The delightful winter weather is en- joyed by all. The mild days save the fuel yet they are unfavourable for the thresher who has much clover to sep- arate . In this district the yield of red clov- er is better than it has been for seve- ral years. All roads led to Victoria Square on Saturday afternoon to witness the second church wedding since the build- ing of the church in 1880. Friends of the bride and groom filled the church to see the knot tied. May we suggest that others follow their example. Dame rumour reports that in the near future the weddingbells will ring two or three times. These reports make our pastors smile. A rather unique communion service was held here on Sunday afternoon, Seventeen members were received, ï¬ve by card of transfer and twelve for the first time. Both our pastors were present. Rev. W. Haig gave the ser- mon on the “Lords Supper.†Rev. A.A. Wall gave a short address to the young communicants. His words were practical, helpful and inspiring. Just one less than one hundred were at the Lord’s Supper. Just when so many were present before we cannot recall. Such a service is not only an inspiration to the pastors but to all members and adherents it is indeed en- couraging. Mrs. Chas. Wellman. Miss Marjorie Messrs George, Harold and Chester Wellman, formerly of Gray, Saskat- chewan are spending a few days with friends here. They plan to settle in Toronto shortly. The sale of Mr. George Hunt was well attended on Saturday afternoon. Record prices were received. One pair of grade cows sold for $300. Wevarél sorry to state that Miss Ella Dennie of Toronto Normal School is suffering with the mumps. Miss Dorothy Steckley. little daugh- ter of Mr. Llandon Steckley is in sick children's hospital recovering from an opggation for appendicites. _The electriciâ€"a-ns are busy in this neighborhood at present. Everyone is yeady towhave Hydro installed. Pilgrims Gibb and Rowdon visited with Mrs. Louis Nichols on Saturday. Some Bf the little folkâ€"around Gorm- leg gre gnjoyï¬ngphicrlgen ppx: On néxt Wedflesd'y evening Piig‘rims It Won’t Be Long Now THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1927 EDGAR WALL, Inspectionlnvited MRS. PUT-OFFâ€"Here it is almost December 1 and I have nothing ready for Christmas. This time of year means so much hustling and plan- ning that] really dread the next few weeks. MRS. DO-ITrNOWâ€"â€"Well I can sympathize with you; I felt the same way until the other day Edgar Wall called and took my burden away with him. He’s getting my Christmas cards and he suggested a number of suitable presents which suit my needs exactly and they are so cheap too. You should give him a ring. )0 YOUR CHRISTMAS PLANNING EARLY Religious Books of All Kinds All the latest Fiction at Reduced Prices. Victoria Square THORNHILL We have a large and up-toâ€"date assortment of PIPES, POUCHES, CIGARS, CIGARETTES ETC, to supply your Christmas needs. We also carry a large stock of Candy and Confection- ery, Weston’s and Oven-Kist Biscuits for the Holi- day trade. AGENT FOR MOIRS CELEBRATED CHOCO- LATES OF WHICH WE HAVE A FINE ASSORT- MENT. Also Neilson’s Frigidaire Ice Cream and Bricks G. H. BIGNELL We are sorry to hear that one of our young men Mr. Frank Brumwell is de- stined to spend Christmas on his back. On Tuesday morning he mounted his spirited driver “Lady†and enjoyed a lively ride in the fresh air. As lady was crossing the rough ground along the creek at the back of the farm she made a misstep and Francis found himself on the ground with his leg twisted under him. Lady returned to the stable and her rider managed to walk a few paces, but at length his leg gave out. Mr. James Carrie. on finding Lady riderless at the door re- ported the fact to Mr. Brumwell seni- or, who set out through the fog to in vestigate. He found the injured man and brought him to the house. A doctor was summoned and pronounced his trouble, 3 broken bone. He is resting easily. His many friends trust that the bone soon knits. The teacher and puipls of No. 6, Markham are holding their closing ex- ercises on Wednesday afternoon of next week. No. 7, Markham will be open to their friends on Thursday afternoon. A first class programme is prepared by the pupils consisting of choruses, speeches, drills, readings, recitations, and dialogues. The chair will be cc- cupied by Rev. W. Haig. The Pil- grims Gibb and Rowdow are assisting with the programme. A visit is ex- pected from Sa_nta Claus at the close. They make the kids hang socks on the chimney, Christmas Eve; they hold so much less than stockings. Gibb and Rowdow will visit the Prayer Union. We invite their many friends to meet with us. Saturday, December 17â€"Auction sale of overstock of boots, shoes, rub- bers, underxvear etc. at the General Store, Victoria Square, at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. A. Farmer, Auctioneer So far as Dad can figure out, the whole thing was planned by a couple of motherâ€"in-laws. There’s only one trouble with this custom of giving gifts at Christmas. And that itâ€"this custom of giving gifts at Christmas. SMALL WORLD SMALL PEOPLE Phone 60 Richmond Hill ONTARIO E31 Scholarships for High School At the meeting of the Richmond Hill Board of Education held this week, it was decided that the Board give three scholarships for the stud- ents of the High School. Awards of $5 each will be given for general pro- ficiency in the Upper, Middle and Lower Schools. This action was talc- en with the idea of not only encourag- ing the pupils but also as an incentive to other public spirited bodies of indi- viduals who may see fit to offer schol- arships in other lines of the academic work of the High School. League Meeting The regular meeting of the Senior League of the Richmond Hill United Church will be held Monday night at 8 p.m. This is the last meeting of the year and will be under the leader- ship of the Christian Endeavour De- partment. Curlers \Vill Meet A meeting of the members of the Richmond Hill Curling Club will be held at Dinty Moore’s on Monday evening next, at 8 p.m., when the skips for the coming season will be elected. BIRTH MANSBRIDGEâ€"At York County Hospital, Newmarket, December 4th to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mansbridge, of Richmond Hill, a son.‘ Coming Event To-morrow, Friday, December 16, o sale of vW-‘< will be held and after- noon tea will be served in the Masonic Hall under the aushices of the W.A. of St. Mary’s Anglican Church. In the evening a play entitled “When a Fellow Needs a Friend†will be pre- sented by the St. Leonards Players of Toronto. This play was recently giv- en to crowded houses in the city of Toronto and comes very highly recomâ€" mended. The admission is 35 cents and 25 cents. There are no reserved seats . Jail Sentflnce for Breach of Drug Act Dr. F]. P. Snanes. nf Oakville who, on Wednesdav, December 7th was 5911. tenced to three months in iail for 2 breach of the Drug Act is the son of Rev. P.R. Soanes, Rector of Trinitv Church at Aurora and St. John’s, Oak Ridges. Nomination Meeting Nomination meeting will be held in Richmond Hill on Monday evening. December 26 in the Masonic Hall, at 7.30 p.m., when nominations will be received for candidates for the offices of Reeve, Councillors and Public School trustees for the coming year. If an election is necessary the voting will take place on Monday. January 2. the polling hours from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Plomen’s Annual Meetingr The annual meeting of the King and Vaughan Plowmen’s Association will take the form of a banquet. which will Be held at Armstrong’s Hotel, Kine: ity on Friday evening, December 16. Shower for Christie Street Hospital The W.C.T.U. will hold another miscellaneous shower for the boys at the Christie Street Hospital and any- onn wishing to donate anything which will contrihute to the comfort or plea- sure of the boys are asked to leave same at the home of Mrs John Palmer Vonge Street on Tuesday, December 20. The shower recently held was very much appreciated by the boys and the local organization are endeavour- inn to again make a substantial con- tribution to the hospital. Gift Services Special Gift Services will be obserâ€" ed at the Richmond Hill United Chur- ch, Sunday School on Sundav. Decem- ber 18. At this service children will bring their gifts which will be of use to needy families and to the children at the Orange Home. Nomination Day For Maple Nominations in the newly organized Police Village of Manle, will be held next Tuesday, December 20. commenc- ing- at (12 o’clock and ending at 1 pm. Threé trustees are to be elected to ad- minister the affairs of the village and if an election is necessary‘the voting will take place the same day as the township elections, Monday, January 2. J.B. McLean is the Returning Officer. Bennet Club Organized The Conservatives of North York met in the Council Chamber, Rich- mond Hill on Tuesday evening, and completed the organization of a Ben- net Club. Mr. Ball, of Stouffville, net Club. Dr. Ball, of Stouffville members of the party from all secti- ons of the riding were in attendance. Renewed Acquaintances Dr. John Pringle, Sydney N.S., ac- companied by Dr. J.N.E. Brown, Toronto. called Saturday on Miss Isa- bella Moodie. All three spent some time in the Yukon together. School Board Elections Nominations will be received at the regular municipal nominations for three school trustees for the Richmond Hill School Board. The members whose terms of office expire this year are chairman G. H. Duncan, Harry Endean and Frank Atkinson. Sunday School Entertainment The annual Christmas Tree and Entertainment of the Richmond Hill United Church Sunday School will be held on Wednesday, December 21. Santa Claus will be on hand and there will be a varied program of entertain- ment. Home and School Club Meeting The Christmas meeting of the Home and School Club will be held in the Public School on Thursday afternoon, December 22. The Christmas meet- ing has always been one of the most pleasant of the year and it is hoped that; a goodly number of the parents and friends will attend the concerts given by the different classes of the school. The concerts will be given in the following order: the rooms of Mrs. McConachie. Miss Mortley, and Miss Webb at 1.30, Miss Fox 2 p.m.; Miss Brown 2.30 p.m.; Miss Richardson 3 p.m.; Mr. Scott, 3.30 p.m. After- noon tea will be served and a 'silver collection will be taken in aid of the Hot drink fund. All are welcome to come and spend an enjoyable afternoon with the children. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Their second cousins tell the k;ds there ain’t no Santy Claus, so they won’t expect gifts. ’ His brother sent out a card bearing “Best Christmas Wishes for 1926, 19â€" 27, 1928, 1929 and 1930.†Tight? That when one bends During the signing of the register ‘Mrs. Falvey, sang “Dawning†and “O Promise Me†accompanied by Miss Jean Coram, of Toronto. Immediate- ly after the ceremony a reception was held at the brides home, where a buff- et luncheon was served to sixty-ï¬ve guests. Mr. and Mrs. Collard left that evening for a motor trip to Ottawa and other noints east. 'The bride travened in a hrovvn costurne vdth brOan fox fur the gift of the groom. pn their re- turn they will reside at Victoria Square. Merry Christmas!â€"â€"and a Happy New Year to each customer, without extra charge. The opening meeting of the Rich- mond Hill High School Literary Socie- ty was held on Friday, December 9th, in the school Gymnasium. The presi- dent Mr. E. Young occupied the chair and the program was in charge of the newly elected executive. The pianist Miss Iris Thompson rendered a deâ€" lightful instrumental solo, after which the assistant editor, Walter Steckley gave a report of the editors conven- tion held recently in Toronto. Miss Dora Anderson delighted the audience with a reading and “The Tatler†was read by the Editor in chief, Mr. Clar- ence Price. A short sketch entitled “A Spanish Tragedy†was enacted by Allan White, Walter Steckley and Miss Nellie Collins. The meeting was closed by singing The National Anthem. A few pupils in the school are still suffering from the results of vaccin- ation. We hope they will soon be able to resume their usual activities. We know of only one case which did not take. On Friday night, December 16th at 8.00 p.m., a basketball game will be played between the Forestry Depart- ment of the University, of Toronto and the Local High School Team. The public will be admitted. COLLARD -â€" NICHOLS Victoria Square United Church was the scene of a Very pretty wedding on Saturday afternoon, December 10, when Miss Winnifred Jean Nichols, daughter of Mrs. Ida Nichols, became the bride of Mr. Harvey Fraser Coll- arc]. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A.A. Wall assisted by Rev. W. Haig. Miss Jessie Collard, sister ‘of the groom, played the Wedding ‘march. The bride, who was given a- lway by her uncle Mr. G.H. Boyd of Toronto, was charmingly gowned in pink crepe Romaine with velvet trim- }mings. She wore a large black pic- 1ture hat and carried a bouquet of sweet ‘heart roses and maiden hair fern. Miss Man; Lloyd. gowned in pink chiffon velvet trimmed with lace, wearing a large black hat and carry- ing a bouquet of Ophelia Roses, acted as maid of honor, while Misses Marg- aret~ and Betty Richardson in yellow and blue georgette and carrying bask- ets of mums acted as Bridesmaids. The groom was assisted by Mr. Heber McCague. High School Notes Our Store is well stocked to take care of your Christmas Shopping requirements. Here/you will find hundreds of articles suitable for gifts. A full line of Yardleys Famous Toilet Articles Perfumes, Powders and Toilet Goods of all kinds. Beautiful decorated candles from 30 cents per pair up. A wide range of Stationery in all sizes of Fancy Gift Boxes Waterman’s Pens . . . . . . . . . $1.50 to $7.00 Pen and Pencil Sets . . . . . . . . . $5.00 Wahl’s EverSharp Pen and Pencil set . . . . $11.00 A good choice of Gift Books for children and grown-ups. Safety Razors, Gillette and Auto Strop in Gift Boxes from . . . . . . . . . $1.00 to $5.00 Shaving Cream, Shaving Sets, etc., Case Pipes Christmas Chocolates in Assorted Boxes We Carry the Famous Line of Remembrant Christmas Cards whole family squeaks QMPENB §IU1 G. H. GLENN TILLEY'S BUNNY-H “um mg. no. GfMUlNE 600W CUSH|ON SOLE mm m tun Gordon Ironside This Christmas Cantata will be given by the Richmond Hill United Church Choir, Sunday evening, December 25th. The foll- owing soloists are taking part:â€" Miss Phyllis Weir, - Contralto Mr. A. R. Phipps, - Tenor Miss Isobel Wiley at the Piano. Mr. A. Melicci, Choir Leader, at the Organ FOR GOOD SHOES 2423 YONGE STREET â€" Richmond Hill F. H. MARTENS New Fruit Store GIVE US A TRIAL AND WE WILL TRY, AND PLEASE YOU The Christmas Rose Words By Now Open for Business Full Line Fruit, Vegetables and Confectionery Headquarters for Celery Hearts and Head Lettuce Oranges from 30 Cents per dozen up Christmas Trees For Sale 75 Cents up Think of twenty-six tiny bones in each little foot, all fitted together with a nicety beyond human skillâ€"and what? Cramped and bruised on a. TILLEV'S hrad, ill-fitting bootâ€"or functioning BlINNY-FCDT m. with their natural ease and freedom in GfMUlNEGOOMAR - - ' cusmou sou sï¬Ã©la soft, well-made, and scientlflcally- M40! "1 CANADA . fltted shoe ? Our children’s shoes are carefully selected, and we assure you that we will spare no effort in seeing that your children are correctly fitted at a minimum expense to you. Mothers-F-Do Be Careful ! J . BRUNO, Richmond Hill â€" Ont The proper outfitting of your children in .shoes .entails .a great deal of re- sponsibility. Druggisst HUDSON 3338 PAGE SEVEN Phone 195 Music By W. LESTER