1 Chestnut horse 1 Chestnut horse 1 Chestnut mare I Black mare 1 Jersey cow Valuable Farm Stock, Implements, , Furniture and Hotel Property I Deering and McCormick binder, new I M.-H. mower 1 M.-H. rake 1 Massey Harris cultivator 1 Massey-Harris disc harrow 2 Sets drag barrows 4 No. 3 Wilkinson walking plows 1 No. 12 Fleury wheel plow 1 Twin, New Century 1 Scuffler, 1 Root pulper 2 Wagon jacks 1 Buggy pole 1 Coal oil drum 2 5 gallon mik cans 1 Milk vat; 1 Iron kettle Water barrels 2 Wagons 1 Set sloop sleighs, with flat rack 1 Buss sleigh .1 Hoosier wagon, nearly new 1 Hoosier wagon 2 Cutters 1 Rubber tired buggy 1 Steel tired buggy 2 Gravel boxes 1 Cream separator, Massey-Harris 1 Churn, Daisy 1 Butter bowl Quantity of pulleys Quantity of chains Shovels, rakes, hoes, forks. picks, A few flies remain, but they are Another New York Stock Exchange dopey in the morning and it is safer seat has sold for over a quarter of a to depend on your alarm CIOCk' million dollars, which means that a- Christmas almost here again, and bout 270 Wise hiCks must guess wrong dad still has three pairs of bedroom to square things. Christmas almost here again, and dad still has three pairs of bedroom slippers he hasn’t worn. East Side Yonge Street, RICHMOND HILL Thursday, December 1st at 12 o’clock Ordinary gunmen aren't like war- riors. Nobody asks Providence to help them at their killing. crowbars" Doubletrees, neckyokes, 3 Sets of 7 ft log bunks HARNESS 1 Set heavy harness, brass mounted 1 Set teamster’s harness, brass mount- ed 1 Set single harness 1 Set pony harness Robes, blankets, curry combs, brushes UOUDletl‘eeS, necxyoxeï¬Â» dressers Number of washstands 3 Sets Of 7 ft 108' bunks A number of iron beds and springs A HARNESS number of bed mattresses, 1 Bed couch 1 Set heavy harness, brass mounted 2 Singer sewing machines l Set teamster’s harness, brass mount- 1 4 Burner Perfection oi] Stove ed 1 Set single harness 1 Coal heater 1 Set pony harness 1 Home Comfort range, water front Robes, blankets, curry combs, brushes A quantity of stove pipes TERMS OF SALEzâ€"Household goods Hay, grain. poultry and all sums of $25.00 and under cash, over that amount 10 months credit on approved joint notes 6% per annum off for cash. Hotel property ten per cent of purchase price as deposit at time of sale, and ¢ balance in thirty days. PAGE FOUR 2563 YON GE STREET, TORONTO HUDSON 8048 Also at 974 Bloor Street, West “TORONTO’S OLDEST EXCLUSIVE RADIO HOUSE.†The J. D. Ford Radio Co. Model 35 single dial control, six tubes, installed complete for Atwater Kent New LowPrice Equipment includes 100 hr. A Battery, 2145 volt Everreddy Laycrbilt B Battery, and 4% volt C Battery. 6-201 a Tubes, and large size Crosley Cane Speaker. at the DOMINION HOTEL ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION w 1 Jersey heifer IMPLEMENTS Terms 25 per cent. cash AUCTION SALE OF Will be sold by public auction HORSES CATTLE $135 Balance 6 to 10 months. 1 Bay horse J. T. SAIGEON, Auctioneer. ' Ll.) Modernism: sending home a. post card showing your hotel room marked with an “Xâ€. FURNITURE, FIXTURES ETC 2 Pool or billiard tables 2 Show cases 6’ x 2‘ x 5’ high, solid A quantity of hay A quantity of oats A quantity of buckwheat A quantity of timbers saddles, collars, extra bridles, stable Mk broom 1 Stewart clipping machine 4 Sets bells, chimes 12 open bells Several doors marble base 1 Show case small glass and wood 1 Player piano, Heintzman 1 Square piano, Heintzman 1 R011 top desk and heavy swivel chair oak 4 Plate glass mirrors, 3 ft by 3 ft. 1 Plate glass mirror, 6 ft by 3 ft. 50 Metal and wood chairs 50 Plain oak finish chairs ‘A number of odd chairs A number of rocking chairs 5 Round Vitrolite, top tables 5 lunch Vitrolibe-top tables A number small hardwood tables 2 Kitchen tables 1 Buffet fumed finish " J 1 Sideboard, solid oak ' ‘ 1 :5‘" 2 Kitchen cupboards A number of bureaus A number of HAY and GRAIN RUBBERS \ HeaVy Rubbers, in laced style, from \ $3.00 to $5.50. Galoshes for men, women, and chil- dren, in different styles and heights. 1They are the Goodrich Hi-Press rubb- ‘ers. Try them and you will have no Vother. Heavy weight, extra fine quality, wool with a little cotton mixture, combination, at $4.25. i Just ONE SPOOHfUI Adlerika 1‘9- 1months credit. J.T: Saigeon,_Auct., llieves gas and that bloated feeling so ’J_ car] Saigeon, Clerk that you can eat and sleep well: Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and Wednesday, December 7â€"Credit removes old waste matter you never auction sale of farm stock implements thought was there. No matter What Yhay, grain, furniture etc» on 10‘; 3, you have tried for your stomach and con. 9, Markham, property of David bowelsy Adlerika will surprise you. lHare- Sale at 1 Pom. 11 months _ ‘credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auct’s. G ' H ' G N N Saturday, December 3â€"Credit auct- ° ion sale of farm stock implements, roots. furniture 9150,. on hav wain. Mercury. No. 98 woll with a little cotton mixture, combination, at $3.50. Fleece Lined, in shirts and drawers 3 good quality at $1.00. Men’s flannel work shirts, in gray, good buy at $1 35. The ladies aid of the Lutheran churâ€" ch will hold a supper and social even- ing on Friday, December 2. Come and have a good time. Admission 35 cents. A Disgusting Performance A number of boys or young menâ€" who to say the least are old enough to know betterâ€"made themselves a nuis- ance around the Public school on Tues- day night When the Home and School Club was in session. The names of ,the offenders are known and their future actions will be closely watched and if there is any further evidence of such unwanton hoodilism on their part the matter will be placed in the hands of the law to correct. APPLICATION OF DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that Hazel Kathleen Mulligan, of the City of To- ronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, married Woman, will apply to the Parliament of Can- ada at the present session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, Albert Edward Mulligan, of the said City of Toronto, Bookkeeper, on the ground of adultery and desertion. DATED at Toronto in the Province of Ontario this 14th day of November 1927. “Every time I ate I had terrible stomach gas. N ow, thanks to Adler- ika, I eat steak and fried onions and feel fine.â€â€"Mrs. J. Julian. Richmond Hill Example of pure Philisophy: “Hen is just as good as turkey, anyway.†“Developing†the Tropics consists in making the natives work to earn money to buy the white man’s goods. 2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School 7 p.m.â€"Evening service by Dr. Pink- erton EAT BIG STEAK AND FRIED 0N]0NS---N0 GAS 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School 7 p.m.â€"Evening Service by Rev. H Burnzeat NORMAN J. GLASS St. John’s Church Advent Sunday 10 a.m. â€"Sunday School 11 a.m.â€"Holy Communion by the Rector. The Richmond Hill Furnishing Store THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 86% Richmond Road, Westboro Ottawa, Ont. Solicitor for the Applicant Our Job Department Prints The Better Class of Sale Bills At Right Price. We Guarantee, Prompt, Courteous and Efï¬cient Service. Richmond Hill The Weekly Liberal is Recognized as the Ofï¬cial Directory of Auction Sales in York County. If You Want a Successful Sale Advertise In The Liberal. SALE BILLS MEN’S UNDERWEAR Sherwood W. E. HAUGHTON, PARISH HALL ELGIN MILLS OAK RIDGES Ontario Telephone 9. l NOTICE is hereby given that Winn- ifred Clark, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, married woman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next lsession thereof for a bill of Divorce- lment from her husband, Laurence E. Clark, of the said City Of Toronto, lBroker, on the grounds of adultery and desertion. Saturday, December 10â€"Extensive credit sale of dairy cattle. farm stock and implements, hay, grain, furniture and etc, on lot 28, con. 5, Markham, property of George Hunt. Sale at 12 o’clock sharp. 12 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. “All persons who fail to pay their assessed taxes before the 3151; day of December next preceding the date of the annual election shall be excluded from the Voters’ List in accordance with the statute in that case made and provided.†Richmond Hill, November 24th, 1927 A. J. HUME, Clerk. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Saturday, December 3â€"Credit auct- ion sale of farm stock implements, hay, grain, roots, furniture, etc., on lot 18, con. 8, Markham, property of 1M. Fretz. Sale at 1 p.m. 11 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. The attention of all ratepayers in this Municipality is called to the foll- owing extract from By_LaW No. 18 passed under the authority of the re- vised statutes of Ontario. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE WINNIFRED CLARK, By her solicitors, ANDERSON & BOURDON, 2881 Dundas Street, west Toronto, 9, Ontario. DATED at Toronto this 22nd day of November, A.D., 1927. Rev. Young, formerly of Cowan Avenue Church, Toronto. Morning Serviceâ€"11 a. m. Sunday School â€" 2.45 p.m. Miss Aileen Atkinson, Organist and Choir Leader. Saturday, December 3rdâ€" Credit auction sale of farm stock, impleâ€" ments, Ford ton truck and etc.; the property of Chas. Jones, lot 29, con. 3, Vaughan. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. 11 months credit. J.T. Saigeon, Auct., J. Carl Saigeon, Clerk. Thursday, December 1--Auction sale of farm stock, and implements, hotel property and furnishings of the Do- minion Hotel, Richmond Hill. Sale at 1 p.m. J .T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. Rev. B. R. Strangwéys, B.A., B. D MINISTER Sunday Services 11 a.m.~The Righteous Shall Flourish 2.30 Sunday School 7 p.m.â€"His Life Our Light. Saturday, November 26â€"Credit auction sale of 50 head of cattle, fresh cows and springers, the property of J. Vincent, at the Fair Grounds, Agin- court, Ont. Sale at 1 p.m. Prentice and Prentice, Auctioneer. Auction sale of harness, harness parts, Saddlery, hardware and stable supplies,, the undersigned has received instructions from Victor A. Hall, to sell by public auction at King City, Saturday, November 26th at 1 p.m. sharp. Terms 6 months credit. F. A. Egan, Auctioneer. NOTICE Everybody Welcome UNITED CHURCH THORNHILL Ontario. IMPLEMENTS ‘1 Cultivator, nearly new 1 Binder nearly new McCormick 1 Mower nearly new, Massey Harris 1 Hay rake 1 Drill good as new, 13 disc HARNESS 1 Set double harness 1 Set light harness, single, new 1 Set heavy single harness, good 1 Ayrshire cow, due in March 1 Holstein cow, due time of sale 1 Holstein cow, due in January 1 Holstein cow, due in March 1 Black mare, 8 years 0 1 Black mate, 9 years 0 1 Black mare, 7 years 0 1 Bay mare, 6 years old Notice is hereby given that I have complied With section 9 of the Voters’ List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Richmond Hill, on the let day of November 1927, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for members of Parlia- ment (or, as the case may be at Muni- cipal elections) and that such list re- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate precedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the first day of December 1927. DATED November 2151:, 1927. TERMS:â€"â€"A1] sums of $20 and under cash, over that amount 11 months credit on approved joint notes. 6 per cent. per annum off face of note for cash. CHARLES JONES Lot 29, Concession 3, Vaughan Saturday, December 3rd, 1 p.m. J. Carl Saigeon, Clerk. VOTERS' LISTS, 1927. MUNICIPAL- ITY OF RICHMOND HILL, COUNTY OF YORK. FOUNDâ€"In. the Baywater district on O F or about November 12, a hound. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apâ€" ply in writing to J. Sheardown, Richmond Hill, Ontario. The Canadian-United States border is just an imaginary line with an occa- sional leak that isn’t, imaginary. work under the Shaw SChOOlplans for Day, Evening, or Home Study Courses is easy and effective. Individual instruction is the key noteto good results. Enter any time. W. R. Shaw, Registrar, Bay and Charles, Toronto. CASH PAIDâ€"For Poultry market prices. Apply A. Robinson, box 166 Richmond Hill. T0 RENTâ€"Eight roomed brick and frame house on Richmond St., Rich- mond Hill, electric light. Apply Mrs. M. Williams, Lansing P0. or J. G. Williams, Lansing. FOR SALEâ€"Thirty bred-to-lay ply- mod‘h rock pullets. Apply Phone 149, Richmond Hill. FOR SALEâ€"Star special Touring, late 1924, newly overhauled and in good running order. Price $300. App1y at Liberal Office Box 21. FOR SALEâ€"5 acres, house, water, outbuildings, first street south Elg- in Mills, light, telephone on street, 1 years rent free for repairing. $10 monthly after, will sell. Apply at Liberal Office. FOR SALEâ€"One Jersey cow, with ‘ calf by side and one part jersey. 300 bushels of turnips, a quantity of rails, $7.00 a load delivered. Apply J. Espey, Elgin Mills. CLERKS NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF Voters’ List “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-~MAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. AUCTION SALE OF Farm Stock, Implements, Ford Ton Truck, Etc. THE PROPERTY OF Classified Advertising HORSES 8 years old 9 years old 7 years old Clerk of Richmond Hill COWS A. J. HUME, J. T. SAIGEON, Auctioneer. POTATO MACHINERY . 1 Potao digger, nearly new 1 Sprayer, nearly new '-1 Potato planter Forks, shovels and other articles too numerous to mention. :1 Set of harrows «1 Set of barrows, new ‘2 Plows, No. 15, Fleury 1 Grain cradle Fanning mill I1 Spring wagon heavy 1 Light spring wagon, good as new, ‘l Trench 1 Hay rack, new 1 Pair of bob sleighs, Trench 1 Wagon box, good, Trench 1 Cutter, Trench 1 Cross cut saw, new l1 Cross cut saw' 3 Barrels good for cider 2 Sets trucks, Trench 1 Ford Ton Truck in good Repair November 9th, 1927. At the meeting of council on the 15th day of December, 1927, it is intended to consider the said By-Iaw. 1. To close up and dispose of that portion of the roadway lmown as the deviation of the 8th Concession and being the portion of the said roadway in Lot 11, in the 7th Concession of the Township of Vaughan, lying south and west of the new deviation of the said troadway in said lot 11. 3. The council will hear in person or by his or her counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his or her land will be prejudicially af- fected by the said By-law and who apâ€" plies to be heard. 2. The proposed By-law and plan showing .- the land to be affected may be seen at my office in the village of Maple. THE CLOSING OF A PORTION OF THE ROADWAY KNOWN AS THE DEVIATION OF THE 8TH CONCESSION ' NOTICE is hereby giVen that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan, proposes after the first day of December, 1927, being the date of the last publication of this Notice, to pass a ByJaw. FOR RENTâ€"â€"7 Rooms, all modern conveniences, garage, immediate possession, rent reasonable. J.R. Herrington, Phone 87 Richmond Hill TO RENTâ€"6 roomed house electric light, on Elizabeth St. Rent mod- erate. Apply L.B. Finch, Elizabeth Street, Richmond Hill. FOR SALE~8 roomed solid brick house, bath and sun room, Arnold St., Richmond Hill, 50 ft. lot, water and lights, hot air heating. Apply to W.H. Wellman or F.J. Barker, R.R. 2, Gormley, Executors of the estate of the late J .B. Barker. FOR SALEâ€"Platform spring wagon, express style, in good running con- dition. Apply G. R. Goulding, Newtonbrook, 6150 Yonge Street. HAIRDRESSING-_Marcelling and etc done at your home. Mrs. Russell, Centre St., west, Phone 178. FOR SALEâ€"4 farms ranging from 50 acres up to 150 acres, on easy terms in the Township of Markham. App- ly to Geo. A. Prentice, Milliken, Ont FOR SALEâ€"1 MAHOGANY RADIO TABLE. REG. $35 FOR $1800; 1 RADIO TABLE, REGULAR $18.00 FOR $12.00. THESE TABLES MUST BE SOLD TO MAKE ROOM APPLY HALL’S SERVICE STATI- ON, RICHMOND HILL. FOR SALEâ€"Frame house on Yonge Street, just south of the bakery, Purchaser to remove same from‘ property. Apply David Hill, Rich- mond Hill. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1927 PUBLIC NOTICE J. B. McLEAN. Clerk