PAGE SIX Save Yourself at our expense Richmond Hill When Building Enquire About WELHOX LAKE BRICK CO. LTD. Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of ï¬ve differ- ent kinds of laundry serviceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. No marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. OFFICE: RICHMOND HILL, TEL. If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will aseist us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for, Call up as early as convenient to insure prompt attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver. Parcels may be left at Liberal Ranging in price 9.80, 13.50, 15,50 and 17.50 MONARCH RADWS Lakeside 5280 Radio Batteries We Call In Richmond Hill District WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Marbelite Brick ittle Bros. Office, Telephone 9, Richmohd Hill MANUFACTURED BX H. LEGGE. Manager RESIDENCE NIGHTS & HOLIDAYS ,‘EL. 92. TELEPHONE 2 r 12. Ford Dealers: all sizes. 175 Ossington Avenue, TorontOJ e handle the exclusive line of Ontario Work on the Hydro has commenced in the vicinity. Several houses have been wired and the poles are being put in. Mr. Bert Nicholls and Mr. Douglas Brown had such a close shave on Fri- day evening that they did not need one for Sunday. ener An innovation in the mode of aucti- on sales was put to the test last Wedâ€" nesday when the late Miss Galloway’s household effects were sold privately by Mr. and Mrs. Galloway of Kitch- The programme of the Y.P.S. on Sunday evening consisted of a moek trial of John Barley Corn. He was found guilty and sentenced to imprisâ€" onment and to death as soon as poss- ible. A request was received from 5.8. No. 34, Fairbank, at the regular meet{ ing of the North York Township Board of Health Monday evening, asking that the Township nurse, Miss MacDonald, and the M.0.H. Dr. Hill be given permission to make calls to the school for general health purposes, as fifty per cent. of the pupils that at- tend are residents of the Township. A resolution will be submitted to the York Township Council for their apâ€" proval of the scheme. ‘ Dr. Hill, in his annual report, reâ€" ported the water and milk supply to be in good condition. He declared that 168 homes had been quarantined, and 17 schools inspected. The cost of public health administration in the municipality this year amounted to $3,136.25 and a total school attendance of 1,685 was reported. First Case of Small Pox Reported The first 'case of smallpox was re- ported Saturday in North York Township to Dr. C. E. Hill, Medical Officer of Health. The Victim is a itwenty-year-old boy, and Dr. Berry, of lwas also summoned, and is in charge of the case. His condition is reported as being favorable. Your Car Brakes Inspection of auto brakes is being carried on by Toronto police on the city’s streets every day. A motorist may be'stopped by an officer at any moment and the brak- ing equipment of his car will be test- ed. As a result of this police activity many car drivers have already ap- peared in the Traffic Court, and there Dr. Hill local M.O.H. said that every possible step to prevent the spread of the disease is being taken, and the local Board of Health urges that every one in the township be vac- cinated. Up to the present The origin of the one case cannot be traced. a fine forcibly reminded them that their brakes were not in order and that the operation of a car in such a condition was a menace to the public. Daily “Checking UP" If the brakes are not working prop- ‘crly the motorist, whose name and .number are taken, is ordered to get |them fixed and report back to the police. If no report is made or if the .msp is a Dax‘t;.c‘ar1y serious one, he Four policemen are engaged daily in this “checking up.†Each is arm- ed with a small instrument which re- cords With just what efï¬ciency brakes are working. Each man stops cars at random. He attaches the instrument, the driver is ordered to set the car in order and the test is made. The em- 'ergency brake is also examined. the steering equipment ana me ugm- ing system for defects. Many Inefficient. ‘According to the tests made so far, a large majority of motorists drive with brakes which are not working as efficiently as the law requires. BUTTONV ILLE SALVA’HON ARMY Holiness Meetin Salvation meeting . . . . . . . . . . . 7 p Meetings Held In Lorne Hall. Everyone Invited Sunday acction the WILLOWDALE is a partna‘arly se mmoned to court. well as making ion the police may steering equipment RICHMOND HILL MRPS ‘cho Sunday Services THE LIBERAL, Must Be Right in C} this brake in- also look over and the light- Practically all herds are now stabled I at night, and very shortly the cows will be inside day and night, and the winter round of chores will start in earnest. This applies to all but a very small part of our wide Dominion. There are a few precautions, often neglected, that will aid in keeping the coWs clean and the milk free from sediment. Perhaps the most import- ant of these is to have the platform on which the cows stands of just the right length to fit the cow. Most stables are made with the platform ilonger at one end of the stable than at ‘the other. It is then just a matter of iselecting the longest cows for the ‘longest platforms and vice versa. Where the platforms are the same length it is‘ sometimes possible to make a cow stand back bysetting |back the front of her manger or the lstanchion. Some patent stanchions ‘on the market are so made that thel icow can be made to stand just Where‘ she is wanted. Clippers are a valu-l lable asset in every stable where a , man takes a pride in the appearance of his COWS. If at this season the hair [is clipped from the flanks and long hairs from the udder, it will reduce by at least 75 per cent the labor of keep- ling manure from accumulating on the 'animals. The writer knows of several linstances where neighbors have co-op- ‘erated in the purchase of a clipping- machine. The breeder who has buyers visiting his stable should consider the clinners an indespensible part of his gev'iipment. Shallow gutters are a lnuisance. We prefer a gutter that is ‘ at least 16 inches wide. nine deep next the cow, and five next the passage. This allows room for the manure to accumulate without becoming a nuis- ance a couple of hours after the stabl- RICHMOND HILL, ONT. es have been cleared. Changing’the dimensions of gutter is not a great chore and will always be labor saver. Anniversary services in Knox Pres- byterian Church on Sunday last morn- ing and evening filled the sacred edi- fice to the doors on both occasions. Services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Lee, of Wychwood Presbyterian churâ€" oh, and the musical exercises were in charge of Knox Presbyterian Church, a sister church some four miles out, in 'the country, assisted by Angus Mac- Leod, of Bonar Presbyterian Church, Toronto. On Tuesday in the local church the Norval Dramatic Club staged a play, “Safety First,†under the auspices of the choir. Rev. Mr. Davies is the minister in charge. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers. MEASURES OF STABLE SANITATION Woodbridge After November 30th you will not be able to get a MOTOR VEHHCLE UPERMGR’S LICENSE without examination Ontario Department of Highways After November 30th every applicant for a Motor Vehicle Operator’s License will be required to pass an examination of ï¬tness and ability before an inspector of the Department of Highways. This examination will take some time and will cost a fee of $1.00. It will be assumed after the above date that every experienced and capable driver will have heeded the law and secured a license. If you have been careless in not applying for your Motor Vehicle Opera- tor’s License, you will save yourself inconvenience, time and money, by making application now. An application form can be secured at any garage. Licenses are now issued without examination to those who have driven a car at least six months and for at least 500 miles, and also have no physical or mental disability which may interfere with the operation of a motor car. The fee for a license is $1.00 and licenses now issued will be good until December 31st, 1928. Licenses must be carried by drivers at all times. In case of accident or infraction of The Highway Trafï¬c Act, drivers without Motor Vehicle Operator’s Licenses cannot be considered as experienced and competent. Obey the law. Without a Motor Vehicle Operator’s License you 1 drive a car in Ontario. The penalty is a ï¬ne of $1 the Driver’s License may be demanded at any time trafl‘zc ofï¬cer. If you have not yet secured your license you are s time. and if you wait till after November 30th to a undergo and pass the driver's examination. gett the law. Save yourself time, inconvenience and expense by ‘tting your Motor Vehicle Operator’s License without delay. $1092 The HON. MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH Will Your Brakes Pass Police lnspection ? Richmond Street J. E. WIGMORE, Prop. Chrysler Dealers. Tires, Accessories, Marconi and U.S.L. Radio. Livery, Bamiy Charging. General repairs (n all n :1 ad cars. We have in stock a full line of Cement Culvert Tile, all sizes, and Corrugated Metal Culverts and would be glad of an opportunity to give you quotations. General Builder’s Supplies Telephone Thornhill Nights, Richmond Hill 80 514-1 Prompt Delivery TRY [7S FOR SERVICE Langstaff Supply Co., Ltd THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1927 GET OUR PRICES ON ( 1E NIE’N'F ‘V ()RK IT WILL PAY YOU Blocks Made To Order 0r From Our Stock At Yards GET 9mm ' 767, _ . ‘Y‘ ~ x. O ‘ I .~ RICHMOND HILL MOTORS Bad brakes are dangerous. Drive in and have them inspected and adjusted. FREE SERVICE. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister G. S. REAMAN treet ? CEMENT MIXERS FOR RENT Prompt Service .icense you have no authority to is a ï¬ne of $10.00. Production of i at any time by any policeman or vou are subject to ï¬ne at any 30th to apply you will have to G. H. Duncan. Richmond Hi}. COKE COAL woon