Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Oct 1927, p. 4

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THE LIBERA l ° North York 3 Re Garbage Collection t A tag rlaj' will be held on AlillSilCC,‘ N O “T H. C E Day. XU'Jbilllit‘l' 11 in aid of the \X-terJ North York 'l‘ownship. The . .- Legion ask the gciicrâ€"j flIlS mi" 1 . I sacral (~.~_i\,1~,._-r;ition of the pcoplc cl‘ illO oil it” ull.‘ district in providing a fund to provide The collection of garbage which will be made on for distresscd and needy vetcruns.‘ I uesday November 15th m i... , cci\'cd and should be sent to the honâ€" orary treasurer WA. llay. Lansing;~ or will be the last collection for this year, and citizens V Sleigh, \\ illowdale. are hereby asked to take notice and govern them~ selves accordingly, secretary, II . E. Rev. T W. Pickett Dies After a short illness Rev. Thos. Pickett of Lansing, passed away early on Wednesday morning. In his death York County and this section of On- tario loses one of the most dearly beâ€" loved of the ministerial profession and his passing will be sincerely mourned by a large circle of friends. The funeral which will be private will be held on Friday. Seek Industries J. LUNAU, Reeve. DID YOU EVER NOTICE THAT F John D. Rockerfeller could drive a second-hand flivver â€"â€"or wear a pair of cheap shoes â€"and getaway with itâ€"â€" L, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. NOTICE 1 It has conic to our notice that :t 1 man claimed to be a llydro Employee has been gaining,r entrance to houses ‘ North York Township under the ‘ pretext of cbecking up a number ol‘ lights, irons and etc. no such man employed and would ask its consumers to refuse admittaHCe unless applicants can show the iden- fication of badge or letter. . By Order North York Township in Auction dry wood Beech and Maple, about 10 cords mixed hardwood slabs. The property of J. H. Brilinger, lot 13, con. 6, King on Saturday, October 29, BUT if you and Idon’t keep up appearacces- they put us down as third-raters. Clothes don’t make the man but they have a lot to do with how much a man makes. Let us sell you a pair of shoes that will boost for you every time you wear them. GordonHronside FOR GOOD SHOES 2423 YONGE STREET At a meeting of the Centre North York Ratepayers’ Association in the home of Mr. Berry, at Lansing, a committee was appointed to interview Council and. suggest that some action should be" taken in the matter of ob- taing new industries in the township. H.A. Bywater occupied the chair. Struck By Radial Standing on the radial tracks just south of Stop 5, Yonge Street, Tucs- day evening, Joseph Masternick, a- bout 35 years of age, of 221/2 Augus- ta avenue, was struck by a T.T.C. radial car, and injured about the head and arms. He was rushed to the To- ronto General Hospital, where he is progressing favorably. Travelling south shortly after 8.15 Motorman Walter ‘Bishop, who was in charge of the car, told T.T.C. offiâ€" cials that he was temporarily blind: ed by the lights of a northbound motor car. When his vision cleared, he said, he saw the man less than 100 feet ahead of him, standing on the tracks with his back to the car. The / HUDSON 3338 Concerts Fowl Suppers O - motorman stated that he applied his brakes, but the car struck the man i. and rolled him under the fender. Have your bills printed by us Dr. C.E. Hill, of Willowdale, was summoned, and in company with and be assured of a satisfactory job at the right price. Chief of Police Roy Riseborough, took the injured man to the hospital. Oddfellows Had Party With a large attendance present, the Red team of North Crest Lodge, No. 476, Oddfellows, were on ‘Tuesday evening tendered a banquet by the Blue team for winning the recent . competitions conducted by the lodge. I The Red team was captained by Joe Roberts, while Walter Spracklin headâ€" ed the losers. Mrs. Middleton, of Re- becca Grand lodge of Toronto, was the principal speaker, and plans were outâ€" lined by her for the formation of a Rebecca Lodge in North York towri- ship. It was reported that 16 new members were contemplating joining in the very near future. W. Sprackâ€" lin presided. Quality ,Workmanship and ' Prompt Service. “THE LIBERAL? \ TELEPHONE 9 RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO GET OUR PRICES ON (JE MEN'I‘ W ()RK IT WILL PAY YOU Blocks Made To Order 0r From Our Stock At Yards ,« G. S. REAMAN . Richmond Street Richmond Hil.. CEMENT MIXERS FOR RENT Real Estate Activity Ajax RealtyLCo. report quite a little movement in realty circles in the dis- trict. During the past week they sold the general store at Langstaff, and several lots in the new subdivision on Richmond Street. They have also received several enquiries for acreage near Richmond Hill. ' League of Nations Turns to Telephone -vv- \ \N \ \ \l . w _ ‘ v, j . . . Enéergenc} sessbus of the League of Nations Will soon be llild by telephone, predicts Secretary-General ) dun Eric Diuiuniontl. Spccxil teiephone equipnientis being cons ‘llCted for iiisui 'it‘iou in . IQ‘IVUr“ ‘. y~ ~ v V . . , . '. ‘ , s ‘ ‘ . I TIT A A. l\‘ (junt‘ers (slioun .ibortel peiiiiittiiig Geneva to link up W'th P; _. London. Brussels. Berlin l"‘l Reinn : \m VlldllpctiiJIJ-UC seince with \\ ashington and Ottawa. In the even: of cxtraordinarv dcvelo’inr r‘s whvi .1 speed) decision is YIILLI. much precious time can be son-cl by td‘ei ' ‘e List" ‘on I L I U ‘he inform ition i‘ of e‘pc ' ‘ ' r " K i h A K i l. c s . > cm. lll.t‘l‘t‘.~‘l to tarada, whose um" '* n - c ' above) and 86mm”. \_ x B wrt V) a) y 7‘ i. ‘7 y ‘ i._ A “us to. Raoul Dandu.and t.\o. 1 . . . . '. t. c. 0 ant Linen such pro! t p: t in recent League discussions. t.\'o_ 2) siv- Herbert -\'ii»“ rmwv'v \l 1' ‘ s - - - _* - ~ A w. u .. .ioz‘ the St. Antoni > Dr s'i \1 v -~.- ~ . r. . .i .. w- r, Adnser of the Leagua ‘4 ~ l-ltfl- “muted. has 101 SOUR )eais I'lflaanl th e sale to commence at 10 o‘clock sharp. Terms cash. Frank Egan, Auction- eer. Monday, Oct. Bistâ€"Postponed cred- it sale of farm stock and implements, brood sows, store pigs, furniture etc., lot 13, con. 4, Markham, Buttonville, the property of Ralph Goode. .Sale at 1 o’clock. No Reserve, Farm sold. 12 months credit. Prentice and Pren- tice, auctioneers. . Tuesday, November lstâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc., on lot 8, con. 3, Markham, Dollar, the property of AB. Doner. Sale at 1 o’clock. No Reserve. 12 months credit. Giving up farming. Prent- ice and Prentice, Auctioheers. Monday, October Ellâ€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, the prop- erty of William Smith, Oak Ridges, half mile north of Schomberg Jct. Positively no reserve. Sale at 1 o’- clock sharp. Wednesday, November 2â€"Aucti0n sale of horses, cattle, Ford ton truck, and furniture, the property of J. Hen- ry Heise, Gormley, lot 3, con. 3 Whit- church. Silversides ahd Farmer, Auctioneers. Quick Work ‘ At one time Bishop Williams of Marquette was university preacher at Cornell for a few weeks, and during that time he not only gave fine serâ€" mons, but provided his friends at the university with many good stories. One he brought from Winnipeg where he had been attending the synod of the Canadian Church. He had seen there a missionary bishop who had come a long journey, travelling for six weeks, most of the time by canoe. - . This missionary had brought mes- sages and excuses from a brother bish- op who was preven'ted from/coming to the synod because “his diocese had gone to the dogs.” brother bishop was laboring among the Eskimos, north of Hudson Bay. He had built them a church with whales’ ribs for rafters, covered with tanned walrus hide. “It held eighty persons," said the missionary bishop, “and served its purpose well until in a bad time the dogs grew famished and devoured the church-” Murphy had just been presented with triplets and was so elated over the event that he called in everybody to see them. Among the visitors was Hogan. “An’ what do ye think of that?” de- manded the proud father, pointing to his row of offspring. looking the babies over carefully and pointing to an especially healthy spe- cimen “I’d be keepin’ that one.” Ole Olson, hanging on the strap in a crowded street car, lost his balance plump into the lap of a lady passeng- er. “Who and what do you think you are?” demanded the woman hotly, “Har, har,” chuckled Ole; “Ay Laplander Ay guess." Early to bed and early to rise and club guys. Don’t feel alarmed because your ‘boy thinks he is smarter than his dad. ‘ He may be right. The popularity iindicates that comparatively few have 'standing up jobs. l ‘ Yet all other people would seem as i’ fine as your friends if they liked you as well as your friends do. i We are all much alike. and man will , find something to be proud of, if it is, I only his modesty. Modernism: aren't excited. Feeling _______â€"â€"â€"___ North York has . sale of about 300 cords of ’ He proceeded to explain that the r “Well,” replied Hogan, judiciously, ‘ as the car rounded a curve, and sank i (taught Ay bane a Svede, but Ay am a I you won't get trimmed by the night- ‘ of two-pants suits ' bored if you .s. Ciassiiieci “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERT R \'l‘l~‘.S~-Fi\'e lines or less, :5 cc: 0 for each subsequent insertion. each insertion. , l,II.\lRDRESSINGâ€"Marccl and curl. ‘ )lzil‘ccling‘ taught. Apply )lrs, Russel, Centre St., West. Phone 178. LOSTâ€"Tire, rim and tube. size 3:2 x 6 between Maple {mil Elgin Mills. on , Elgin Mills ~cide road. Finder kind- ; ly at Liberal Office and re- ‘ ceivc Reward. leave ilVe have a client looking for good ‘ business location. Give full parâ€" ticulars to Ajax Realty C0,, 3450 Yonge Street. ‘ STRAYEDâ€"From lot 33, Markham, 1 Ewe. Anyone knowing of where- abouts, kindly notify S. Wilcocks, 57 r 3, Thornhill, and receive reward. ACREAGE WANTED near Richmond Hill, suitable for poultry farm, give full particulars. Ajax Realty Ca, 3450 Yonge Street. WANTEDâ€"for waiting client good 8 roomed house with 1 acre of land, close to Yonge Street, loCation be- tween Thornhill and Richmond Hill. Send full particulars in first letter to Wm. Brotherton, Stop 6, Yonge Street, Phone Willowdale 63-J, Lan- sing, Ont. FOR SALEâ€"Several good farms for sale, near Richmond Hill, from 50 to 200 acres, Box 150 Richmond Hill, Telephone 30_W. t WANTEDâ€"Plowing lots or acreage, also hauling. Apply L. F. Bagg, 1 ‘4 ‘miles east, stop 23 Yonge St., Phone Richmond Hill 46â€"r-12. WANTEDâ€"To rent a farm, good soil, Markham Township preferable, a- bout 50 acres. Applicant is respon- sible, well known, who would make a good tenent.' Apply Box 12, Liberal Office. EARN $25 WEEKLY at home addres- sing envelopes. No canvessing. Everything furnished. Spare or full time. Particulars for stamp. Mailing Service, Box 9, Sydney Nova Scotia. FOR SALEâ€"50 pullets, November layers, sired by Male’s out of Wy- ckoff’s best pen. Females, Hogan tested for five year’s, prices on apâ€" plication. C. W. Gane, Maple, R. R. No. 1. LOSTâ€"Tire, rim and tube, size 32 x 6 between Maple and Elgin Mills, on Elgin Mills side road. Finder kind- ly leave at Liberal Office. FOR SALEâ€"Frame house on Yonge Street, just south of the bakery, Purchaser to remove same from property. Apply David Hill, Rich- mond Hill. SEWINGâ€"plain sewing done at home very reasonable, also orders taken for Ledon Knitting mills, Toronto, hosiery and lingerie, every garment guaranteed. Call and see me at my home, Edgar Ave, stop 22 Yonge Street, or write Box 236, Richmond Hill. FOR RENTâ€"Good dairy 200 acre farm on Yonge Street, near Rich- mond Hill. Apply Hall’s Service Station, or E- J. Gamble, Wood- bridge Phone 1238. CASH PAIDâ€"For Poultry market prices. Apply A, Robinson, box 166 Richmond Hill. FOR SALE--Large Coal heater, nickle trimmed, grates in A1 condition. This is a good stove and will be sold for a reasonable price. Apply Wm. Davies, Richmond Hill, Tel. 119. l I The Richmond Hill Furnishing Store 31b} N C;&K’S vIn a large variety of shades and the newest at ‘ $1.75 to $2.00 SHIRTss In fine quality, good make. newest shades, at $2.00 to $2.75 "P I E {'5 Fourâ€"in-Hand, large variety, of shades at $1.00. Bows 50c. l Summer underwear combination at $1.00 to $1.50 ,See us for shoes for men, women and children. NORMAN J. GLASS THURSDAY. OCT BE-t 27. 19 O Advertising SING-SHAKE THE MOST OF IT" its for first insertion and 15 cents ver o ling; 5 cents per line extra 1' roR SALE Seven room Iraiiic house and two acres of land adjoining. The prop- erty of the late \\'in. lanes, Rich. mond St., choice garden land, run- ning stream through property. Must be sold to wind up estate. Price reasonable. .I. R. IIERRINGTON Telephone 87 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Wanted Now Reliable Salesman FOR YORK COUNTY Good pay, Exclusive selling rights and reserved territory. Largest list. of varieties and best stock, aacclima- tised, Canadianâ€"grown. Nurseries 600 acres. Established forty years. A good opportunity for capable salesman. PELHAM NURSERY C0. Toronto 2, Ont. Thornhill Orchestra under the direction of Miss Aileen Atkinson, Richmond Hill Suitable Music provided for Concerts, Garden Parties and Dances Phone 33 Mortgage Sale or .VALUABLE House and Lot in the Township of North York Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by pub- lic auction on Saturday, November 5th 1927, at the hour of 3 o’clock in the afternoon on the property of the NORTH SIDE OF PATRICIA BOULEVARD in the said TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK by JOHN T. SAIGEON, Auctioneer the following valuable property name- ly: Being in the Townhip of North York, in the County of York, and be- ing the easterly one-half of lot No. 9 on .the North side of Patricia Boule- vard, in the said Township, according to plan registered in the Registry Office for the East and West Ridings of the County of York, as Number 18- 80. TOGETHER WITH a right of way over the Easterly three feet six inches (3’ 6”) of the southerly seven- ty feet (70’) of the lands immediately to the West of the lands above descriâ€" bed. AND SUBJECT to a right of .way over the Westerly three feet six inches (3’ 6”) of the Southerly sevenâ€" ty feet (70’) of the lands above de- scribed. . On the said prOperty is erected one brick detached house, furnace, electric light and water. The property be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. TER)IS:â€"~Ten per cent. of the pur- chase price as a deposit at the time of sale, and the balance in thirty days. For further terms and conditions of saley apply to NAUGHTON & JEN- KINS, 85 Richmond Street, West, To- ronto, solicitors for the Mortgagee. Dated at Toronto. this 7th day of October, 1927. will I s _____r_â€"’â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 0 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that AN- NIE MAY CALDWELL, of the Vill- age of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, in the Province ofVOntario, will apply to the Parliament of Can- ada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, BURTIS FREDERICK CALDWELL, of the Village of Richmond Hill car- penter on the ground of adultery and desertion. DATED at Toronto. Province of On- tario, this First day of October, 1927. ANNIE MAY CALDWELL, by her Solicitor CAMPBELL LINE, Bolton, Ontario.

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