Telephone 1535 All trucks Insured for Public Liabil- ity and Property Damage. Express and Long Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire By Hour or Contract E says you can’t beat Wocl- nough’s Harness come in and see it when in Toronto. BLANKETSâ€"RAIN COVERS AND MITS Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. [l'hornhill "gent For Automobile Insurance. TEL. 118 RICBIVIOND HILL ONTARIO All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Winterton's 01d Stand Yonge St. OPTOMETRISTS EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS fllorough Eye Examinations md Glasses That Fit Perfectly. Special Attention to Children's Eyes. Open Evenings. Phone Hudson 0461 for Appointment. In case of breaks or bum brakes Who Pays the Damage? YOU DO ! CONCERT ENTERTAJNER AND TEACHER ADDRESS Boyle Studio Estimates Cheerfully Given For work anywhere in the district. A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THORNHILL; ONT. Geo McDonald J. J.‘CLEMENTS PAINTER AND DECORATOR THE BIND OPTICAL C0. H. \Voolnough Phone Elgin 6980 Cor. Queen and Ontario Streets Toronto. J. J.Deane Local and Long Distance All calls promptly attended to Richmond Hill Phoneâ€"Willowdale 96W CARTAGE & TRUCKING, ALBERT CHAPMAN Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds 0 Bought. Sold uni ‘ Exchanng 2513 Yonge St. North Toronto. (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) Marguerite Boyle Elocutionist Thornhill W. N. Mabbelt Electrical Contractor WILSON’S CARTAGE Unless You Insure Withâ€" Boot and Shoe Repairer. A. G. SAVAGE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1927 POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. All business strictly conï¬dential Telephone 54 R a 1: Woodbridge Prints Phone: Phone Ring 33 GEO. KIDD MAPLE Miss Ontario Ont. MacMurchyâ€"Dugganâ€" That Robt. Dooks, be paid the sum of $25.00 for corner of land for improving roadway on Townline. between King&Vaugh- an as per agreement (Vaughan to pay half) and the Seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried Buckwheat Cakes Two cups milk, 11/2 cups buckwheat flour, 1/; cup flour, $6 yeast cake, % teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons butter or shorten- ing (melted) Mix ingredients and beat well. Armstrong â€" Dugganâ€" That this Council doth hereby confirm the ac- tion of the Reeve in authorizing the Treasurer to issue a cheque in favor of the Imperial Bank of Canada, Bay Street Branch, Toronto, in accordance with an assignment of the Canadian Construction 00., Ltd. per E. 0., EV- ing contractor for the sum of $1020.00 being Estimate No. 1, re King Creek bridge, as certified by F. Barber C.E. Township Engineer. â€"Carried By-Law No. 495, authorizing the borrowing of mone re school section No. 14, received its several readings and passed. Rice Griddle Cakes Rice griddle cakes are delicious and they are easily and quickly made. Pour 1 cup of milk over 1 cup of warmed boiled rice, then beat the yolks of 2 eggs until thick and lemon colored and add to mixture, with 1 tablespoon of melted butter, 7â€"8 cups of flour and, lastly, fold in the stiffly whipped egg whites. Bake on a hot greased griddle and when full of bub- bles and cooked on the edges, turn on the other side. - Dugganâ€" Armstrongâ€" That .the Council pay to M.K. Dillane M.D., the sum of $20.00 for professional serv- ices re Len Hills daughter. â€"Carried Council adjourned to meet at the Institute Hall, Laskay, on Saturday the 19th day of November at 2 o’clock p. m. King Township Council mmmmm m Armstrongâ€"Dugganâ€" That W . H. Murray be paid the sum of $34.37 for goods supplied to Mrs. A. McGill. work under the Shaw SChOOlplans for Day, Evening, or Home Stu y Courses is easy and effective. ‘Individual instruction is the key note to good results. Enter any time. W. R. Shaw, Registrar, Bay and Charles, Toronto. y Griddle cakes, we loved as kids and then grew tired of, come these days in a fasEinating and delicious variety: Sweet Milk Griddle Cakes For sweet milk cakes mix and gift together 3 cups of flour, 2 tablespoons of salt, 1% tablespoons of baking powder, then add gradually 2 cups of milk, beating constantly to make a smooth batter. Beat well 1 egg and add to the mixture; also 1 tablespoon of melted butter or butter substitute, and bake on a hot griddle. HOUSEHOLD HINTS ! SALE BILLS The Weekly Liberal is Recognized as the 0flicial Directory of Auction Sales in York County. If You Want a Successful Sale Advertise In The Liberal. Our Job Department Prints The Better Class of Sale Bills At Right Price. We Guarantee, Prompt, Courteous and Efficient Service. Richmond Hill â€"â€"Carried Telephone 9. under the direction of Miss Aileen Atkinson, Richmond Hill Suitable Music provided for Concerts, Garden Parties and Dances Phone 33 Cleanliness should be the motto in every stable and farm dairy. Con- sumers of milk and dairy products are getting more fussy all the time, and dairy men should realize that, step by step the trade will demand cleaner and cleaner milk. It is a mighty good dairy herd that cannot be raised 500 pounds per year in the herd average. Plenty of them should be raised 1,000 to 1,500 pounds or else loaded on to the next train to the stock yards. A man in charge of a small but ex- pensive herd does not believe in keep- ing the _calves going ahead. In all sincerity he said, “An animal has to have a set back at some time in its life, and I would rather this happen early.†This is rather poor philosop- hy and if practiced will relargest daily gains at a cost of 6.6 set back of any kind at any time. Alfalfa and clover hay supply some of the necessary protein, and more than that they_are the most depend- able source of minerals so essential to growing stock and milking cows. No dairy farmer should be without clover or alfalfa. It always pays to feed a little home-grown grains, especially to pro- tein-rich concentrates with our homeâ€" grown grains, especially to milking cows; and when there is no succulent fodder the Winter ration is improved by the addition of bran. Almost any kind of a cow with an udder brings a fair price, but it is the typey, big square-rumped cow with capacity for feed, prominent veining and large udder that is in demand. Dairymen are well advised to retain the heaviest producers and highest steers on which to build up the home herd. Greater care should be exercised on most farms to keep the milk supply free from contamination. Milkers are too careless as to cleanliness of cloth- es and hands. If the cow’s flank and udder are covered with manure it is next to impossible to keep the milk clean. Thornhil! Orchestra HEADS INDIAN COMMISSION Sir John Simon, former British Secretary of State for Home Affairs. who has been appointed Chairman of the Commission to investigate as to how the reforms have worked out in the Indian Government since the natives were given a greater share in the responsibility for their own government in 1919. Farm Notes Ontario. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Holiness Meeting . . . . . . . . . . 11 a Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 p Salvation meeting . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1: Meetings Held In Lorne Hall. Everyone Invited SALVATION ARMY? The Y.P.S. of Victoria Square is» having a Chinese Missionary. accomp- anied by her interpreter, to address the meeting next Sunday evening at 7.30. You are invited to bring your friends and share in this rare and worthwhile treat. The board of railway commissioners reserved judgment on the application of the Canadian National Railway for permission to abandon that portion of the Sutton subdivision of its railway. between Stouffville Junction and Mount Albert, where it crosses the Bala. subdivision. The applicant’s case as presented by Mr. Fraser, counsel for the Canadian National Railway was based mainly on the fact that the railway was losing money on this portion of the road. . . Mr. Fraser contended that the dis- trict at present served by this line would be sufficiently served by the Bala subdivision. N.L. Mathews of Newmarket, solici- tor for the township of East Gwillim- bury, and J.H. Naughton of Toronto, solicitor for the township of Whit- church, opposed the application on the ground I that the proposed aban- donment Would be a serious handicap to both of these townships through which the railway passes. The claims for damages for sheep killed by dogs in Markham Township have come in such large numbers this year that the Council are concerned over the mounting costs. At the reg- ular November meeting claims a- mounting to $356 were paid and the opinion was expressed that if in fut- ure any exhorbitant claims or valu- ations were presented the council would avail itself of its privilege of appealing to the goverpment valuat- ors. It was pointed out that: the total sheep claims paid this year amounted to over $1700. which amount is great- ly in excess to the revenue from dog taxes. The following claims were paid at the November meetingâ€"â€" Claims for sheep killed and injured by dogs as valued by the township sheep valuators were C. J. Brodie 1 killed. $60 and 1 injured, $10, on Sept. 6; Cline Burr, 1 killed on Oct. 5, $20; I.H. Weldon, 2 killed, $80, and 4 injured, $60, flock damage 550. on Oct. 8; C.J. Martin, 1 killed, $20 and one injured, $10, Oct. 11, and 1 killed, Nov. 7, $20; Geo. Hunt, 2 killed Oct. 13, $26. Total claims $356. Judgment Reserved RAVAGES 0F DOGS COSTLY T0 TOWNSHIP Contributions. may be sent to Hon. W. A. Charlton, President, 223 Colleg. Street. Toronto 2. Ontario. Ben's daddy has been dead for a long time. and his mother goes out washingâ€"and this wee lad used to help look after the others. He caught a bad cold and might have been snuffed outâ€"as many another little human candle has been by the chlll wind of consumptionâ€"but that he was sent just in time to the Queen Mtg-y Hospltal for treatment. \Vould 'yod nroiti lik'eâ€"vtBH-h‘élp this work to go on, through a contribu- tio_p t9 _t_he hospital? A If you were a wee lad. hardly eight. and you hadn't seen your mother or tour little brothers and sisters for ever so long. and 11' you had a. pain in your chest all dayâ€"- well it is doubtful if you would smile as bravely and say "How do you do?" so cheerlly as Bert dothretched out wanly on his little cot In the Queen Mary Hospital for Consump- tlve Children at Weston. Man of the Family, at Eight Markham Township Has Paid Out $1700 for Sheep Killed This Year Victoria Square RICHMOND HILL CORPS LIEUT L.R. ELLISON Officer in Charge Sunday Services 0n Sutton Railway On or Before December lst, 1927 Richmond Street . A. J. HUME, Treasurer Richmond Hill, November 10th, 1927 F irestoneTires which Will be sold at Attractive Prices while they last We have just purchased a large shipment of varied lines of Hall’s Taxes Discount of 5 per centum will be allowed when payment is made at the Treasurer’s Office Blocks Made To Order 01' From Our Stock At Yards RECHMOND TAILORS CLEANING and PREING A SPECIALTY Is Due November 15th FURS RE-LINED AND RE-MODELLED Telephone 5j or Residence 49w Richmond Hill, Ont. GET OUR PRICES ON ( JEDI ISN'I‘ ‘V ()R.K IT WILL PAY YOU as our prices are very moderate. G. S. REAMAN treet 1 CEMENT MIXERS FOR RENT § Bargains The 3rd instalment of Taxes *‘TIRES J. A. GREENE An Exceptionally large stock of qual- ity material now on hand to choose from. If you are in need of a Suit or Overcoat it will pay you to see us. Richmond Hill. Telephone 153 (Seconds) Tailor Made Clothes SERVICE STATION Richmond Hil.. PAGE SEVEN