All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop' in Winterton’s Old Stand Yonge St. Richmond Hill Local and Long Distance All calls promptly attended to CARTAGE & TRUCKING, ALBERT CHAPMAN Have Your Tonsorial Require- ments attended to while waiting for your car. Martin’s Barber Shop Right at The City Limits North Toronto. Boot and Shoe Repairer. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1927 GEO. KIDD Ont. ‘ Well, that is not too promising for harmony in the community. Politics (will cause enough bad feelings at timâ€" es without the churches dividing the neighborhood. And there is nothing that most people will avoid more care- fully than a church feud. Then, “What kind of a neighbor- hood is this anyway?†a prospective When a man buys a farm. he buys a homeâ€"a place to live. That is why the spirit of the community raises or lowers values. When a couple with a young family start out to buy a farm they give some thought to their children. Is the school efficient and up to date? Yes. Well, that is one inducement. How about church- es? Well, there are two in the neigh- borhood and all the young people never really get together. More than that, there is a split now in one of 'the churches that is making things unpleasant. Farm Is A Home and Community Spirit Counts fun ?†“If a fellow tries to organize something to get things started, do they, say, ‘Oh! if he wants to run the whole thing let him do it?’ " “Is there a farmers' club of any kindâ€" is there a Women’s Instituteâ€"is there any young people’s organization?†Pertinent Questions . These questions do not relate to the farm directly, but they are pertinent when applied to the home. The home is the bigger and more import. ant side of the question. In the fields crops may be grownâ€"in the home boys and girls are growing up and the community will make a great big difference in the character of the young men and young women. The community spirit will affect the whole ‘outlook of the young folks. It will lnarrow their horizon or broaden it; it will train them to face the world and look everybody in the eye, or it lwill engender a feeling of indiffer- Jence and sometimes a sense of infer- ‘ purchaser will ask. “If I mind my own business will my neighbors mind theirs.†“Is there ever anything going on here, or does one have to go to town in order to have a little THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. FLORISTS Richmond Hill - Ont. i There is no reason in the world why a farmer should not hold his head as high as anyone, and put his fingers in his vest if he wants to! {If anyone looking for a farm finds a. community With the right kind of spirit, “lots doing,†good schools, ac- tive, harmonious churches, and a peo. ple who “hae a. g'uid conceit 0’ them- sel’s,†he had better settle right down and enjoy life with the rest of them. We solicit orders for cut flowers for all 0c- casions- Which will be promptly and cheer- fully ï¬lled. - John Dunlop & Son Forty. The worst spirit; that ever ‘took root in aneighborhood is that which leads one to say “I am only a farmer.†Jr. Iâ€"Alma Farquharson, Helen Nelson, Billie Campbell, Frank Bennet Jean Bond, Melville Baker, John Harbinson, Mary Harbinson. Thornhill er. Class IIâ€"Doris Knapp, Harold Doner, Beryl Farquharsony Harold Wideman, Herbert Nelson, Wallace Bond, Hazel Nelson, Lillian Homer, Jean Topper. Sr. IIIâ€"Helen Hughes 72%, Mur- ray Wideman 52% . Jr. IIIâ€"Henry Robinson, Bessie Hughes, Nora Campbell, Lloyd Beatty IV Classâ€"Elaine Beatty 75%, Rob- ert Campbell 56%, George Baker 50% Ivan Bond 33%. Estimates Cheerfuny Given For work anywhere in the district. Report of S. S. No. 4. Markham for November J. J. ELEMENTS PAINTER AND DECORATOR Sr. Iâ€"David Hughes; Myrtle‘Horn- E . A. CASWELL, Teacher Phone Ring 33 Ontario Phoneâ€"Willowdale 96W POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. J. J. Deane Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds 0 Bought, Sold old 0 Exchangcd W. N. Mabbett Electrical Contractor All business strictly conï¬dde n Prints Phone: PAGE SEVEN