PAGE FOUR Dance by Elgin Band Elgin Mills concert band, prize win- ners at the Canadian National Exhi- bition will hold their ï¬rst annual dance 11 the Elgin Mills pavilion Friday, No- vember 18th, 8.30 p.m. sharp. Round 'znd square dancing: Double tickets $1.00, extra lad‘y 30c. The Thanksgiving Service on Sun- ‘ay, November 6, will be conducted by Mr. Norman A. Keffer, B.A., a. stud- :nt of Waterloo Seminary at the Sher- wood Lutheran Church at 11 a.m., and .lt Unionville in the evening. Thanksgiving service will be held in he United Church here next Sunday, ï¬ght. Everyone is invited. Davies’ Dry Goods Stag Plain Linen Towelling, colored border . . . . . . . . 12%, 18, 23c. Colored Krinkled 'Bedspreads, full size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.50 Striped Terry TOWelling Télephone 119 Richmond Hill â€". __ ._ _ Pillow Slips Factory cotton 36, 39 in. 12, 18c Blapk Sateen, 36 inch Sheeting, 72 inch . . Cheese Cloth Curtain scrim. 36 inch, cream and white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c. 2563 YONGE STREET, TORONTO Atwater Kent, DeForestCrosley “Fada, King and Westinghouse The J. D. Ford Radiip €13. The John Macdonald Co. Ltd. having retired from business, we have purchased a parcel of their stock, of which the followi‘ng is a partial list and which we shall offer for sale tomorrow Opportunit); Occasionally Offers Exceptional Bargains. “TORONTO’S OLDEST EXCLUSIVE RADIO HOUSE." Carrville BEFORE buying your new Radio consult us. We are the oldest exclusive Radio House in Toronto and can guide you intellingently in the purchase of the most suitable outï¬t for your home We shall be glad to tell you what we consider the biggest buy in the Radio ï¬eld to-day. Ask us. Free demonstration in your home with no obliga- tion to you. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' Easy terms: SEE OUR WINDOWS SHERWOOD Friday and Following Days Also at 97 4 Bloor Street, West 50c pair .60 . 500 15c 29c United Church Services Special Thanksgiving services will be held in the Richmond Hill United church on Sunday next. At 11 a.m. Sacrament service will be conducted by the pastor Rev. A.A. Wall and [there will be special music by the ‘choir assisted by Miss Phyllis Weir, contralto soloist of Toronto. At 7 p. m. the minister will be in charge and | there will also be special music by the choir assisted by Miss Weir and after- the regular service there will be a r musical service of vocal violin and or- 3 gan selections. ‘ Still a Mystery Science has 'now pretty nearly ac- complished everything, except pro- vide a way of eliminating the delin- quent subscriber to the weekly news- paper. Hosiery Specials, all shades, all sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35c, 59c White Flannellette, 36 inch .19c Grey Flannellette 36 inch Ladies Heavy Sweater Coats Sand, Black, White, Red, 38, 40, 42, 44. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.95 Ladies Sweater Coats, Sand, red Blue 38, 4Q, 42, 44, . . . . . $2.95 Cream and White Lace, 1/2 inch to 4 inch, .3c, SC, SC, 10c yard Fancy Bath Towels 25c, 29c, 35c, 49c. HUDSON 8048 Ontario 29c THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Doner and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Ern Harvey al- so Mr. and Mrs. and Dorothy Wilson of New Gormley, attended church at Victoria Square, Sunday. Miss Effie Gamble spent Sunday with friends in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. and Verna Burke, of Highland Creek were guests of Mrs. Wilmot BrumWell over Sunday. Mr. Frank Brumwell leaves on Tuesday for Highland Creek, where he jions a group to go hunting. Mr. Walter Scott and Mr. Herb Spoffard left Saturday afternoon on a hunting trip in the North Country. Miss Ethel Butler spent the week- end with Rev. Haig. Mr. Gerald Freeland and Mr. Bert Knapp got home Sunday morning from Saskatchewan. Miss irene Smith entertained a girl friend from Winnipeg, over the week- end. Miss Bessie and Ruth Moynihan, Miss Ivey Freeland, also Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott, of Toronto, spent Sun- day' with the former’s parents, also Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moynihan, with Mr. and Mrs. McNair spent a. few hours with the farmer’s brother at Victoria Square. Evelyn Neal and Miss Martley at- tended meetings at Victoria Square on Sunday evening. Mrs. Ern Jones and son Paul spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Asa Winger. Mr. and Mrs. Pte. Steckley spent Sunday at home with their parents. Mrs. Walter Neuns is off work ow ing' to sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johnston atten- ded the wedding of the latters nephew Mr. Baker, of Richmond Hill, at the Newtonbrook church last Wednesday. Mr. Gibson of the 5th line and Mr. Walter Steckley of the townline visitâ€" ed the formel‘s daughter, Mrs. Clar- ence Steckley. Mrs. C. Steckley and family will be spending the latter part of this week with her sister, Mrs. Gould in Toronto. Mr. Hafold Mortson and his father visited Geo. Baker's on Tuesday after- BAKER â€" WILTSHIRE A very pretty wedding took place in the Newtonbrook United Church on Wednesday evening, October 26th, when Beatrice Rose, youngest lBaug‘h’c- er of the late Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Wilt- shire was united in marriage to Lloyd W’.T. Baker, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker of Richmond Hill by the pastor of the church, Rev. E.R. Young, Cora Good presided at the or- gan, Miss Edna Wiltshire sang a 5010, “Because.†The large audience ï¬lled the church to capacity, which was daintin decorated by Autumn leaves and flowers. The bride who was giv- en away by her eldest brother Mr. Wm. Wiltshire, of Vineland, looked charming in a gown of white georgette over satin, with veil and orange bloss- oms, and carried a bouquet of butter- fly roses and wore the gift of the groom a barpin. Many from New Gormley attended the meeting held by the Pilgrims in Victoria Square church. Mr. Chas. Hill of Unionville is stay- ing with Mr. Wm. Dennies suffering from attack of pneumonia. Gathering in turnips is the job on most of farms in the vicinity. Among those who“ attended meet- ings down the 4th, Sunday were Mrs. Josh. Lehman, Mr. Clarence Heise and Mr. Levi Heise, also Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and family, all of Gormley. Miss Dorothy Oliver has resumed duties again in our midst after being absent about six weeks. noon Hallowe’eri Boys played many dang- erous pranks but ended up by running up the railway tracks. Miss Isabella Lyons of this vicinity commences work in Aurora this week. Mr. Craig Topple and his mother were guests around the Square on Sunday afternoon. I Mr. Fred Doust has purchased the station house from Mr. Sam Doner. The Bridesmaid Miss Dorothy Bak- er, the groom’s sister, was daintin gowned in shell pink georgette, with black picture hat and shoes to match, and carried bouquet of Briarcliffe roses. The groomsman was Mr. Thomas Wiltshire, brother of the bride. The grooms gift to the bridesâ€" maid was pearls, to the organist pearls, to the soloist compact, to the grooms cufflinks. The ushers were Messrs Allan \Viltshire, Elmore Hill, Leslie Baker and Edgar Arming. Aft- er the wedding a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wiltshire at the homestead. The happy couple left on a motor trip, the bride travell- ing in a gown of cocoa crepe black sa- ing in a gown of cocoa crepe black sa- tin, brown needle point coat with hat and shoes to match. On their return they Will reside on Roseview Ave., nd Hill WEDDING Gormley Proceedings were somewhat stormy at the postponed annual election of officers of the North York Liberal Conservative Association held at the residence of A. Scott, Lansing on Tuesday evening. At the former meeting the election was put off be. cause one of the officers was absent and the contention was made that to hold an election without his presence woul be contrary to the constitution. North York Tories Election 0f Ofï¬cers At the postponed meeting, secretary W. Brothel-ton was. absent and the same arguments were used by those who desired to delay the election. Mr. Bywater expressed the view that the election in Mr. Brotherton’s ab- sence would be illegal and he was sup- ported by Austin Thomas. William Darwin took the opposite tack. He claimed close familiarity with the constitution. He assured the members that the election would be legal and felt sure it would end illâ€" feeling that had been generated. After considerable argument a mo- tion by Mr. Goode and Mr. Pugh that the election he proceeded with was carried. Mr. Tallet was appointed sec- retary pro-tem and the following of- ficers were elected: Past president, H. A. Bywater; president, F. J. Goode; lst vice-president, Wm. Darwin; 2nd vice-president, R. Dillon; 3rd vice- president, Wm. Carson, J. P.; Secreâ€" tary, C. Tallet; treasurer, Frank Howard; auditors, A. Coleman, H. J. Pugh. Mr. Draycott in addressing the new chairman, Mr. Goode, said he thought that it was not a question of an il- legal meeting, but one of an absent secretary intentionally endeavoring to stall off the meeting. He hoped that with the new set of officers the mem- bers, as a whole, would go forward in one united effort to further the cause. Mr. Goode promised that every ef- fort would be made to work in com- plete harmony. At this point Mr. Brotherton ar- rived. The former secretary was vigorous in his expressions of sur- prise and indignation that the election had been held and things took on a stormy aspect until he was prevailed upon to leave. Jr. IVâ€"Fred Taylor, Hugh Carter, Blanche Dewsburry, Ronald Finch, Jimmie Crean, Victor Morris, Ivan Whellan, Alex. Fortuk, Marjorie Gra- ham, Bob Davis, Gordan Mollett, Bert Lumb, Fred Kendall, Norma Harris, John Wallis, Albert Corner, Jack Grainger. Richmohd Hill Public School Report for October, Room 3 Jr. IIIâ€"Eleanor Wallis, Leslie Ken- dall, Virginia Little, Jimmy Ley, Eliz- abeth Walker, Tilford Hilts, Matthew Healey, Audrey Grainger, Evelyn Wade, Chas. Hanson, Catherine Stanâ€" ford, Jack Crean, Phyllis Fish, Patric- ia Smith, Phyllis Routley, (Dick Pat- rick, Ted Allen equal,) Ethel Young, Marjorie Lowgry, (Louise Armstrong, Walter Dale, equal) Tom Gillings, Douglas Gilbert, Marg. Buchanan, Lena Donald, Mildred Haworth, Fred Urben, Metro Fortuk, Gordon Mc- Kenzie, Geo. Hawkes, Marjorie Brill- inger, Jas. Donald, Harry Corner, Murray Blanchard, (L. Horton, D. Mc- Kenzie, M. White, equal,) H. Elliott, May Ross, Douglas Palmer, H. Steph- enson. Standing of Senior Room Pupils for the Month of Octob'er. Sr. IVâ€"Jean Middleton, Ruth Rea- man, Vivian Routley, Phyllis Robinâ€" son, Herbert Mason, Robert Little, Austin Tuck, Lloyd Thompson, Jean Deadman, Lawrence Smith, Mary For- Tuk, Sheila Beresford, Claire Cook, Dorothy Leech, (Madge Sayei's, Mai‘y Gillings equal,) Clifford Jenkins, Nor- ah Batty, Ethel Coveyduck, Adele Savage, Elsie Paris, Marguerite Glass Bill Savage Wednesday, November 16â€"Auction sale of farm stock, mplements, furni- ture & etc. The property of John Sheppard, lot 25, con. 4, Vaughan,‘one and one quarter miles north of Maple. Terms 11 months credit. J.T. Saige- on, auctioneer, J. Carl Saigeon, clerk. School Report For \ Saturda sale of ho“ ies, vegetabl H. Wheeler, Saturdays November 19â€"Household furniture etc., in Woodbridge the pro- nertv of Charles McKay. Terms cash. per hmon November 12â€"Auction 'ehold goods, car accessor. les etc., the property of A. ï¬rm 25 Yonge Street. stop 25 Yonge street, Hill , Hunt Ave, west. J .T. Saigeon, auctioneer Mouth Of October LOSTâ€"License plate No. 56-309, be- tween Gormley and Richmond Hill. Finder kindly phone J.W. Farquar- son, Stouffville 6103. T0 RENTâ€"6 roomed house electric light, on Elizabeth St. Rent mod- erate. Apply L.B. Finch, Elizabeth Street, Richmond Hill. FOR SALE -â€"A large “Leader†range in good condition, coal or wood, reason for selling wish to purchase a smaller one. Apply Mrs. Jas. Ley 2nd house north of Skating Rink. FOR SALEâ€"Trio toulouse geese, 3 young geese. Horton, stop 24. FOR SALEâ€"1924 Model Ford Sedan, engine just overhauled, tires in good shape, special, Wire wheels. Apply Rev. A.A. Wall, Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"Holstein Bull, 16 months well bred, also 1 holstein bull 6 months, hogs, a number of feeders. Phone 45-r-06, Richmond Hill. HAIRDRESSINGâ€"Marcel and cur], Marceling‘ taught. Apply Mrs. Russel, Centre St., west, Phone 178. LOSTâ€"Tire, rim and tube, size 32 x 6 between Maple and Elgin Mills, on Elgin Mills side road. Finder kind- ly leave at Liberal Office and reâ€" ceive Reward. CASH PAIDâ€"For Poultry market prices. Apply A. Robinson, box 166 Richmond Hill. Miss Aileen Atkinson, Richmond Hill Suitable Music provided for Concerts, WANTEDâ€"Plowing, lots or acreage, also hauling. Apply L.F. Bagg, 1 14 miles east, stop 23 Yonge St, Phone Richmond Hill 46-r-12. ‘WANTEDâ€"To rent a farm, good soil, Ma‘rkham Township preferable, a- bout 50 acres. Applicant is respon- sible, well known, who would make a good tenent. Apply Box 12, Liberal Office. EARN $25 WEEKLY at home addres- sing envelopes. No canvessing. Everything furnished. Spare or full time. Particulars for stamp. Mailing Service, Box 9, Sydney Nova Scotia. FOR SALEâ€"50 pullets, November layers, sired by Male’s out of Wy- ckoff’s best pen. Females, Hogan tested for five year’s, prices on ap- plication. C. W. Gane, Maple, R. FOR SALEâ€"Frame house on Yonge Street, just south of the bakery, Purchaser to remove same from property. Apply David Hill, Rich- mond Hill. Thornhill Orchestra 3=o====lo=o ANTEDâ€"Plowing by tractor, good work done Apply John Foster, lot 2, con. 2, Vaughan. 0:0 R. No. 1. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING--MAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents fér ï¬rst insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. French & Head Limited“ Garden Parties and Dances Phone Us What You Require All Makes and Models in Stock USED CARS Offer Real Bargains In under the direction of Classifieci Advertising Hudson & Essex Dealers Phone 33 Hud 0777 and 0778 2574 Yonge St. TERMS i0=0=0=0 Vaughan Township The regular November meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore for transaction of general businéss J. B. McLEAN, Clerk Maï¬le, Ont., November 3, 1927. Monday Nov. 7th NIE MAY CALDWELL, of the Vill- age of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, will apply to the Parliament of Can- ada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, shades, at THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1927 BURTIS EREDERICK CALDWELL, of the Village of Richmond Hill car- penter on the ground of adultery and desertion. newest at See us for shoes for men, women and children. DATED at Toronto, Province of On- tario, this First day of October, 1927. ANNIE MAY CALDWELL, In fine quality, good make, newest Four-in-Hand, large variety, of shades at $1.00. Bows 50c. In a large variety of shades and the NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE Summer underwear combination at Seven room frame house and two acres of land adjoining. The prop- erty of the late Wm. Innes, Rich- mond St., choice garden land, run- ning stream through property. Must be sold to wind up estate. Price reasonable. NORMAN J. GLASS NOTICE is hereby given that AN- J. R. HERRINGTON Telephone 87 Y‘ Richmond Hill The Richmond Hill Furnishing Store DIEN S OxiPS FOR SALE CAMPBELL LINE, Bolton, Ontario. S HIR'I‘S‘ $2.00 to $2.75 $1.75 to $2.00 $1.00 to $1.50 by her Solicitor TIES at 11 a.m o=o==o=lg Yonge St