N Richmond Hill â€"â€" â€"â€" 5°=0=0=0=0=0 I] 1 Ford Taming in Al Condition 1 E‘____‘I T" J ___ fl RADIOS °=Ol=0=0 PAGE EIGHT We are now offering the follow- ing cars at asacrifice price as we ;.§ must clear out our stock in an- ticipation 0f the new Ford Q ‘WhiCh will soon be here. fl J. BRUNO, FRESH FRUITS OF ALL KINDS VEGETABLES and CONFECTIONERY Announcing Saturday, I December 10th Be sure and leave your nameiand address for catalogue and specifications‘of the new CAR Little Bros. Fruit Store RICHMOND HILL BRANCH A. T. MINNIS, MANAGER Assets of One Hundred and Thirty-ï¬ve Pdiliions Authorized Ford Dealers. CONSIDER A JOINT ACCOUNT The opening of an Up-to-date VERY real service is of- fered by Joint account privileges. Two people may cheque and deposit through one account, and this makes a very convenient family banking arrangement. Any branch of the bank will be glad to open joint accounts and explain particulars. IMFERlAl BANK Wholesale and Retail OF CANADA Switzer Block Richmond Hill, Phone19 IGB 0:6 Leaderâ€"Mrs. E. Dean; President, Hugh McDonald; Vice-President, Mar- garet Watson; COLâ€"Secretary. Doris Farr; Rea-Secretary, Nelson Findlay; Treasurer, Nora Johns; Palm Branéh Secretary, Catherine Davies; Lantern Operator, Donald Smellie. The Missi- on Band meets every Monday evening at 6.45 p.111. All young people of the district are cordially invited to become Annual Meeting of Mission Band The Annual meeting of the Mission Band of the United Church, was held last Monday evening with‘the follow- ing officers being elected for the en- suing year:â€" Leaderâ€"Mrs. E. Dean; President, Mrs. Morrison, and Mrs. Simpson had charge of the aprons and towels. Mrs. Teasdale and Mrs. Rowbottom. fancy articles Mrs. R.W. Scott and Mrs. Heslop. cake and candy, Mrs. E. Dean and Miss Bird, fish pond. An excellent supper was served. Mrs. R. and A. Thompson, Miss A. Boyle and Miss Mundey with a bevy of assista ants were in the tea room. The Thornhill orchestra rendered a plea:- ing programme. The proceedings jwere under the supervision of the President, Mrs. N. Smellie. Scarboro Women’s Institute Enter- tained. The Scarboro Women’s Institute and several members of the Thornhill Branch were entertained by Mrs. Smith at her home last Tuesday after- noon. Rev. N. Duyer gave an inspir- ing address on his three years experi- ence in Western Canada. The dele- gates gave excellent reports of the recent convention held in Toronto, and also had raised $250.00 in a household Hope Chest. The winner was Mrs. Webb, of Toronto. Mrs. Graves, pre- ‘sided. Refreshments and social hour ended a pleasing and profitable afterâ€" ‘noon. Young People Here Visit Newtonbrook Society. A very enjoyable evening was spent last Tuesday night by the Young Peo- ple’s Society of the United Church, here, when they visited the Young lPeople‘s Society at Newtonbrook. Mr. iL\ee, president of the Society in a very ably manner presided for the opening exercises, afterwhich Mr. Neil McDon- ald, president of the Young People’s here. took charge of the programme which was put on by the Thornhill members. Misses Isabel Farr and Edith Davies rendered a piano duet, Miss Marion Forrester gave a very interesting reading entitled “In Sunâ€" flower Time,†and for an encore gave “The way of a maid.†Mr. Floyd Davies then gave a reading entitled “Johnies Forgetfulness.†Miss Edna Wiltshire as usual delighted her audi- ence with two beautiful solos entitled “The Hymns of the Old Church Choir" and “He Wipes the Tear from every eye. Refreshments were served and a social and friendly time spent by all. (Elmer’s Hardware COAL HODS, STOVE PIPES ELBOWS, ASH SIFTERS, STOVES an enthusiastic welcome following a brief speech. She was introduced by Rev. B.R. Strangways, pastor of the Church. The school room was taste- fully decorated with flags and hunting and articles of the 1867 period. Grouhd, Mel-nice Findlay, Lola Brillm- ger. United Chu rch Bazaar A highly successful sale of work and fancy goods constituted the Confederd ation Bazaar of the Women‘s Associ- ation of the United Church here. The bazaar was formally opened by Mrs. R.W. Eaton, of Toronto: who received son; President, Miss Mable Brillinger; Vice.-President, Marion Forrester; Secretary, Rheo Hooper; Treasurer, Jean McDonald; Committee of Man- agement, Convener, Mrs. F. Farr, Gladys Hooper. Edith Davies, Norma Annual Meeting of Ladies' Softball Club The annual meeting of the Ladies Softball Club was held in the Victoria Hall, last Thursday evening. The following officers being elected for the ensuing yearzâ€"Manager. Mr. B.H. Eaton; Hon.-President, Miss N. Wat- Phone93 Richmond Hillâ€"Ont. Just regaived another shipment of I'HE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. MC Clarey’s Social and Personal C.J.P. Jolliï¬'e, B.A., of West will preach at the morning- serâ€" Glass and Glazing etc. TEQRNHM DISTRICT NEWS This was the closest competition Iheld in years at Guelph. This same team will be held over until next year, lwhen they will represent York County {at the Royal Winter Fair and will 'have another opportunity of compet- lxing for the Trophy at Toronto. 3 Jr. 11 Aâ€"â€"E1izabeth Smellie,* Ethel lIvisonfl‘ Muriel McCart, Borden Mab- \ley, Viola Lefroy, Romaine Giles, Bill Findlay. I Jr. IIâ€"Eva Findlay,* Gladys Hamb- .letonï¬: Dorothy Wice,“ Meretta Eaton, Charlie Ellacott, Gordon Hook, Thom- .as Hadock, Annie Bennett. ( MISS H. MORRIS. Teacher Iâ€"Jim Farr,* John Pickett,* Bar- I'bara Blake,* Delbert Lee,* Thelma Riddle,* Bruce Findlay? Bruce Hoopâ€" er, Alan Woolley, Ernest Lefroy George Palmer. The team consisting of Bent Riddell of Georgina, Stewart Chapman and lark Torrance of Weston, with Lorne Chapman as a spare, made a wonder- fully good showing and the officials at the local office are exceedingly well pleased with the showing they made. “It was anybody’s cup" stated R.J. Rogers, “as the classes were somewhat tricky and in two or three cases it was a gamble to pick the winner of the class.†~ Bert Riddell who is the son of Reeve Wilmot Riddell of Georgina, made a real name for himself in this competi- tion. He was third high man for the Province with a score of 804 points. the winner having a score of 807 points. Mr. Riddell was high man in Beef Cattle, while Clark Torrance of Weston, won second prize in Dairy Cattle. It is eaSy to believe in Providence when you note how people drive and how few wrecks there are. Dufferin County won the Competi- tion with a score of 2291 points while York County stood fourth and only 38 points behind the winning team. Sr. IIâ€"â€"Kenneth Wice,* Betty Sum- ner,* Dorothy Parkinson,* Bruce Eat- on,* Lorraine Giles, Connie Brown, Elsie Beadle, Flossie Sibbick, Bud Shelly, Howie Walker, Kenneth Riddâ€" ell, Donald Gillies. The York County Judging Team landed back from the judging competi- tion at Guelph on Tuesday afternoon of this week. R.T. IRWIN, Principal Jr. IIIâ€"Vivian Clements,* Loretta Dean, Frank Brown, Catharine Davies Georgina Watts, Donald Davidson, Arthur Hemingway, Billie Tutt, Har. old Hemingway. Sr. IVâ€"Kenneth McKay,* Edith Davies,* Ada Sibbick,* Leta Riddell,* Kenneth Brillinger,"‘ Dorothy Stokes,"‘ A. Hambleton,* Walter Sanders,* Madge Watts,* Nelson Findlay,* Stephen Foord.* Jr. IVâ€"Mary Johns,* Lucillé Dean“ Lois Adams,* Wilkie Hooper,‘ Percy Gill, Margaret Watson, Herbert Le- froy, Ellwood McLean, John Mabley, Gordon Walker, a. Pr. Bâ€"Annie McLeodJ'“ John Cleâ€" ments,* Jim Haddock.“ Norman Mab- ley,* Angus Brown}< Josephine Mc- Cart, Marion Oke, Gladys Riddle,-Marâ€" garet Palmer, Ola Findlay, Teddy Eaton, Margery McCart, Doris Lee. Isobel Shields, Richard Shields. Pr. Câ€"Thelma Simpkins,“ George Blakeï¬" Evelyn Dean,* Alleck Had- dock,* Norma Beadle, Mary Morton, Janet Ellacott, Campbell McCart, Vic- tor Palmer. vice in the United church here Sunday. Mr. G. K. Quarrington will preach in the evening. Mr. Edward Riley, of Kingston, vis- ited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Simpson. Thornhill Public School Report The following is the monthly report of Thornhill Public School for Novem- ber. Names marked with an asterisk obtained honours. Those marked “A†missed exams. The names are ar- ranged in order of merit. Pr Wice York County Team - Competes At Guelph Sr. IIIâ€"Robt. Bennett,* Lorraine Davidson,* Mary Smith,* Mildred Sumner.* John Ellacott, Clayton Scott Doris Farr, Marie Gillies, Donald Smellie. Pr. Aâ€"Billy Giles,* Patricia John- son,* John Watson, Gordon Woolley, Lloyd Hemingway. Mr. Alex Berry who has been em- ployed with Mr. Heise left: Friday evening for Scotland. Mr. Bryan Sharpless is holidaying this week in Florida, Miami, and other southern points. Made Splendid Showing In Keen Dâ€" Harold Hebden,* Russell Jean Hook. M. EFFIE BIRD, Teacher Competition FOR GOOD SHOES 2423 YONGE STREET â€" TILLEY‘S BUNNY'K n." a." an.†GENUINf GOODYEA CUSHION SOLE 1 MAB! m “um Gordon lronside The Message of the Day. Phone 18 Buy Your Gifts Early F. Y. W. Brathwaite Think of twenty-six tiny bones in each little foot, all fitted together with a nicety beyond human skillâ€"and what? Cramped and bruised one. hrad, illâ€"fitting bootâ€"or functioning e... . .., with their natural ease and freedom in ï¬ï¬'g‘qgu‘ï¬â€˜iaté‘é‘nt‘él a soft, well-made, and scientifically. fitted shoe? Our children’s shoes are carefully selected, and we assure you that we will spare no effort in seeing that your children are correctly fitted at a. minimum expense to you. TILLEY'S BUNNY-Hm RICHMOND - TAILORS Mothers---D0 Be Careful ! IN DOING SO SEE US We have Gifts for every Member of the Family. STAN DARD BANK CLEANING and PRESSING A SPECIALTY BANKING FlFTY‘ RICHMOND Hm: Bï¬xï¬Ã©ï¬â€"Fi'flbover, Manager THORNHILL BRANCHâ€"S. B. Elson, IVIanager FURS RE-LINED AND RE-MODELLED Christmas Record: Now In. Telephone 5j or Residence 49W Richmond Hill, Ont. as our prices are very moderate. Brunch also at Angora. Lansing. Maple Richmond Hill J. A. GREENE IF YOU desire to place any of your valuable papers. jewellery, or other precious belongings in one of our Safety Deposit Boxes, you will find our staff ready to render prompt and courteous service at all times during banking hours. The cost to you is only nominal and We are glad to be of any possible assistance when you wish access to yuor box. Standard Bank Safety Deposit Vaults 9F CANADA An Exceptionally large stock of qual- ity material now on hand to choose from. If you are in need of a Suit or Overcoat it Will pay you to see us. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1927 Tailor Made CEothes The proper outfitting of your children in .shoes .entails .a great deal of re- sponsibility. We Deliver. HUDSON 3338