PAGE FOUR On or Before December lst, 1927 Tomorrow Friday, November 11th we shall display in our Window Richmond Hill Davies’ Dry Goods Store A. J. HUME, T: Richmond Hill, November 10th, 1927 690 per pr. s A l:â€" E Extraordmary Atwater Kent, DeForestCrosley Fada, King and Westinghouse The J. D. Ford Radio Co. 2563 YONGE STREET, TORONTO HUDSON 8048 Also at 974 Bloor Street, West “TORONTO’S OLDEST EXCLUSIVE RADIO HOUSE.†Taxes pure silk thread. made by the Monarch Knitting Co, universally advertised, usually sold at $1.29, guaranteed firsts, no seconds among them, in grain. Chamois, silver, sand, white, biscuit, nat- urelle, champagne, gunmetal. peach, rosebeige, and black. Sizes 9, 9%», 10. Price. Discount of 5 per centum will be allowed when payment is made at the Treasurer’s Office BEFORE buying your new Radio consult us. We are the oldest exclusive Radio House in Toronto and can guide you intellingently in the purchase of the most suitable outï¬t for your home We shall be glad to tell you what we consider the biggest buy in the Radio ï¬eld to~day. Ask us. Free demonstration in your home with no obliga- tion to you. Satisfaction guaranteed. Easy terms; See our Windows for Other Special Bargains. 240 pairs of Hosiery When we make an exceptional purchase we give you the benefit Is Due November 15th or 3 pairs for $1.95 The 3rd instalment of Taxes ï¬eiéphone 119 1.56...†ï¬sh-6E“ Ontario 'reasurer ' A party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. l.Chas. Ball was held in the Masonic Hall on Friday night, when a large number of their friends were present. The evening was spent in progressive ' games followed by a short program, lafter which refreshments were served. Mr. J.T. Saigeon acted as chairman, and on behalf of the company present- red the Guests of Honour with a hand- some set of six pieces of furniture for Ia Den and read the following address: Mr. and Mrs. Ball.â€" We are assembled here to spend a social evening and to welcome you as residents of the village of Maple. As a slight token of our respect and esteem for you we ask you to accept this Den set with the hope that in its use you may not only have comfort, but that you may remember the kindâ€" ly feelings that prompted the gift. The future may hold its days of sun- shine and there may be also times of shadow, but may there be in your lives, just enough clouds to make a glorious sunset. Mr. and Mrs. Ball replied, thanking their friends for the beautiful gift, and after dancing for a short time a very enjoyable evening was brought to a close. Rev. Dr. R.A. Mitchell who has spent over twenty-five years in China spoke on Mission work, at the Thank- Offernig service in the United church on Sunday evening. Great preparations are being made by the ladies of Hope, for their Bazâ€" aar in the Community Hall on Saturâ€" day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clarke, of Thorold spent the holiday with Mrs. I. Watson and Mr. C. Jackson. We wish to congratulate you on the occasion of your recent marriage and to wish you a long life of happiness and prosperity. We hope that the kindly felations that exist among us may long conï¬nue, and that as friends and neighbours we .may be a help to one another. Mr. Leonard Auckland and Mr. Or- land Downey arrived home on Sunday after a couple of months harvesting in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Evans, of Beeton, visited over Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oliver. Anniversary services will be held here next Sunday at 11 am. & 7p.m. Rev. A.P. Brace will preach at both services and the Browns Corners United church choir will supply the music at the evening service. Messrs G.J. Laurie, Geo. Brownlee, A.C. Robinson, and A. Rumble are a- way north on a hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs. C. Robeson entertain- ed a number of relatives from Kings- ton and Gananoque, and a few friends from Maple, on Saturday evening. A box social unde‘: the auspices of Mr. C. Roberts’ class of boys will be held in the school room of the United Church on Friday evening. A proâ€" gramme Will be given after which the boxes will be sold. The cool evenings will soon be here You will need a little fire to make the house more cosy. If buying a stove make sure its At the recent Prov. S.S. Convention held in Cooke’s Church those attend- ing from here were Mr. and Mrs: W. Keffer, Mrs. W. Malloy, Mr. J. A. Rose and Mr. David Gardner. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. STOVES Cooper’s Hardware A test will prove at once whether the eyes are causing that nervous let down feeling. Our most careful ad- vice is yours for the asking. Don’t delay. Its dangerous. Eyesight Specialist OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 167 Yonge Street, Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) Elgin 4820 Phone93 Richmond Hillâ€"Ont. The Pavilion Sunday, November 13, 1927 Sunday School 2 p.m. Service at 3 p.m. Preacher, The QUEBEC COOKING, QUEBEC HEATER QUEBEC 3 WAY HEATER LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU McClarey’s Glass and Glazing etc. Elgin Mills F. E. LUKE HEADFORD ELGIN MILLS MAPLE Jr II--Mary Donald, Lorraine Burns Alex Patterson, Doris Wade, Wallace Graham, Edith Deadman, Victor Dale, Kalervo Mackiy Morley Chedzoy, Charlie White, Bobbie Richards, Elsie Espey, Gordon Armstrong. Sr. I Aâ€"Martha Mackiy, Katherine Mackiy, Danny Wade, Kaisu Mackiy, Merna Jenkins. Mary Patterson, Geof- fry Elliott, Marion Espey, Douglas Lowery, Neil McMillan, Ellen Rich- ardson, Velma. Monkman, Audrey Smith, Doris Taylor, Ralph Frisby. Class B.â€"-Harry Preston, Eric Srig- ley, Violet Rice, Billie Hall, Elgin Barrow, Joseph Rastall, Billie Glenn, Marion Buchanan, Tommy Bailes, Frances Burke (absent) Class A.â€"Audrey Stephens, Ilene McMillan, Eric Wilson, Stewart Steph- ens, Laura Frisby, George Bell, Jack Shields, Donald Barraclough, Alice Burke (absent) Sr. I Bâ€"Winnifred Harworth, Ileen Mabley, Elsie Ley, Walter Roberts, Jean Zuefelt, Harold Jones. Thanksgiving Report of Primary Room. Richmond Hill Public School The Primary Room is divided into three classes A.B.C., A being the highest class. Names in order of merit. Class C.â€"Evelyn Brillinger, Marg- aret Bailes, Beatrice Wade, Ruth Healey, Bobbie Rickwood, Ronald Burman, Bertram Dale, Bruce Price, Alfred Weaver, Jack Evelyn. R. A. Webb, Teacher Markham Township Tag Day on Armistice Day November 11 Citizens of Markham Township, it behooves us at this particular time to recall that fine lyrical poem “In Flanders Field’s," written by Dr. John McCrae who was a surgeon of the First Brigade Canadian Artillery. In the latter days of the war it became a rallying cry for the soldiers in the trenches. The spirit which animated our lads in the fight is still living. They threw the torch, be it ours to hold it high. The veteran in distress is worthy of our charity and we, the Markham vet- erans, realizing the situation, have re- organized and are endeavouring “To keep their Faith.†Accordingly we have arranged for a Poppy Day to be held throughout the Township on Armistice Day, Novem- ber 11. Donations will be gratefully received by our collectors who will be selling Poppies. Signed on behalf of the Association. L. Middleton, President; A. Meyer, Secretaryâ€"Treasurer. Saturday, November 12â€"Auction sale of farm stock and implements, hay, grain, furniture, etc., the proper- ty of W.E. Lunau, on lot 4, con. 7, Markham. Sale at 1 p.m. Prentice and Prentice, Auctioneers. Thursday, November 17thâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements and etc. The property of Mrs. Carline Devins, lot 1, con. 7, Vaughan, (Town- line.) Terms 111 months credit. Sale to commence at 1 p.m. sharp. J.T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. x Saturday, November 12â€"Auction sale of household goods, car accessorâ€" ies, vegetables etc., the property of A. H. Wheeler, stop 25 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill , Hunt Ave, west. Terms cash. J.T. Saigeon, auctioneer Wednesday, November 16â€"Auction sale of farm stock, mplements, furni- ture & etc. The property of John Sheppard, lot 25, con. 4, Vaughan, one and one quarter miles north of Maple. Terms 11 months credit. J.T. Saige- on, auctioneer, J. Carl Saigeon, clerk. Friday, November 18â€"Auction sale horses, harness, furniture, cars, trucks etc., the property of the estate of the late Jas. Garvin at the Thornhill Hot- el, at 1 p.m. Terms, chattels cash, and cars and trucks 40% cash and balance terms. Prentice and Prentice Auctioneers. “a Saturday, November 19â€"Auction sale of 7 acres of land on which is situated a house and barn, the proper- ty of H. Gowan, Garden Avenue, Langstaff, also household furniture and chattels. Sale at 1 p.m. Prent- ice and Prentice, Auctioneers. School Report for Room 5, for Oct. Saturday, November 19â€"Household furniture etc., in Woodbridge the pro- petty of Charles McKay. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. J.T. Saigeon, Auct. Saturday, November 26â€"Credit auction sale of 50 head of cattle, fresh cows and springers, the property of J. Vincent, at the Fair Grounds, Agin- court, Ont. Sale at 1 p.m. Prentice and Prentice, Auctioneer. School Reports Markham FOR SALEâ€"1 Tom turkey Gobbler, too good to kill, 1 year and half old, weighs about 40 pounds. Apply Henry Houle, Kettlcby, Ont. FOR ShEâ€"Northem Spy apples. Apply Mrs. C. Harrison, Richmond St., Richmond Hill. WANTED FOR SALEâ€"100 pullets, November layers, these are the large type of White Leghorns, laying a large egg. These will be priced right to a cash buyer. Apply C.W. Gane, Maple R.R. N0. 2, con. 2, Vaughan. FOR SALEâ€"1 . cabinet, 1 Oak living room tat FQR SALE- G. H. GLENN FOR FOR SALEâ€"Muskrat fur coat trimm- ed With seal. Very reasonable. Write to box 65, or phone 98-W Richmond Hill. TO RENTâ€"Eight roomed brick and frame house on Richmond St., Rich- mond Hill, electric light. Apply Mrs. M. Williams, Lansing P.O. or J. G. Williams, Lansing. FOR RENTâ€"7 Rooms, all modern conveniences, garage, immediate possession, rent reasonable. J.R. Herrington, Phone 87 Richmond Hill FOR SALEâ€"150 white leghorn pull- ets, ‘trap nest stock. Apply to Oscar Cox, R.R. No. 1, Unionville. HAIRDRESSING-_Marcelling and etc done at your home. Mrs. Russell, Centre St, west, Phone 178. TOOK SODA 20 YEARS FOR GAS -- STOPS NOW Adlerika relieves stomach gas and soul-mess in TEN minutes. Acting on ‘BOTH upper and lowgr bowel, it re- ‘moves old waste matter you never [thought was in your system. Let lAdlerika give your stomach and bowels a REAL cleansing and see how much better you feel. It will surprise CASH PAIDâ€"For Poultry markgt prices. Apply A. Robinson, box 166 Richmond Hill. WANTEDâ€"Plowing by tractor, good work done Apply John Foster, lot 2, con. 2, Vaughan. WANTEDâ€"Plowing, lots or acreage, also hauling. Apply L.F. Bagg, 1 1/4 miles east, stop 23 Yonge St., Phone Richmond Hill 46â€"r-12. RICHMOND HILLâ€"Property wanted in exchange for home in North T0- ronto, Ajax Realty C0,, 3450 Yonge Street. T0 RENTâ€"6 roomed house electric light, on Elizabeth St. Rent mod- erate. Apply L.B. Finch, Elizabeth Street, Richmond Hill. FOR SALE â€"A large “Leader†range in good. condition, coal or wood, reason for selling wish to purchase a smaller one. Apply Mrs. Jas. Ley 2nd house north of Skating Rink. FOR SALEâ€"4 farms ranging from 50 acres up to 150 acres, on easy terms in the Township of Markham. App- ly to Geo. A. Prentice, Milliken, Ont “For 20 years I took Vsoda for indi- gestion and stomach gas. One bottle of Adlerika brought me complete re- lief."â€"J. B. Hardy. FOR SALEâ€"Platform spring wagon, express style, in good running corr- dition. Apply G. R. Goulding, Newtonbrook, 6150 Yonge Street. [GIRL WANTED FOR OFFICEâ€"Ex- you Richmond Hill number Phone 4 new. Appl) Richmond St ANTEDâ€"A few cattle straw stack, will‘ also sta Phone Maple 2964. 1 oak Ratan 3R SALEâ€"Quebec heater with oven, in splendid condition, will sell at a low price. Apply W. Watts, stop 14A, Thornhill. perienced not essential. Apply by letter, only stating salary wanted. Ajax Realty and Building Co., 3450 Yonge Street. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING--MAKE TEE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. room table rocking ch: chairs, 1 Apply M rof 451 Druggist Classifier} Advertising 1 light collie ] 06, Hi chair, leather se 1 No. 10 Taylox Mrs. J. H. , Richmond Hill No. 9 : dining 'ht sadle horse 2 pups. A ba' Richmond Hill and g room t (‘1 seat to leather s 10 Taylc ttle to stable : Victrola se and 2 bargain Ontario table, 1 0 match seat, 2 run 1' Safe Innes In to few. ‘FOR SALEâ€"Frame house on Yonge I Street, ï¬xst south of the bakery, Purchaser to remove same from property. Apply David Hill, Rich- mond Hill. EARN $25 WEEKLY at home addres- sing envelopes. No canvessing. Everything furnished. Spare or full time. Particulars for stamp. Mailing Service, Box 9, Sydney Nova Scotia. 3. The council will hear in person or by his or her counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his or her land will be prejudicially af- fected by the said By-law and who apâ€" plies to be heard. November 9th, 1927. At the meeting of council on the 15th day of December, 1927, it is intended to consider the said By-law. DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that AN- NIE MAY CALDWELL, of the Vill- age of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, will apply to the Parliament of Canâ€" ada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, BURTIS FREDERICK CALDWELL, of the Village of Richmond Hill car- penter on the ground of adultery and desertion. 1. To close up and dispose of that portion of the roadway known as the deviation of the 8th Concession and being the portion of the said roadway in Lot 11, in the 7th Concession of the Township of Vaughan, lying south and west of the new deviation of the said roadway in said lot 11. 2. The proposed By-law and plan showing the land to be affected may be seen at my office in the village of Maple. THE CLOSING OF A PORTION OF THE ROADWAY KNOWN AS THE DEVIATION OF THE 8TH CONCESSION NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan, proposes after the first day of December, 1927, being the date of the last publication of this Notice, to pass a By-1aw. DATED at Toronto, Province of On. tario, this First day of October, 1927. John Dunlop & Son FLORISTS Richmond Hill - Ont. We solicit orders for cut flowers for all oc- casions which will be promptly and cheer- fully ï¬lled. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1927 [\Give qourChild a Glij on HEM; PUBLIC NOTICE on \ â€" - [HURLBU “k cus'ï¬ia'NT‘s'ZbLE (hnnc arrhllrlr-A We sell and recommend them‘.; ANNIE MAY CALDWELL, Buy shoes that are built by men who have spent almost a quarter of a Century in the study of scientiï¬c shoe design- ing. These men have created a shoe that protects the health of your childâ€" No wrinkled linings to create callouses; no tacks, but a cushion-sole that increases the natural springiness of the foot â€"â€"a shoe that can be enlarged a full size when it is outgrown. cusHioNâ€"SOLE Shoes #Children Sheppard’s Shoe Store 2597 YONGE STREET. NORTH TORONTO HUDSON 1485 CAMPBELL LINE, Bolton, Ontario. by her Solicitor J. B. McLEAN, Clerk