A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THURNHILL. ONT. This Week of 1895 When at Thornhill, Nicholas Phel-l an, a resident of Scarboro for forty i years away at the age of 88 i iycars. \Vhen the Epworth league here held .' i their annual meeting the following off- i being electedzâ€"Pres. A. J. Hume, Ist Vice.-Presidcnt, Mrs. Rev. Powell, 2nd Vice-President, Mr. M. E. Brown; 3rd Vice-President, Miss Annie Trench; iSecretary. Miss Bessie Redditt; Trea- ' lsurcr, Mr. John Glass. , ' When John Coomlr, forth son of '- er. John Coombs of Carrville passed away at the age of 26 years. When Aurora Football team faced ‘ [Richmond Hill boys in the park at the lend of the game the score was 2-0 in - ifavor of the Aurora boys. The Rich- Telephone 165 mond Hill line-up was as follows:-â€" Sims, Grainger, W. Glass, J. Glass, Richmond Hill I _‘ I I. I icers were elected: Pre. A.J Hume, 1st I ' , 1' ' Powell, Hall, Savage, Glover, Trench. . , When the Thornhill skating rink A" Kinds or B0“ and Shoe Repa‘r' was constructed by the following ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. passed C. H. Sanderson, Richmond Hill. rep- resents the Fuller Brush Co. in Mark- ham Twp. and will gladly give service to any patrons in this district. gentlemen as officers:â€"â€"Hon.-Pres., W.W. Babes, M.A.; Pres, Dr. F. J. Gallanough; lst Viceâ€"Pres, Dr. D A. Sim? “1 Wintermn’s 01“ Stand Nelles; 2nd Vice-Pres, Dr. G. A. Yonge St" Langstaff; Sec.Treasurer, G. M. GED. KIDD Brown; Committee, Stewart Wilcox, B°°t “I’d Shoe Repairer- John Wilson, Thomas Farr. When Mrs. Susan D. Wood, wife of J.C. Wood passed away, Interment 301111 Dunlop 85 Son lfollowed to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. FLORISTS ‘ DO YOU REMEMBER Richmond Hill - Ont. . This Week of 1901 When at /Woodbridge We orders for Clarke Wallace, M.P. passed away at cut flowers for all oc- the age of 57 years. Over 5000 people attended the funeral. casions ‘Vill be When at the parsonage Berkley St. promptly and cheer- fully ï¬lled. Toronto, by the Rev. J.F. Oakley, William C. Savage was unitell in mar- W: OPTOMETRISTS riage to Jennie L. Palmer both of EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS Richmond Hill. .‘horough Eye Examinationsl When in Richmond Hill on Thurs- day morning, October 17th, 1901, John and Glasses That Fit Perfectly.‘ lSpecial Attention to Children's Eyesu Open Evenings. . Phone Hudson 0461 for Appointment. THE BIND OPTICAL CO. ‘ 2513 Yonge St. (opposigotgg g:;?;ï¬Â°;rheatre) :mastcr -minded veteran dairyman, I It was Dean Cook, that levellicadcd, i DO YOU REMEMBER? ’Griffin passed away at the age of 19 i l Nathaniel I MODERN FARM LIFE ‘ HAS MANY ATTRACTIONS THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. lyears. When the auction sale of Mr. Alex. McCague, of Elgin Mills, ‘and conducted by Messrs. Eckardt & lPrentice, was most successful everyâ€" ‘thing sold well. When Mr. W. A. llutt died in Aur- ora and was interred in the Aurora cemetery. The services were conduc- lted by 'thc Rev. E. A. Pearson and Rev. G.\V. Dewey. When on October 12th. Jacob l'lorn- er, of Headford. passed away in his 80th year. When Mr. J.N. Boyle. Mr. Arthur Boyle of this place and Mr. J. B. Mc- Lean of Maple visited the Pan-Amcr- ican this week. was held DO YOU REMEMBER This Week of 1905 When the members of the Maple W.M.S.~inet at the home of Mrs. Creasor, the oldest member of the So-l ciety and spent a social time. A photo of the group was taken by Mrs. Martin, afterwhich tea was served. When Mr. R.S. Frisby of Elm Lodâ€" ge Farm, Victoria Square, was one of the principal exhibitors and prize tak- ers at the Markham Fair in the variâ€" ous classes of large improved York- shire Swine. When at his home at Newtonbrook, David Harding passed away at the age of 82 years. . When it was announced that J.H. lHathaway of Toronto, would assist ithe pastor. Rev. J. McKinley in a serâ€" ies of Evanglistic serviCes beginning Iin the Methodist church Thornhill. \Vlien Mr. \Vm. Trench gave an ad-‘I dress in the Eglinton Methodist cliur-i ch in connection ‘with the Epworth l'League, and Miss Ethel Switzer Con- ltributed vocal solo‘s. When the King Council met at Phil- , lips’ Hall, King City. members all! present with Mr. MacMurchy in. their chair. square they will hold their jobs. l I have talked with a number of men working on farms, and invariably fâ€; “Way Back inLiberal Files †l i think, i to get a good farm foreman is to raise i who once said “The only way they tell me they prefer steady wci‘k . ’throughout the year at moderate I him. And the best way to get good \yages rather than hing pa}. for In ifarm me“ is to let them grow up 01‘- ;seasonal work. These men must have the farm. When boys start on a «farm places to live and food 1,, cat. 1',- or burn brakes FORMER WARDEN CALLED BY DEATH The funeral of the late A. I‘dsrsâ€" leg, of Sutton. mch er of thc York County Council and a former Warden of the County was held on Elmitlay afternoon. and was largely altiiided. llis sudden and unexpected death ocâ€" curred at Indian Head Sask. last week, following an attack of pncu- monia. Deceased, who was in his 65111 year, had gone west to his farm near Indian Head, two weeks ago for a rest While journeying from the ranch to the village he caught cold. which de- vcloped into pneumonia with fatal re. sults. Mr. Pugslcy was born in Devon- shire, England. coming to Canada in 1870. Taking up residence in Sutton he became widely known as a drover, which business he conducted for over forty years. In 1905, he became warden of York County and for the past twentyâ€"two years held the office of reeve for the village of Sutton. He was a staunch Conservative, belonged to the Masonic Order and was a mem_ ber of the Anglican church. Surviving him besides his wife, Tamasine Price, are one daughter, Mrs. Jack Trenayne, Toronto; one son William Pugsley, Sutton West; three sisters, and one brother, W. H. Pugâ€" sley, Richmond Hill. The funeral took place from his late residence, Sutton West, on Mon- day. Rev. E. O. Twiss conducting the service. A further service was held in St. James’ Anglican Church. Interment. was made in Brier Hill Cemetery. The pallbearers were the present warden of York County, W. Graham, and five ex-wardens, Richâ€" :ird Cromsbury, Georgina township; iChas. E. Willoughby, North Gwillim- ‘ J. A. Cameron, Weston; Alex. RicMurchy, King township, and Willi- ‘11m Keith. Newmarket. bury; __'__‘_â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Iand grow up on it they know the ways lthey work but seven or eight months [of the owner-know the land and the during the year they naturally be- ' stock, and the implements and the ma- ops ichines, and every yecr they become ‘ ' [more useful and valuable. They are 0 happy and contented, and will in time Unless You Insure Withâ€"- have farms of their own; and better " A. G. SAVAGE still, know how to manage them and take care of the stock. ‘gent For Automobile Insurance. TEL. 118 \ A young man is better off on a ‘ farm than in a city. Farming is no RICHMOND HILL longer the dull, plodding, uneventful dreary existence that we have read about or heard our grandparents tell about. There is sufficient hurry, pre- ssure and excitement to stir the blood and stimulate the efforts of any ener- getic boy or man. A farmer “just'has to work lively.†He must battle with the winds and storms, with rain and snow. with heat and cold. He must if he would win. He must be a plucky man. If there is no “snap†in him he had better find some slow, steady unâ€" varying employment in a town or ONTARIO Geo McDonald says you can’t beat Wool- nouyh’s Harncss come in and see it when in Toronto. H. Woolnough Phone Elgin 6980 Cor. Queen and Ontario Streets Toronto. W city. He is not the man for modern , - . 0‘" lture 1' Miss ‘ . ll Our work on the farm constantly Ejarguerlte Eagle changes. It is rare outside of spe_ Elocutionist cial. lines such \as dairying. poultry raising, etc., that one finds a whole week devoted to the same kind of work. In the season of plowing, whe- ther spring, late summer or late fall, we plow. then barrow, then drill the seed or do something else. If it rains lthere are other things to do on the iwcll-ninnaged farm. We are con- istantly getting improved implements .and machines. and needing more in- Thornhill Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. CONCERT ENTERTAINER AND TEACHER ADDRESS Boyle Studio Telephone 54 R 2. ‘ :tclligcncc and skill in our operations. â€"â€" ‘llcnce we better men on the \VILSON‘S CARTAGE owners. in sonic cases. Express and Long Distance Moving Land quite generally better men. as Sand and Gravel Delivered ‘t‘arin hands. We want these better Iiim‘ll’l TWCkségrtgl‘r: men. and to get them we must coni- * our or n c . y ‘ il‘nfllt‘o With the boys. Telephone 1331;1APLE More Married Men Needed must i . . . l v . All trucks Insured for Public Liabil- i \\ c more married it}, and Property Damage. .iiioii into the neighborhood and give need “i f:i.i‘niâ€"â€"bcttcr also get their boys r. good training on the 1â€"†. g ‘ - â€"" ltll’Lll. I :iriii work tor the most part should be year-round work. not 33le.- a onnl. Farm profits come from labor. 0 o ,no: land. Electrical on: farms. Unsteady There should not be zilarge i fluctuation in the demand for labor on employment come discontented, and never really get truly wedded to farm work. yHow, ldifferent ori farms where labor is em-l l‘ployed for a twelve months’ year, ,where the men are provided with homes on the farm and become fixed ito it. It is this type that makes the best farm labor and helps the owner :to carry on the farm and who can be depended on through thick and thin. J. J. TIERNEY Of Brockville Ontario first vice-preâ€" sident of The Ontario Plowmen’s As- sociataion. The little things count. So often they count better than the big guys they caddy for. EGOOD PLOWlNG IS THE SECRET OF GOOD FARMING Slovenly plowing ‘ decreases crop iyields, increases the weed menace and makes seeded preparation for spring ‘grain, corn or fall wheat nore diffi- lcult. Driving through one some well-plowed fields! the country sees the furrows are not only straight but well turned. But in too many fields there is evidence of careless or sloven- 1y work. The strikeâ€"out is not straight to start with, nor is the grass or stub- lble all covered. There is a curve at the ends because of not taking a full width furrow. and the plow is not al- ways started in at the scratch. thus leaving a few feet of soil not turned. Then there is the plowman who never thinks of turning around or pulling the plow back when it strikes a stone. with the result that the field is full of holes. if many stones are in the soil. Where the furrow is not properly turned a satisfactory seedâ€"bed cannot be prepared. Too often the careless plowman is careless about his other ifarm operations. It has been claimed that a field well plowed is half worked. Whether the walking plow. riding plow or tractor plow is used there should be pride en- ough taken in the work to keep the furrow straight and properly cut and turned. Using a skimmer on the plow covers grass or weeds. thus help- 1 ping to keep the field clean. is“ guilt." 05 11 aft-s A} ihc girl at his left. »1 ‘r A. P. Link~ psychology instriicioz. L." ‘ (right). R P. Baker o Club, Vancouver. winner of the Totem Pole trophy at Jasper Park Golf Course, Jasper National Park, during the annual golf week. bein-r presented with the trophy by Walter Pratt, General Manager of llotcls. Sleepng and Dining Cars. Canadi‘in National Railways. The .3: w Golf tournament is growing in favor with followers of the same and this of Jericho PAGE SEVEN _______________.____â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" year, with entries from Canada, United States and other countries. became international in its charac- ter. Canad.z’s famous 'scen'ic golf course won high praise from the golfers who played over it during the Gol.‘ \Vcck competitions, and some keen battles for supremacy were stagedâ€"Canadian National Railways photograph. m ~ 5 " 4v ‘â€"‘"I|I|‘Illuuiuumr..mâ€"u 154 W zero weather. resisting. Write for free bookletâ€""My Home." . _ Roeboard Insulating Sheathing and Insulex will reduce your fuel bill from 20 to 40%. THE ONTARIO GYPSUM C0., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA G Fireproof WdlIDOOI'd For Sale BY - 1 Jones Lumber-Co - ' D l‘C-il Tl‘li I1, an OIPCII‘LCLZl slt'l‘mscopv wlizcli trzinsi; HY endure another winter with a cold garage? By lining it with Gyproc you may save the cost of a cracked radiator, frozen water pump and numerous repairs caused by Gyproc keeps out winter’s bitter cold. Easy and inexpensive to buy and apply. ’; (Imp. (Earl; ll():liilllS Islandinzl. of ilft.’ Bell Tele- s to an audience oi Jim), ilie litai'tâ€"lupgits It is also ï¬re- It will tell you how Gyproc. - Richmond Hill, Ont. l ._-. .-.s.‘r....'l . Electrical Detective Reveals Culprit “crime.†One of his students. contractor iamd high wages are utterly demci‘ai- Bettcr plowing «in the home farm i< PM“ Ldbomo‘ri m" - ‘ ' ' l l ' l' - i - . ' ‘ ‘ " w “i = '»' -..<‘." lil' i ‘11 (lil'."lOIlI concern‘n" 1:18 "cr'in'i." tie ic'ii' â€";ie.. :; f A V'". A . incur. The only recourse is to pltlll what 15 needed, and this practicg will 3,3111%â€?gufj. A L “d ‘1 [m t ‘ bi ‘ i 5 I L i L [I U the ‘1 msg ....l. ‘ . I . . . . . » . s . .i - . ,_ A C A ‘3 ‘A _ Ph “e “'mowdale ()(i‘N “‘ 1 ‘ 10‘ Lhe Implound ‘md “(mt 1‘0 11 Preparation 101‘ a coinpetiriwn. The other .: :l10\\n provides rrc’ird? of other reaction". caused by the inward; Cmrl}":l‘.5: of the. OPOYVTZ AVENUH ifzoi‘d men at reasonable wages. es- With shortazc of help there is ‘1 riiiâ€". “'imt‘lirl T-O iliflltti‘ W control rile axe? 'sz-s over voic~- or mm on. ’I‘li" New York iLZi’C‘ . A I‘ 1, . . . ‘ “‘ v, - . . . .~ univ . - ‘ T i VT 1 'iiibllsll them in then‘ own homes on dency to speed the Plow at the CK‘milsc -‘ “111011 “A0 CM."- m “J: (ondllilt‘l- PRU-“d nth} [he “0“ C» ‘h[* ““l’hc’uc ""‘“'â€"'~“ ‘ LARSIBG‘ 0‘ ' 'he farm 'n'l let them f=l th‘ts w‘ l - ' v ‘ - 1 I i “ma ingtnm‘m ‘ “ A i te ‘1 ‘0 ‘1 m" ‘lu‘llm or ““1“"- Th? “(‘51 1"â€5‘ warlock Holmes :o-viziv might find liiui'rlf Outâ€"SLerlocke-d by Docf'r ‘v‘l‘mn v l‘Ii In chart“! .' "ho- rigli: and flhn: as any do “.th is sible work should be the aim. ."