We solicit orders for cut flowers for ail 0c- casions which will be promptly and cheer- fully ï¬lled. Richmond Hill John Dunlop & Son FLORISTS Telephone 1535 All trucks Insured for Public Liabil- ity and Property Damage. Express and Long Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire By flour or Contract Professional Graduate of Owen A‘ Smiley Studio. CONCERT ENTERTAINER AND TEACHER ADDRESS Boyle Studio says you can't beat Wool- nough’s Harmss come 1n and see it when in Toronto. BLANKETSâ€"RAIN COVERS AND MITS ‘qent For Automobile Insurance. TEL. 118 RICHMOND HILL ONTARIO In case of breaks or bum brakes Who Pays the Damage? YOU DO ! OPTOMETRISTS EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS l'horough Eye Examinations and Glasses That Fit Perfectly. Special Attgntion_to Children's Eyes. Open Evenings. Phone Hudson 0461 for Appointment. All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Winterton’s 01d Stand Yonge St. under the direction of Miss Aileen Atkinson, Richmond Hill Suitable Music provided for Concerts, Garden Parties and Dances Phone 33 Thornhili Orchestra Geo McDonald H. Woolnough Phone Elgin 6980 Cor. Queen and Ontario Streets Toronto. Phoneâ€"Willowdale 96W THE BIND OPTICAL C0. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1927 2513 Yonge St. North Toronto. (Opposite the Capitol Theatre) Local and Long Distance All calls promptly attended to v Richmond Hill Marguerite Boyle Elocutionist Thornhill W. N. Mabbett Electrical Contractor CARTAGE & TRUCKING, ALBERT CHAPMAN WILSON’S CARTAGE Have Your Tonsorial Require- ments attended to while waiting for your car. Unless You Insure With-â€" Martin’s Barber Shop POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. Boot and Shoe Repairer. A. G. SAVAGE Telephone 54 R 2. Right at The City Limits North Toronto. GEO. KIDD MAPLE M £33 Ont. Ont. At the January elections the rate‘ payers of Aurora Will vote on the advisability of continuing the ser- vices of the public health nurse, now employed by that municipality. The Hope Euchre Club met at the home of Mrs. Norman Rumble, Tem- peranceville on Thursday evening. Twenty members were present and the prizes went to Mrs. George Crook and Mr. Amelious Wilson. glass sand- witch plate and box of chocolates. The consolation prizes went to Mrs. W. T. Cook and Mr. John Hutcheson, sugar stick and minature Santa Claus. Lunch was served by the hostess and a very pleasant social time enjoyed. All are invited to attend the Pilgrim meetings at Carrville. Mrs. Francy and Mrs. Watson of the 4th line have been suffering from the grippe, also the Misses Boston. Mr. Geo. Baker is putting the high board fence around his skating rink, he's getting ready for winter. Miss Lydia Sider is much improved in health and is able to be out again. Mr. Roy Brillinger had abarn raising on Tuesday last. Some of the young folks from here went to hear the service and the sing- ing by the Orphanage children on Sunday afternoon at Victoria Square. We regret to hear of the death of Mr. Alex. Duncan of the 5th line, who passed away last Saturday morning. Mr. Wm. Freeland of Niagara spgnt Sunday with his mother. Ma'ster Reg. McMullen visited the Victoria Square church on Sunday af- ternoon. Miss Lena Moynihan had tea with Miss Dorothy Oliver on Sunday even- ing. Council adjourned to December 15th next then to meet according to statute at 10 o’clock A.M. at Vandorf Hall. P.S.D. Polling Booth, 1. Brownings house, Wilcox Lake, D.R.O. Garnet Evans, Poll Clerk, Percy Forester; P.S.D. Polling Booth. 2. Clarence At- kinson’s house, Bethesda, D.R.O. Ar. thur H. VanNostrand, Poll Clerk, H. M. Caine; P.S.D. Polling Booth, 3. Mrs. M. Cook’s house, Lemonville, D. R.O. Ralph Baker, Poll Clerk, Stew- art Rae; P.S.D. Polling Booth, 4. Mrs. M.A. Kennedy’s house, Eloomington, D.R.O., Watson Fairles, Poll Clerk, H. H. Mitchell; P.S.D. Polling Booth, 5. E. Penrose’s house, lot 91, con. 1, E., D.R.O., Ezra Penrose. Poll Clerk, Ed- gar Dennis; P.S.D. Polling Booth, 6. Chas. Howlett’s house, lot 30, con. 4, w., D.R.O., Earl Toole, Poll Clerk Al- fred Elphï¬nstone; P.S.D. Polling Boo- th, 7. Mrs. P. Fogal’s house Cedar Valley, D.R.O. Robt. Hope, Poll clerk Walter L. Hall; P.S.D. Polling Booth, 8. Geo. McCormack’s house, Vivian, Miss Evlyn Freeland had the mis- fortune to scald her arm last week. D.R.O., J.H. Wallwork, Poll Clerk, H.M. Jakeman. Nomination to be held at Vandorf Hall, Monday, December 26th. at One O’clock p.m. Voting January 2nd, 1928. A By-Law was paésed providing for Nomination of candidates for Council for 1928!, and taking of Vote of elec- tors if required as fOIIOWS: : Deputy-Reeve Kidd, Councillor Willi- ams and the Road Superintendant were appointed a committee to meet representatives from East Gwillim- bury Township to effect a settlement of Town 'Line Expenditures account for the year. Accounts of Canada Ingot’ Iron Company and W. Dillane were laid over for consideration till next meet- mg. Dog Tax refunds were requested by J. Mitchell and Wm. Pettit. Sheep claims with valuations were presented by Geo. Druery and J. R. Knowles. Assistant Accountant, Dept. of Pub- lic Highways with summary of ad- justments necessary in Statements of Road expenditure for 1926, showing debit to the Township of $113.47 and consequent reduction of Grant to the Township of $34 . 04. Fred Steckley, Secretary Treasurer, Whitchurch Veteran’s Assocation, re- questing on behalf of the Association, the appointment of needy Veterans as D.R.O’s., Poll Clerks etc. for Muni- cipal Elections. Communication's were presented as follows, viz. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Whitchurch Township Council met at the Township Hall, Vandorf, Saturâ€" day, November 26th, with all the members in attendance. Whitchurch Council ï¬King Township Council GORMLEY AURORA HOpe T. MacMurchy--Eganâ€"That tlle following fence-viewers be paid the lsum opposite their respective names for services re Dion vs Gellatly. John ‘Lawson $2.00; Oliver Sturdy. $2100; Ralph Burns $2.00. By-Law No. 496â€"To determine the place for holding the Nomination etc. received its several readings and pass- ed. '“ On motion Council adjourned to meet at Armstrong’s Hotel, on Satur- day the 3rd day of December 1927 and by order of Council all bills and ac- counts must be presented at this meeting; as no bills will be paid after this date. T. MacMurchy-â€"Dugganâ€"That this Councilpay to the Canadian Inspection and Testing 00., the sum of $6.00 for services in connection with Kingcreek bridge. [S., $50.00; J.H. White, gravel $21.80, Luke Auckland, Maintenance, $76.55; Wilfred Hall, maintenance, $97.55; J. H. White, maintenance $32.40; Ernest Seagar. maintenance $3.40; George l Williams, culvert, $60.55; George Mun- shaw, trucking, $3.00; Metallic-Roof- ing Co., culvert, $34.75; Canada Ingot Iron Co., Culvert 1/2 to E.G. $142.56; W. Hall, gravel, $25.00; C. Black, gravel, $33.80; Ben. Heslip, gravel, $2.80; Mark Allen, construction, $83.- 65; W.C. Davis, Teaming, $111.00; Gilbert Staley, maintenance, $102.25; Alfred Bayliss, maintenance $18.70; R. J. McLean, maintenance, $42.00. .Eganâ€"MacMurchyâ€"That Miss L. Tinline be paid the sum of $20.00 for gravel and use of pit for making tile for Township purposes. ' ‘ The above Council held their Elexi‘e‘râ€"i: th regular meeting in the Instiute Hall, Laskay, on Saturday the 19th November, all the members present with Reeve MacMurchy in the chair, the minutes of the last meeting were read and conï¬rmed. The clerk preâ€" sented the communications after which the Council authorized the Treasurer to pay the following accounts:â€"Plum- mer Bros., repairs to scraper $4.50; J.C. Dagg, road maintenance, $25.00; G.J. Fox, maintenance town park P.V. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONT. SAVE YOU LIFE? a LIGHT MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH Ontario Department of Highways The penalty for failure to observe this law is a ï¬ne of $5.00. Motor trafï¬c ofï¬ceré or city or town police will apprehend all who fail to comply. The light on a horse-drawn vehicle must be placed on the left side in a conspicuous position. It must show white to the front and red to the rear. It must be clearly visible at a distance of. at least 200 feet. Where vehicles carry inflam- mable materials or are structurally unsuitable for carrying lighted lamps the Department, by regulation, may permit the use of a reflector instead of a lamp. Horse-drawn vehicles (as well as motor vehicles) on the high- way at night now MUST display a light. This new law is designed to prevent accident to occupants of horse-drawn vehicles as well as of motor cars. You will provide for your own safety by obeying this law. Drivers of fast-moving vehicles have become accustomed to looking for lights on ALL vehicles at night. The danger of accident to horse-drawn vehicles without lights therefore is greater now than it was when lights were not compulsory. At this season, when nights are darker and longer, the hazard is increased. on your horseâ€"drawn vehicle at night may The HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister $5.00 Fine PAGE NINE