehold property Under instructions from the executâ€" 50 lbs- or over 10 Cents Per pound- lor of the estate of the LATE JOHN Delivered, anywhere in Richmond GIBSON, there will be offered for Hip district. Apply J_A. Mac_ sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, on Gillvray’ Saturday, Oct. 27, 1927 King 1607- __â€"_â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" FOR RENTâ€"50 acre farm, heavy sandy loam, good house, bank barn, 11/; miles west stop 30 Yonge St. J. Chapple, may start plowing at once. at 3 o’clock in the afternoon on the premises at lot 1, concession 4, town- ship of Markham, about 1 mile west of Milliken P.O. by Messrs PRENTICE and PRENTICE, Auctioneers, the farm belonging to the said estate and being the East half of lot 1, in the fourth concession of the Township of Markham, containing 100 acres more or less and lot number thirty three in the fifth concession of the township of Scarboro, containing 56 acres more Estimates Cheerfully Given For work anywhere in the district. J. J. CLEMENTS or less. Upon said lot number 1 is a brick PAINTER AND DECORATOR house and farm buildings and orchard Thornhill â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" Ontario and there is a small house on said lot Phone Ring 33 thirty three, con. 5, Scarboro. The land is thoroughly underdrained and in a good state of cultivation. The 1property is being sold to close up the estate and will be offered subject to a reserve bid and to the preSent ten- ancy. Further particulars and terms and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale or on appli- cation to T.A. & R.D. Gibson, 43 Adelaide St. East, Toronto 2, solicitors for the executors, or to Messrs Prentice and Prentice, Auctio- neers, 415 Balliol St. Toronto 12. Dated at Toronto this 16th day of Septeber 192T. 'Parliament and at Municipal Elections CASE Power Farming Machinery Tractors, Threshers, Silo Fillers, Bail- ing Presses, Plows, Barrows. Road Machinery and Tillage Tools for Fordson Tractors. KANE BROS. â€" â€" â€" HEADFORD Write For Literature. P. 0.â€" R. R. 2. Gormley. ‘the following valuable property nam l l l Richmond Hill, R.R. 1, Tel.'sale subject to a reserved bid. _______d_.._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" l Advertising “THIS IS TIIE DAY OF .\l)‘v'ERTlSlI\'(‘-â€"I\IAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATESirFive lines or less. :5 cents for first insertion and 15 cent.R Over 5 li":.s 5 cents per line extra of the f.‘.'t'ei concession, and town line. will be open for making cider on and after Sept. 15. J. R. Sider. FOR SALE Seven room frame house and two acres of land adjoining. Thcprop- erty of the late Wm. Innes, Richâ€" mond St.. choice garden land, run- ning stream through property. Must be sold to wind up estate. Price reasonable. J. R. HERRINGTON Telephone 87 Yonge St. Richmond Hill H w Reliable Salesman FOR YORK COUNTY Good pay, Exclusive selling rights Wood- and reserved territory. Largest list of varieties and best stock, aacclima- tised, Canadian-grown. l Nurseries 600 acres. Established per month. Apply J. Eduard Flan- lfo rty years. A good opportunity for / capable salesman. PELHAM NURSERY CO. Toronto 2, On ,.-~.,{- ... ,4, :3; w 3.4,". an"; .- . \, . I-. n.1,.“ Orchestr , under the direction of Miss Aileen Atkinson, Richmond Hi Suitable Music provided for Concert Garden Parties and Dances Phone 33 Mortgage Sale orâ€" VALUABLE Heuse and Lot in the Township of North York Under and by virtue of the powe there will be offered for sale by pu lic auction on Saturday, November St at the hour of 3 o’clock in t ‘ afternoon on the property of the NORTH SIDE OF PATRICIA uBOULEVARD in the said 1927, 0 TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK by JOHN T. SAIGEON, Auctione 1y: Being in the Townhip of No York, in the County of York, and b ing the easterly one-half of lot No. on the North side of Patricia Boul Vard, in the said Township, accordin to plan registered in the Regis Office for the East and West Ridin of the County of York, as Number 1 80. TOGETHER WITH a right n way over the Easterly three feet si inches (3’ 6â€) of the southerly .seve i ty feet (70’) of the lands immediatel to the West of the lands above descri bed. AND SUBJECT to a right 0 way over the Westerly three feet si inches (3’ 6â€) of the Southerly seven ty feet (70’) of the lands above de scribed. On the said property is erected on brick detached house, furnace, electri light and water. The property be offered f0 will TERMS:â€"Ten per cent. of the pu chase price as a deposit at the time 0 sale, and the balance in thirty days. For further terms and conditions o sale, apply to NAUGHTON & JE KINS, 85 Richmond Street, West, T ronto, solicitors for the Mortgagee. Dated at Toronto, this 7th day a October, 1927. NOTICE OF APPLICATION F0 DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that A NIE MAY CALDWELL, of the Vil age of Richmond Hill, in the Coun of York, in the Province of Ontari will apply to the Parliament of Ca ada at the next session thereof for Bill of Divorce from her husban BURTIS FREDERICK CALDWEL of the Village of Richmond Hill, 1a orer, on the ground of adultery - desertion. DATED at Toronto, Province of 0 tario, this First day of October, 192 ANNIE MAY CALDWELL, by her Solicitor CAMPBELL LINE, Bolton, Ontario.