°=°=O=0==10=0l=l0=0l=0= O FOR GOOD SHOES 2423 YONGE STREET â€" Gordon IrOnside PAGE EIGHT Davies’ Dry Goocis Sto‘re HRISTMAS is hovering near and Santa Claus will again .isit our store Where in our showroom turned into Toyland he will receive the small Children of the village and vicinity, presenting each with a suitable toy. Watch this space for date and time of arrival. We hold a large and varied stock of fancy articles and merchandise suitable for Christmas presents and our windows will be appropriately dressed, giving an idea of interior decoration and display. For the convenience of customers making early selections. we shall as here-toâ€"fore parcel ready for mailing,orlay aside until needed. We invite your co-operation and assure you of service unexcelled. WHERE IS YESTERDAY’S DOLLAR? ODAY is Tomorrow’s Yesterday â€"â€"that loose change, those bills in your pocket, will still be yours tomorâ€" row if you bank them Today. A hand- ful of silver saved every pay day will amount to many dollars in a year’s time. Begin todayâ€"or next pay dayâ€"to save. Open an account in any of our branches and you will be amazed to see how quickly it will grow if you save regu- larly. Any branch of the bank u'iil- give you painsâ€" WE Wish to announce we have taken the agency for OTTO HIGEL RADIO. Our experience in radio warrants us to covey to the public that this is one of the ï¬nest we have ever tested. The machine is a super neutrodyne six tube hook up in a very beautiful cabinet and the price is very reasonable. Come in and hear this machine and judge for yourself. W. G. Baldock Limited Announcement Goudrich wmmw ' ‘ 'tmï¬â€˜U anch of the bank will give you pain: taking and depgndable service. [MFEREAL BANK RICHMOND HILL BRANCH A. T. MINNIS, MANAGER OF CANA DA Richmond Hill. Ont. Phone 119, Richmond Hill 9729 Genuine v Millie: HUDSON 3338 E :15 ' 5H age Centre Street, Thornhill Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dean, wish to express their sincere thanks and ap- preciation to the people of Thornhill and community for their splendid work and co--operation during the re- cent fire. Social and Personal Much sympathy is extended to Dr. W.J. Wesley, in his sad bereavement of the loss of his father who passed aâ€" way at his residence in Newmarket on Tuesday, November 22nd. A private service was held to-day, interment to iNewmarket cemetery. Mrs. Carley and Son, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ireland and family of Vellore and Miss Florence Osmond of Bright- on, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Walter Luesby. Good pay, Exclusive selling rights and reserved territory. Largest list of varieties and best stock, aacclima- tised, Canadianâ€"grown. Nurseries 600 acres. Established forty years. A good opportunity for capable salesman. A test will prove at once whether the eyes are causing that nervous let down feeling. Our most careful ad- vice is yours for the asking. Don’t delay. Its dangerous. Wanted Now Rehabie Salesman OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN Eyesight Specialist I‘HE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 167 Yonge Street. Toropto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) Elgin 4820 FOR YORK COUNTY Thornhill F. E. LUKE PELHAM NURSERY CO. Card of Thanks Community Appreciates' the Work Done This Year By Vaughan Council There was a good attendance at church and Sunday school services in the pavilion last Sunday with Rev. Mr. Noxon, of Toronto, in charge. Next Sunday the service will be held in the evening at seven o’clock and Sunday School at three in the after- noon. Rev. Mr. H. Burnzeat, will con- duct both services. At the regular monthly meeting of the Elgin Mills Ratepayers Association held on Monday, November let, a resolution was passed expressing ap- preciation to the Vaughan council for work done on the roads in the com- munity. The Elgin Mills Young Ladies club \held a business meeting on Thursday levening last. 1Co]. and Mrs. A.J. Van Nostrand and Mr. and Mrs. H. Molyneux and famiâ€" ly of York Mills, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.D. ‘Campbell. The girls called “The Seven Work- ers†will hold a sale of home cooking in the pavilion on Saturday, November 26th, for the purpose of raising funds for Sunday School Christmas tree. The Boys’ club held their weekly meeting on Tuesday at seven o’clock. Sixteen boys were in attendance and they are working hard for their cob- web social which will be held on Dec. 3. The community joins in wishing them a great success for their first social ‘evening‘. Col. T.H. Lennox, M.P. paid a visit to Elgin Mills on Tuesday night. He ’found active preparations for their Sunday school Christmas tree and wished them all success in their work and commended them for their kind- ness and fore thought. He also visit- ed the boys club, and had an enthusiâ€" ‘astic reception. Successful Dance Last Friday night Elgin Mills was the scene of a splendid dance, given under the auspices of the Elgin Mills Concert Band, the prize winners at C. 5 Richmond Hillâ€"Ont. N.E. At nine o’clock the band play-‘ ‘ed a few numbers to attract the danc- ers to the pavilion and then the Orch- estra arrived, and every body settled ‘down for a good nights fun. The 01'- chestra was comprised entirely of the ’bandsmen themselves, who played ex- cellent music. The personnel was as follows: Harold Reid, at the piano, George Stiles on the violin; Bard Master. P.A. Drury, the Trombone; Ted May the Euphonium, and Frank Hodge at the Drums. The special feature of the evening was a Novelty Moon Waltz, played by the band. The lights where reflected in the large Bass Horn of Harry Hodge, throwing a ray of moonlight across the dancers. The boys greatly appreciated the suc- cess of their first venture. The cool evenings will soon be here You wifl need a little fire to make the house more cosy. If buying a stove make sure its Formerly of Davies Hairdressing Parlor, Richmond Hill, Now at the Juliette Hairdressing Parlor. 3239 Yonge St. North Toronto Will be in Richmond Hill every Wednesday afternoon and Thursday, until 6 p.m. at the residence of Mrs. J. Hunt, North Yonge Street, phone your appointments Richmond Hill 183. FLORISTS Richmond Hill - Ont. We solicit orders for cut flowers for all oc- casions which will be promptly and cheer- STOVES Cooper’s Hardware John Dunlop & Son fully ï¬lled. QUEBEC COOKING, QUEBEC HEATER QUEBEC 3 WAY HEATER LET US SHO‘V THEM TO YOU Have Your Tonsorial Require- ments attended to while waiting for youi‘ car. HUDSON 6238 w AT. A. I313N BY ELGIN MILLS Martin’s Barber Shop McClarey’s 7 Right at The City Limits Glass and Glazing etc. Phone93 North Toronto. 2597 YONGE STREET. NORTH TORONTO SHEPPARD’S SHOE STORE Phone 18 Quebec, Coal Oil and Electric Heaters Are you prepared {or Winter? FARMING is more than an occup- ation; it is a highly commercialized business which requires careful plan- ing and thoughtful execution. Bounti- ful production is necessary but much effort is wasted unless the business of disposing of the year’s output is prop- erly managed. In conducting the bus- FIFTY iness of the farm the Standard Bank can play a prominent and useful part. YEARS Consult the manager and leam how true co-operation between banking and agriculture builds a more prosperous community. STAN DAiii) BANK Coal Hods, Stove and Furnace Shovels Hand Ash Sifters also the Banner Rustless Sifter. RICHMOND TAILORS OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCHâ€"F. Hoover, Manager THORNHILL BRANCHâ€"S. B. Elson, [Manager CLEANING and PRESSING A SPECIALTY . Y. W. Brathwaite FURS RE-LINED AND RE-MODELLED Telephone 5j or Residence 49W Richmond Hill, Ont. as our prices are very moderate. Branches nho at Aurora. Lansing. an!g See us for your needs. We have in stock now The Business of Agriculture J. A. GREENE Richmond Hill An EXeeptionally large stock of qual- ity material now on hand to choose from. If you are in need of 3 Suit or Overcoat it Will pay you to see us. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1927 Tailor Made Clothes The Reason Why The policies, methods and manu- facturing resources of the com- panies that make the shoes we sell to you enable us to sell you the highest grade shoe on the market at a low cost that as- tounds. Let us fit you to-day. We Deliver. HUDSON 1485