\V e 1W5 GEE/17253 TSTRUCTU/(E . you welght plan of delivering clean coal will please and comfort Wood and Solvay Coke l. D. Ramer At the Elevator good reliable coal is a great builder of content. Our full- weight plan of delivering clean ESTIMATES FREE THE Greatest structure ever reared is that of Comfort and RESIDENTIAL AND STORE FIXTURES OF EVERY DIS- CRIPTION. MOTOR AND PRIVATE POWER LINE INSTALLATIONS. ELECTRIC SIGNS OF ALL KINDS. ' HOUSE WIRING AND REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. THIS INFORMATION COSTS NOTHING WE ARE HERE TO GIVE YOU SERVICE NO JOB TOO SMALL MAY WE SERVE YOU The Northern Life Assurance Co. Telephone Thornhill Nights, Richmond Hill 80 51-r-1 Prompt Delivery THE)? US FOR SER"ICE We have in stock a full line of Cement Culvert Tile, allzsizes, and Corrugated Metal Culverts and would be glad of an opportunity to give you quotations. General Builder’s Supplies Langstaff Supply Co., Ltd Richmond Hill COAL â€" ï¬larflmmw Send us your name and address NOW for full particulars of this exceptionally attractive plan. Our agent will gladly show you how it will work out to your life-long advantage. Established 1897 J. H. CONN. District Agent 615 Yonge Street, Toronto R. C. MICHAEL, Richmond Hill, Local Representative Every 12 months the holder of a Northern 20- Pay Life Coupon Savin 5 Policy receives guarâ€" anteed cash dividen sâ€"dividends that in- crease each year for 20 years._ This unusually attractive plan provides the protection your family needsâ€"plus interest on your money. The yearly dividends are in the form of coupons which can be cashed annâ€" uallyâ€"each coupon having a greater cash value than the one preceding. If you prefer not to cash the coupons the policy will be paid- up in 15 instead of 20 yearsâ€"your depend- ents protected without a cent further cost. COUPON SAVINGS Victor H. Metcalfe %NOR' "OTECTION ~ 91 Tell Us Of Your Electrical Needs Prompt Service â€" WOOD â€"â€" BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES. PAGE SIX G. H. Duncan. 20-PAY LIFE Dandy, Full 0’ Pep and Purina Chick and poultry feedsâ€" ry Ration. Alsoâ€"Bran, shorts, Gluten and Dai We carry 2 PHONE RICHMOND HILL 584V iE‘ï¬/TvPARAMOUNT NOTICE LIFE @AW 1897 FEED COKE EEAWATEON ARMY x 1 ‘1 g } RICHMOND HILL CORPS E LIEle L.R. ELLISON EFORCED T0 SLEEP IN CHAIR---GAS SO BAD I Even the FIRST spoonful of Ad- llerika relieves gas on the stomach ‘and removes astonishing amounts of ’old waste matter from the system. 1 Makes you enjoy your meals and sleep better. No matter what you have :tried for your stomach and bowels, |Ad1erika will surprise you. Some of our young people are rushing the season, We understand one of the fair sex escorted her beat; home the other evening. The members of the choir of the Victoria Square United Church met at the home of Miss Winnifred Nichols on Thursday, December 8, to express their hearty congratulations to Miss Nichols and Mr. Harvey Collard, on their approaching marriage. The regular weekly practice was first disâ€" posed of then after the reading of the address Miss Hopper presented Miss Nichols with an electric toaster, a gift from the choir. Following the fitting replies by Miss Nichols and Mr. C011- ard everyone joined in singing “For They are Jolly Good Fellows.†An enjoyable social time was spent while disposing of the fine lunch which was then served. The following is the address:â€" To Miss Winnifrcd Nichols and Mr. Harvey Collard. Dear Friends:â€" The anniversary services were well attended last Sunday. The choir rendered special music. Some of the young people attended the wedding cermony of Mr. H. Coll- ard and Miss W. Nichols, which was held in Victoria Square church last Saturday. Stewart McQuay’s shooting on Monday was in the hands local sports. Sandy claimed 3 birds. Our dear friends, we hasten to offer you our most sincere congratulations and hearty good wishes. If our ben- eficent wishes were the only requisite to ensure your happiness in the marrâ€" ied state, you would never have 0c- casion to regret the step you are a- bout to take; for their is no one whom we more ardently desire to see surrounded with all the blessings of this life. We have a‘ipreciated Your services of song so faithfully rendered in, the past and we still hope to be strengthened in the future by the same. Earnestly praying that God may bless you both with His choicest blessings We trust that every year of your married life will ï¬nd you happier than the first. As a small token of our appreciation and good wishes we ask you to accept this “Electric Toast- er†and We hope you may long be spared to enjoy it. We, the members of the choir feel that as you are entering the enviable state of wedlock and will be no longer the merry bachelor and maiden form- erly the butt of our crude jests, we must address you in a tone of greater gravity than has been our custom. Eyesight Specialist Signed on behalf of the members of ‘ the Victoria Square United Church choir. Mrs. Brooke, Miss M. Klinck, Miss L. Lee, G. Lyon. l “Nights I sat up in a chair, I had such stomach gas. I took Adlerika and nothing I eat hurts me now. I sleep fine.â€â€"Mrs. Glenn Butler. Address and Presentation For Popular Ilulinoss Meeting . . . . . . . . . . 11 a Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 p Salvation meeting . . . . . . . . . . . 7 p Meetings Held In Lorne Hall. Everyone Invited A test will prove at once whether the eyes are causing that nervous let down ‘ee‘fug. (’u: most careful ad- vice is yours for the asking. Don’t delay. Its dangerous. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN Richmond Hill G. H. GLENN Druggist BUTTONVILLE 167 Yonge Street, Toronto 2. (Upstairs Opposite Simpson’s) Elgin 4820 Victoria Square RICHMOND HILL CORPS LIEUT- L.R. ELLISON Officer in Charge Sunday Services F. E. LUKE Choir Members THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Ontario match of the of the The annual concert by the pupils of Maple Public School will be held in lthe Community Hall next Tuesday evening, December 20, and the con- icert by Hope Public School in the §l\’Iasonic Hall next Wednesday even- ling, December 21. The Women’s Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church held its an- nual meeting last week at the home of Mrs. Wm. J. Johnson. In addition to the regular monthly programme, during which Mrs. Chas. Smith gave a splendid paper on the Study Book, “Moslem Women,†the election of ofï¬c- ers for the ensuing year took place. Miss A. Walkington was elected to the President’s chair and will be as- sisted by a capable staff. Reports from the secretary and Treasurer show that all requirements have. been met in a very satisfactory manner. Under the continued guidance of God, the society members face the New Year with every assurance. After the meeting a dainty lunch was served by the hostess. l The annual Christmas Tree and Supper of the St. Andrew’s Sunday School will be held in the school room on Wednesday, December 28th, 1927. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clarke and Mast- er Clifford, of Thorold, spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. I. Wat- son. Mrs. Clarke is remaining for several weeks. Mrs. Murray of Eglinton, passed away last Friday night at the home of her sister, Mrs. Chas. Bauer. The remains were taken to Eglinton on Monday for interment on Tuesday. Mr. Harry Bennett is busy finishâ€" ing his threshing with his new mach- ine that he purchasedrthrough Mr. While Mr. A. Rumble was motor- ing to the city last Friday his car was F†hv a truck on Davennort Road. Mr. Rumble received injuries to his hmd which required 5 number of stitvhes. T“e monthly meeting of the W.A. 0" "t‘ S*ephen’s Church was hold last Thvrsday at the home of Mrs. I. Wat- son‘ Mr. Irwin Vanderburg. C.N.R. foreman has resumed duties, having been indisposed several months. I We are glad to see Miss Lydia Sider a regular attendant at church a- !gain after being confined to her home _the greater part of the summer. Mr. Wm. Baker of Edgeley has purchased th farm belonging to Mr. John Bone for a handsome figure. Mr. Thomas Coa’rpq is nursing a number of Jobe’s comforters. Mr. J.B. Rea has remodelled his house and barns on the newly pur- chased Fisher prOperty. r"he beard of Management of the United Churth are considering the qumtion‘ of having the +wn Evange- lis‘rs who have been conducting serv- ices at Carrville, to hold meetings here after the New Year. Mrs. Fred Gordon ir: quite ill 1t tbn homo of her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Bowes. We notice the ndvisery board of the Municipal Telephone Co.. are agaln meandering in our Community. Who Can Beat This Record? Mr. Frank Teasdale has a Barred Rock Pullet Which started to lay Sept. 20th, 1927 and has layed eighty eggs to December 12th. 1907. Can anyone beat that for a Pullet? Mr. Joe Keffer reports a busy sea- son in repairing autOS and pumping gas. The young people are busy getting up a Christmas entertainment. Mrs. A. Mortson and son, Tom were in Toronto one day last week, interviewing Santa Claus. Mr. James Fisher our blacksmith is kept busy so much that he is talk- ing of getting a helper. The high winds last Thursday upset some of our oldest land marks. Threshing seems to be the order of day with a number of farmers, and grain is reported to be turning out very well. A Great acquisition to our grocery store is a stock of boots, shoes, and general merchandise. The large in- crease in business necessitated an addition to the building. Mrs. C.N. Wellman. of Milestone, Sask.. visited at the home of L.B. Heise on Monday. Electricians are busy these days in the vicinity of Victoria Square. A- mong those already prepared for the current are L.B. Heise, O.L. Heise and Robert Gee. The Company is busy on the line on the fourth Con- cession and expect to have it ready by Christmas. The storm of last week did con- siderabln damage to barn roofs in this community among the sufferers are Francy Bros., Peter Brillinger. and others, the roofs of several of their buildings being badly damaged. Little Dorothy Steckley who went through an operation for appendicitis last week, is doing nicely. G. Stoutérfburg and reparts a fine running outfit. Butchering is the order of the day among the farmers around here and fine samples of sausage are enjoyed by those who know what the genuine article is. A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THORNHILL. ONT. Concord Statien GORMLEY MAPLE {Thornhéli Orchestra Miss Aileen Atkinson, Richmond Hill Suitable Music provided for Concerts, Garden Parties and Dances Phone 33 Cooper’s Hardware COAL HODS. STOVE PIPES ELBOWS, ASH SIFTERS, STOVES Save Yourself at am expense Phone 93 Richmond Hillâ€"Ont. Richmond Hill WILLCGX LAKE BRICK CO. LTD. OFFICE: ] RICHMOND HILL, TEL. 92. Just received another shipment of When Building Enquire About McClarey’s Lakeside 5280 If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will asu‘st us in giving good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for, Call up as early as convenient to insure prompt attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Parcels may be left at Liberal Office, Telephone 9, Richmond Hill Don’t try to do the heavy parts of the fam- ily wash. Let us help you. This new plant was designed and equipped for that very purpose and can give you as much or little help as you desire by means of ï¬ve diifer- ent kinds of laundry serv‘iceâ€"all moderate- ly priced. We use only soft water and pure soaps, etc. N o marking, no starching, and each wash done separately. Glass and Glazing etc. under the direction of Nut, Stove and Egg Coal Delivered in Richmond Hill and vicinity J. Sheardown Marbelite Brick We Call In Richmond Hill District WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY W. H. LEGGE. Manager RESIDENCE NIGHTS & HOLIDAYS LL, TEL. 92. TELEPHONE 2 r 12. MANUFACTURED BY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1927 [fl‘hornhill MEN‘S UNDERWEAR ‘ Mercury No. 98 woll with alittle cotton mixture, combination, at $3.50. 175 Ossington Avenue, Toronto. Heavy weight, extra fine quality, wool with a little cotton mixture, combination, at $4.25. Fleece Lined, in shirts and drawers 3, good quality at $1.00. Men‘s flannel work shirts, in good buy at $1 35. Heavy Rubbers, in laced style, from $3.00 to $5.50. Galoshes for men, women, and chil- dren, in different styles and heights. They are the Goodrich Hi-Press rubb- ers. Try them and you will have no other. NORMAN J. GLASS Estimates Cheerful‘ly Given For work anywhere in the distriet. J. J. CLEMENTS PAINTER AND DECORATOR The Richmond Hill Furnishing Store Phone Ring $14.50 RUBBERS Best Grade per ton Ontario for 33 Ontario gray,